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Singapore Local Gay News [LGBT Related News] (Compiled)


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7 minutes ago, Guest Fatty said:

Are they going to put him together with the Chinese national in the same cell?


Woah!!! LOLOL!!! Imagine that!!  :twisted:


But according to the article, the China national has been released last November, as his sentence was a pretty short one.


And that prisons officer is currently on bail until Jul 8.

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Guest Low class cheapskate

Strange. The prison officer cannot go gay saunas and pay for gigolos and masseurs to molest? Why sexually abuse inmates who are on an unequal standing and already disadvantaged in prison? 真是低级!So low class and cheap! He deserves the maximum penalty for doing so!

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Guest Guest
7 minutes ago, Guest Low class cheapskate said:

Strange. The prison officer cannot go gay saunas and pay for gigolos and masseurs to molest? Why sexually abuse inmates who are on an unequal standing and already disadvantaged in prison? 真是低级!So low class and cheap! He deserves the maximum penalty for doing so!


Maybe the PRC is a gigolo and that's why he's squatting in jail?

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Guest Guest
12 minutes ago, fab said:

Literally too much love to handle.






WAHAHAHAHAHHAHA well done there! :lol::twisted:

Only difference is one 自摸自爽, the other molested someone else.


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I have a lame joke..never play mahjong with fellow single gay man.. they are more likely to 

自摸 (self-gratification) , 清一色 (all gay men together), likes 二筒 (two round ones) , 一索 (one bird)..


But to the topic.. this police officer was too impulsive..want to have free sex..go to the gay places... plenty to choose from... no one will report of his "intention".

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Inmate: "Are you crazy?" 操你妈的! 你他妈的花痴?

Faris: "Officer sayang you, why you no sayang officer?"

Inmate: "If you really sayang me, you will not do that." 你骚痒,也别骚到我屁眼!死娘炮!给我滚远点儿,操”“日”“干”“去他妈的”“屌”“鸡巴”——

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Guest Jailboy

According to the Straits Times, the sergeant is married with three kids.


Either he's a closeted gay, or after so many years being straight, he decides to try something new and exciting :twisted::twisted:

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2 minutes ago, Guest Jailboy said:

According to the Straits Times, the sergeant is married with three kids.


Either he's a closeted gay, or after so many years being straight, he decides to try something new and exciting :twisted::twisted:

Aiya.  Not everyday can eat chinese lockaway ma... so he buddha Jumps over the wall to makan inside since sudah da bao to eat outside, orang gatal. Cheena pun makan. Tak seronoh sial

Edited by FluteGuan
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Guest Prisoner

Actually with his occupation as a prison officer, he can be hooked up quite easily with guys that have uniform fetish, provided he does not look like an old uncle.

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12 minutes ago, Guest Jailboy said:

According to the Straits Times, the sergeant is married with three kids.


Either he's a closeted gay, or after so many years being straight, he decides to try something new and exciting :twisted::twisted:


Or he may 've split personalities, sometimes love to handle pussies sometimes love to handle assies.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Shameful system

Disgusting closeted trash! See lah his muslim religion forbids men from engaging in gay relationships, he had to marry a woman and then molest inmates on his watch. All these made worse with 377a. Like that singapore hospitals and prisons are no longer safe with all these closeted officers, doctors, nurses and workers around. Shame on the entire system! 

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3 hours ago, fab said:


Or he may 've split personalities, sometimes love to handle pussies sometimes love to handle assies.

But i think mr faris at least isnt that concerned with the inmates

1)age, not more than 50

2)race, not minority like indian or malay , like himself,

3) bmi, not too high

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3 hours ago, Guest Prisoner said:

Actually with his occupation as a prison officer, he can be hooked up quite easily with guys that have uniform fetish, provided he does not look like an old uncle.

Look at his age, shd be born 1970s.. maybe height also 160 something?


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Guest Asswipe

Someone should dig up the image of faris. Wanna see how this biggest scum on earth looks like!

Shamelessly opportunistic scums like him ought to be made aware to others and publicly shamed!


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Guest la crim


Another case of molest this time invovlving aesthetic doctor molesting colleague by taking nude photos of victims genitals.






SINGAPORE: The trial of Tan Kok Leong, a medical doctor accused of drugging and molesting another doctor began on Tuesday (Aug 18) at the State Courts.

The 49-year-old faces five charges in total. Three are for using criminal force to outrage the modesty of his victim, and two are for drugging the victim.

The court heard that Tan, a specialist in aesthetic medicine and a partner at medical practice Life Source Medical Practice at Sinaran Drive, had performed liposuction procedures on the victim on two occasions in 2013.

