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He has changed a lot (physical appearance) since I bumped into him more than 5 years ago and just last year -  his face, his eyes. I didn't think much of his drugs but his eyes are just so "lifeless".

I do not know his habit of drugs or lifestyle. His earlier tumblr site - shows his preference of an exhibitionist lifestyle: from East Coast Park underpass to CBP to Tamp Eco Park.  Let's face it. He is of someone with a more prominent status than many of us here combined. With his tumblr blog, daring acts as well as drug history, CNB will be keeping tabs on him.

And as Guest Sex mentioned -  yes, many high flier are into drugs. Most will be thinking  "aiya, try one time only"... and next thing you know, you are hooked. I do know, personally -  how some have ended up being caught, not only losing their jobs and careers, but family broke up too.

It is never easy, but whoever are still onto drugs - seek help to kick the habit asap. Where to seek help? Google it.


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2 hours ago, Guest jockstrap said:

hi saw him yesterday at keybox the moment he at the dark room all swamp around him.......he look so relax


You mean many of keybox folks want to breed with him? Lol

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7 hours ago, Guest jockstrap said:

hi saw him yesterday at keybox the moment he at the dark room all swamp around him.......he look so relax


Thought someone said he is poz? TRue?

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Guest Get Real
On 27/02/2017 at 3:51 PM, Guest jockstrap said:

hi saw him yesterday at keybox the moment he at the dark room all swamp around him.......he look so relax


20 hours ago, Cairos said:


I think I saw him here today too.


Oh please. You guys are in the darkroom playing as well. How is that different? 


18 hours ago, Guest Ricky said:


Thought someone said he is poz? TRue?


Even if he is, he's likely on meds and undetectable. Which is more responsible than the multitude who either i) are not tested, or ii) not being treated.




For those who are still unsure, an HIV-positive person can achieve undetectable levels after undergoing antiretroviral therapy (ART). A level of a person’s HIV viral load is what causes them to be more or less likely to transmit the disease. An undetectable viral load reduces the likelihood of transmission by 96 percent

For the sake of conversation, let’s liken a person whose viral load is undetectable to a person who is HIV-negative. With both classifications, you get tested regularly to make sure that you are still safely in your category. But unlike being HIV-negative, discussing the meaning of an undetectable status almost immediately gets bogged down by shame mongering and moral accusations. Use of the term is often ridiculed, immediately placing judgment on the HIV-positive person who speaks about his undetectable status.

A person discussing their undetectable status is a beautiful thing because it means that they have been tested, are on treatment and are open and honest about their HIV status. ... This notion removes all responsibility from the other party when they have just been given the information they need to protect their own health. And in fact, it is their responsibility (and no one else’s) to protect their own health.

Far too often, our community mistakes silence as an admission of innocence. If no one asks about a person’s HIV status, no one tells. Worse, a person will assert their HIV-negative status even if it’s been months, or even years, since their last HIV test.

... even though their sketchy HIV status could possibly place a person at much greater risk than someone who is undetectable.

In the realm of sex and dating, the responsibility lies with you to make the appropriate choices to protect your health. Unfortunately, people are slutty, nobody likes using condoms and everybody is a liar. But that doesn’t mean that we have to muddle the value of an undetectable viral load and debase a group of people who are at least willing to be upfront about their HIV status.

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Guest Sinkiebastards

SINGAPORE - He pretended to be a professor in child psychology and lied to the authorities about his HIV status to land jobs at two local polytechnics.

He even used his boyfriend's blood for an HIV test so that it would test negative for the condition.

Over a period of about eight years, American citizen Mikhy K. Farrera-Brochez, 32, committed multiple offences, including cheating, lying to a public servant, possessing drugs and using forged educational certificates.

On Wednesday (March 1), he was sentenced to 28 months' jail. He pleaded guilty to a total of six charges, with 17 taken into consideration. Three other charges, which had been taken into consideration, were stood down to be mentioned at a later date.

