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Keybox Sauna @ Upp Circular Rd (No Ads or Bitch fight)


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On 1/18/2025 at 7:52 PM, kLookx said:

Haven't been to KB for the longest time. Is it still happening ? Need to get myself a good hard f.



 same...i missed that hard fucks from older tops...prob will go tomorrow..will report progress

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On 1/15/2025 at 7:33 PM, Anon_cock said:

I did go to the other club, my experience there is different:

  • I dip in the sauna ppl want to come and touch me
  • I touch myself in the sauna, they willing to come touch my nipple
  • I go inside the steam room, people want to suck me, i suck them back.
  • I go walk around, I usually get semi aroused, then people reach out to touch me, I feel harder I stop and touch their cock try to get them hard.
  • If they get hard, we just spend time to arouse each other
  • And crowd usually gather around. 
  • If im interested, its signal for us to get a room
  • If not ready, I move to another spot to disperse the crowd or to start another "session" in another level.
  • I been fucked by a couple
  • I fucked 
  • Once I came late and the crowd was thin, a swimmer bod is so aroused and horny he just pulled me into the room and fucked me standing with door open.
  • Once I fucked a bottom he pre-cum on my stomache without telling me and he left and said brb, I waited for a while and realized he already cummed on my stomache 
  • Once I got a nice chest gymmer, prawn face cmi but chest damn nice. I seduced him to fuck me bareback. We did verbal.



1) where and which club ?


2) I been fucked by a couple ===> can elaborate  more ?...heard many couples goes KB nowadays

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On 1/15/2025 at 11:25 AM, Forbidden Vulpes said:

bad as in, i stand around and only people of the 50s eye and touch me. worse some wont even walk away after being pushed away.

mind you, I dont need to enter a room or get any action with anyone good looking but all i get is people of the 50s and up, eyeing me and touching me even tho i did not look in their direction or even gave anything to wrongly hint them.. instead i do push them away yet they are persistent in wanting to touch me, suck me consistently.. 

Wow. This will make me think twice going there for first time experience. Haha. 

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On 11/4/2024 at 8:34 PM, doncoin said:

I went to KB for the first time last week, and it was 2 nights in a row. I wasn't planning the second night, but was persuaded to go and it was walking distance from where I am staying. I want to share some of my personal experiences there, and some thoughts. 


Both nights I arrived around 7ish. Friday night's theme was underwear and so i just wore a jock and wandered around. At first I thought the place only had the shower area, and the spa section. I sat in the jacuzzi for a while just people watching mostly. The guys are pretty cute for the most parts, and some made an effort with their choice of underwear on parade. Some just couldn't be bothered and you can tell. There was one guy in relatively loose boxers. It would be something if he had a big dick behind, but, there was not much of a visual impact. 


I was getting somewhat bored and was planning to leave when I went to my locker and realised that there was a door that i hadn't noticed before. So I just went in and it was the infamous dark maze section. To be honest, I wish the owners would invest in floor lighting. I must have stepped on several people's toes, and banged into walls a few times. i wandered aimlessly, being groped every so often and made it to a dark corner where there seems to be a crowd congregating. I could hear heavy breathing, and decided to venture further into the mass of bodies. It wasn't long before I had one guy on each nip sucking away like they are starving. Somehow, someone, got on his knees, pulled my jockstrap down and started blowing me. It felt amazing, I was getting worked on all sections. 


It got too hot for me at some point and I excused myself and made my way out to the water cooler. My eyes locked with this other cute guy and I followed him into the maze. I was able to follow him up to some point, when the space got too dark and i could not tell which way he turned and lost him. Soon, I was making out with several other guys, and at some point, I felt like a cow, with each guy sucking on my nips. Could be the same guys from earlier for all I know. I couldn't tell as it was too dark. Eventually, I found another guy who serviced my cock, and I admit, the sound of him gagging and choking as I forced my dick down his throat was a big turn on. He mumbled something like "too big" and all of a sudden, it felt like every one who was within hearing distance, descended upon me. 