During the first procedure on Jun 6, 2013, Tan allegedly used criminal force to outrage the modesty of his victim. After the second procedure on Jul 5, 2013, Tan told his patient that he had booked a room at the Oasia Hotel, just a few minutes away from the practice, and that the victim could recuperate there.

At 11pm that evening, Tan intravenously administered a painkiller, Rosiden, and sleeping pill Dormicum to the victim. He then allegedly pulled down the victim’s shorts and took lewd photos of him.

After the two stayed overnight at the hotel, Tan administered Rosiden and Dormicum to the victim again and allegedly repeated his actions of taking photos of the man's private parts.

According to court documents, the men checked out of Oasia Hotel on Jul 8, 2013, after spending the day before together in Johor Baru.

Tan did not show the victim any photographs he had taken.

In court on Tuesday, Tan’s lawyer Edmond Pereira said it was “impossible” that his client had molested the victim during the first liposuction procedure as several other doctors, including the victim’s girlfriend, who is also a doctor, were present.

On Tuesday, the investigating officer (IO) for the case, and the prosecution’s first witness, was also present in court, and recalled going to Tan’s practice to inform him of a report made against him by the victim.

In cross-examining the IO, Mr Pereira alleged that while he was recording Tan’s statement at the police station, the victim repeatedly called and sent messages to Tan, asking to meet him for lunch.

The IO said he cannot recall if this happened, but he would not have allowed Tan to respond to attempts to contact him in accordance with procedure. Tan’s phone was also seized after the interview.

The trial continues. 

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Guest Duck and Chicken

Study so hard to become a profession and ended up with nothing in a moment of fully. To make matter worse, future critieria will ban LGBT from being in a certain profession. 

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Guest Duck and Chicken
Just now, Guest Duck and Chicken said:

Study so hard to become a profession and ended up with nothing in a moment of fully. To make matter worse, future critieria will ban LGBT from being in a certain profession. 

I mean folly.

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On 6/27/2016 at 10:11 AM, KENZ said:

Now pink dot is over liao why still got so many cases emerging out? Such cases are very serious cases. Our LGBT community really need to get our act together. If we keep denying such problems then how are we going to improve as a community? 


The cases have nothing to do with Pink Dot.

Let's get this out of the way once and for all. 


Molestation cases, rapes, sexual assaults can happen to almost anyone and committed by anyone. The abuser is most often than not, straight men. The statistics support this.

To say that the "LGBT community really need to get our act together" is not understanding that many thousands of LGBT men, women and law abiding citizens. 

It's like telling a straight men that he needs to get his act together, just because another straight man has been accused of raping a woman. Painting everyone with the same brush has dire consequences.


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Guest Internalised Homophobe
1 hour ago, superflawless said:


The cases have nothing to do with Pink Dot.

Let's get this out of the way once and for all. 


Molestation cases, rapes, sexual assaults can happen to almost anyone and committed by anyone. The abuser is most often than not, straight men. The statistics support this.

To say that the "LGBT community really need to get our act together" is not understanding that many thousands of LGBT men, women and law abiding citizens. 

It's like telling a straight men that he needs to get his act together, just because another straight man has been accused of raping a woman. Painting everyone with the same brush has dire consequences.


Kenz got internalised homophobia. Like the blot of ink on a white shirt. It's that apparent!

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On 6/27/2016 at 10:11 AM, KENZ said:

Now pink dot is over liao why still got so many cases emerging out? Such cases are very serious cases. Our LGBT community really need to get our act together. If we keep denying such problems then how are we going to improve as a community? 


Denying of problem? You're thinking of Catholic priests.



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Guest ?????
On Friday, May 27, 2016 at 0:35 AM, Guest Shower said:

You all never see people shower beforemeh? Weekends go down to SDBA u will see many hot and hunky guys shower naked, more exciting.


Wats SDBA?????

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Guest dodo bird

单恋小自己6岁的青年,男子三不五时上门示爱骚扰人,赔上一命,昨天被人捆绑猛殴,横尸楼梯口。这起惊人命案昨晚发生在义顺22街第279座组屋六楼。26岁男子被人发现横尸楼梯口,警方闻讯赶到现场调查,逮捕了一名年仅20岁的青年。据本报了解,丧命男子是Shawn Ignatius Rodrigues,据知毕业自理工学院工程系,目前在服兵役。



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Guest Opera winfry

My... catholics are PASSIONATE.


Too much of a good thing in a place sorely lacking of it. Wrong time. Wrong place. Wrong person.


Tragedy made and consumed. Next!

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