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Guest Think its a SABO

SCDF knew about the alleged sex video two days before it made police report


According to a forumer in Hardware Zone, SCDF was notified of the video of the 2 men allegedly from SCDF having sex on 25 September 2015 – 3 days before SCDF made a police report.


Forumer xboxer in highlighting his email conversation said: “Hohoho, SCDF replied to my email regarding those 2 gay boys.”


In a post time-stamped 26-09-2016, 05:36 PM, an SCDF Quality Service Manager is quoted as saying, “SCDF takes a serious view on the behaviour of our personnel and does not condone the conduct as shared by you.


We are aware of the post and are already investigating into the matter. 


Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention.”


Yesterday (28 Sep) in a post time-stamped 7.50pm, the forumer also revealed the unpixelated picture of the alleged offender.


A leaked video linked to an online forum showed two men, allegedly from SCDF, having sex in camp.


It is not clear when the video was taken, but it was posted on 28 Sep at 4.58am.


Apart from the fact that both men were in uniform, there is no indication of what rank they hold.


The arm badge of one of them suggested that they were from the 2nd SCDF Div HQ. 


Both men appeared to be performing the act willingly.


The video posted at an online streaming site has since been taken down for violating Terms of Service.


SCDF said in a statement on Wednesday (28 Sep) that it “takes a serious view of the matter and has lodged a police report,” and that the “police are investigating the matter for an offence under the Films Act.”

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56 minutes ago, Guest Alan Ong said:

Underwear only....also jailed! 

The judges are nuts! 

Singapore people love to make a big fuss of nonsense.

What make a big fuss?!! This is very serious case leh.

He is a Pedophile and working among young children below the age of twelve at that time.

Other countries are equally strict on pedophiles 

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Guest Underwear fetish expert

Why? There are so many gays guys around for Colin what a waste his life is spent in jail. We could have satisfy him in our sexy underwear too .........

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Primary school employee pleads guilty to sexually abusing three brothers

An administrative employee pleaded guilty to admitted to sexually abusing three brothers studying at the primary school he was working in. PHOTO: ST FILE
SEP 29, 2016, 9:03 PM SGT
SEP 29, 2016, 9:27 PM

SINGAPORE - A primary school's administrative employee has pleaded guilty to sexually abusing three brothers studying there.

The 52-year-old started with the eldest boy in 2009, when he was 11. After the boy left the school, the predator, who by then had gained the trust of the family, moved on to his siblings.

The shocking abuse only came to light in March 2013 when the mother received a text message from the man asking to take her second son out. She asked her son about it.


As the boy kept quiet, his younger brother encouraged him to speak up. Eventually, all three boys revealed what had happened to them, and their parents went to the police.

The man, who cannot be named under a court order to protect the identities of the boys, was arrested two days later.


On Thursday (Sept 29), the man, who was the school's operations support assistant, admitted to three counts of committing an indecent act with a child, one count of sexual assault and one count of sexual penetration of a minor.

Another 31 counts will be taken into consideration when he is sentenced at a later date.

Of the 36 charges, seven relate to the eldest brother, 22 to the second and five to the youngest. Two other charges are for possessing obscene and pirated films.

The thin, grey-haired man, who spoke through an interpreter, admitted befriending the eldest boy, then in Primary 5, in 2009. He brought the boy from school and took him out to the zoo and shopping centres.

That year, he performed oral sex on the boy at a HDB staircase landing. He also showed the boy how to do a lewd act but the boy refused to do it.

When the boy went to secondary school, the man moved on to his younger brothers. He bought them shoes and clothes, telling their parents he was following up on their homework.

The parents, who worked long hours, thought he was genuinely concerned for their welfare.

The man paid special attention on to the middle son, perceiving him as more compliant. The boy was abused for three years, suffering the longest ordeal among the three.

In 2012, the man forced him, then 13, to perform oral sex on him in the toilet at a community centre.

The next year, the accused met him and his younger brother, then 12, after school one day and accompanied them back to their home. He abused them, one after the other, on the same bed. No one else was at home at the time.

The boys are now aged 16, 17 and 18 .