I lost count of the number of mouths who wanted my dick, but at some point when i wanted to fuck, no one seems interested. I followed 2 guys into one of the rooms, and we started playing together, but when it came to fucking, it's not for the lack of trying, but they were too tight. One yelped in pain that I was alarmed that I might have hurt him. In the end, as I had a work call with the US at 9pm, I decided to leave. Before I go, I went to the showers to rinse off, and next to me was this incredibly cute guy with the perkiest ass I've seen all night. We made eye contact and I moved to stand next to him, he did not protest when i soaped his ass, and seems to enjoy the attention from the guys waiting in line, as I played with his ass. However, I had to run, and so I told him to follow me to my locker, where we exchanged numbers. 


Overall, here's what I think of the place: 


Guys are generally in-shape, good looking, and young (mid 20s- 40s maybe). Most guys don't seem to kiss, or if they do, it is more like a chaste peck on the lips. There was one guy who thankfully I cannot see his face, but I can smell his breathe. He was one of the guys that worked my nips, but I could smell what he ate for dinner. Not sexy. KB provides mouthwash. Everyone should at least take a gargle, especially if you are coming straight after a meal. 


The dark maze area is fun, and the darkness certainly removed the barrier to prejudice since you cannot really see the guy's face. Under normal lighting, people may be more picky and the darkness equalizes the playfield. 


I noticed a group of relatively tall and muscular guys loitering by the wall near the exit/entrance to the locker area. it seems to me for most of the 1.5 hours i was there, they were like part of the fixture. They almost never seem to move from that spot. I don't know what their thought process is, but posing like a wall flower is not my idea of fun in a sauna. 


I didn't observe that much actual fucking going on. Most guys are more into making out. Sure I can hear moans coming from some of the rooms, but there is none of that rhythmic slapping sounds. 


There was this upstairs area where I saw 3, maybe 4 guys lying on the big bed together. All of them face down, ass up. I supposed they were napping, but upon slapping the butt and fingering two of them, (their asses were pre-lubed), they were just waiting to be fucked. The staircase up and down are precarious! Definitely need more lights to see clearly. 


I will share my 2nd night on another time. 





  any part 2 ?

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On 11/6/2024 at 11:40 AM, doncoin said:

So this is the follow up to my earlier post. Thankfully the guy with the amazing ass messaged me the following day, Saturday, and we arranged to meet up by my hotel. He got my room and we proceeded to have fun. I always thought I have a pretty average tool in terms of length, but I am thick. Anyway when it came to actual anal penetration, we did a few rounds, and after a while, he admitted that he wasn't comfortable and suggested that we go to KB instead and maybe I can find some one who will fit better. 


So we got dressed and walked over. After removing our clothes at the locker area, we proceeded to the shower area, and pretty soon we lost sight of each other. Saturday was skin night. and I am glad most guys are comfortable enough to bare it all without feeling the need to cover their privates with their hands. I wore a cock ring for the night as I felt I wanted an accessory on and entered the dark maze area. 


As usual, the tall muscular guys were placed near the entrance, and everyone just walked past them. Perhaps everyone knows something about these guys that I don't, anyway, I recognized one or two faces from the night before. While underwear night was fun, skin night seems to be on another level. Guys were rubbing up against me as i walked past them, my dick was grabbed, and before long, I was walking around the maze with an erection. I found a group of guys who were more than happy to service me, and I didn't realised how sore my nips were from last night until fresh mouths startled sucking and playing with them. They were super sensitive and tender. 


In some dark corner, I made out with a guy and played with his ass, and he was pre-lubed, lucky me. So after sometime choking and gagging him, I pushed him against the wall and slide into his boy pussy. He definitely was ready, I slide smoothly into his wet hole with not a single whimper from him but a moan that I knew meant he is begging to be fucked. 


