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Joke: Daddy's Password

Little Mary's father was typing away at his home computer, when she sneaked up behind him.


Suddenly, she turned and ran into the kitchen, squealing to the rest of the family, "I know Daddy's password! I know Daddy's password!"

"What is it?" her sister asked eagerly.

Proudly Little Mary replied, "Asterisk, asterisk, asterisk, asterisk, asterisk!"


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Joke: Are You Looking

The phone rang. It was a salesman from a mortgage refinance company. "Do you have a second mortgage on your home?"

"No," I replied.

"Would you like to consolidate all your debts?"

"I really don't have any," I said.

"How about freeing up cash for home improvements?" he tried.

"I don't need any. I just recently had some done and paid cash," I parried.

There was a brief silence, and then he asked, "Are you looking for a husband?"

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Joke: Living A Moral Life

Bob the playboy suddenly decided to live a strictly moral life.

First, he cut out smoking. Then he cut out liquor. Then he cut out swearing. Then he cut out women.

Now he’s cutting out paper dolls.


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Joke: Car Doors Recess

Little Johnny, on recess, was carrying a car door while playing outside with his buddies on a very hot day.

His teacher called him over to ask, "Why?"

Little Johnny replied, "If I get too hot, I can roll down the car window!"


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 Joke: Scrimping and Saving

After years of scrimping and saving, a husband told his wife the good news, "Honey, we've finally saved enough money to buy what we started saving for in 1979!"

"You mean a brand-new Cadillac?" she asked eagerly.

"No," said the husband, "a 1979 Cadillac!"


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Joke: Didn't You Hear

Early one evening, the nagging wife of a stock-market analyst returned home unexpected from a visit to her mother’s house and discovered her husband in bed with a shapely young woman.

“Jack, what the hell are you doing?” she shouted.

“Didn’t you hear?” the quick-thinking husband asked. “I’ve gone public!”

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Joke: One of Those Pills

This 90 year old man goes to his doctor and says, "I want some of those pills I hear advertised that will cause me to rekindle the old fire in me!"

"Oh," replies the doctor, "You must want Viagra?"

"No," he says, "I just want some Ginko Biloba, so I can remember what it feels like to HAVE sex!"


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Joke: I Wish I Could Do That

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink, as the man is sucking down the drink he looks over and notices a dog licking his nuts.

The man thought nothing of it and orders another drink. Time goes by and the man notices the dog still licking his balls. So, the man looks at the bartender and says, "Man, I wish I could do that...”

The bartender looks at the man and says, "Go ahead, he doesn't bite."


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Joke: Please Explain

Why is there no egg in eggplant?

Why is there no ham in a hamburger?

How come English Muffins do not come from England?

How come French Fries do not come from France?

Why doesn’t pineapple contain apples or pines?

How come a Guinea Pig is neither a pig nor is it from Guinea?



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Joke: Did He Get Anything? 

A husband returning from a business trip was informed by his wife that a burglar had entered their house while he was gone.

“Did he get anything?” the husband anxiously inquired.

“I’ll say he did,” replied the wife. “It was dark and I thought he was you.”

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Joke: Where Are All Your Cattle?

A family bought a ranch out west where they intended to raise cattle. Friends came to visit and asked if the ranch had a name.

"Well," said the would-be-cattleman. "I wanted to call it the Bar-J, my wife favoured the Suzy-Q, one son liked the Flying-W, and the other son wanted the Lazy-Y. So, we're calling it the Bar-J-Suzy-Q-Flying-W-Lazy-Y."

"But, where are all your cattle?"

"None have survived the branding."


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Joke: I Strongly Suspect 

A certain professor arrived late for a lecture to find a most uncomplimentary drawing of himself on the blackboard.

Fuming, he asked the class joker in the front row, "Who, pray, was responsible for this atrocity?"

The joker won tremendous prestige with his reply, "I really don't know, but I strongly suspect it'd be your parents."


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Joke: Howard is 95 and lives in a senior ...

