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Jail term upped for doctor who drugged and molested patient


Aesthetic doctor Tan Kok Leong arriving at the State Courts on July 28, 2016, for sentencing, after his conviction in June 2016 for drugging and molesting his 33-year-old patient, a Malaysian doctor.PHOTO: ST FILE


SINGAPORE - An aesthetic doctor who drugged and molested a male patient over the course of two days in a hotel room had his jail term increased from 3½ to 4½ years by the High Court on Thursday (May 25).


Last year, Tan Kok Leong, 50, was found guilty of twice administering Dormicum and Rosiden on the Malaysian doctor during a liposuction procedure at Oasia Hotel in Sinaran Drive on July 5 and 6 in 2013.


He was also found guilty of two charges of molesting the 33-year-old patient on those two days, but was cleared of a third molestation charge.

Tan appealed against his conviction and sentence, while the prosecution appealed against the acquittal.

On Thursday (May 25), Justice See Kee Oon dismissed Tan's appeal, rejecting his arguments that the acts were part of clinical procedures and that the patient had given his consent for him to carry out the acts in question.


However, Justice See allowed the prosecution's appeal against the acquittal. He said there was no plausible reason why Tan's hand would have reached underneath the surgical drape around the patient's genitals while performing liposuction at the abdominal area.


There was also no basis to disbelieve two eyewitnesses who said they saw him do so, he said.


The judge agreed with the prosecution that the sentences on each charge ought to be enhanced "to more appropriately reflect the gravity and egregiousness of the offending conduct".


As Tan cannot be caned because he is above 50, Justice See imposed two months' jail in lieu of caning for each molestation charge. With the original jail term of 12 months, this works out to 14 months' jail per molestation charge.


For administering stupefying drugs, Justice See increased the term on each charge from 30 months to 40 months.


He said the original sentence was manifestly inadequate, given aggravating features such as the serious abuse of authority, betrayal of trust and premeditation and deliberation in administering a drug in a non-clinical environment without any regard to the potential grave risks to the patient.


He ordered the jail terms for one charge of each offence to run consecutively, making 54 months, or 4½ years

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Guest I know
25 minutes ago, bigdanbeam said:

Its happening everyday. Just whether it gets reported or not

Usuaully they waited until the nearing of Pinkdot event to report it.  The govt intention is to purge the PINKDOT image, scare the sponsor until it no longer exist.

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50 minutes ago, starlioned said:

If our community behave with more humility n discreetness in their behavior generally, the rest of the world would not bother much with us. There will of course always be haters around regardless.

There are already so many haters within the LGBT community, displayed amply in this forum itself. Can you truly expect any less from without. 

Wearing a pink shirt and holding placards will not win any credibilty that's sustainable. When off Pinkdot, many who actually attended, behave in an anti social manner like they are used to.


agree. haven't school and life taught us that in order to win trust, the conduct will speak for itself? recalled my sec school teacher said - if you want to have the freedom from your parents that you can take care of yourself and go home late, prove to them that you are dependable and can be trusted to make wise decisions, and these are showcased through the daily life. 


1 hour ago, Guest I know said:

Usuaully they waited until the nearing of Pinkdot event to report it.  The govt intention is to purge the PINKDOT image, scare the sponsor until it no longer exist.


so, on this news, if the community is able to show that they are showcase positivity and not sex or drugs or criminal offenses, you think the media or the government has the chance to do that? 

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Man gets 30 weeks' jail for molesting boy


Judge rejects 51-year-old's plea for short term or fine, citing need for deterrent sentence

Senior Law Correspondent

A 51-year-old man who outraged the modesty of a then 13-year-old boy at a swimming pool washroom under the pretext of helping to tighten the victim's loose swimming trunks was convicted and jailed 30 weeks in the State Courts.

District Judge Lorraine Ho, who found Choo Lian Seng guilty after a two-day trial last November, rejected his plea for a short jail term or fine, stressing the need to protect young victims and deter others.


In judgment grounds issued last week, she said: "It is of paramount importance that vulnerable victims like youth and children need to be protected from harm when they are in public places, especially when using public facilities like public toilets and swimming pools.

"Acts of molestation cannot be condoned as these victims may grow up emotionally scarred by the ordeals faced."