He was perfect with the right amount of tightness that is not like squeezing the oxygen from the blood in my dick. I fucked him hard in that dark corner and our moans attracted a crowd. I could feel hands touching me all over, and some guy pinched my hyper-sore and sensitive nips which increased the pleasure for me. It got too hot and sweaty for me so I withdrew and let someone else have a turn. I made my way to the water cooler, still with an erection which got the attention of a few guys and groped. 


I decided to take a break and went to the steam room to explore the scene. There wasn't much happening in there, and it was too hot and steamy anyway, so I ended up showering and relaxing in the jacuzzi. I saw my hot ass guy and we chatted a bit, he said he was in the maze and could tell that I was having fun and got motivated. So i followed him back into the darkness where we started playing with each other a bit as a continuation from the afternoon. He guided me around before we found an empty room. 


He pumped some lube from the dispenser and we got into position. This time, he rode me like a champion. The uncomfortableness he experienced vanished. After we both cummed, I asked what happened. He had poppers from a friend, and I was the 2nd guy he got fucked by at KB that evening. The first guy he had stretched him enough to make it comfortable for him. 


Lesson: Sometimes you just need someone else to pave the way to ensure a smooth path. 


just saw

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On 1/6/2025 at 5:02 AM, DoubleZero said:


I think its like that in Keybox.  Wild and adventurous....I may be wrong. Do  responds if my comments are wrong etc...


@ the Maze, the usual 2 corner to get fucked, (rawed or with condoms ) are :


1) to the left, then turn right to near end corner...thats where mosts get it


2) Turn  Right , all the way to dead end - U turn dead end


3) Turn Right , pass dead end room, Turn left - U Turn Corner


3A ) 1 room inside , right as u enter hot too...many get loosen inside there, always see guys lying

    face down or up, for free rides or be ridden


3B ) two rooms with no beds, standing positions  , pvt fun




4 @ 2nd Level , Expect multiple anonymous fucks..You even dont know who fathered you or there be agang of hungry dicks waiting for your ass to be ploughed.


4a) Tops facing up waiting for btms to ride on

4b ) Btms sucking tops, or in prone position , waiting for dicks from behind

4c) Btms lying down face down



5a) Double Deckers - as  4a,b,c

5b) Double Deckers - lower deck , as 4a, b c


6) Wet Steam room  - on entering  turn right to , turn left , hit dead end, u- turn


6A) Wet Steam Room , on entering , keep left, to end, dead end link 

The wet steam room is as good as entering a dark, wet maze, actions happens at enter of the inside corners most.


7)  Dry Sauna - See through LIVE SESSIONS, for those who dont mind live shows, fucking or be fucked. Crowd gathers to take a peep through the glass door, with men packed inside with actions


😎 All rooms, doors opens  as per 4a,b c...doors opens, invites anyone



Thats how happening at keybox these days.....correct me if i m wrong.


***   Make sure one is on preps  Doxy  ( Doxycycline ) against  STDS....else it may be risky

        Google  Doxycycline  to know more...helps yourself  and helps others 

**** Not for faint hearted  guys, tops or btms

*****  Not for those who gets fucked and refused to share their btms or btms who refused to share their tops or vice versa


*** make sure u clean your ass.../take your condoms n in hand pouch....LOL

***** All around maze, corridor or even dark corner,  many may be standing by for action, to be served or waiting to be served.


*** *****  Caution Handphone, lighted LED watches are not allowed inside , once you passed the doors beyond the dressing cabinets.  If do so and go with your lighted LED apple watch or whatever LED watch, you may get beaten up by others, with no foul play expected.  A warning sign has been placed at the doors of entry. Read previous posts of how  a gang of people beats up bloodily  someone who deliberately go around with lighted LED watch to enjoy actions of others.


Someone DM about overnight at Keybox.  Sorry I have no info on overnight. I have a curfew time. Perhaps someone who goes overnight  can share their experience. 