Howard is 95 and lives in a senior citizen home. Every night after dinner, Howard goes to a secluded garden behind the center to sit and ponder his accomplishments and long life.

One evening, Annabel, age 87, wanders into the garden. They begin to chat, and before they know it, several hours have passed. After a short lull in their conversation, Howard turns to Annabel and asks, "Do you know what I miss most of all?

She asks, "What?"


Annabel exclaims, "Why you old fart, you couldn't get it up if I held a gun to your head!"

"I know," Howard says, "but it would be nice if a woman just held it for a while."

"Well, I can oblige", says Annabel, who gently unzips his trousers, removes his manhood and proceeds to hold it.

Afterward, they agree to meet secretly each night in the garden where they would sit and talk and Annabel would hold Howard's manhood. Then, one night, Howard didn't show up at their usual meeting place.

Alarmed, Annabel decided to find Howard and make sure that he was O.K. She walked around the senior citizen home where she found him sitting by the pool with another female resident-who was holding Howard's manhood!

Furious, Annabel yelled, "You two-timing creep! What does she have that I don't have?!"

Howard smiled happily and replied, "Parkinson's."

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Joke: The new CEO...

Morris had just been hired as the new CEO of a large high-tech corporation. The CEO who was stepping down met with him privately and presented him with three envelopes number 1, 2 and 3. "Open these if you run up against a problem you don't think you can solve," the departing CEO said.

Things went along pretty smoothly, but six months later, sales took a downturn and Morris was really catching a lot of heat. About at his wit's end, he remembered the envelopes. He went to his drawer and took out the first envelope. The message read, "Blame your predecessor."


Morris called a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO. Satisfied with his comments, the press, and Wall Street, responded positively, sales began to pick up and the problem was soon behind him.

About a year later, the company was again experiencing a slight dip in sales, combined with serious product problems. Having learned from his previous experience, the CEO quickly opened the second envelope. The message read, "Reorganize." This he did, and the company quickly rebounded.

After several consecutive profitable quarters, the company once again fell on difficult times. Morris went to his office, closed the door and opened the third envelope. The message said, "Prepare three envelopes."

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Joke: We noticed that all the waiter...

We noticed that all the waiters in this big & famous restaurant carried two spoons in their vest pocket. Naturally, we were curious. We asked a waiter why.

'Sir, as a result of an efficiency study by the management, it was determined that the most frequently dropped silverware item was a spoon. Therefore, all the waiters carry two spoons so that the item can be instantly replaced.' As he was explaining that we noticed a string hanging out of the fly of his pants. So, we asked about that.

'Sir, that's another efficiency study result. When we have to go to the bathroom, we use the string to pull ourselves out and aim. Therefore, we do not have to stop to wash our hands.' We replied, 'I understand how you can get yourself out and aim, but how do you get yourself back in.' 'Well,' replied the waiter, 'I don't know about the other guys, but I use the two spoons!'

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 Joke: A guy found a penguin and show...

A guy found a penguin and showed him to a policeman. 

The policeman said, "Take that penguin to the zoo, now." 

The next day the policeman sees the man with the penguin again. 

The policeman stops the guy and says, I told you yesterday to take the penguin to the Zoo, what on earth are you doing with the penguin in your truck again?" 

The guy says, "What is there to do? Yesterday I took him to the zoo and today I'm taking him to the movies." 

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Joke: Wayne

An blonde girl goes to the council to register for child benefit.

"How many children?" asks the council worker.

"10" replies the blonde girl.

"10???" says the council worker.. "What are their names?"

"Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne and Wayne"

"Doesn't that get confusing?"

"Naah..." says the blonde girl "its great because if they are out playing in the street I just have to shout WAAYNE, YER DINNER'S READY or WAAYNE GO TO BED NOW and they all do it..."

"What if you want to speak to one individually?" says the perturbed council worker.

"That's easy," says the girl... "I just use their surnames"

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Joke: Two men went bear hunting. While ...

Two men went bear hunting. While one stayed in the cabin, the other went out looking for a bear.

