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Singapore Local Gay News [LGBT Related News] (Compiled)


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Guest Ousted

I came across a desperate gay guy too.  He was cruising at Tg Pagar and lured me into the lift and we went to the toilet (dunno which floor).  Last minute, I decided to give up because it was not safe. He was angry and screamed at me in front of the crowd there for being a faggort and said I gave up sucking his cock.  It is so humiliating to be ousted in public.  This gay old uncle was very desperate and look like the type who stood in urinal for hours.  Probably a reject item.

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The uncle did cool down towards the end. So, he was not drunk.  Something that was unexplained in the video upset him so much that caused this flurry.  He wouldn't have picked on an angmo, unless he is racist or did the angmo really touched the uncle, as claimed ?

Don't read and response to guests' post

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Guest Ousted

hmm...probably they communicated in Chat Room, meet up and the Ang Mo decided to back out after seeing him?  He seems adamant that the other party initiated the move first.  I sense conspiracy that triggered the old man anger.  But he is still desperate to want someone who rejected him, also bad imaged he painted to the LGBT people.

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13 minutes ago, LeanMature said:

The uncle did cool down towards the end. So, he was not drunk.  Something that was unexplained in the video upset him so much that caused this flurry.  He wouldn't have picked on an angmo, unless he is racist or did the angmo really touched the uncle, as claimed ?



I thought the uncle said the ang moh "signaled" him? Maybe it's the way he presented himself while talking to his friend that seems like a signal to the uncle? Then kena triggered when the ang moh rejected him.

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The ang mo is cute indeed.


now wonder uncle feeling so horny.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Crazy

The crazy uncle was very clear that he wanted the angmo to fuck him tonight. The reason being two gay person should naturally fuck each other? Maybe he has issue with gay people, especially those who behave very femininely.

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I'm gay also but I don't behave like that in public. He definitely crossed the line when he hit the guy. 


What a bastard. 


Hope they can trace that guy and arrest him. Can put him in the same prison cell as the Tiong Bahru Plaza Indian siao zharbor (crazy woman), and Kong Hee too.

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What a nutcase, that uncle. It's people like him who give us a bad name. 


At the same time, though, "a drunk mind speaks a sober heart". We don't know the uncle's story. Whatever it is, it certainly doesn't justify the way he behaved. But I do feel kind of sad for him. 


Will I become like that uncle when I'm old? Lonely,  and with my life completely wasted by the promiscuous "gay" lifestyle we see and hear so much about? I really hope not. 

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Guest darth vader

Pioneer Generation getting too pampered. After govt took care of their medical needs. Sekarli they the pioneer generation got too much time, start to pick fights with people over small thing.


PG card holderz think they can anyhow get punched and then get heavily subsidised medical cover. 


Nowadays old people also kurang ajar. Simply flash around PG card. Hee Haw

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Guest Old foolish people

Why he kept saying he is gay? This is so hilarious! Sounds like he was trying to prove something? Whether is he really gay or not, this is drama! Also i have personally encourages ntered such unreasonable old man on the mrt before. They teach they are enameled in gold and encrusted with diamonds after receivng the PG card. Poisoned by the government's incessant propaganda these days. Stupid old fools.

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That uncle has crossed the line. He has no reason to behave that way and to touch anyone. 

Kudos to the angmoh lady who stood up and tried stopping that crazy uncle. Also to that Indian man who eventually stepped in, trying to calm that uncle down. 

Under such circumstance, is it ok to press the Emergency button to alert the driver or the control station? 

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Do you guys not feel the angmo could be just playing victim in the video? he could have just walk away or get off the train at the next stop.


I don't think the uncle would become so aggressive for no reason. 

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Guest Guest





Homosexual or heterosexual; queer or bicurious — sexual assault is still sexual assault and this viral incident on the MRT gives a pretty clear cut view on who’s in the wrong.


A young American expat recently had a horrific brush with a particularly hostile old man on the train, who loudly demanded that he have sex with him.


Not that it matters, but the American is, in fact, straight — but admits that he often gets mistaken as being queer, apparently because he doesn’t “fit the ‘masculine’ mold of society”.


In any case, the old man — who was said to be in a drunken state — urged the American guy to have sex with him. Despite the American’s denial and refusal, the belligerent stranger kept insisting that he was indeed gay and that he had given off “signals”.




Things went up a notch when the old man started behaving more violently, claiming something about Singapore having no law (Spoiler alert: There are a lot of laws here). When other commuters stepped in to intervene, the old man’s excuse for his behavior was that he was gay.