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The offence occurred on Aug 16, 2014, at the Woodlands Swimming Complex. The victim had gone to the male toilet following a swim to use the urinal and to tighten his swimming trunks.


The trunks were loose because it previously belonged to his father.

Choo, who was also in the toilet, saw the boy trying to untie the drawstring of his swimming trunks and approached him offering to help.


Acts of molestation cannot be condoned as these victims may grow up emotionally scarred by the ordeals faced.


The boy accepted the help of Choo, who then asked him some personal questions and led him to another part of the bathroom with his consent. At some point, Choo "fleetingly" touched the boy's private parts when he straightened the swimming trunks, which was "crumpled" because it was too loose.


Not knowing how to react, the boy continued tying the drawstring and left in a hurry.

He complained to his mother, who was at the swimming pool, and she alerted a lifeguard.


Choo's lawyers, Mr Kesavan Nair and Ms Melissa Leong, in disputing the charge, had argued that the victim's version was "inherently improbable", saying it was impossible for Choo to place half his hand at the bottom of the victim's trunks without the victim protesting or Choo getting caught by someone.

Among other things, they added that Choo was merely helping the boy like a father and nothing sinister had taken place.


Deputy Public Prosecutor James Choo pointed out that the victim had no reason to lie at all, was "unusually convincing", and that the accused's "suspicious actions" pointed to his guilt.


The judge found the victim a generally credible witness while the accused was evasive during the trial.

She held that the "substantive and circumstantial evidence" was strong enough to show Choo was guilty of outraging the modesty of the victim beyond reasonable doubt. She allowed a stay of the jail sentence, pending Choo's appeal

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Guest lawley
13 hours ago, Guest Loo Soo Kiat said:

Isn't Singapore a first world country? So we should benchmark ourselves to developed countries and not keep comparing downwards and keep telling people how fortunate we are and we should be grateful. Why compare to backward countries like Indonesia? Shouldn't you be comparing to HK or Japan or Korea or US? These are developed countries.


Not trying to compare, I was just saying the victim was lucky as Singapore court see it he was being a victim of extortion or criminal intimidation not because he's a gay, the victim would not be so lucky if this was happened in a country like Indonesia, so understand now?

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Guest Sporean
1 hour ago, leo yok loo said:

Now in the world, who molest who or rape who is small news..芝麻緑豆小事。

See also want to laught..

Terrorist bombing is big news..many people die.

Think the important take away is the sentencing. Prepare to pay the price if you have itchy fingers & think with your dick head. Wa piang, wanna see big news should check out the major news outlets e.g CNN, BBC, Reuters, CNA , straits  times or  not BW forum !! :frustrated: 

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try avoiding peak hours at mrt station of raffles place, doby ghaut, orchard and go gym or makan first .... including sunday at orchard since tens of thousands of pinoys converge and IS may hit them (being christains - re news on martial law in southern phillipines) including us here too

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I am 56 and I am not interested in having sex with young men.

Yes they are in their prime and yes, I do ogle at them but that is all.

I could NOT bring myself to do it ..just today, someone wanted to cam j/o for me.

I blocked him immediately and please don't bother to request to put on a show for me, young man.

There is absolutely no way for me to bother with them when I prefer older men.


**Word of caution **

Please treat public places with respect.  

Please don't seduce straight men/boys.

If you are really horny and seek an outlet, go to the saunas where gay men congregate.



如果基友真的“焚身如火”, 请不要越过“雷池”..不要对小孩/异性恋者”毛手毛脚“


Edited by abang
Chinese words
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Guest Loo Soo Kiat
7 hours ago, Guest lawley said:


Not trying to compare, I was just saying the victim was lucky as Singapore court see it he was being a victim of extortion or criminal intimidation not because he's a gay, the victim would not be so lucky if this was happened in a country like Indonesia, so understand now?

If u claim not to be comparing, then why keep bringing up Indonesia? There is totally no logic in your claim that u are not comparing when in essence you are comparing.

If u want to talk about lucky or unlucky, why don't you say we are "not so lucky" because we have S377A when other countries does not?

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Guest Guest

The question is why the victimized doctor went to hotel room with Dr. Tan. What kind of relationship were they having then?

