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Keybox Sauna @ Upp Circular Rd (No Ads or Bitch fight)


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  ixmog said:
Sigh ... A new sauna turn out to be a flaming room.

What go look in the mirror ...

i apologized esp to suckmachine for that if i my words is strong, i just used mirror as a reflect to heart, be fair & respect others even if go sauna, you have the right to touch others & yet need to be prepared getting reject, do not eat sour grape & give others bad name when your " offer " got turn down. everyone go sana for fun, not to get angry or upset.

just asking, keybox open the jacuzzi to patrons already? hope their crowd getting better

Edited by snowball
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  snowball said:
just asking, keybox open the jacuzzi to patrons already? hope their crowd getting better

nope the jacuzzi is not opened yet. I did talk to the boss. For the moment, he is still trying to iron out the issues of theme nite, young and old membership and improvement to some renovation. So he will not opened up the jacuzzi. Maybe when the crowd settle down and then he will decide the opening.

As for those that are still wondering where is the jacuzzi ?

It is located at the big playroom. Hidden within wooden planks at the higher side of the cushioned platform.

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  ixmog said:
nope the jacuzzi is not opened yet. I did talk to the boss. For the moment, he is still trying to iron out the issues of theme nite, young and old membership and improvement to some renovation. So he will not opened up the jacuzzi. Maybe when the crowd settle down and then he will decide the opening.

As for those that are still wondering where is the jacuzzi ?

It is located at the big playroom. Hidden within wooden planks at the higher side of the cushioned platform.

hehehe, i was right about the jacuzzi location................... :whistle:

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  ixmog said:
nope the jacuzzi is not opened yet. I did talk to the boss. For the moment, he is still trying to iron out the issues of theme nite, young and old membership and improvement to some renovation. So he will not opened up the jacuzzi. Maybe when the crowd settle down and then he will decide the opening.

As for those that are still wondering where is the jacuzzi ?

It is located at the big playroom. Hidden within wooden planks at the higher side of the cushioned platform.

haha...the jacuzzi is now open...not bad...

Edited by casper
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  snowball said:
casper, so how's the jacuzzi, how big is it? warm enough?

hmm...the jacuzzi room is about +/- the size of the smoking room...the jacuzzi is wonderful...maybe the jacuzzi can accomodate about 4-5 ppl in it...come on down to try it...haha

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  casper said:
hmm...the jacuzzi room is about +/- the size of the smoking room...the jacuzzi is wonderful...maybe the jacuzzi can accomodate about 4-5 ppl in it...come on down to try it...haha

Is this new sauna meant for gymmer crowd like Absolute or are they more for the mature or chubby gays like Shogun and 10 Ten?

Didn't like 17 as it is very dirty and old and the crowd is mainly older mature out of shape crowd too.

Would want to visit a new sauna since it should be clean and nice

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Not sure what theme is on tonight, as I left at 5.30pm.

Was there from 2pm this afternoon. My overall impression is that it is a new, sleek and clean alternative to the existing establishments. The location is a bit of a bother however.

Exploring Keybox, I had the impression that some thought has gone into the planning of the space in order to maximise comfortable use. For example, the showers and the jacuzzi (yes, it is working now) are tucked away from the main traffic flow, while still remaining easily accessible. The area containing the rooms also seems designed for easy cruising, with comfortable seats in strategic corners, and an overall "roundabout" kind of layout. The use of grey paint as the predominant colour also helped to lend a sense of airiness in spite of the dimness of the area. And floor-level blue lights (not red, yes!) help you find your way.

The rooms themselves are a refreshing find. Painted the same neutral grey, they each come equipped with a lube dispenser, toilet roll holder and a small basket of condoms all mounted neatly on the wall. Every room also has a simple, shaded, wall-mounted downlight which is controllable via a dimmer. The lights are also thoughtfully located to shine down on one corner of the bed, doing its job of providing lighting instead of blinding the occupants. During the first hour there, I found myself frequently getting into a room just to sit somewhat under the light while staring out at fellow club patrons passing by.

The rooms come in a variety of configurations - some are longer with the bed oriented lengthwise towards the door for example, while others are more square, with the beds off to the side, or horizontal to the door. The last is good for the exhibitionists amongst us: if you like to give a bit of a peepshow to people passing by outside, simply leave the door open. With you up sitting on the bed, your partner can go to work kneeling on the floor in front of you, while blocking unwelcome intruders from crashing the party.