He soon found a huge bear, shot at it but only wounded it. The enraged bear charged toward him, he dropped his rifle and started running for the cabin as fast as he could.

He ran pretty fast but the bear was just a little faster and gained on him with every step.

Just as he reached the open cabin door, he tripped and fell flat.

Too close behind to stop, the bear tripped over him and went rolling into the cabin.

The man jumped up, closed the cabin door and yelled to his friend inside, "You skin this one while I go and get another!"

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 Joke: Skydiving for the first time

A man is going skydiving for the first time. After listening to the instructor for what seems like days, he is ready to go.

The man goes up in the airplane and waits to get to the proper altitude. Excited, he jumps out of the airplane. After a bit, he pulls the ripcord. Nothing happens. He tries again. Still nothing. He starts to panic, but remembers his back-up chute. He pulls that cord. Nothing happens. He frantically begins pulling both cords, but to no avail.

Suddenly, he looks down and he can't believe his eyes. Another man is in the air with him, but this guy is going up! Just as the other guy passes by, the skydiver, by this time scared out of his wits, yells, "Hey, do you know anything about skydiving?" The other guy yells back, "No! Do you know anything about gas stoves?"



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Joke: Some consolation

Fred was admitted to a hospital for a cerebral aneurysm surgery.


Just before the operation, a worried Fred asked the doctor, "I heard this operation is highly risky. What are my chances of survival?"

The Surgeon replied: "I'm absolutely positive that you will survive the operation."

Fred, a little relieved, but still in doubt, asked, "How can you be so sure?"

The Surgeon said, "Four out of five patients die in this operation, and last week, my fourth patient died."

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Joke: Why Are You So Sad?  

This lad was trying to understand the reason why he and his sibling had the names they had so he asked his mother, “Mom, why is my brother's name Windstorm?”

She answered, "Because he was conceived during a windstorm."

"Well, why is my sister's name Moonshine?"

"Because she was conceived when the moon was shining."

The poor little boy looked sad and confused. His mother said, ‘‘Why are you so sad and confused Broken rubber?''


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Joke: Watch that Sleeve  

A man in a bar slipped off his jacket and slung it over the back of his chair. One of the sleeves hit a woman sitting behind him.

“Watch what you are doing with that sleeve,” she complained.

“It’s all right,” the man said. “There’s no ‘arm in it.”


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Joke: Room for the Bandage  

A man is playing golf with his wife. They have just finished the first, when a ball comes flying over, knocking the woman to the ground.

The husband couldn't revive his wife, so he ran all the way to the clubhouse. "Is there a doctor in the house, my wife has just been hit by a golf ball!" he called.

"I'm a doctor," chimed up an old chap at the bar. "Where was she hit?"

The man replied, "In between the first and the second holes!"

The doctor said, "Well, that won't leave much room for a bandage!"


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Joke: Feeling Hysterical  

As the horror movie was about to reach its terrifying conclusion, the young woman began fidgeting in her seat.

The man sitting behind her leaned forward and inquired quietly, “Feeling hysterical?”

“No,” she whispered, pointing to her boyfriend. “He’s feeling mine.”

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Joke: Was I Going Too Fast?  

While driving along the highway, a motorist was surprised to see a police officer motioning for him to pull off the road.

The man drove onto the shoulder and rolled down his window. “What’s the matter, officer? Was I going too fast?”

“No, bud – it is your wife! She fell out of the car two exits back!”

The man sighed, “I’ll be! I thought I’d gone deaf!”

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Joke: Worst Day of My Life  

Two bats are hanging upside down in a cave. The first bat asks the second, “Do you remember the worst day of your life?”

“I sure do," began the second bat. "It was the day I had diarrhea.”

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 Joke: Being A Grandfather  

A loving couple had their first grandchild and was visibly excited.


So the wife asks her husband, "Honey, how does it feel being a grandfather?"

"Oh, that part’s okay," he said, "but I'm not so sure about going to bed with a grandmother."



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Joke: Every Time I Breathe  

A lady on a commuter train is reading a newspaper article about life and death statistics.