To add on the above, someone corrected me :


1) If someone is well lub  in his ass, butts or body .....at Steam room, dry sauna, Maze , 2nd Floor  or Double Decker ===> Hes a a ready Btm -in waiting...which means hes NON CHOOSY....ONLY NEEDS A DICK.


2) disposable plastics cups ( FROM SINK MOUTH WASH AREA)  , always filled with lub and placed in  many places in maze, 2nd level as well as steam room walls and dry saunas


3) Still waiting for overnight Reporting episodes








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Went to KB on 26 Jan (Sun) for the first time. There was a crowd even when it’s late at 5pm. Happen to notice 2 young guys walking around nude without towel.


Later I saw the fitter of the 2 being fucked roughly in the open area of the maze and there was a group of onlookers.


Anyone saw that action? Is such scene common?

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13 hours ago, leanfitdude said:

Went to KB on 26 Jan (Sun) for the first time. There was a crowd even when it’s late at 5pm. Happen to notice 2 young guys walking around nude without towel.


Later I saw the fitter of the 2 being fucked roughly in the open area of the maze and there was a group of onlookers.


Anyone saw that action? Is such scene common?

Such things do happen, but less common these days. Like during Covid people were way more crazy. These days like so many sides, there can be Fridays I go, I hear only 5 bottoms being pounded and moaning. Fridays used to be very happening. Saturdays, used to be even more happening, but too many people, eventually no sex.

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Enjoyed my time at Keybox tonight, and surprisingly so many guys found it easy to cum on me after I jerked off and massaged their cocks. Not so much like last time but decent amount of cum stains and love bites on my body when I went to the shower.


To be honest, Keybox is getting a bit too young for me, and I found I'm not very turned on this time, even though a few hunky young guys tried to play with me. This may likely be my last time and I'll probably visit other saunas.

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14 hours ago, repressednerd said:

Enjoyed my time at Keybox tonight, and surprisingly so many guys found it easy to cum on me after I jerked off and massaged their cocks. Not so much like last time but decent amount of cum stains and love bites on my body when I went to the shower.


To be honest, Keybox is getting a bit too young for me, and I found I'm not very turned on this time, even though a few hunky young guys tried to play with me. This may likely be my last time and I'll probably visit other saunas.


Keybox is not a place for Mighty Whites. Saw a few white men pushing some people. Even a guy was shouting a him, almost gets into a fight......  Guess White are Not welcome at Keybox 





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5 hours ago, DoubleZero said:


Keybox is not a place for Mighty Whites. Saw a few white men pushing some people. Even a guy was shouting a him, almost gets into a fight......  Guess White are Not welcome at Keybox 

Why you so racist? You don't do, then don't do lor. Each to his own.

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On 1/14/2025 at 9:25 PM, Forbidden Vulpes said:

bad as in, i stand around and only people of the 50s eye and touch me. worse some wont even walk away after being pushed away.

mind you, I dont need to enter a room or get any action with anyone good looking but all i get is people of the 50s and up, eyeing me and touching me even tho i did not look in their direction or even gave anything to wrongly hint them.. instead i do push them away yet they are persistent in wanting to touch me, suck me consistently.. 


I have some good experience being in SG saunas in my 50s.  From early 50s to later 60s.  So I know what those 50s look for, ha ha.  They are not satisfied with a slightly younger and not very attractive guy, they look for those 20 years less or so.  If your birthdate in your profile is correct, you are... 28 y.o.,  in your late 20s. !!  Imagine !!!  No wonder they are all after you!!


But... but being less than 30,  you should appeal to many guys your age!!  And YOU should go after those early 20s... So a good attitude could be:  don't stand around for those 50s to see you lonely and forgotten and then rush to your side.  Instead,  go around and befriend those early 20s,  YOU TAKING THE INITIATIVE.  Don't be afraid of rejection, it is a NORMAL occurrence in a sauna,  which we should NOT take personally.  And there are ALWAYS things we can do with ourselves to appear more attractive,  to BE more attractive,  and SELF-CONFIDENCE is a big help.