That's right, some of the beds are mattresses on the floor, while others are raised on waist-high platforms (good for the popular Wheelbarrow, or even the Suckling Pig Roll). Whether with high beds or low, each room is installed with a door bolt, which unlocks swearingly loud.

Keybox also boasts other facilities. It has a rather spacious steamroom, which I found to be rather dark. The showers, installed with six "rain-type" showerheads, is comfortably dim though. It can be quite soothing to stand there under the cascading hot water, not caring if anyone is checking your butt-naked self out or not. Located next to the showers are the toilets; bright, white and clean. However, it seems the auto flush sensors have not been fixed up yet. (Get a clue people, it it doesn't start flushing, press the little button on the top of the WC!) The much-anticipated jacuzzi didn't disappoint: the water is nicely hot and not too forceful, and the tub itself is capable of sitting up to six (with some friendly squeezing). However, the jacuzzi room itself is dim; combined with the heat from the water, it makes for an easy doze. Some diffused lights in here would, I feel, make it less sleepy and more sleazy. (Yeah right, you came all the way here to get into a tub with other strange, naked men just so you could have a good nap.) A lounge/cafe area is also available, where you can sip your (one complimentary) drink, watch tv, sprawl out and read magazines or view pxxn, uh, surf the Internet I mean, on one of two very new PCs.

The staff were open and friendly, and it was good to be given a fresh towel that is thicker than what you usually get at other places. However, Keybox has a curious policy of providing a new towel only in exchange for the old one. This results in patrons having to go up to ask for a new towel, move out-of-sight to change towels, then come back with the old towel. Being the shameless nudist that I am, I of course simply changed my towels at the counter there and then. One of the staff did ask me if I wanted another towel because I was cold. I explained that the towels get wet with all the showering and the jacuzzi and the steam room and the wiping away of, uh sweat. I suggested that they could just give two towels in the beginning. My feedback was met with genuine appreciation, which signals to me their willingness to learn.

When I was there from 2pm to 5.30pm today, the place was very quiet. There were about less than 20 people there, but they came in all shapes and sizes. In conclusion, Keybox is a well-planned sauna that boasts some very thoughtful touches. It remains to be seen now what kind of crowd settles in and starts roosting in this club. Its location can also prove to be a challenge. In this aspect, I feel that management needs to step up and start playing a more influential role in shaping the identity of Keybox. Afterall, merely having preferential pricing is not going to get you very far.


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Guest Depressed

The remote location is good for people like me. Wanting to be away from crowded town area. I felt the place is discrete, away from this terrrible world where nasty people lives. I want to be in Keybox where I can nest myself comfortably, in secluded hideout, a secrete gay outlet where no-one can easily find me....


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Guest Guest
  On 7/26/2009 at 2:20 PM, Depressed said:

I want be in Keybox where I can nest myself comfortably, in secluded hideout, a secrete gay outlet where no-one can easily find me....


Why are you depress? Why you do not wish to let anyone find you? But at the sauna, people can still find you?

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Guest freezer firstquarter

I happened to walk past Keybox afternoon, the location is very nice and discreet and is located side by side with a straight spa. Nice parking facilites nearby with free parking after 5pm and on sundays and public holidays.

But I hesitated about going in worrying that the place might be empty and I might be denied entry due to my size and age as reported by some of the people here.

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Guest mexxace

Dear Muscularly man,

Don't you think you need to have some self-esteem and self-respect? Why should you start to doubt your look because of one commercial cannibal making a foolish commercial decision? Why can't you think that the problem lies with them? Also, I find your thinking too simplistic - you obviously think your charm lies in you having that 40" chest and 15" biceps (notice how immaculate you measure your so-called 'assets'). So, Absolute never reject you, does this give you a universal passport to every gay places? Well, I don't know what to make out of you.

As to "I think the owner prefers younger guys and also better looking ones. So even if you have muscles but no look, you will not fit into the profile of what the owner wants. So look is very important?", I have this to say: since you call him the owner, I suppose he calls the shot, this we have no choice. But, whether we part with our money to pay Keybox, we can call our shot, can't we? And 'what the owner wants' is his hobby, not a business decision. A business decision is 'what the customers want'. Let us customers decide without having to doubt our own look. And we have the power to decide whether we have a 40" chest and a 15" bicep, don't we?