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Haha, good one , it is good that all men , do a breast self exam too , once a year , as men can also get breast cancer, look out for hard lumps , in your breast , chest area that never appear there before.


for a moment there all MSM think korean TV was going Rainbow channel

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Haven't seen the video but a colleague told me about it... apparently its made the rounds on whatsapp... and actually can't really see any genitalia... wondering if its possible that it was just horseplay with their uniform on and no real sex occurred? which would allow the possibility of reducing any charge that it was just unauthorized recording in camp (if it was truly recorded in camp)?

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Guest Beenthruit
1 hour ago, fab said:

Y the elder bro/s did not warn the younger bro/s.

Scared la.. he scared the experience with the perv will expose so he kept quiet about it.. not wanting his siblings to know about it. But that's how the sibling was caught in the trap. The Brother fail to protect his siblings but can't blame him.. I have been thru it and know the fear...

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It is unfortunate what happened to the boys, however as LGBT community, we need to make a clear distinction between pedophilia and being gay are not the same thing. The problem is sometimes the way media reports them, it makes it as if they are the same. They are not. Sexual abuse is not gender specific. It can happen to little girls as well as little boys. As a community, regardless of our sexual orientation, we have an obligation to protect the young and defenseless. 


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40 minutes ago, doncoin said:

It is unfortunate what happened to the boys, however as LGBT community, we need to make a clear distinction between pedophilia and being gay are not the same thing. The problem is sometimes the way media reports them, it makes it as if they are the same. They are not. Sexual abuse is not gender specific. It can happen to little girls as well as little boys. As a community, regardless of our sexual orientation, we have an obligation to protect the young and defenseless. 


LGBT community itself unfortunately has heaps of predators. With the coming of the internet/mobile-apps as well as more open culture (compared to eons ago), unfortunately many of people are becoming blatant liars and creeps who uses drugs as well as material temptations to corrupt the young minds and bodies. 


Yes, this is a general social trend but is exacerbated within the LGBT (I would say specifically GAYs) community as there is less psychological barriers against sex between men.

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Guest Paedophile for a reason?

Aren't SOME paedophiles gays who refused to come out so the only viable sexual outlet for them is children as they are more easily manipulated and coerced to stay mum? Yes, I know. There are heterosexual paedophiles too. And some think it is unnecessary to distinguish between straight and gay paedophiles. But some go for same-sex children, others the opposite sex. So yes, paedophiles include both straight and gay ones too.

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5 hours ago, Guest Paedophile for a reason? said:

Aren't SOME paedophiles gays who refused to come out so the only viable sexual outlet for them is children as they are more easily manipulated and coerced to stay mum? Yes, I know. There are heterosexual paedophiles too. And some think it is unnecessary to distinguish between straight and gay paedophiles. But some go for same-sex children, others the opposite sex. So yes, paedophiles include both straight and gay ones too.


Yes, many of the pedophiles prey on young children because they are most vulnerable and  there are some who groom these kids to be prey. The sexuality of the predator is not the problem here. The problem is he preys on underage children. It is no different than the case of the female teacher having sex with a teenager. Same thing, however society tends not to see women as the predator. Sexual abuse can happen in many forms and for many victims, it is going to take years of healing to move on. That is why I have been vocal about members on BW who posted on threads about wanting to be raped etc. In reality, what they wanted was rough sex, and it upsets me when they use the term because it minimizes the horror the real victims go through, and these include children. 




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5 hours ago, Guest Paedophile for a reason? said:

Aren't SOME paedophiles gays who refused to come out so the only viable sexual outlet for them is children as they are more easily manipulated and coerced to stay mum? Yes, I know. There are heterosexual paedophiles too. And some think it is unnecessary to distinguish between straight and gay paedophiles. But some go for same-sex children, others the opposite sex. So yes, paedophiles include both straight and gay ones too.


The fact that you even needed to post this is what's scary. Pedophilia exists regardless of the orientation and pedophiles prey on children for the same reasons you posted gay, straight or otherwise. Also I don't believe it's just easy targets. These people really have sexual attraction towards minors. I have seen instances of people automatically bring up the "Think of the children!" card whenever homosexuality is brought up. Anyone trying explain it up kinda of confirms that people still have this backwards mentality.

Edited by Snapplejacked
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Sad story but taking another person life intentionallyfor such a petty reason states how much the accused value his life and the victim life.

