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Guest Manufacturing stupid

Notice korean drama characters always behaved in a impulsive and violent manner? They always have very impractical and idealistic views of human relationships and will behave violently if that expectation wasn't met. It's tom and jerry for adults. Such dramas which can encourage childish behaviors should be banned in stressful countries like singapore. But most unfortunately, mediacorpse is also following a similar style of melodramatic storyline in all of it's productions too. Monkey see monkey do - a very unfortunate and unhealthy phenomenon in this case.

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The hair stylist may be too sticky...headache.
Chin Siong may find him not suitable & wanna break up with him. Gay denial & setting up a family may be an excuse...
Sad it ended up this way, in tragedy...两败俱伤...
Learning how to let go & move on like a man is important thou not ez...

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1 hour ago, Guest Fatty said:

The 2 jiuhu gays want to create all these drama should have done it in bolehland 

True.but the accused is cute.wasted but the fela also talk nonsense.at the age of 48 he wanna get married to a girl m have children after fucking a guy gfor 8 years? He deserve to b killed.hahahaha.

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Guest National day heros

Was surprised locals actually intervened the homocide process. Was it because it was near sg50 national day celebration, so lion-hearted, no more aloofness and bystander effect. Or maybe those were indian foreign workers. Yeah most likely. Sighz.

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10 hours ago, doncoin said:



Drama and tragedy aside, what the hairdresser want is a normal relationship that is honest and not filled with secrets and lies. Obviously, that is important to him, and the deceased has dragged him along since 2007. They have had a relationship, and to have the deceased say that the is not gay after so many years is just major denial. Imagine if your parents were to say to you after raising for over 20 years that they are not really your parents but someone else's. How would you feel? There is a lot of hurt, betrayal and disappointment between the 2. While I do not condone the violence and the tragedy, it is definitely something that could have been prevented if the deceased is to be more honest with himself and his family. 


The advantages to being acknowledged by family and society that you are both in a committed and loving relationship is you never have to lie about who you are, and who your bf/partner is to you. The 2 of you can be actively involved with family life and there is no need to hide. It means no one can use your sexuality to blackmail you or your family. With society, in countries where gay marriage is legal, it means you are recognised as the spouse, and have all legal rights and protection under the law. 


By keeping your relationship a secret, when the person you are with is someone you love, and want to spend the rest of your life is seems to make it sound like you are embarrassed or ashamed of your relationship. Think of the times when you are too embarrassed to be seen with your parents. Do you want to feel that way with your bf or partner? 


no i totally disagree. there are some families who are still very conservative and uncomfortable with the idea, so why rub such things in their faces?

as long as both parties are happy in private, then that's the most important thing.


other countries like in the west may recognise civil partnerships and spouses may get benefits, but that does not happen in sg. what advantage does telling all and sundry about the relationship bring? in this case it only brought disapproval, a break up and now a loss of life.


don't rock the boat. appreciate and be grateful for what you have. some gays never find a partner in their lifetime.

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5 minutes ago, camus said:


no i totally disagree. there are some families who are still very conservative and uncomfortable with the idea, so why rub such things in their faces?

as long as both parties are happy in private, then that's the most important thing.


other countries like in the west may recognise civil partnerships and spouses may get benefits, but that does not happen in sg. what advantage does telling all and sundry about the relationship bring? in this case it only brought disapproval, a break up and now a loss of life.


don't rock the boat. appreciate and be grateful for what you have. some gays never find a partner in their lifetime.


I do understand where you are coming from, Yes. I get it about not rocking the boat. Keep status quo and nobody gets hurt in the process. No change. Keep being gay a shameful thing that you hide and lie about to everyone else, while they rub your face with their values and you pretend to be ok by it. 


Telling your family and close friends that you are gay is about being honest to them about who you are. That you do not have to hide the truth from them, and you want to share with them an aspect of you. When you have someone special in your life, you want them to accept that person too, and incorporate that person into your lives and activities. You want to include them in the important and special moments in your life, i.e. weddings, anniversaries, birthdays etc. Not hide that person, or your relationship and be ashamed of it.


The family's disapproval only added another layer to the tragedy. Things might have turned out differently if the family accepted their own son's sexuality instead of condemning. 


Being gay makes us special and there is absolutely nothing wrong with who we are. Change and acceptance can only come if we rock the boat and make waves. If we are sit around silently and think that we ought to be grateful then we deserve what we get, which is nothing. You want something out of your life, you go after it. You fight for it. Then you deserve it. It is not going to fall from the sky. 