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  On 7/12/2009 at 2:41 PM, Keybox said:

We welcome customers of all ages, but we would like especially to attract the young crowd. So we have planned an attractive package for people of 18-25 years.

you can make some spec in keybox, but cant reject other customer. yesterday and today i visit is fine to me. we just walk in taken a sit and bath and some fun and walk out. is ec money for keybox, a lot customer willing to pay for it...so what u ask more???

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  On 7/30/2009 at 12:57 AM, snowball said:

how's keybox crowd now? any improvement after jacuzzi opened? soon that area will be having 3 sauna, business will be more difficult in order to darw more crowd in.

Have been to the place couple of time but the crowd is still very thin....less than 20 ppl.

Yesterday i tot of dropping in but diverted to 10men instead ( still a very popular place) and

i got my share of fun...hehehe :rolleyes:

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  On 7/30/2009 at 2:48 AM, Mottobono said:

Have been to the place couple of time but the crowd is still very thin....less than 20 ppl.

Yesterday i tot of dropping in but diverted to 10men instead ( still a very popular place) and

i got my share of fun...hehehe :rolleyes:

is it 24 hrs?

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Guest Visitor

Yes it's true that the crowd is thin but the facilities are pretty good. Nice rooms, big steam room and jacuzzi is a plus. Would be nice if there were more patrons. I think that they do not do enough to get the it started. They perhaps should have a promotional blitz for at leaset a month or two, to get the crowd in first like offering a "no restrictions" complimentary entry with for every fully paid entry. At leaset it might help bring in the numbers.

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I went to Keybox yesterday around 1pm to catch the cheapest rate. The man at the counter was very pleasant and friendly. He accepted me as a member without any hint of age. He even told me that for my next visit, I will be able to get $2 off. And there will be 1 for 1 promotion next month. He said he hoped this could bring in the crowd. For me, I feel it is a nice and cosy place. The whole structure reminds me of the one i been to in JB. Not sure if the owner is also from there. Although the jacuzzi is great, it is a little bit small and the ones who joined me that day were rather aloof. In fact, there is no crowd between 1 to 5pm, the time i left the place. The ones who are there also kept to themselves. I tried in vain to get the interests of two persons there...they avoided my approach...*aiyah*

On my way back home, I thought...why do guys to the sauna? maybe they are there for the facilities and not for meeting guys for fun. But i must add the facilities are well suited for "fun" as most of the places are dimly lit...It seems to me that the patrons that day at Keybox are the same as those i met a bh...they kept to themselves...unlike those who patronise ten men or shogun....perhaps this keybox is more suitable for those who are already couples and go there for private fun...

I would hesitate to go there to meet guys for fun and will only go if i just want to relax...and to make use of the steam room and jacuzzi.

I really hope ppl of all kinds would go there...perhaps the prices "scare" them off....it would be great if they charge a flat rate like tmc...

well, this is just my wishes...

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Guest Peter
  On 7/31/2009 at 3:35 AM, mature chn said:

I went to Keybox yesterday around 1pm to catch the cheapest rate. The man at the counter was very pleasant and friendly. He accepted me as a member without any hint of age. He even told me that for my next visit, I will be able to get $2 off. And there will be 1 for 1 promotion next month. He said he hoped this could bring in the crowd. For me, I feel it is a nice and cosy place. The whole structure reminds me of the one i been to in JB. Not sure if the owner is also from there. Although the jacuzzi is great, it is a little bit small and the ones who joined me that day were rather aloof. In fact, there is no crowd between 1 to 5pm, the time i left the place. The ones who are there also kept to themselves. I tried in vain to get the interests of two persons there...they avoided my approach...*aiyah*

On my way back home, I thought...why do guys to the sauna? maybe they are there for the facilities and not for meeting guys for fun. But i must add the facilities are well suited for "fun" as most of the places are dimly lit...It seems to me that the patrons that day at Keybox are the same as those i met a bh...they kept to themselves...unlike those who patronise ten men or shogun....perhaps this keybox is more suitable for those who are already couples and go there for private fun...