The incident escalated even further when the old man demanded to kiss the American, to which the young man replied that he would “punch his ****ing face off”. That seemed to trigger the old man, who then slapped him for using a “vulgar word”.


BBA4a8T.img?h=351&w=511&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f© Provided by Coconuts Media Limited


Fortunately, another commuter came to the young man’s aid by stepping in between them both. According to the American, him and his friend got off at their stop with the old man in pursuit, but they managed to get away.


BBA3Yrt.img?h=337&w=509&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f© Provided by Coconuts Media Limited


The incident disturbed the American greatly, judging from his account on Facebook. If you can’t see the text, we’ve replicated it here below:


“Hey Singapore friends: just a heads up, this guy physically assaulted me on the MRT, so if you ever see him, be on your guard. I was with a friend and he approached me–drunk–and said he was gay, and that he wanted to **** me. He said, “I know you’re gay, so let’s ****.”


This went on for several minutes and I tried to politely diffuse the situation, but then he began to yell at my friend when she intervened; I wouldn’t let this stand, and started to become angry myself. He threatened her, and some other people on the train intervened (several were filming). He touched me, and I told him not to, and I briefly lost my temper–after that he slapped me on the side of the head. He kept going on and on, and when a woman tried to take his picture, he attempted to kick her phone out of her hand. When my friend and I got off at our stop, he got off as well, but we managed to evade him and leave the station without him following us.


For those of you that don’t know: I’m not gay (not that it should matter). However, I don’t exactly fit the “masculine” mold of society, so oftentimes I am mistaken as queer–on several occasions around the world, for example, I’ve caught flak for carrying a “man purse.” On a personal level, this is why I need feminism: so I can be confident in myself and not feel like I have to fulfill any gender role assigned to me.


However, I do appreciate that women probably have to deal with this shit (or at least the threat of it) on a fairly regular basis.


For those asking “Why didn’t you fight back or call the police?” I say, “I am a white immigrant in a country where I do not have citizenship and am a minority–law enforcement may not take my side, despite video and photo evidence.” This is something I learned while living in South Korea, where no amount of assimilation will protect you when a Korean is arguing against you. In this situation, there’s a chance I would’ve been accused of inciting violence, and been charged accordingly.


I feel pretty awful about this–it’s after 2:30 in the morning and I can’t sleep; I can’t even bring myself to watch the video. Is that normal? In a sick sense, I feel lucky to have this recorded: it’s proof! And others have recorded it as well! Some people would die for that kind of evidence!


Yet here I am, too embarrassed and too ashamed to watch it.


A slap on the head is nothing, really, but I feel completely unsettled–Singapore has been a trial by fire since my first day, and this doesn’t help. In all honesty, I’m a bit tipsy and have no idea what I’m feeling.


I wish I’d said thank you to the train people who took a stand and put themselves between me and this man, but I was too rattled to muster it (at least I could thank my friend, who had the good sense to make a video). I wish I’d sat in a different train car, and the whole situation could’ve been avoided. Was it the V-neck I was wearing? My ripped skinny jeans? I probably should have held my temper, but that’s not my character. Could I have found a way to peacefully diffuse the whole situation? It’s obviously not my fault but, somehow, a part of me is convinced it was.

Anyway, I have work in the morning, so the only thing to do is press on (or at least try to get some sleep). I’ve accomplished more in a few years than I could’ve ever imagined, and I’ve met so many amazing and supportive people along the way–I can’t really let the few bastards of the world stop me, can I?”


The post Drunk old man violently accosts American man for sex on the MRT appeared first on Coconuts.


Photo: Video screengrab: old-man© Joe DeMarini old-man


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Too painful to watch. The old uncle's behavior gave our society one more reason to hate gay people. I hope my boss didn't see it, otherwise I will be fired for being gay.  Let's not get this into the msm news.

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It looks to me, that the senior fella,( probable pioneer gen ), is afflicted with a physiological cerebral impairment-caused mental condition,

resulting in erratic irrational behaviour,

made worse & further aggravated, by possible alcohol intoxication.


The scenario is one, where there's misfortune on both ends.


The caucasian is the obvious victim.


The seemingly senile old guy, though having made a fool of others, has been made the clown of the show.


They are both pitiful in a sense, to be pitied, in their own ways;

both deserving of sympathy.


Wheras the younger guy is "laughed at", mocked, by different people from different parts of the globe, for his apparent effeminate nature, or perhaps his choice of accessories, it is something that happens across all cultures in every country & society; even amongst the gay community, where guys are biased against those they call sissies.