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While we condemn the accused , we have to consider the fact that he has devoted his youth to this man , loved him very deeply as compared to the deceased in the equation of love, his severe depression and anxiety , and his asking the man for a slow break off. 

This man probably couldn't take him anymore and decided to end it all abruptly despite the psychiatrist advice to slow down . He should have slowed down instead . And his nonsensical excuses of getting married having kids further exacerbated the situation just to "kill " the accused off !

I wouldn't side the deceased though I don't condone the accused , you need to understand that when someone is in severe depression the world is gray everything seems doom and gloomy .

He has lost hope and his actions can be very drastic even to the point of committing suicide which you see very often in many suicide cases ..they can't think like the normal person . 

By the way how does the deceased Mr Tan Chin Siong look like ?

Anyone has his picture link ?

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10 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

While we condemn the accused , we have to consider the fact that he has devoted his youth to this man , loved him very deeply as compared to the deceased in the equation of love, his severe depression and anxiety , and his asking the man for a slow break off. 

This man probably couldn't take him anymore and decided to end it all abruptly despite the psychiatrist advice to slow down . He should have slowed down instead . And his nonsensical excuses of getting married having kids further exacerbated the situation just to "kill " the accused off !

I wouldn't side the deceased though I don't condone the accused , you need to understand that when someone is in severe depression the world is gray everything seems doom and gloomy .

He has lost hope and his actions can be very drastic even to the point of committing suicide which you see very often in many suicide cases ..they can't think like the normal person . 

By the way how does the deceased Mr Tan Chin Siong look like ?

Anyone has his picture link ?

Yup I agree. I am sure most of us have loss someone we love dearly. The process leading to the separation is so heavy on the heart. Can feel the heaviness in his heart when everything in his world starts collapsing. The sudden fear that he will all be alone, no more together for holidays and weekends. The constant internal questioning of who will still want me at this age? What did I do wrong to deserve this? Why all my effort throughout all these years all got no return and gone to waste? 

At the same time Chin Siong must be also equally loss. He may not know how to handle a person going through depression. Furthermore Chee yeow did the extreme by calling his family and revealing their relationship. Must have been equally traumatizing for him. He must have been questioning himself, what did I get myself into? Why this person whom I love suddenly behavior change until like that. Work and life is already so stressful, I don't think i can take it anymore! Day in day out we keep fighting and arguing, any shred of love already long ago dried up.

A good reminder for all of us, we cannot be 100% dependable on just one person in our life. Always make sure not to neglect family ties, good friendships, religious faith and neighbors, for we may never know that we may need their help and support to pull us through the darkest hours of our lives. 

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1 hour ago, doncoin said:


I do understand where you are coming from, Yes. I get it about not rocking the boat. Keep status quo and nobody gets hurt in the process. No change. Keep being gay a shameful thing that you hide and lie about to everyone else, while they rub your face with their values and you pretend to be ok by it. 


Telling your family and close friends that you are gay is about being honest to them about who you are. That you do not have to hide the truth from them, and you want to share with them an aspect of you. When you have someone special in your life, you want them to accept that person too, and incorporate that person into your lives and activities. You want to include them in the important and special moments in your life, i.e. weddings, anniversaries, birthdays etc. Not hide that person, or your relationship and be ashamed of it.


The family's disapproval only added another layer to the tragedy. Things might have turned out differently if the family accepted their own son's sexuality instead of condemning. 


Being gay makes us special and there is absolutely nothing wrong with who we are. Change and acceptance can only come if we rock the boat and make waves. If we are sit around silently and think that we ought to be grateful then we deserve what we get, which is nothing. You want something out of your life, you go after it. You fight for it. Then you deserve it. It is not going to fall from the sky. 



we have to see the situation and surroundings. if you are in iraq or saudi arabia where being gay is punishable by death would you really want to 'come' out to everyone and be honest to yourselves about your relationship?


perhaps in the west where it is more acceptable you can do that, but i believe in respecting other people's comfort level also.


i always remember reading these research: bragging all about your relationship on fb: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/16823/20140930/picture-perfect-couples-who-brag-facebook-more-rocky-relationship.htm


and spending more on your wedding: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/couples-who-spend-big-weddings-likely-divorce-sooner-find-scientists-1469632


all these bells and whistles and dog and pony show for what? just to show everyone you are 'happy' together. as long as you know, he knows it - that's more important.