I would hesitate to go there to meet guys for fun and will only go if i just want to relax...and to make use of the steam room and jacuzzi.

I really hope ppl of all kinds would go there...perhaps the prices "scare" them off....it would be great if they charge a flat rate like tmc...

well, this is just my wishes...

New aauna operators should consider :

No memebership required in the initial period. Let visitors accumulate merit points (say after 3 or 5 visits) to get a membership card after a period. When that period start would depend on how fast they attract the crowd to let the place running smooth and normal.

Alternatively, charge a notional 12$ memebership fees that come with $3 X 4 discount coupon for entry within first two months.

While it's business objective to make as much money as possible, businessmen also should strike a balance between lesser income and smooth take off to steady state of business.

Quite obviously the mass has no reason to support a new sauna when they are not given incentive. Its for business unit to give out incentive (even its only a perceived incentive to customers) to lure them in.

Once they start with a membership and suddenly cancel it, surely it would also backfire.

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  On 7/31/2009 at 3:35 AM, mature chn said:

I tried in vain to get the interests of two persons there...they avoided my approach...*aiyah*

On my way back home, I thought...why do guys to the sauna? maybe they are there for the facilities and not for meeting guys for fun...

so mature chn, are the two a couple? else very clear that you are not their type, most time, we really need to depend Luck.

people go sauna for fun, however not all patrons are so 随便 & 饥不择食, If i can't find anyone my type or i comfortable with, i rather just enjoy the facilities with empty handed.

Keybox just less than a month, we can't predict their future yet, maybe half year later it will be another abs? we shall see how they want to promote themselves

Edited by snowball
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KEYBOX Official Opening Promotion

Free Entry for All on 8 Aug 2009

- 31 yrs & above just pay $5 for membership fee only.

Membership Fee Promotion (9 Aug 2009 to 9 Sep 2009)

18 yrs to 30 yrs (Membership FREE)

31 yrs & above (Membership $5)

Entrance Fee Promotion (9 Aug 2009 to 9 Sep 2009)

18 yrs to 25 yrs :

$5 per entry (Tue, Fri & Sun FREE Entry)

26 yrs to 30 yrs :

$12 per entry (Buy 1 get 1 Free for next visit, valid for any day any time of the week)

31 yrs & above :

(Weekday : Monday to Thursday)

$18 per entry (Buy 1 get 1 Free for next visit, valid for anytime on weekday only)

(Weekend : Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday)

$20 per entry (Buy 1 get 1 Free for next visit, valid for anytime any day of the week)

For more information, please visit http://www.keybox.com.sg

Edited by Keybox

Follow us: @clubkeybox

Facebook: Facebook Group

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Guest Visitor

Yes it's a good effort to promote but in a biz point of view they should start immediately instead of waiting till National Day as other saunas will also be having their own National Day promos to lure in the crowd. They should avoid competing with them and capture the crowd before that. A good time to do their generous offering is NOW!

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Guest Youthful & Nice

The devil is always in the price for any business. Though it may sound attractive, it might be administratively challenging for the staff when there are so many tiers and matrixs to track the charges and demography of their customers. I do not want to keep flashing my IC for their verification everytime I enter the sauna. I also don't want my membership card to be so loud as to differentiate my age from the rest. Prices based on age group can also be very subjective - a 18yo may look old and unattractive but get free entrance. A 40yo might be a priced customer that look so youthful like 20s but he got to pay higher fee. The above is just my opinion because I am one of those 40yo who look like 25yo :)

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we can't deny that age is the main key in most cases, even if you looking for job, you think most more keen to have 20s or 40s? accept it whether you like it or not, how your look is not important here, cos maybe only you & your group of friends think so, but do those youngster agree about your Youthful?

keybox not the first sauna to do that & won't be the last one, when we grow older & mature, we should be more open minded.

why care keybox esp cater for young or old, as long they never stop you from joining & enter all days, if you really got big market in this circle, if you really look nice & young, many will approach you, right?