The Malaysian doctor must be cute.



SINGAPORE: The High Court on Thursday (May 25) increased the 42-month jail term of a doctor convicted of molesting his colleague on the operating table and in a hotel room after sedating him with a powerful drug.

Aesthetic doctor Tan Kok Leong, 51, also took 27 photographs of the victim’s penis while the man, a Malaysian doctor, was unconscious.

Tan was sentenced to 42 months’ jail last year, after an 18-day trial. He had been convicted of four charges: Two for molesting the man at Oasia Hotel on Jul 5 and 6, 2013, and two for drugging him before each sexual assault.

The High Court heard that on Jul 5, after Tan had performed a liposuction procedure on the victim, he told his assistants to leave the intravenous plug in the man’s arm.

He brought the man to Oasia Hotel, where he had booked a room, and gave him Dormicum, a powerful sedative. When the victim became unconscious, Tan undressed him and took photographs of his penis “in multiple positions”, prosecutors said.


They spent the night at the hotel, and the next day Tan repeated his actions, sedating the victim again before taking more photographs of his penis.

Prosecutors said Tan had tried to “legitimise” the sexual assault by “blaming everything on the victim”. The doctor claimed he had taken the photographs because the man wanted “treatment for his curved penis”.

Tan’s appeal against his conviction and 42-month sentence was dismissed by Justice See Kee Oon, who said that “all that had taken place could not possibly be explained away as being part of a series of clinical procedures and that the (victim) had somehow consented to the acts in question”.


Besides the four charges he was convicted of, Tan had faced a fifth charge for molest, for which he was acquitted. But Justice See overturned the acquittal on Thursday and convicted Tan of molesting the same victim on Jun 6 on the operating table, while he was sedated during another liposuction procedure.

The assault was witnessed by two assistants, who testified against Tan at his trial. “The District Judge ought to have concluded that the charge was proved beyond a reasonable doubt," Justice See said.

There was no plausible reason why (Tan’s) hand would have reached underneath the surgical drape around the (victim’s) genitals while performing a liposuction procedure around the abdominal area."

He added: "The irresistible inference to be drawn … was that he had committed the act of outrage of modesty.”

Tan was sentenced to 14 months’ jail for the Jun 6 molest. Justice See also noted that Tan’s offences would “ordinarily have attracted caning”, but Tan cannot be caned as he is over 50.

In increasing the doctor’s jail term, Justice See pointed to several aggravating features highlighted by the prosecution, including Tan’s abuse of his position as a senior medical professional, the vulnerability of the sedated victim, and that Tan had exposed the man to “serious risks involved in sedating an unmonitored patient with Dormicum in a non-hospital environment”. 

Read more at http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/jail-term-for-doctor-convicted-of-drugging-molesting-patient-8882612

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On 5/26/2017 at 8:15 AM, cmlf said:


foremostly, pray unceasingly for God's grace that we can change, and for people within self-righteous groups world-wide to surrender to His all sovereign authority and law (including that commanding "thou shalt not kill")  ...





The efficacy of prayer has never been established.  But then, the reality of the "His all sovereign authority" is also in doubt, and most probably it is a mere fantasy.

The Ten Commandments and whatever says in Exodous seems to be a human creation too.  True morality is inborn, and from this natural source alone, through empathy and experience, one can easily come up with even better "ten commandments" or with any number of them. 


On 5/26/2017 at 7:56 AM, cmlf said:

try avoiding peak hours at mrt station of raffles place, doby ghaut, orchard and go gym or makan first .... including sunday at orchard since tens of thousands of pinoys converge and IS may hit them (being christains - re news on martial law in southern phillipines) including us here too


Pray to your God and ask him to remove the racist prejudices in your mind against Filipinos.  They are people like you and me. 

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hi bro, thanks for your response.


our other bro highlighted us how news of molestation pales when compared with terrorists' bombing today. 


on that note and from concern for all of us, precaution plus reality of what can happen here was added.


why? we recall the big news of uncovered plans to hit yishun station and most recently sands. 


if there were terrorists bombing in southern myanmar against its predominantly buddhists population, I would have cautioned us to avoid our city hall and peninsula plaza area on sundays when most of them converge.


also mentioned "and us" in earlier post. 


on what we each believe, thanks for having shared with us your knowledge. (peace) 

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  • 1 month later...