So next time in Keybox don't stand around.  And even in nude nights have a towel around you that does not come off until YOU find a guy you like, who you want to touch you, suck you, etc.   And if you have trouble keeping the 50s at bay, I have a favorite advice:  go and practice a martial art!!  Aikido is a good one,  especially because we learn how to disable hands that want to grab us, touch us, hit us, ...  a simple kotegaeshi or even easier ikkyo, nikyo, sankyo, simple hand twists that can land the aggressor on the floor.  :lol:



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6 hours ago, DoubleZero said:


Keybox is not a place for Mighty Whites. Saw a few white men pushing some people. Even a guy was shouting a him, almost gets into a fight......  Guess White are Not welcome at Keybox 


Well...  no place is good for "Mighty" whites.  But how about "kind" and "moderate" whites?  I visited so many gay saunas in SG ( and elsewhere in S. E. Asia ) as one of these whites, and I was always welcomed.  This included many visits to the former OneSeven, and also the old Keybox before it moved.


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35 minutes ago, 96miniboy said:

Today is the first day back at work, and a bit busy. But after work can go to the sauna to relax-”really looking forward to Underwear Night! Though I never really seen nice underwear at Keybox, seems like most people are not that into it. Let’s go!


caveat : the jacuzzi not wkg well .... water ain't hot other than that all's fine and dandy 

hv a fun nite! ☺️

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I thought tonight was a good crowd. Hooked up with 3 guys. 


The last one made my eye roll though. First room we went, the door locking mechanism wasn't working so we changed. Second room we went, he said the aircon was cold. Third room we went, he said the bed was dirty. Fourth room was finally to his liking. 


Then at the showers, this elderly gentleman next to me had his head coming closer to my torso. I thought he was looking for something and asked, "Are you looking for gold?" He said he wanted to suck me. I told him no. 


As I was changing into my clothes by my lockers, a foreigner next to me asked if there was a place to wash up. I directed to him to the back where the showers were. He asked if was a dress code. I said, "The maze, you've to be in underwear. For the showers, you can do whatever." I think he misconstrued the last point and was like, "Oh no, probably not." 

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5 minutes ago, grippybananas said:

I thought tonight was a good crowd. Hooked up with 3 guys. 


The last one made my eye roll though. First room we went, the door locking mechanism wasn't working so we changed. Second room we went, he said the aircon was cold. Third room we went, he said the bed was dirty. Fourth room was finally to his liking. 


Then at the showers, this elderly gentleman next to me had his head coming closer to my torso. I thought he was looking for something and asked, "Are you looking for gold?" He said he wanted to suck me. I told him no. 


As I was changing into my clothes by my lockers, a foreigner next to me asked if there was a place to wash up. I directed to him to the back where the showers were. He asked if was a dress code. I said, "The maze, you've to be in underwear. For the showers, you can do whatever." I think he misconstrued the last point and was like, "Oh no, probably not." 


man u are comedy gold! hahahhaha did u say that line to the oldie at the shower in hokkien? 



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On 1/31/2025 at 6:08 AM, DoubleZero said:


Keybox is not a place for Mighty Whites. Saw a few white men pushing some people. Even a guy was shouting a him, almost gets into a fight......  Guess White are Not welcome at Keybox 






Not sure you were "pushed"... or affected by any White guy... 


However, let's not generalise. 


Actually, many white guys get chased endlessly by some at local saunas which can be annoying if you called off the other previously. Some guys can be persistant and try their luck until annoyance turns to frustration and anger. Then, last resort might be a more violent reaction. Some guys just don' let off even if you told them off 3 or more times. 


And this "dick grabbing culture" is very uncommon in European / Western saunas. From that angle I m sure some White guys not being used to these dick grabbers may turn loud. The Asian might just walk off or 'slap" the grabber, White guys would be more outspoken. 