Edited by snowball
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Guest senior citizen
  On 8/1/2009 at 6:07 AM, Youthful & Nice said:

The devil is always in the price for any business. Though it may sound attractive, it might be administratively challenging for the staff when there are so many tiers and matrixs to track the charges and demography of their customers. I do not want to keep flashing my IC for their verification everytime I enter the sauna. I also don't want my membership card to be so loud as to differentiate my age from the rest. Prices based on age group can also be very subjective - a 18yo may look old and unattractive but get free entrance. A 40yo might be a priced customer that look so youthful like 20s but he got to pay higher fee. The above is just my opinion because I am one of those 40yo who look like 25yo :)

More power to u. You must be eating well, exercise regularly, living everyday with thanksgivings for all blessings.

Singaporean Men don't aged well, probably due to social/financial pressure. You do not need to be handsome, take for example Xie Shao Guan, the ex-Mediacorp actor. He carroes himself well, speak intelligently and sticks to his conviction. he has evolved into a a charming person. Sometimes, you go to sauna like Diamond, tenMen and you see old patrons and you feel sorry for them - very unloved, bad posture, depressed. Men need to learn how to take care of themselves. Hope to hear from people who are in their 40s/50s who still look like 20/30 (without any botox or surgery) and how they managed to maintain their youthful appearance.

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Guest george
  On 8/1/2009 at 8:02 AM, senior citizen said:

More power to u. You must be eating well, exercise regularly, living everyday with thanksgivings for all blessings.

Singaporean Men don't aged well, probably due to social/financial pressure. You do not need to be handsome, take for example Xie Shao Guan, the ex-Mediacorp actor. He carroes himself well, speak intelligently and sticks to his conviction. he has evolved into a a charming person. Sometimes, you go to sauna like Diamond, tenMen and you see old patrons and you feel sorry for them - very unloved, bad posture, depressed. Men need to learn how to take care of themselves. Hope to hear from people who are in their 40s/50s who still look like 20/30 (without any botox or surgery) and how they managed to maintain their youthful appearance.

took a look today sat at aboput 8pm, still very thin crowd, 30 ppl? , mostly mature big tummy kind. nice rooms n cosy place. more like for the seniors to retire here

hardly any action even in the dark rooms . lavender and bugis mrt is actually very far for walking, most young guys like me below 25yo will not like walking to keybox frankly speaking. if rain gone case too. the distance is as good as walking to bh from bugis too. keybox looks good for relaxation and retiring but not for action at all

but at least no CCTV in the locker like shogun which i stop going

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Brought a handsome-gym-fit-30+ friend to Keybox at 1930 this evening (Sat) to See-Look. Left Keybox 30 minutes later. The crowd was so thin (less than 10) & hence, rather sianz.

Could tell from the boss's disappointed & bo-pien look when both of us left at such short-time.

Proceeded to Club 17 and saw the difference in human traffic & action significantly. Mostly Young to Mid Exercise-fit/Muscular type. (Hope it's ok for this Side-track line)


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Let's not talk about age.

The problem for KeyBox is not be able to attract gym tone muscular fit guys as customers. Therefore business is bad. In time to come, this sauna will become a place for big tummy guys. Fit and attractive customers won't visit if this are the kind of crowd. I rather cruise at the gym where the guys are fitter and it's free :rolleyes:

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  On 8/2/2009 at 12:17 AM, ixmog said:

Let's not talk about age.

The problem for KeyBox is not be able to attract gym tone muscular fit guys as customers. Therefore business is bad. In time to come, this sauna will become a place for big tummy guys. Fit and attractive customers won't visit if this are the kind of crowd. I rather cruise at the gym where the guys are fitter and it's free :rolleyes:

So what is the solution you wish to offer? Bar all customers with big tummies from entering the sauna? Or extend more freebies to people LIKE U who are DEEMED to be fit and attractive? Or should the sauna have more theme nights that cater to YOUR group of people?

Btw, cruising in gym is not free unless you are boasting to the world you didn't pay a single cent for your membership?

The problem for KeyBox is not because it cannot attract gym toned muscular fit guys but rather it is due to a lack of publicity. To date, we don't even see the management bother to put up theme nights. AJs, especially young punks love the theme nights because it excites them. But, if you browse KeyBox, it doesn't have any.

Where are the photos of the facilities? Is it so difficult to post them up to showcase how neat and cosy your place is?

Advertising + commitment from management are just few of the key elements in any successful business. Unfortunately, to date i have not seen these two elements from the management of keybox.