In 2008, Farrera-Brochez moved to Singapore a year after he got into a romantic relationship with local general practitioner Ler Teck Siang, 35.


The pair had met online.

To apply for an Employment Pass (EP) to stay here with his boyfriend, he submitted an HIV-negative test result to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in March that year.

But Farrera-Brochez, who is in fact HIV-positive, had used Dr Ler's blood for the test. He had visited a clinic in Commonwealth, where Dr Ler, who was a locum GP, was on duty. Dr Ler had drawn the blood from his left arm earlier that day and labelled the test tube with Farrera- Brochez's particulars.

MOM then issued Farrera-Brochez with an EP, and he later worked as a polytechnic lecturer.

Dr Ler, an infectious diseases specialist, worked as a medical officer at the Communicable Diseases Division of the Health Ministry from February 2012 to January 2014.

Farrera-Brochez similarly duped the authorities again in 2013, when he tried to apply for a Personalised Employment Pass (PEP).

He was also found guilty of possession of ketamine and cannabis mixture in May last year.

Investigations further revealed that his various educational certificates, including one from the University of Paris, were forged.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Suhas Malhotra said that Farrera-Brochez knew that foreigners with HIV are not allowed to work here, and yet he had conspired with Dr Ler to falsify the blood test results.

"The fact that the blood test was supposedly performed by a doctor and issued by a clinic gave it an aura of authority, making it virtually certain that MOM would be deceived," he said. "His conduct evinces a blatant disregard for the authority of our laws."

Dr Ler, who has been charged in relation to the case, has yet to be dealt with.

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Male Boy 18 year old molested.


Man jailed, caned for sexual assault on 18-year-old boy


A massage became a horrific experience for an 18-year-old boy after he was molested by a former colleague in a toilet of the hotel where they were working in.

The boy, whose name and the hotel’s name cannot be revealed due to a gag order, was so affected that he stopped work shortly after the incident.

The man who molested the boy, Uthaiya Ravinanthan Ramalingam, pleaded guilty to one charge of sexual assault on Wednesday (1 March) before District Judge Jasvender Kaur, and was sentenced to nine months’ jail and three strokes of the cane.

The burly 35-year-old Malaysian was accompanied in court by his wife.

Reading from the statement of facts, Deputy Public Prosecutor N K Anitha said that the incident happened on 4 October last year.

Victim was on attachment

The DPP pushed for Uthaiya, who was working as a chef in the staff canteen, to be jailed for at least six months with caning.

The victim was on a six-month attachment at the pastry kitchen of the hotel when the incident happened.

While they were in a changing room getting ready for work, Uthaiya approached the victim and massaged his shoulder for a while and asked if he would like a massage. The victim agreed to it, and the two arranged to meet at the staff canteen during break time.

When the victim finished his lunch at the staff canteen, the accused signalled to the victim to follow him. The victim went with the accused to a staff toilet on the third level of the hotel.

There was no one else in the toilet when the two entered a cubicle. Uthaiya locked the door of the cubicle and asked the victim to stand with his back against the accused, and went on to massage the victim’s shoulders, back and waist.

Uthaiya then hugged the victim from the back before massaging the victim’s legs.

Victim protested to no avail

Uthaiya then directed the victim to unbutton his shirt. When asked why, the accused told the victim to follow his directions. After his victim did so, Uthaiya continued massaging the victim and told him to relax.

Uthaiya then massaged the victim’s chest and stomach area before pulling down the victim’s pants to the knee level. The victim protested and immediately pulled up his pants and questioned the accused.

But Uthaiya pulled down the victim’s pants again. After massaging the victim for a while, he removed the victim’s underwear. He then massaged the victim’s private parts.

The victim was too shocked to react because the accused was burly and they were inside the locked cubicle door.

After massaging for about a minute, Uthaiya squatted and moved his face with his mouth open towards the victim’s private parts. The victim immediately stopped Uthaiya and said he had to return to work.