Fascinated, she turns to the man next to her and asks, “Did you know that every time I breathe somebody dies?”

“Really?” he says. “Have you tried a good mouthwash?”

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Joke: I'm Sorry She's Gone  

A drunk walked into a bar crying.


One of the other men at the bar asked him what happened. “I did a horrible thing,” sniffled the drunk. “Just a few hours ago I sold my wife to someone for a bottle of scotch.”

“That is awful,” said the other guy. “And now she’s gone and you want her back, right?”

“Right,” said the drunk, still crying.

“You’re sorry you sold her because you realized too late that you love her, right?”

“Oh, no,” said the drunk, “I want her back because I’m thirsty again!”


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Joke: Free Meat  

It was many years ago since the embarrassing day when a young woman, with a baby in her arms, entered his butcher shop and confronted him with the news that the baby was his and asked what was he going to do about it? Finally, he offered to provide her with free meat until the boy was 16. She agreed.

He had been counting the years off on his calendar, and one day the teenager, who had been collecting the meat each week, came into the shop and said, "I'll be 16 tomorrow."

"I know," said the butcher with a smile, "I've been counting too, tell your mother, when you take this parcel of meat home, that it is the last free meat she'll get, and watch the expression on her face."

When the boy arrived home he told his mother. The woman nodded and said, "Son, go back to the butcher and tell him I have also had free bread, free milk, and free groceries for the last 16 years and watch the expression on his face!"

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Joke: What Sort of Girl  

Old business man to a beautiful young model, "Would you consider sleeping with me for a million dollars?"

“Hmmm. Yes, I think I would," she says.

"Well," he says, "how about five dollars then?"

“How dare you! What sort of girl do you think I am?”

"Honey, we’ve already established that. Now we are just fixing on the price."



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Joke: Football Theme Wedding  

A young model is engaged to a ninety-year-old ship tycoon.


In preparation for the wedding reception she tells the caretaker that the festivities must have a football theme.

“Football theme,” the caretaker asks, “Why?”

“Well,” the woman replies, “I’m hoping he’s going to kick off soon.”


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Joke: My Partner's Hand  

The hostess of her bridge club got a last-minute call from one of the players that she was sick.


Unable to get a replacement on such short notice, she drafted her husband, a mediocre player with an attitude.

During the game, he got up and went to the bathroom, leaving the door ajar. Everyone listened as he urinated into the toilet.

Embarrassed, his wife called out, "John, would you please close the door!"

John's partner said, "Never mind, it's the first time since we started playing that I've known what the man has in his hand."

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Joke: Hasan the Genie  

Two guys are in a locker room after their racquetball match when one guy notices the other has a cork in his ass. “If you don’t mind me saying,” said the second, “the cork looks terribly uncomfortable. Why don’t you take it out?”

“I can’t,” lamented the first man. “It’s permanent.”

“I don’t understand,” said the second.

"Well," says the first guy, “I was walking along the beach and I tripped over an oil lamp. There was a puff of smoke, and then a huge man in a turban came oozing out. He said, 'I am Hasan the Genie. I can grant you one wish.' And I said, ‘No shit.’”


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Joke: Rising to the Occasion

A bunch of girls had become upset at an anthropology professor who had a knack of offending women. They decided the next time he did something offensive, they would all stand up and walk out of his class.


Sure enough, at the very next class meeting while discussing a tribe of indigenous natives.

The professor leered and said, "You'll be interested to know the average tribal warrior there has a cock twelve inches long."

The girls all rose in a large mass and headed for the door.

The prof sneered and said, "What's your hurry, girls? The next flight to there isn't until Saturday!"

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Joke: Every Saturday morning Grandpa...

Every Saturday morning Grandpa Walt found himself babysitting his three grandchildren...all boys. The kids always wanted to play ''war,'' and Grandpa somehow always got coaxed into the game.

His daughter came to pick up the kids early one Saturday and witnessed Grandpa take a fake shot as Jason pointed a toy gun and yelled, "Bang!''