Shows his very  scummy selfish character and worse did not show lgbt relationship to be a loving and acceptable relationship to a still largely homophobic singapore society.


One act of killing cause grief to many people,his family and victim family.He deserves much worse punishment ,in hindsight what he getting now is a slap in the wrist for a murder committed by a sane individual.

Edited by SazNura
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Guest Kinderland kiddy buffet
6 hours ago, Snapplejacked said:


The fact that you even needed to post this is what's scary. Pedophilia exists regardless of the orientation and pedophiles prey on children for the same reasons you posted gay, straight or otherwise. Also I don't believe it's just easy targets. These people really have sexual attraction towards minors. I have seen instances of people automatically bring up the "Think of the children!" card whenever homosexuality is brought up. Anyone trying explain it up kinda of confirms that people still have this backwards mentality.

Bah. The society's thinking is backwards, not mine. I just find it hard to understand how some "progressive" thinkers failed to see that some paedophiles are paedophiles only because they are gay and lacked the courage and refused to come out. I am not discounting the fact that some paedophiles are genuinely attracted to children.

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On 10/1/2016 at 11:16 AM, SazNura said:

Sad story but taking another person life intentionallyfor such a petty reason states how much the accused value his life and the victim life.

Shows his very  scummy selfish character and worse did not show lgbt relationship to be a loving and acceptable relationship to a still largely homophobic singapore society.


One act of killing cause grief to many people,his family and victim family.He deserves much worse punishment ,in hindsight what he getting now is a slap in the wrist for a murder committed by a sane individual.


In our civilised society, homicide is rare moreover it involved two people who loved each other for such a long time. Am sure both of them didn't want their destiny to end in such tragedy... I don't think there's any valid reason to kill but it isn't petty neither. He is already in depression when committed the crime otherwise, a "sane" individual wouldn't commit in broad daylight and continue to linger beside the victim throughout.

For the homophobic or not, this could be very well a reminder that there's no such thing as unconditional love so be truth to ppl who give you their very best. Impression on the lgbt relationship is the least of my concern. 

Am agnostic so offering prayer is not what i am capable of but i do hope the dead be at peace while the living move on. Leave the judgment to the wise judge of course... 

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Suspected peeping tom arrested at NTU dormitory; 66 videos of male students showering found in mobile phone

Students and campus security gathered in the hallway after a peeping tom was caught filming a resident at a student dormitory at the Nanyang Technological University on Oct 13, 2016. PHOTO: TAN ZHENG YEE





Chew Hui Min

SINGAPORE - A peeping tom was caught filming a resident at a student dormitory at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) on Thursday (Oct 13).

The fourth-year student from Hall of Residence 16 was nabbed by students after he was spotted filming a resident in the shower.

The resident saw a smartphone above the cubicle wall while he was bathing at 1am.

He rushed out to confront the suspected peeping tom, who locked himself into a cubicle, school newspaper The Nanyang Chronicle reported.

The resident, who did not want to be named, then called for help and a few hall residents caught hold of the suspect when he came out of the cubicle.

The students went through the alleged voyeur's smartphone, and found 66 videos of male students showering saved in his phone.

The suspect tried to delete the videos while hiding in the cubicle, but they were found in a folder of recently deleted items, the Chronicle said.

Mr Paul Lee, Hall 16 student president, called campus security, who reported the matter to the police.

They stood watch over the suspect in the corridor, who tried to escape to his room, Mr Lee told The Straits Times.

Police said they received a call to assist at 2.07am. A 24-year-old man was arrested for "possession of obscene material", police said.

Police investigations are ongoing.

"Voyeurism is not tolerated in my hall and offenders will be handed over to the police," said Mr Lee, 22, a second-year engineering student. "The school and hall offices should upgrade the toilets in all the halls to prevent such incidents in the future."

Mr Lee also warned hall residents to be alert when they are showering.

This is the second incident of a peeping tom targeting at Hall 16 this year. Another suspected voyeur was caught, also by students, in the first quarter of the year.

Resident Khairul Anwar told The Straits Times that he used to take his time in the shower but now rushes through his bath.

"I was quite concerned as this is the second time this has happened here," said Mr Khairul, 23. "I also take more notice who I bump into in the toilet."

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