Uthaiya asked the victim whether he like the experience, and the victim said “No” emphatically and left the cubicle.

Filed a police report

The victim was so affected by the incident that he was unable to work on the same day. Sensing that the victim was unwell, his supervisor sent him home.

The next day, the victim informed his parents and a police report was lodged.

In mitigation, Uthaiya’s lawyer, Ashwin Ganapathy, said that the offence was committed on the spur of the moment. He added that his client was sorry for his actions and pleaded for a jail term of six months.

In passing sentence, Judge Kaur said that the offence was serious and that the massage involved the touching of the victim’s private parts. She said the incident went on for some time and that the victim was traumatised by it.

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That man in the photo above is actually the reporter. Somehow I thought it was the molester!!


The account of the molest is quite graphic and detailed. Usually, the media tends to gloss over the details for male-on-male molest cases, and only focus on the male-on-female cases.


The poor guy . . . 

Edited by CKW
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Guest Josephine Teo

The victim sounds like a willing accomplice. Felt guilty due to 377a in public then told his parents. The whole thing just sounds so unbelievably stupid! 


I guess sex in small spaces is only for skinny people like Josephine Teo.

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Guest Small space sex
1 minute ago, Guest Josephine Teo said:

The victim sounds like a willing accomplice. Felt guilty due to 377a in public then told his parents. The whole thing just sounds so unbelievably stupid! 


I guess sex in small spaces is only for skinny people like Josephine Teo.

And people with short dicks and deep vaginas.

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If anyone here is affected by recreational  drug use, or know someone who is & may need support, please contact us:


Hotline counselling: 6226 2002

Whatsapp counselling: 8592 0609
(Tue, Wed & Thu: 7pm–10pm, Sat: 2pm–5pm)


Women On Wednesdays (WOW) hotline: 6226 6629
(Wed: 7pm-10pm)


Email counselling: CARE@oogachaga.com


Support us continue supporting Singapore’s LGBTQ+ community in 2017: bit.ly/Oogachaga


OogachagaCARE is an online counselling service by Oogachaga for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ+) community. You can also reach us at:

However, if you need to talk to someone urgently because you're in emotional crisis, feeling suicidal or affected by suicide, please consider:

Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) 24hr suicide prevention hotline: 1-767 (1-SOS)

Oogachaga is a community-based, non-profit professional organization working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ+) individuals, couples and families in Singapore since 1999. Visit us on www.oogachaga.LGBT / www.congregaytion.com

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Guest Tyhvv

Bogus doc faked HIV test to get work pass

Farrera-Brochez committed various offences over about eight years, including cheating and possessing drugs. - ST

SINGAPORE: He pretended to be a professor in child psychology and lied to the authorities about his HIV status to land jobs at two local polytechnics.

He even used his boyfriend's blood for an HIV test so that it would test negative for the condition.

Over a period of about eight years, American citizen Mikhy K. Farrera-Brochez, 32, committed multiple offences, including cheating, lying to a public servant, possessing drugs and using forged educational certificates.

Yesterday, he was sentenced to 28 months in jail.

He pleaded guilty to a total of six charges, with 17 taken into consideration. Three other charges, which had been taken into consideration, were stood down to be mentioned at a later date.

In 2008, Farrera-Brochez moved to Singapore a year after he got into a romantic relationship with local general practitioner Ler Teck Siang, 35. The pair had met online.

To apply for an Employment Pass (EP) to stay here with his boyfriend, he submitted an HIV-negative test result to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in March that year.

But Farrera-Brochez, who is in fact HIV-positive, had used Dr Ler's blood for the test. He had visited a clinic in Commonwealth, where Dr Ler, who was a locum GP, was on duty. Dr Ler had drawn the blood from his left arm earlier that day and labelled the test tube with Farrera-Brochez's particulars.

MOM then issued Farrera-Brochez with an EP, and he later worked as a polytechnic lecturer.