Grandpa slumped to the floor and stayed there motionless. The daughter rushed over to see if he was all right. Grandpa opened one eye and whispered, ''Sh-h-h, I always do this. It's the only chance I get to rest.''

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 Joke: Two hikers were walking through...

Two hikers were walking through central Pennsylvania when they came upon a 6-foot wide hole in the ground. They figured it must be the opening for a vertical air shaft from an old abandoned coal mine. Curious as to the depth of the hole, the first hiker picked up a nearby rock and tossed it into the opening. They listened... and heard nothing. 

The second hiker picked up an even larger rock and tossed it into the opening. They listened... and still heard nothing. Then they both picked up an old railroad tie, dragged it to the edge of the shaft, and hurled it down. Seconds later a dog came running up between the two men and jumped straight into the hole. Bewildered, the two men just looked at each other, trying to figure out why a dog would do such a thing. 

Soon a young boy ambled onto the scene and asked if either man had seen a dog around here. The hikers told him about the dog that had just jumped into the hole. 
The young boy laughed and said, "That couldn't be my dog. My dog was tied to a railroad tie!"


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Joke: A three-year-old had been told...

A three-year-old had been told several times to get ready for bed. The last time his mom told him, she was every insistent. His response was, "Yes, Sir!" Since he was talking to his mother (and she is a woman), it was not expected of him to call her "Sir".

"You would say, 'yes sir,' to a man, I am a lady, and you would say 'Yes Ma'am,' to a lady," Mom said. To quiz him on is lesson; she then asked him, "What would you say to Daddy?"

"Yes Sir!" was the reply
"Then what would you say to Mama?"

"Yes, Ma'am!" he proudly answered.

"Good boy! Now what would you say to Grandma?"

He lit up and said, "Can I have a cookie?"

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Joke: A mechanic was removing ...

A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley
motorcycle when he spotted a well-known heart surgeon in his shop.
The surgeon was there, waiting for the service manager to come and take a look at his bike.

The mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hey, Doc, can I ask you a question?"

The surgeon a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, "So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix 'em, put 'em back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks, when you and I are doing basically the same work?"

The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic... 
"Try doing it with the engine running."

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Joke: One day, a guy went into a store...

One day, a guy went into a store, just browsing.

He suddenly saw a statue of a rat made of bronze, and thought that it was interesting. He decided to buy it, and so he did.

The guy walked out of the store, carrying the statue in his arms. Suddenly some rats started following him.

He shrugged it off, and continued on his way.

As he walked along, more and more rats started following him, until all the rats in the city were behind him.

He suddenly realized that it was the statue that was doing this.

He headed towards the bay that resided next to the city, and threw the statue in. The rats followed, not caring about their immediate deaths.

The guy ran back to the store, and when he reached it, the store owner said, "No refunds".

The guy shook his head, and said, "No, no, I was wondering if you had any statues like the one I bought, only, shaped like a lawyer."


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 Joke: Buying A Chainsaw

This fellow is looking to buy a saw to cut down some trees in his back yard. He goes to a chainsaw shop and asks about various chainsaws. The dealer tells him, "Look, I have a lot of models, but why don't you save yourself a lot of time and aggravation and get the top-of-the-line model. This chainsaw will cut a hundred cords of wood for you in one day." 

So, the man takes the chainsaw home and begins working on the trees. After cutting for several hours and only cutting two cords, he decides to quit. He thinks there is something wrong with the chainsaw. "How can I cut for hours and only cut two cords?" the man asks himself. "I will begin first thing in the morning and cut all day," the man tells himself. So, the next morning the man gets up at 4 am in the morning and cuts and cuts, and cuts till nightfall, and still he only manages to cut five cords. 

The man is convinced this is a bad saw. "The dealer told me it would cut one hundred cords of wood in a day, no problem. I will take this saw back to the dealer," the man says to himself. 

The very next day the man brings the saw back to the dealer and explains the problem. The dealer, baffled by the man's claim, removes the chainsaw from the case. The dealer says, "Hmm, it looks fine." 

