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Movie Recommendations / Reviews (Str8, Non-Pxxn) (Compiled)

Guest IslandMan

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Guest artemov
  Guest_rhys said:
300 `made' me so horny that I had to jerk off after wtaching the movie.. in a public toilet!!!!!!!

Wow! Then I must watch liao! Maybe this Sat evening I will go :whistle:

Which cinema's toilet is good huh? :D

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Guest Guest_rhys
  oralb said:
btw the original (should read it, quite cool) all the spartans warriors were naked except for the cape. i am sure that makes a good p--n material :)

what do you mean by the original? novel? what title? :-)

and oh, the toilet.... it was pretty noisy and when I came out after my `release', there were quite a few cuties at the basins....

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Guest Guest_rhys
  PSS said:
wonder after watching this movie, any one will thinking having gangbang by those 300 macho manly guys :D:P

I'll bet.... but can one person handle so many..... they had 300 against so many....... lol.

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  Guest_rhys said:
what do you mean by the original? novel? what title? :-)

you didnt know this movie is an adaption of Frank Miller's (of the Sin City) graphic novel of the same name?

check out borders and other comic stores.

in the graphic novel, all spartans were naked except for the cape, sure makes a good p--n material :)

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Guest Guest_rhys
  oralb said:
  Guest_rhys said:

what do you mean by the original? novel? what title?    :-)

you didnt know this movie is an adaption of Frank Miller's (of the Sin City) graphic novel of the same name?

check out borders and other comic stores.

in the graphic novel, all spartans were naked except for the cape, sure makes a good p--n material :)

I know and don't know; didn't know that the graphic novel is so saucy.

I thought you meant that there is a another book other than the graphic novel..

thanks. :-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

A horror Malaysian movie, Dont Look Back, is making waves there and breaking box office in the process. It's so scary that health warning was tagged on to the movie's advertisement to warn the weak-hearted to stay away. I'd love to watch this movie when it premiere here.

My favourite horror films so far are:

1. The Exocist (the sequels are rubbish!)

2. The Shuttle (thai)

3. The Changeling (canadian)

Well, maybe Dont Look Back will make it to my top 3. Dont we all love a good scare?

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My favourite horror movies are:

1. The Exorcist

2. The Ring (Japanese version)

3. The Grudge (Ju-On) (Sarah M. G.'s version) I know, I know, I prefer the American version over the Jap one.

4. The Eye

5. The Omen

I remembered bringing an ex-date (this macho top guy) to watch Ju-On. He was so freaked out and angry with me cuz he initially thought it was going to be a romantic date. After that, he didn't call me anymore ... :P

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Guest Guest

Cool.... i like horror movies a lot...almost all horror movies i have watched.... hmm... none have scare me yet...

Prefer to watch horror movies alone in room at midnite... then have the atmosphere with light-off... cool man!!

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Guest Guest

Mine. In no order of preference though:

1) The Exorcist 1

2) The Exorcist 3: Legion

3) Miike's Audition

4) The Hills have Eyes (2006 version)

5) The Cube

6) Carrie (Sissy's 70s version. The 2002 remake was awful)

7) Memories of Murder

8) Hostel

9) The Thing

10) CreepShow 1: The Segment of the Crate

Special Mention: It's sleazy but I love the Friday 13th and Halloween and Freddy movies. Not for the movie, but because I'm fond of Jason, Fred, and Mike. :P

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to me asian horror is better than western horror.

1. western tended to focus on technology, whereas asian more on ambience.

2. what's so terrifying on asian horror is that it can happened to random folks anywhere, whereas western is on a certain location (mostly haunted house)

3. Asian utisilized everyday product to scare you (eg Ring - Video tape, telephone, TV. Shutter - camera, photo)

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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  Buaya said:
Never liked horror shows... Got scared and asked my self why I pay to be scared... :P

I am too 'sama sama', never like to watch such horror films :oops: :blink:

X-rated films are more excited lah :rolleyes:

a good oral sex makes your day, a good anal sex makes your "hole weak"

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Guest Guest

asian ghosts are more scary coz it is more to our culture, appearance and beliefs.

ang mo ghosts are more on devils which i dont relate to and i dont find it scary..wonder y ppl find exorcist scary???

even their wereolves, vampires have being produced as a fashion hippy movies...