Dr Ler, an infectious diseases specialist, worked as a medical officer at the Communicable Diseases Division of the Health Ministry from February 2012 to January 2014.

Farrera-Brochez similarly duped the authorities again in 2013, when he tried to apply for a Personalised Employment Pass.

He was also found guilty of possessing a ketamine and cannabis mixture in May last year.

Investigations further revealed that his various educational certificates, including one from the University of Paris, were forged.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Suhas Malhotra said that Farrera-Brochez knew that foreigners with HIV are not allowed to work here, and yet he had conspired with Dr Ler to falsify the blood test results.

"The fact that the blood test was supposedly performed by a doctor and issued by a clinic gave it an aura of authority, making it virtually certain that MOM would be deceived," he said.

"His conduct evinces a blatant disregard for the authority of our laws."

Dr Ler, who has been charged in relation to the case, has yet to be dealt with. - The Straits Times/Asia News Network

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1 hour ago, azimuth said:

I suppose there is a good chance the doctor could be struck off the records? If yes, that is really a high price to pay for love.


Who say no true love in gay world?

This doc sacrifice his golden ricebowl for love.

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Guest Dhdhdh
39 minutes ago, Guest bleh said:


Who say no true love in gay world?

This doc sacrifice his golden ricebowl for love.


True love of being bred by big cocks of AMDK.

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2 hours ago, Guest guest said:


Too bad he met a con artist.


Too bad? This Sinkie doctor is brain dead. 


From the start help a hiv infected person to fake his blood result to get EP. 


Since this guy is here I presume he also fuck around (by SPG fans) and take drugs. You mean after 5 years this stupid doctor still cannot decide? Then go to fake results 2nd time!


Something must have happened in 2014 which caused the police to be suspicious of his HIV results (he got approved for PEP in 2013 already). Either the doctor Tulan go expose him (unlikely since he will screw his own career) or some local gay got infected, give list of sex partners for government to trace back. 


This is angmo was able to avoid the police until he got nabbed in 2016 for drugs. Probably like many of the chemsex addicts, got caught during one of those raids to the orgy location. CNB would track one or two addicts or dealers, wait until orgy starts, raid and catch several people to hit their own KPI. 


I guess he was then subjected to interrogation and full body check after the drug arrest. Then all the truth start coming out. 


Sinkies gay or straight  really worship AMDK. Just like that ex sinke botak ugly fat fuck in Australia (who claim angmo is gold) lol. 

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Guest Preston
On 13/01/2016 at 9:54 AM, Guest FedEx said:

A 35-year-old man, who had a sexual relationship with a male teacher, extorted $197,000 in cash and about $52,000 in valuables from him.


He intentionally put the teacher in fear of harm to his reputation, by threatening via text messages to expose their trysts to the Ministry of Education and his school, and dishonestly induced him to deliver $70,000 and a Chanel bag worth $3,900.


Fearing for his reputation and worried that he would lose his job, the teacher gave in to the blackmailer's demands.


1) They are both gay. Life is hard enough as it is. Why did they have to do these horrible things to each other?


2) Would the teacher really have lost his job for being outed? This wasn't a student he'd been with, but a 35 year old man. Was his fear of "reputational damage" justified?


3) It's ironic that the person being publicly named and shamed is the extortionist. With a huge photograph displayed on ST. While the teacher is protected by a court imposed gag order.


No hope for humanity, but there is justice.


I don't think PLU should treated that way. We always deserve respect.

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Guest Guest98982
On 9/13/2010 at 9:32 PM, Guest guest said:

Stuart Koe has a Pharmacy degree from University of Minnesota. It's a basic degree not a doctorate/PhD which Minnesota also offers. His degree is no different from the Pharmacy degree in NUS, except they call it a Pharmacy D. there and a B.Sc. here. He graduated in 1995 and he's 38 this year which means he obtained his degree at 23. Not a Ph.D for sure. Certainly not over-educated.


This is stupid. Please check your facts. 