Not wanting to start a new thread..

However I reckon this to be a seriously imbalance/desperate case ..




A man who performed oral sex on a 12-year-old boy at a park toilet was sentenced to the minimum jail term of eight years by the High Court yesterday.


Chua Hock Leong, 63, who is married with two grown-up children, denied performing oral sex on the boy in a handicapped toilet in Tampines Eco Green. He said the boy called out to him and made sexual overtures by asking if he wanted to "play".


Justice Choo Han Teck rejected Chua's version of events, saying it had too many gaps. On the other hand, the boy's testimony was supported by forensic evidence.


For instance, Chua's version did not explain why his DNA was found on the inside of the boy's boxer shorts, said the judge.


During the trial, the court heard that on the morning of Jan 27 last year, the boy was waiting for his friend to be dismissed from school when he said "Hi" to Chua, who he had never met before.


He said Chua gave him $2 in return for going with him to the park. The boy said he went to use the toilet cubicle, and Chua barged in and performed oral sex on him.


After about a minute, the boy pushed him away and ran out. His mother later made a police report.


But Chua said it was the boy who propositioned him while they were in the toilet, but he declined the advances as there were surveillance cameras.

Chua's lawyer Vijay Kumar said in mitigation that this was Chua's first brush with the law.- THE STRAITS TIMES

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Guest Asia Number Two
16 hours ago, abang said:

Not wanting to start a new thread..

However I reckon this to be a seriously imbalance/desperate case ..




A man who performed oral sex on a 12-year-old boy at a park toilet was sentenced to the minimum jail term of eight years by the High Court yesterday.


Chua Hock Leong, 63, who is married with two grown-up children, denied performing oral sex on the boy in a handicapped toilet in Tampines Eco Green. He said the boy called out to him and made sexual overtures by asking if he wanted to "play".


Justice Choo Han Teck rejected Chua's version of events, saying it had too many gaps. On the other hand, the boy's testimony was supported by forensic evidence.


For instance, Chua's version did not explain why his DNA was found on the inside of the boy's boxer shorts, said the judge.


During the trial, the court heard that on the morning of Jan 27 last year, the boy was waiting for his friend to be dismissed from school when he said "Hi" to Chua, who he had never met before.


He said Chua gave him $2 in return for going with him to the park. The boy said he went to use the toilet cubicle, and Chua barged in and performed oral sex on him.


After about a minute, the boy pushed him away and ran out. His mother later made a police report.


But Chua said it was the boy who propositioned him while they were in the toilet, but he declined the advances as there were surveillance cameras.

Chua's lawyer Vijay Kumar said in mitigation that this was Chua's first brush with the law.- THE STRAITS TIMES


Legalise gay marriage and such things won't happen as often. Why would people have sex with teenagers in toilets when they can enjoy it slow with their legitimate Beaus in hdb flats?


Singaporens are a bit blind and ignorant. And they just don't care.

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17 hours ago, abang said:

Not wanting to start a new thread..

However I reckon this to be a seriously imbalance/desperate case ..




A man who performed oral sex on a 12-year-old boy at a park toilet was sentenced to the minimum jail term of eight years by the High Court yesterday.


Chua Hock Leong, 63, who is married with two grown-up children, denied performing oral sex on the boy in a handicapped toilet in Tampines Eco Green. He said the boy called out to him and made sexual overtures by asking if he wanted to "play".


Justice Choo Han Teck rejected Chua's version of events, saying it had too many gaps. On the other hand, the boy's testimony was supported by forensic evidence.


For instance, Chua's version did not explain why his DNA was found on the inside of the boy's boxer shorts, said the judge.


During the trial, the court heard that on the morning of Jan 27 last year, the boy was waiting for his friend to be dismissed from school when he said "Hi" to Chua, who he had never met before.


He said Chua gave him $2 in return for going with him to the park. The boy said he went to use the toilet cubicle, and Chua barged in and performed oral sex on him.


After about a minute, the boy pushed him away and ran out. His mother later made a police report.