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Sadly, when a person could not control his mind, depression sets in; and when depression sets in, it is the beginning of any potential tragedy, should it left untreated.

Furthermore, with all other factors adding up, how could the deceased continue in such a relationship? While on the side, the depressed Mr Tan continued to get worse...


I wish both families to move on well.

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Guest Gong Jiao Wey
12 hours ago, doncoin said:

The advantages to being acknowledged by family and society that you are both in a committed and loving relationship is you never have to lie about who you are, and who your bf/partner is to you. The 2 of you can be actively involved with family life and there is no need to hide. It means no one can use your sexuality to blackmail you or your family. With society, in countries where gay marriage is legal, it means you are recognised as the spouse, and have all legal rights and protection under the law. 

You talked simi sai?


Being in love need not necessarily have to drag your family into the picture.  It is not like a gal and guy going through legal paper process and than swear oath to become husband/wife thingy and eventually bore couple of grandchildren into the family. Are you even suggesting that the whole relatives/bosses.colleagues/friends too, have to be presence to witness the glamorous world breaking announcement too?  Such that this whole drama is considered fully accepted by  conservative society and only than both of you can be "TRULY" happy as a couple.  Get Real!!   If my parents don't like you and I like you, do you have to force my family to accept you in order to consider fully acceptance by me?  It is not going to happen. 


Love is a person affair, whether our parents like it or not. We don't need any 3rd party acceptance in order to fall in love. If it does, so what value-add are we going to bring into the lover's family?   If someday, both decided to part, does that mean we also need the family acceptance in order to break way with each other?   We can still make song and dance even when 3rd frowned upon our relationship, do you need to kill your lover because of his family rejection?  Grow up sticky sissified drama Queen!  



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Guest Drama mama
8 minutes ago, camus said:



we have to see the situation and surroundings. if you are in iraq or saudi arabia where being gay is punishable by death would you really want to 'come' out to everyone and be honest to yourselves about your relationship?


perhaps in the west where it is more acceptable you can do that, but i believe in respecting other people's comfort level also.


i always remember reading these research: bragging all about your relationship on fb: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/16823/20140930/picture-perfect-couples-who-brag-facebook-more-rocky-relationship.htm


and spending more on your wedding: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/couples-who-spend-big-weddings-likely-divorce-sooner-find-scientists-1469632


all these bells and whistles and dog and pony show for what? just to show everyone you are 'happy' together. as long as you know, he knows it - that's more important.

I applaud your matured thinking. Although it's not so much respecting others' comfort level - it's nothing respectable - but what's the point of coming out to people who you know will more likely oppose your relationship? It's johor bahru, not kuala lumpur. Kampong, not big city. I think the hairdresser is dreaming too big, living in fairyland, and needs to come down to reality. The boyfriend is stupid to say he is not gay after eight years. That's just silly and irresponsible. Or maybe he was just desperate for a breakup and fed up with the hairdresser. Anyhow, sounds like a furtive and immature relationship to me. Both had vastly different expectations and unequal social status. Sounds more like the hairdresser expected a korean drama type of fairytale ending - poor girl finally gets accepted by rich boy's family and they lived happily ever after. Korean drama kills.

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Guest Gong Jiao Wey
1 hour ago, doncoin said:


Keep status quo and nobody gets hurt in the process. No change. Keep being gay a shameful thing that you hide and lie about to everyone else, while they rub your face with their values and you pretend to be ok by it. 


Being gay is who we are. We are not shameful and there is no need to lie if being questioned.  If feel shameful, why not cover yourself from head to toe like some muslim women and the world won't able to see your face and you can always hide behind those dark veil?


If I don't like disclosing my identity to my family members, what right has my lover to pester my parents about it and aggravate a supposedly happy status quo relationship?

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Healthy Gay Relationships Aren’t Plastered on Facebook

September 24, 2016 Gay Pop Buzz Gay Love

gay couple dating relationships

The less you read about a relationship, the better it’s going

First, I want to say I think it’s important for gay men to celebrate their relationships in a public way. This means allowing ourselves to be pictured with our partners and from time to time, posting on social media.

There’s nothing wrong with this.

What’s more, the importance of public sharing is particularly necessary when a same sex couple marries or when something significant happens; like a vacation or family event.