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  • 1 month later...

If you click on the video and open up to the original link, there is the description of what happened


Description (long wall of text)


Hey Singapore friends: just a heads up, this guy physically assaulted me on the MRT, so if you ever see him, be on your guard. I was with a friend and he approached me--drunk--and said he was gay, and that he wanted to fuck me. He said, "I know you're gay, so let's fuck."

This went on for several minutes and I tried to politely diffuse the situation, but then he began to yell at my friend when she intervened; I wouldn't let this stand, and started to become angry myself. He threatened her, and some other people on the train intervened (several were filming). He touched me, and I told him not to, and I briefly lost my temper--after that he slapped me on the side of the head. He kept going on and on, and when a woman tried to take his picture, he attempted to kick her phone out of her hand. When my friend and I got off at our stop, he got off as well, but we managed to evade him and leave the station without him following us.

For those of you that don't know: I'm not gay (not that it should matter). However, I don't exactly fit the "masculine" mold of society, so oftentimes I am mistaken as queer--on several occasions around the world, for example, I've caught flak for carrying a "man purse." On a personal level, this is why I need feminism: so I can be confident in myself and not feel like I have to fulfill any gender role assigned to me. However, I do appreciate that women probably have to deal with this shit (or at least the threat of it) on a fairly regular basis.

For those asking "Why didn't you fight back or call the police?" I say, "I am a white immigrant in a country where I do not have citizenship and am a minority--law enforcement may not take my side, despite video and photo evidence." This is something I learned while living in South Korea, where no amount of assimilation will protect you when a Korean is arguing against you. In this situation, there's a chance I would've been accused of inciting violence, and been charged accordingly.

I feel pretty awful about this--it's after 2:30 in the morning and I can't sleep; I can't even bring myself to watch the video. Is that normal? In a sick sense, I feel lucky to have this recorded: it's proof! And others have recorded it as well! Some people would die for that kind of evidence!

Yet here I am, too embarrassed and too ashamed to watch it.

A slap on the head is nothing, really, but I feel completely unsettled--Singapore has been a trial by fire since my first day, and this doesn't help. In all honesty, I'm a bit tipsy and have no idea what I'm feeling.

I wish I'd said thank you to the train people who took a stand and put themselves between me and this man, but I was too rattled to muster it (at least I could thank my friend, who had the good sense to make a video). I wish I'd sat in a different train car, and the whole situation could've been avoided. Was it the V-neck I was wearing? My ripped skinny jeans? I probably should have held my temper, but that's not my character. Could I have found a way to peacefully diffuse the whole situation? It's obviously not my fault but, somehow, a part of me is convinced it was.

Anyway, I have work in the morning, so the only thing to do is press on (or at least try to get some sleep). I've accomplished more in a few years than I could've ever imagined, and I've met so many amazing and supportive people along the way--I can't really let the few bastards of the world stop me, can I?

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so the uncle was drunk and approached an Ang Mo who looks and dresses feminine (from what i tried to understand from the description) but was aggravated after rejection and started to get physical with the Ang Mo


And the Ang Mo was also a bit tipsy and was scared to be more involved with the drunk uncle and hours later posted the video and sound like a vulnerable victim who is trying his hardest to be strong


That is what i gather from the wall of text

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Not sure to laugh or cry. It is quite sad, too.



善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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4 minutes ago, iamziz said:

Not sure to laugh or cry. It is quite sad, too.

The uncle havent see u yet

I.think he will strip naked n sit on u:P

Quiet interesting anyway.glad to see that the uncle declare himself a gau.dont u think so guys?haha


Edited by cutejack
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this kind of episode shows how caring SG society is .

if in Australia in a train , everyone will just ignore or film the scene .

the victim will not be helped , no one will lift a finger esp if victim is non white .


here you see that ang mo bitch  matron. , screaming and shouting at the man - if I were there I will also slap her .


not that I am siding with this crazy man .


so kind SG 

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