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i think most horror movies was starting to stale abit for me until the time i watched 'The Ring'...minimal special effects..using natural sound and lighting and those places we always use in real life...sorry dunno what are the terms for these but i hope u know what i mean.. anyway yeah after that i think 'Shutter' scared the hell out of me.. :unsure:

asian horror movies rock! :thumb:

for those english horror flicks i would think 'The Exorcist' was certainly scary..SAW series was certainly scaryingly disgusting..but dun think it can be classified under 'horror' should be 'thriller' ba haha

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  GKS said:
What about Xrated plus erotic element..... :rolleyes: :clap:

Yeah of course, x-rated plus erotic would make your dick raise up :thumb: and horror films the dick and balls also shrink like nowhere? :blink:

a good oral sex makes your day, a good anal sex makes your "hole weak"

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Frog Prince: I got my Exorcist 3 from the TS shop at Marina Sq last year. VCD. Later on, I saw they have DVD.

Saw it at Giant a few times too. Unsure about now though

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hmm... horror movies..

I think so far the nice horror are:

1) SAW

2) SAW2

3) SAW3(did u see a brain which is life infront of u? Are u there to help?)

4) All thai horror movies

5) etc...

there are too much..

But i think in my family group i m the odd 1

as all scare like shit but i just continue watching with my popcorn and hold my ice leomon tea to eat/drink while the happening occur...


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  Frogprince said:
Being trying to find the vcd of the show The Exorcist 3: Legion.. (hope this is the one with the climbing down the stairs upside down).

That would be Exorcist I...where linda blair climbed down the stairs upside down.

I find myself losing sleep after watching the following movies:

1) Exorcist

2) The Ring (especially when my bed is near the TV in my room)

3) The Grudge (especially when I usually showers late at night)

4) Dark Water

In addition, I find local drama serials sometimes can be pretty terrifying too...


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  chubbylover said:
In addition, I find local drama serials sometimes can be pretty terrifying too...

yeah loh, esp the bad acting, bad script and bad hairstyle.

for example getting tay ping hui to display any emotion other than acting cool is pure horror :)


listening to Lee Nan Xing spoke in Mandarin

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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  chubbylover said:
  Frogprince said:
Being trying to find the vcd of the show The Exorcist 3: Legion.. (hope this is the one with the climbing down the stairs upside down).

That would be Exorcist I...where linda blair climbed down the stairs upside down.

To be precise - That would be the re-released version of The Exorcist - The Version You Have Never Seen. the original 1974 release does not have the "spider walk"scene. I have seen The Exorcist dozens of times - it's one of my favourite too.

I do like the following too.

The Evil Dead

The Shinning

Salem's Lot (80s version)

An American Werewolf In London (Comedy/Horror)

Fright Night (Comedy/Horror)

Dracula (Coppola's Arty/Horror)

The Thing (John Carpenters)

I must admit that current horror movies have superb effects compared to older horror flicks but somehow the storylines are always predictable and weak. Just saw The Reaping - I more or less knew what the ending was going to be. Sigh! :( Still waiting for a horror movie to measure up to The Exorcist.

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  Romanguy said:
  chubbylover said:
  Frogprince said:
Being trying to find the vcd of the show The Exorcist 3: Legion.. (hope this is the one with the climbing down the stairs upside down).

That would be Exorcist I...where linda blair climbed down the stairs upside down.

To be precise - That would be the re-released version of The Exorcist - The Version You Have Never Seen. the original 1974 release does not have the "spider walk"scene. I have seen The Exorcist dozens of times - it's one of my favourite too.

Still searching for it, anyone have any clue where i can find? Tried TS and Poh Kim.. :(

Heard it is very scary, hoping to scare myself abit

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  Frogprince said:
  Romanguy said:
  chubbylover said:
  Frogprince said:
Being trying to find the vcd of the show The Exorcist 3: Legion.. (hope this is the one with the climbing down the stairs upside down).

That would be Exorcist I...where linda blair climbed down the stairs upside down.

To be precise - That would be the re-released version of The Exorcist - The Version You Have Never Seen. the original 1974 release does not have the "spider walk"scene. I have seen The Exorcist dozens of times - it's one of my favourite too.

Still searching for it, anyone have any clue where i can find? Tried TS and Poh Kim.. :(

Heard it is very scare, hoping to scare myself abit

wow so many people like horror movies? That means next time gt khakis to watch movie together?

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oh yes, the "spider-walk" scene is a real shocker! I think any horror movies that feature little girls doing creepy stuff is scary, but this girl crawling down the stairs, in an inverted manner (torso facing up) and then stopped in front of her mother and spilled tomoto sauce out of her mouth... classic moment :thumb:

Koh Samui, I need u...

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Aiyoh....gentlemen this is the age of the internet: buy off the internet loh.