Related: 10 ways I make my gay husband happy

But that’s not what this post is about. Instead, I’m talking about gay men who think it’s incumbent upon themselves to document each and every moment with their partner.

Let me give you an example:

Not too long ago, a person I know hired a photographer to take pics of his proposal. That’s right, he paid $200.00 for a guy with a camera to memorialize the exact moment he got on bended knee to ask for his man’s hand in marriage.


Replete with rose pedals and a candle lit path to boot, the whole thing was staged to look like it came out of a Hallmark Channel movie.

And of course, once the pictures were developed, he posted them on Facebook immediately. This is same guy who also takes random selfies of himself spooning, like his man was some kind of trophy.

Related: If you want a boyfriend, why do you live on Grindr?

But here’s the thing. They never got married. In fact, news of their breakup was just posted on social media (of course). Which goes to prove that just because you see a fairy tale romance online does not mean it’s happening in real life.

In their situation, both men were cheating on each other. Don’t ask me how I know this – I just do. And they had only been dating one another for six months. Kind of soon to get hitched, don’t you think?

Which makes me wonder why they put on such a big production in the first place? Were they trying to convince themselves they loved one another? Did they want onlookers to be envious?

Who knows. But here is what I have observed over the years.

Anytime you see a couple (gay or straight really) oversharing pictures on social media, alarm bells should be going off.

That’s because healthy relationships always speak for themselves. They don’t need photographic props or “convincers”.

These couples know that constantly showing your love to third parties cheapens what they have because when you have an audience, everything feels like a performance.

The real validation they receive doesn’t come from hundreds of “Likes” but instead, from each other.

By: John Hollywood

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15 minutes ago, Guest Drama mama said:

IThe boyfriend is stupid to say he is not gay after eight years. That's just silly and irresponsible. Or maybe he was just desperate for a breakup and fed up with the hairdresser. Anyhow, sounds like a furtive and immature relationship to me.

I think so too.   I would have lied for the sake of trying to shake off a sticky person.  The boy friend should have lied about having AIDs for sleeping with other strangers.  Killing somone is completely unacceptable.  I hate that sissy hairdresser.

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2 hours ago, Ener said:

Haiz... this is really pitiful. Whatever it is they are also our kind. This happens to be one very very sad ending. One dead and one jailed. 


And 2 less FTs taking our jobs. Let's rejoice.

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When love become extreme and possessive, it transformed into hatred.  Once you gave your 100 percent, you cannot let go .  You either turn crazy, commit suicide , kill him or both.  Keep that little bit of yours and be mentally prepared to lose him when that day arrives.  

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never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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The deceased mum further 刺激 the accused 你们是不可能。。。。 这犹如当头一棒。



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Reminds me of a lesbian who kill her so call lover, which was actually a Bi when the latter wanted to break off and get married to a guy! 

The lesbian looks like tomboy and the girlfriend was very pretty! She stabbed her to death and dump her body in some bushes! 

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Guest handsome uncle

That's why I will avoid these types

1. Too sticky and too young.

Because they expect to be pampered and immature. I am like a trophy that they refuse to let go and they want to show off to their friends.

2. Those who are non committal but still want sex. They know I like them a lot and take advantage. Now it's the other way around, I behave sticky to want them exclusively. If after a few months they still don't want to be exclusive( yes they are handsome and still want to enjoy being chased by many men), I'll break it off otherwise it's no end to heartache later.

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Guest Stereotyped by stereotypes

These kind of cases will only give the anti-gays aka "conservative public" ammunition to say "see, gay relationships will not come to a good end".



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18 minutes ago, Guest Stereotyped by stereotypes said:

These kind of cases will only give the anti-gays aka "conservative public" ammunition to say "see, gay relationships will not come to a good end".







never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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1 hour ago, Guest Stereotyped by stereotypes said:

These kind of cases will only give the anti-gays aka "conservative public" ammunition to say "see, gay relationships will not come to a good end".




Conservative public? Ask yourself seriously, how many gay relationships have good ending. Seriously! *Roll Eyes*.


Don't be naive. Just fuck and get fuck, get over whatever gay "relationships" LOL.


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38 minutes ago, Guest fukers said:


Conservative public? Ask yourself seriously, how many gay relationships have good ending. Seriously! *Roll Eyes*.


Don't be naive. Just fuck and get fuck, get over whatever gay "relationships" LOL.