The fact that the video was uploaded onto the world wide web,

for all to witness the embarrassingly incredulous nature of the assault,

is, in itself, vindication; for most, if not all, will condemn the old guy,

and sympathise with the caucasian.


But, it is undeniable, that the experience was definitely traumatic for the ang mo; for he was after all, a victim of a ridiculous, and mostly senseless, attack, both verbal, and physical.

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How Bizarre,

                    Gay men in any Country don't behave like this. Telling the world that they are gay over and over again......and certainly not in Singapore.


 When the beer is in........ the mind is out.


 Well done to the guy's lady friend and the fellow passenger for intervening and defusing this uncomfortable situation.


 I still don't get why the old fool behaved in such a way, even if he had been drinking.


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善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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I always thought gays are the one being repressed and more likely to be humiliated. It looks like those who are perceived as gays are in much worse situations.


personally, I hope the weirdo isn't married with children, or worse, having grand children already. How much shame his actions would have brought upon his immediate family members.

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Guest Think too much

Americans are very friendly to strangers. Singaporeans are not. Probably a friendly gesture was misconstrued as hitting on him. Probably no one cared about the uncle and the american acknowledged his presense with a smile, causing him to think he was making a move. Come to think of it, sad isn't it the state of social grace in singapore is so lacking! People will so easily interpret a stranger's polite smile as a sexual move.

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Guest Annie
4 hours ago, Guest Guest said:



Joe DeMarini


How can any of you say this guy is good looking , hunk, hansam, cute ?!?!

aiyo Asians tend to overreact.


this guy looks like an everyday nerd and a young version of Woody Allen .


trash is trash 

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8 hours ago, RyanX said:

I do not understand, how the Ang Mo gave the signal? Until the uncle become so aggresive?


It could be just a polite smile that the ang mog gave when the old man looked in his direction.


Or it could have been nothing at all. The old man was drunk so he either lied, or imagined a signal when there was none. 


Such a disgraceful old man. 

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Guest What?
8 hours ago, Guest Think too much said:

Probably a friendly gesture was misconstrued as hitting on him.

Misconstrued or misunderstood should not be the reason for an old uncle to be out and loud and asking for a fuck in crowded place.

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Guest Guest
25 minutes ago, dynox said:

Wow.. So now you guys are shaming the victim of this unfortunate incident because of his looks? oh how humanity has fallen...


Excuse me, it's @TopChinese.  What do you expect from a loose-lipped bitch like her?

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Guest alsoTalkingNonsense

obviously the old man is a gay hater but the ang mo is no angel!



 "Why didn't you fight back or call the police?" I say, "I am a white immigrant in a country where I do not have citizenship and am a minority--law enforcement may not take my side, despite video and photo evidence." This is something I learned while living in South Korea, where no amount of assimilation will protect you when a Korean is arguing against you. In this situation, there's a chance I would've been accused of inciting violence, and been charged accordingly.


oh really? this just reminds me of Nick Leeson, the rogue trader who said that he won't get a fair trial in Singapore.


why said "fuck you" to an angry man? I am not saying slapping is right, but i am saying the ang mo initiated all the outbursts from that old man.


you can condemn the old man for using violence but don't be fooled by this liar. 






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SINGAPORE: A 70-year-old man who allegedly harassed, slapped and made sexual advances towards another man on an MRT train has been arrested, the police said on Saturday (Apr 22).
In a video uploaded by the victim Joe DeMarini and widely shared on social media, the elderly man is seen shouting vulgarities at Mr DeMarini and allegedly making sexual advances.
Mr DeMarini, who is from the US, said he tried to diffuse the situation at first. His female friend also intervened, but the elderly man yelled at her and threatened her, Mr DeMarini wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday at about 2.40am.
“He touched me, and I told him not to, and I briefly lost my temper – after that he slapped me on the side of the head,” Mr DeMarini wrote.
The police said they received a report on Friday about a man repeatedly using offensive language and assaulting a commuter on the train. The man was arrested along Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1 on the same day at about 10pm for the offences of causing public nuisance and voluntarily causing hurt.

If convicted of causing a public nuisance, he faces a fine of up to S$1,000. If convicted of voluntarily causing hurt, he faces up to two years’ jail or a fine of up to S$5,000, or both.
Investigations against the suspect are ongoing, the police said.
Source: CNA/cy



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Although I am like my AMDKs, I don't go around harassing them in public.  This is so foolish and disrespectful to another human.  If he wants sex with an AMDK, he should pay for the many escorts advertised all around the Internet.  Courting problems in public surely is NOT the smartest way to get fresh with AMDKs. 

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