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it's not the problem of lack of advertising publicity nor theme-night...

it's more of the service and experience u received during your last visit that determine whether how frequent you will be going back there.

when absolute first launched people flooded in for the preview as they anticipated a TC alike scenario, but many never return as they are disappointed after some subsequent visit of the club.

and ..i don't like people checking my id, it's a service providing business, so please be more customer orientated..

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Actually, the service of KeyBox had improved ! The staff are polite and smiling. I'm not the owner of KeyBox so regarding how he wants to run the business is up to him. But those sensitive customers may or may not visit KeyBox is up to them. No need to be sensitive over big tummy or mature customers comments in the posting. After all we can't control the crowd. The fate of the sauna's crowd also depends on luck. Even with themes nite , KeyBox may or may not succeed is still a question mark.

Edited by ixmog
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  On 8/2/2009 at 2:11 AM, tc said:

when absolute first launched people flooded in for the preview as they anticipated a TC alike scenario, but many never return as they are disappointed after some subsequent visit of the club.

During the intial period of Absolute, the volume of crowd indeed was pathetic,the whole place was quiet and cold. However, due to their heavily marketing skills, Absolute is presently well pardonised. Theme nites such as nude with mask on, nude foam parties, their 1st anniversay celebration have attracted many horny guys and the place was as packed as those days at TC.

Likewise, keybox will be the same, it will take some time to get the people pardonise the club if good words have been passing around. :twisted:

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Guest Frodor
  On 8/2/2009 at 6:41 AM, thaiboyz said:

During the intial period of Absolute, the volume of crowd indeed was pathetic,the whole place was quiet and cold. However, due to their heavily marketing skills, Absolute is presently well pardonised. Theme nites such as nude with mask on, nude foam parties, their 1st anniversay celebration have attracted many horny guys and the place was as packed as those days at TC.

Likewise, keybox will be the same, it will take some time to get the people pardonise the club if good words have been passing around. :twisted:

I agree. Is it getting crowded over there at Keybox? 10Men crowded on Sat but not on Fri?Sun (compared to last time)

Maybe some of them went over to KEYBOX?

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Guest Peter Ng
  On 8/2/2009 at 2:11 AM, tc said:

it's not the problem of lack of advertising publicity nor theme-night...

it's more of the service and experience u received during your last visit that determine whether how frequent you will be going back there.

when absolute first launched people flooded in for the preview as they anticipated a TC alike scenario, but many never return as they are disappointed after some subsequent visit of the club.

and ..i don't like people checking my id, it's a service providing business, so please be more customer orientated..

Think they can ask IC from those that like to enjoy discount for being younger. Why should people paying full and highest rate showing IC

Can someone confirm whether they demand IC on entry. While I don't have issue showing my IC but what's the logic ?

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  On 8/4/2009 at 4:21 AM, snowball said:

don't need to confirm, won't check for adult paying normal entry fee, just to those boy boy who enter for free, promotion discount etc

Just don't understand why Keybox has a double standard of charging the entrance fee and membership for younger and

older patron. Looks like they still prefer younger crowd. Kind of descrimination. Nothing like this in BKK, MY, HKG.

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Guest george

common not discrimination, guys below 25yo not much money like me, still not working leh.

Anyway i think they will have a hard time to get young guys over compare to Absolute due to their location, its quite a walking distance from any mrt. I went once on a weekend, less than 20 people at peak hours and i was like the only young guy there. All of them are like 40s and above with big tummy. I left after 1 hr and went back to absolute lucky its sat so its free entrance for me. keybox certainly is more for mature out of shape crowd, same like diamond(hercules) and blueheaven.

at least at blue heaven i see young crowd of 20s/30s but also very thin crowd like less than 30. i think these 3 saunas will be competiting with one another since all in the same area.

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Guest Peter Ng
  On 8/4/2009 at 5:53 AM, Mottobono said:

Just don't understand why Keybox has a double standard of charging the entrance fee and membership for younger and

older patron. Looks like they still prefer younger crowd. Kind of descrimination. Nothing like this in BKK, MY, HKG.

We are not a very matured society in this. But its their right. Thanks to the person confirming IC not required if I am not asking or entitled to discount.

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