Unfortunately there are people who still believe in true love.



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8 minutes ago, bigdanbeam said:


Unfortunately there are people who still believe in true love.




True love? What is your own definition? Marry a dog and follow a dog. Or more like modern days "love" shown in Korean/Taiwanese drama, get hitched to hot looking, rich man, prince on white horse, happily forever after? LOL. 



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Those who profess their relationship has been very long ,how many don't get bored with each other in sex or intimacy like hugging etc  really after so many years without secretly cheating on each other and at the end of the day just go back to their ltr partner for mere companionship ? 

Not trying to be cynical about ltrs but the truth is I have met for fun  and heard of several ltr couples who cheat secretly .

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54 minutes ago, Guest fukers said:


True love? What is your own definition? Marry a dog and follow a dog. Or more like modern days "love" shown in Korean/Taiwanese drama, get hitched to hot looking, rich man, prince on white horse, happily forever after? LOL. 




I do believe in true love.


But I believe that unless it is to help a loved one to be free of pain and further suffering, you won't think of harming or killing someone you love truly with all your heart. In this case, the accused obviously loves himself more than the dead one to inflict death upon the one person he claimed to love. Such irony.

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Guest handsome uncle
3 hours ago, Guest Stereotyped by stereotypes said:

These kind of cases will only give the anti-gays aka "conservative public" ammunition to say "see, gay relationships will not come to a good end".



I don't give a flying fuck what the straights think about this. There are plenty of such murders in the straight world and even innocent children are sometimes not spared.


What I am sad about is that this will give those promiscuous gays more excuses in not believing in true love. You see their cynical comments are already coming in as expected.

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I think it is good that there are different views than mine about staying closeted. I admit that after living in the US for so many years, i have taken for granted the freedom to be out, and accepted without fear of prejudice or discrimination (though in some parts of the US, it still happens). I consider myself fortunate to be in a position where I can be openly gay, both professionally and privately and be surrounded by colleagues, friends and family who are supportive of who I am, and that being gay is the least problem.


I made the choice to come out to my family decades ago, and over time, my family has also evolved and learn that my sexuality is the least thing they can worry about and when I had relationship problems, I can turn to my mother and have an open conversation with her about it. It didn't happen overnight. It took years before we got to where we are. She has met the significant men I have dated over the years and  she was there to console me when the relationship didn't work out. 


Coming out is a personal choice, and no one, other than you should be the one to decide when to share with your family. What Mr. Tan did was wrong by outing his partner to the mother. That he has no right. 


While I do not agree with the extreme measures Mr. Tan Chee Yeow (hairdresser) took to resolve his relationship problems, nonetheless, I can see why it got out of hand, and the tragic consequences. 


As for social media, I actually deleted Twitter and Instagram a couple months ago. I reached a point in life where I do not believe that I need to share my private life, much less my relationship with the rest of the world. My partner still shares on IG but mostly pictures of the dogs. 


We only have one life. Make it free instead of caging yourself. 



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4 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Those who profess their relationship has been very long ,how many don't get bored with each other in sex or intimacy like hugging etc  really after so many years without secretly cheating on each other and at the end of the day just go back to their ltr partner for mere companionship ? 

Not trying to be cynical about ltrs but the truth is I have met for fun  and heard of several ltr couples who cheat secretly .


As an FYI, straight couples cheat too. So it is not just a gay thing. Cheating does not discriminate on sexuality. 


Relationship takes work. Having hot sex takes work. 


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I feel very sad seeing such case. If you intend to give a life long promise then you have to stay throughout. It's not a joke or 家家酒. Nevertheless, killing another person, especially your ex is never a right thing to do. 


I feel quite sad also after reading the comments by some mean straight people who are homophobic, but I'm even more disturbed when our own people here expressed that gay relation will not have good ending. If you want people to trust in you, you must trust yourself first. There are always successful cases but not reported.

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Guest 自投罗网

Yes there were mean homophobic remarks in the news site comment section. 


"不用吃喜欢女性的药, "他"在监牢里会有很多男罪犯特别的疼爱,, 出狱後肯定会很怕看到棍也不会再是男同性恋"

Written by this disgusting person from Jurong town, singapore.


He got the 猥亵 perverted look, looks gay, looks like another closeted married man. I had originally wanted to pity the wife but she looks just as stupid as him, so forget it.

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