I got mine sometime back, though not an original copy but its a dvd rip: super clear. My friends got theirs from amazon.com and tower.com

I can still remember watching this movie with a friend of mine at the movie room in one of our mutual friend's office. He was a christians and thougth that the movie was over-rated. We dimmed the lights while watching it...things got so bad that he became so jumpy with the slightest sound around the room. Shortly after the crucifix masterbation scene he could not take it any more and ran out of the room.

I was commenting to our friend later on that he obviously believe in God, and forgotten abt the Devil.

To me, the scariest part about the movie is the slow transformation of Linda Blair (the actress who played the leading character) from an ordinary girl to the sorry state that she was in after being possessed. Bearing in mind that this movie was released in 1973, the special effects and make-up etc were simply breath-taking. Many said that the Devil himself probably participated in the making of the movie, thus adding this probably the scariest movie of all time.

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It's not Cemetary... it's Sematary. Was on purpose.

For me, the scariest series of movies would be the Hellraiser Quadrilogy. Pinhead and his minions are awesomely frightening.

Next I would say Silent Hill. Not only does the movie have a good storyline, it has gore, horror, creatures, more gore, and a very anti-Hollywood ending, which I like in a movie, because you always see the 'happily ever after' way too many times.

A Tale Of Two Sisters was frightening as well. Especially that 'thing' under the kitchen sink. I was really, REALLY scared shit out of my mind.

One last movie I would say is scary... is an arts house movie called May. Canadian film. There wasn't any ghosts or monster or anything, but it was a really mindf*cking movie that would leave a mark on you for a long time. Quite sadistic. Way more than the Saw series, in my opinion.

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  Guest said:
asian ghosts are more scary coz it is more to our culture, appearance and beliefs.

ang mo ghosts are more on devils which i dont relate to and i dont find it scary..wonder y ppl find exorcist scary???

even their wereolves, vampires have being produced as a fashion hippy movies...

unfortunately, only the thai movie - shutter is good. the rest is wasting of money.

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  Rah said:
Went to watch Hill Have Eye 2, Not so scary leh.... i like the way the US National Guard kill the creature..... :D So thrilling man....

that is not a creature la ... that is a man disfaced or born with defects.

If not how to explain the scene on "humping" and the "cumming" look on his face :D

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  cw30 said:
  Rah said:
Went to watch Hill Have Eye 2, Not so scary leh.... i like the way the US National Guard kill the creature.....  :D So thrilling man....

that is not a creature la ... that is a man disfaced or born with defects.

If not how to explain the scene on "humping" and the "cumming" look on his face :D

It is a creature of a man who mutated because of the nuclear tests that was conducted there. :D

Hills Have Eyes scary meh?

Anyways, not all American movies are about demons. In the 80's, yes. Amityville, Exorcist, The Omen series...

But nowadays their horror movies are great. Let's take the latest movie, The Messenger. I admit I only wanted to watch it because the Pang Brothers were directing it, but it really works.

Just that the movie title is kinda unscary.

And who here thinks that CGI ghosts are not scary at all?

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One movie which i think is very scary is The Maid, singapore's production leh... hehehe, when i watched it, i was like keep closing my eyes, very frightening seah, especially when the maid wanna send the letter to the letter box and when the maid saw this kid, omg... i was screaming when i saw it... haizz... perhaps it is so real in our society, hehehe...

Hills have eyes is not scary but sick... i was disgusted when the girl was raped by one of the creature... yuck...

Should watch Indonesian's horror movie, for some of the ghost in some of the movies are REAL ghosts, believe it or not... hehehe...

Formerly known as desparado

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Actually, "Poltergeist" is a good movie too. I would not say that it is scary but has a nice story. The sequel "Poltergeist II - The Other Side" has a weak storyline but the "old man" in it is really creepy. The stange fact about the Poltergeist movies is that someone in real life dies after each movie , Dominique Dunn who plays the little girl's sister died after the first. The actor that plays the creepy old man in the second dies after the second (apparently he had cancer but nevertheless). And the sweet young actress Heather O'Rouke died of no apparent cause after filming the third movie. Strange but the movies are cursed!

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My 1111th post... tongue.gif So better do something better... tongue.gif

With the recent discussions on movies (Scary and Psychotic), what about romantic movies? What are your favourites?

My personal fav is Pretty Woman, which I watched about slightly less than 10 times and still not get sick or it, and Ghost, which I also almost watched it 10 times... tongue.gif

I love the scene in Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts walked into the shop and told the salesgirl who snubbed her earlier she missed a great deal... tongue.gif

And I will cry when Richard Gere climbed up the stairs to propose... Aww...

Oh, of course, I get very excited when Richard Gere was in the bath tub... Hee...

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