But Chua said it was the boy who propositioned him while they were in the toilet, but he declined the advances as there were surveillance cameras.

Chua's lawyer Vijay Kumar said in mitigation that this was Chua's first brush with the law.- THE STRAITS TIMES



Wrong move for the 63-yo man. Should have not entertained a 12 yo. He is damn too young 

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  • 1 month later...

Convicted drug offender admits buying narcotics from fridae.com founder Stuart Koe

SINGAPORE - A convicted drug abuser testified in court on Thursday (Sept 21) that he bought drugs several times from his sex partner Stuart Koe Chi Yeow, founder of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender news and social networking site Fridae.com

Koe, 45, is on trial for one count of drug trafficking.

On the first day of the trial on Thursday, Malaysian Yeoh Kim Koon said Koe had sold him methamphetamine, or Ice, at $100 per gram. There were also times when he would sell him the drug at $120 per gram.

Yeoh, who told the court that he is also known as Eric, added that Koe had also sold him another type of drug known only as "G", which cost $300 for 100ml.

Koe, who is also managing director of local pharmaceutical company ICM Pharma, allegedly sold to Yeoh one packet of crystalline substance containing 0.17g of Ice for $240 on Aug 25 last year.

Koe is accused of committing the offence in his own Spottiswoode Park Road home at around 7.30pm that day.

Koe, who was first charged in a district court on Sept 23 last year, has five other drug-related charges against him. They are for offences that include methamphetamine consumption and possession.

These five charges have been stood down and will be dealt with at a later date.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Wong Woon Kwong told the court on Thursday that Yeoh was Koe's sex partner from July to August last year.

Yeoh, who worked as a Chanel beauty adviser at VivoCity mall at that time, was arrested in his Compassvale Street flat at around 7.20am on Sept 15 last year. Koe was arrested a week later.

Yeoh pleaded guilty on May 31 this year to offences including methamphetamine consumption and possession. He was later sentenced to 16 months' jail.

He told District Judge Olivia Low on Thursday that he first met Koe about eight years ago at a gym.

However, he started communicating with Koe only in July last year, after a mutual friend, known only as Joe, reintroduced them.

Yeoh admitted that he started consuming Ice last year even before this reintroduction.

Yeoh added that he had earlier gone online to meet "Internet friends" via platforms such as Facebook and gay dating app Grindr. He would meet some of them to consume Ice together.

Yeoh admitted that he bought Ice from Koe after they were reintroduced and they referred to the drug as "cream".

When DPP Wong asked him why, he replied: "So that it's not so obvious."

Yeoh said he used communications app Line to send text messages from his mobile phone to Koe whenever he needed the drugs. He would then go to Koe's home to collect them.

Security camera footage taken from the ground-floor lift lobby of Koe's apartment building at around 7.30pm on Aug 25 last year was played in court on Thursday.

At about 7.30pm, Yeoh was seen entering the lift and going up to the accused's unit, where he met the accused. He left the accused's unit at about 7.50pm on the same day.

When DPP Wong asked what happened in the time that had elapsed, Yeoh said that he did not remember.

Koe is represented by lawyers Sunil Sudheesan and Diana Ngiam.

If convicted of drug trafficking, he can be jailed for between five and 20 years. He can also receive between five and 15 strokes of the cane.

The trial resumes on Friday.

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Stuart Koe is a well-known figure in the local gay scene, at least during the heydays of Fridae.com. This is likely a signal from the authorities to the pharma companies, medical practitioners and the wider gay community that there is zero tolerance on drug abuse. 


We can have all the fun we want, but keep it clean and safe. Otherwise, we end up throwing our lives down the drain...

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Guest 甄嬛传

Out of the four Straits Times reports, Stuart Koe was introduced as the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender social site Fridae.com founder, followed by drug trafficking accusal in their headlines and subheadings in three of the articles, and didn't mention he being the CURRENT CEO of ICN Pharma until further down the paragraphs.


Talk about sensationalising the news and making the community look bad !


The content of the articles includes some first class drama between the accuser and accused, with one side seemingly throwing shade through the lawyer, the other side expressing nonchalance, and the investigating officer admitting to not remembering if he went through one of their Grindr apps. Interesting.


