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Safra - MF, Yishun, Tampines, Jurong, PG & TP (Compiled)

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To the young and tall guy that was showering in your trunks and jerking off opposite me, not sure why you seem to be taking a selfie video in the showers. Your arm and your phone were above your head and I could totally see your handphone screen that was held horizontally. Uncomfortable experience. Was contemplating whether to report it to the lifeguards but decided against it this time. So just...don't.

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5 hours ago, Dashy_Boy said:

Yup, i usually dont go there to swim. It's just specifically because of the physical slot... Going in 9-11 slot

Nice. Actually how does it work? I seen it posting yearly but never really understood how the event works? How many laps must you swim and is there an assigned person to clock your timing etc? Also notice something about having to get to all the Safra pools to clock the laps? Is it within the same day? Sorry never enter such event so completely lost how it works?

Edited by shyc
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Been swimming at TPY safra more often since activesg are mostly used for trainings during the peak hours. Was told that people do tan in thongs during the off peak periods - anyone care to verify? However I do think that the lifeguards are slightly more liberal with the swimwear choices there :D

Anyway, Sun (29 Sep) around 1pm - red arena large built, wearing addicted underwear. hi! 

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11 hours ago, shyc said:

Nice. Actually how does it work? I seen it posting yearly but never really understood how the event works? How many laps must you swim and is there an assigned person to clock your timing etc? Also notice something about having to get to all the Safra pools to clock the laps? Is it within the same day? Sorry never enter such event so completely lost how it works?


This is based on my understanding, though I chose 'virtual' (I clock my mileage at my own time, own pace):


For participants who chose 'physical' or 'hybrid', it means they book a preferred date to swim at any of the SAFRA clubhouses. Hence, the pool closure on certain days is meant for them. 


For number of laps, that depends on the distance you've selected. For 'physical', I think you've to swim the entire distance on that date you booked. I'm not sure if there's someone to clock your timing. 


This is from the Swim4Hope website FAQs:

For participants who opted for physical or hybrid options, they will need to complete their registered distances or the last 1 km of their swim at the SAFRA swimming pool and slot that they have selected.

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18 hours ago, shyc said:

Nice. Actually how does it work? I seen it posting yearly but never really understood how the event works? How many laps must you swim and is there an assigned person to clock your timing etc? Also notice something about having to get to all the Safra pools to clock the laps? Is it within the same day? Sorry never enter such event so completely lost how it works?

haha it's more or less a glorified pool reservation for whoever who booked the physical slot via the website as well. Just that there are staff there to make it an official event. There's no lap tracking per se, you just need to count on your own and submit your distance at the counter once you're done. I think the max you can clock per session is 1km.

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15 hours ago, Dashy_Boy said:

haha it's more or less a glorified pool reservation for whoever who booked the physical slot via the website as well. Just that there are staff there to make it an official event. There's no lap tracking per se, you just need to count on your own and submit your distance at the counter once you're done. I think the max you can clock per session is 1km.

Any idea if Safra MF 1 lap equal 50m? 

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