Let's be fair: There are idiots in any ethnic...





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9 hours ago, grippybananas said:

Then at the showers, this elderly gentleman next to me had his head coming closer to my torso. I thought he was looking for something and asked, "Are you looking for gold?" He said he wanted to suck me. I told him no. 


Nice attitude not asking the elderly if he was looking for his dentures, which may have dropped....


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On 1/31/2025 at 6:08 AM, DoubleZero said:


Keybox is not a place for Mighty Whites. Saw a few white men pushing some people. Even a guy was shouting a him, almost gets into a fight......  Guess White are Not welcome at Keybox 






Actually not so true in Keybox.


I've seen some white chasers in Kb and some of them can be quite persistent.


I've also seen some regular Caucasians in Kb as well, and I believed they have their fair share of fun as well.


If they are not welcome in kB, I don't think they'll be there so regularly 😅😅

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On 1/31/2025 at 4:45 AM, nicolast said:

very curious about the keybox but hesitant to go there. does anyone want to guide me? pm me :)


15 hours ago, nicolast said:



5 minutes ago, h3388049 said:

Anyone wants gym later(no undies)? 7pm? 
1hr gym time, then do own business separately.


The Main Forum is for discussion, not for your personal ads/hooking-up posts.

As such, each of you are given 1 warning point for such posts in the Main Forum.


Use the "Personals" folder for your ads or use PM to connect with other member(s) directly where necessary yeah, do take note!


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ohhhh today was simply wild

4 hours of sex and banging and f**king

left me spent and slutty

started from steam room to dark room and ended 

with me in sweat, cum and lubes all over

totally naked and spent


what a wonderful Snake Year!! 


hv a gr8 weekend! ☺️

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Just now, jockstrapbtm said:


Was there on Friday, water heater got some issue.


The sex was fortunately very hot. Hope everyone had a fun time on Friday and today, looks like it.


glad you found the right 'hot' element there 😁 heard it was super crowded on friday haha

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5 hours ago, FunLoving said:

Earlier at kB (010225 Sat) it was so packed.. and I noticed quite a number of new faces as well 😁😁😁


I got to fxxx a 21yo Poly student.. & later on, I get to fxxx a 23yo cute Specky bottom.


I had a hot session with both of them.. and It was really fun and lots of smooching 😘😘😘😘 as well.


They both mentioned that they really enjoyed my hard dick!!.. & both of them were so delicious 😋😋😅😅😅😅


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dunno if some folks here saw this haha

had a really hot daddy type big burly and muscled

and got down on him then he cum on my face

got his towel opened the door and left

and i'm left inside naked and cum all over my face and the door open

then a lean gymfit guy came in rub the cum all over used his fingers

and stab the cum deep inside


okie first time swallowed cum haha

got down on him too and he came 

again on my face and did the rubby thing again haha


so i'm left utterly humiliated naked and cum and dried cum on my face and neck and lips


and it felt great haha


and yeah why is it soooo salty?!??


the train ride back was excruciating cos it was packed and ppl around or near me could still smell the cum in the air


so i'm a slut now haha


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6 minutes ago, naked_boi said:

dunno if some folks here saw this haha

had a really hot daddy type big burly and muscled

and got down on him then he cum on my face

got his towel opened the door and left

and i'm left inside naked and cum all over my face and the door open

then a lean gymfit guy came in rub the cum all over used his fingers

and stab the cum deep inside


okie first time swallowed cum haha

got down on him too and he came 

again on my face and did the rubby thing again haha


so i'm left utterly humiliated naked and cum and dried cum on my face and neck and lips


and it felt great haha


and yeah why is it soooo salty?!??


the train ride back was excruciating cos it was packed and ppl around or near me could still smell the cum in the air


so i'm a slut now haha


You are definetly a slut to suck two cocks and made them cum in your mouth and you must be a good cock sucker