One is a first class diva aka the Empress Dowager of Fridae.com, the other is a second class diva aka 还珠格格 from Vivocity Chanel Beauty Counter.


I'm stoked and curious where this catfight is heading too. LOL



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They were sex partners leh.


I wonder how does yeoh look like n what has happened to koe hk bf.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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6 minutes ago, gaysluttyme said:

How young is young to be molested ?


At 69, hes is still so fit from pics.



I don't think that guy in the picture is the molester.  :D


Usually newspapers will use file pictures (e.g. a man being handcuffed, etc.) when they report on crime news, if they are not allowed to reveal the identity of the accused party. 

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12 minutes ago, gaysluttyme said:

How young is young to be molested ?


At 69, hes is still so fit from pics.


69-year-old man arrested for molesting young man in Toa Payoh

Sep 28, 2017, 6:48 pm SGT

SINGAPORE - A 69-year-old man has been arrested for molesting a young man in Toa Payoh.


The victim, whose exact age was not revealed, told the police in a report on Tuesday (Sept 26) night that he was molested by a man at the void deck of Block 175, Toa Payoh Central.


Tanglin Police Division officers arrested the suspect along Toa Payoh Lorong 4 on Wednesday.


The 69-year-old suspect is also believed to be involved in another molest case at Toa Payoh Central, which was reported to the police in April last year, police said in a statement on Thursday.

Investigations are ongoing.

If convicted of the offence of outrage of modesty, the man can be jailed up to two years and/or caned.



Age is not the issue.  A 40 years old can still be molested.  The issue is which part of the body he molested ?

Don't read and response to guests' post

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6 minutes ago, Guest vague said:

like the nkf CEO case. the newspaper also never disclose any details of what happened.


Actually, there are a lot of reported male-on-male sexual assault cases, but only a very small number are mentioned in the newspapers.


Not sure why, but the S'pore mainstream media will usually suppress it.

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Aiya any age also can molest or be molested. I think one Indonesian teenager rape his granny a while ago.


Ps: i m shocked johnny rapid is str8.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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11 minutes ago, Raywongx said:

Actually, Toa Payoh can be rather frightening. I was just walking around, minding my own business when someone followed after I took a leak at the toilet. I had to go round and round and he continued to follow me, until I stopped and queued up at McDonald’s. 


You are frightened that he will molest you ? Lol.

Don't read and response to guests' post

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1 hour ago, Raywongx said:

Actually, Toa Payoh can be rather frightening. I was just walking around, minding my own business when someone followed after I took a leak at the toilet. I had to go round and round and he continued to follow me, until I stopped and queued up at McDonald’s. 


Wow, that's scary.

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2 hours ago, Raywongx said:

Actually, Toa Payoh can be rather frightening. I was just walking around, minding my own business when someone followed after I took a leak at the toilet. I had to go round and round and he continued to follow me, until I stopped and queued up at McDonald’s. 


Why do these people follow you? Honestly I do not understand what they are trying to achieve? If they are looking to get to know someone to hookup with, they need to realise that stalking someone is outright creepy and no way to get into another person's pants. 


As for the older man who molested the younger man, he needs to know that there are plenty of volunteers here on BW and mobile apps who are looking to be molested, tied etc. 


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9 minutes ago, doncoin said:



Why do these people follow you? Honestly I do not understand what they are trying to achieve? If they are looking to get to know someone to hookup with, they need to realise that stalking someone is outright creepy and no way to get into another person's pants. 


As for the older man who molested the younger man, he needs to know that there are plenty of volunteers here on BW and mobile apps who are looking to be molested, tied etc. 

I couldn’t agree more. If they wish to hook up, they can always open their mouths and say something. 


As for the older man, some people here are looking for uncles and grandpas to do various things with. It’s rather sad. 

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37 minutes ago, doncoin said:

As for the older man who molested the younger man, he needs to know that there are plenty of volunteers here on BW and mobile apps who are looking to be molested, tied etc. 


I suspect that molesters enjoy the "molesting", meaning doing it to someone who doesn't want it.  I can only suspect, since I'm not a molester.

So maybe to attract a molester it is best to invite him while letting him know that one doesn't want anything intimate.

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