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2 hours ago, naked_boi said:

dunno if some folks here saw this haha

had a really hot daddy type big burly and muscled

and got down on him then he cum on my face

got his towel opened the door and left

and i'm left inside naked and cum all over my face and the door open

then a lean gymfit guy came in rub the cum all over used his fingers

and stab the cum deep inside


okie first time swallowed cum haha

got down on him too and he came 

again on my face and did the rubby thing again haha


so i'm left utterly humiliated naked and cum and dried cum on my face and neck and lips


and it felt great haha


and yeah why is it soooo salty?!??


the train ride back was excruciating cos it was packed and ppl around or near me could still smell the cum in the air


so i'm a slut now haha


Nice! sadly i dont get any fun in KB. Just usual caressing of fire extinguisher and hose reel while watching others have fun. . Pee and poo a lot then leave. When in train people around me can smell the wonderful scent of cheap shower gel from kb.

Edited by Expired Btm Uncle
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12 hours ago, Expired Btm Uncle said:

Nice! sadly i dont get any fun in KB. Just usual caressing of fire extinguisher and hose reel while watching others have fun. . Pee and poo a lot then leave. When in train people around me can smell the wonderful scent of cheap shower gel from kb.


Oh man, you are good.  You waited and got the two very best.  Fire extinguisher, damn, that hunk must be in fire when entering you and you sure extinguished his fire.  Followed by a hose reel, oh boy, that must be quite a juicy long hose, while watching others with eyes of jealousy and envious.  


Cheap shower gel? Damn who cares.  Your hole is warmed with precious protein milk.  That is the utmost importance.

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13 hours ago, Expired Btm Uncle said:

Nice! sadly i dont get any fun in KB. Just usual caressing of fire extinguisher and hose reel while watching others have fun. . Pee and poo a lot then leave. When in train people around me can smell the wonderful scent of cheap shower gel from kb.


you're hot lah .... i'll definitely choose u any day any time any where 😋

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8 hours ago, boymelayu said:

Anyone got tips for first timers might be going later but a little bit scared



Just be yourself and smile and be merry 😊😊😊😊😊


If you're a local Singaporean or PR, you're eligible to join as a KB member. $10 for a lifetime membership. (You'll be issued a new member card on your way out) NOTE: Remember to always bring along your card when you visit KB. Coz there will be an extra charge of $5 if you forgot to bring your card).


Thereafter, you pay an entry fee each time you visit Kb (rate depending on your age group).


Suggest you join their Telegram page (link below) for cheaper rates after you've joined as a member.



Btw, tonight's theme will be 1069 SKIN NITE from 6:30pm - 10pm.. which means you have to be totally NUDE inside the dark area only!!.. You've got to leave your towel inside your locker.


You'll be issued a locker with key and 1 towel.. 2nd towel is FREE (one to one exchange).. 3rd towel onwards at $1 each.. They have a cold water cooler near the shower area.. & if you are hungry, cup noodles at $2.50 & canned drnks at $1.50.. hot coffee and hot Milo at $1.20.


They're OPEN DAILY from 12pm - 8am the next morning.


They've facilities like a small gym, warm jacuzzi pool, dry sauna and a steamroom.


Have fun & play SAFE!! 😁😁😁😁🙏🙏🙏🙏

Edited by FunLoving
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2 hours ago, lightsaberfour said:

Around 2pm,there seems to be people inside keybox already when i went.Usually the crowd come fom where?

All walks of life.

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On 2/13/2025 at 9:35 AM, lightsaberfour said:

Around 2pm,there seems to be people inside keybox already when i went.Usually the crowd come fom where?


If I go KBx, it'll usually be on weekdays around that time.  There are always guys there - retirees, those on leave, on shiftwork, students, the odd tourists or foreigners, etc.


I find that it is easier to have fun, as the guys who go there in the afternoon are more willing to play. 

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