Then the dealer starts the chainsaw, to which the man responds, "What's that noise? 

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Joke: When the beautiful secretary entered ……….

When the beautiful secretary entered her boss's office one morning, he looked out the window and announced idly, "It's certainly going to be a beautiful day." 

"I don't think so," replied the secretary. "The weather forecast is for snow." 
"It's not going to snow," contradicted the exec. "I'll lay you twelve to one." 

"I'd rather not," she remarked. "Any other time sir, but that's my lunch hour."

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Joke: The secret of my success...

Grandpa was celebrating his 100th birthday and everybody complimented him on how athletic and well-preserved he appeared.

"Gentlemen, I will tell you the secret of my success," he cackled. "I have been in the open air day after day for some 75 years now."

The celebrants were impressed and asked how he managed to keep up his rigorous fitness regime.

"Well, you see my wife and I were married 75 years ago. On our wedding night, we made a solemn pledge. Whenever we had a fight, the one who was proved wrong would go outside and take a walk."

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Joke: Magic Window

Two guys are sitting at a bar.

"You know why I love this bar?" asks the first one.

"No," says the second guy. "Why do you love this bar?"

The first guy points at the window, which is six stories above the ground. "It has a magic window," he says. "You jump out of that window, and you can fly."

The second guy just shakes his head. "Shut up."

"No," says the first guy. "It really is a magic window. I'll prove it to you."

So the first guy gets down from his bar stool, runs at the window, jumps out of it, and flies. He flies around the building twice, up and down, and finally comes back in. He walks to his bar stool, and takes a sip of his drink. "See?" he says.

The first guy looks confused. He looks at his drink. "I must be drunk," he says.

"Still don't believe me?" asks the second guy. "I'll show you again." He gets down from his stool, runs and jumps out of the window again. This time he performs some impressive aerial acrobatics, spins, flips, dives. When he finally comes back in, the second guy is staring at him, slack-jawed.

"Wow," says the second guy. "A magic window." He gets off his bar stool, takes a running jump out of the window, and promptly plummets to his death. The first guy starts laughing.

The bartender comes over to the first guy with a stern look on his face. "Superman, you're a real asshole when you're drunk."

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Joke: There was a beautiful young blonde ...

There was a beautiful young blonde at a soda machine in Vegas, and she arrived there just before a business man coming to quench his thirst.

She opened her purse and put in 50 cents, studied the machine a short while, pushed a Diet Coke selection, and out came a Diet Coke. She placed it on a counter next to the machine.

Then she reached in her purse again and pulled out a dollar and inserted it in the machine. Studying the machine carefully, she pushed the button for Coke Classic and out came a Coke Classic and 50 cents change.

She immediately took the 50 cents and put it in the machine, studied it for a moment and pushed the Mountain Dew button. Out came a Mountain Dew. She placed them both on the counter next to the Diet Coke. 

As she was reaching into her purse again, the business man, who'd been waiting patiently for several minutes by then, spoke up. "Excuse me, miss, but are you done yet?"
She looked at him and indignantly asked, "Well Duh! Can't you see I'm still winning?"


a good oral sex makes your day, a good anal sex makes your "hole weak"

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Joke: Temptation

Ron's terribly overweight and his doctor put him on a diet plan.


His wife Carla has to keep an eye on him so he doesn't indulge himself.

On his birthday, he helps himself to a large piece of chocolate cake, and his wife reprimands him for asking for me.

Ron protests, "Don't you see, I can resist everything except temptation."

a good oral sex makes your day, a good anal sex makes your "hole weak"

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Joke: The strong young man at the construction ...

The strong young man at the construction site was bragging that he could outdo anyone in a feat of strength. He made a special case of making fun of one of the older workmen. After several minutes, the older worker had had enough.


"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is," he said. "I will bet a week's wages that I can haul something in a wheelbarrow over to that outbuilding that you won't be able to wheel back." "You're on, old man," the braggart replied. "Let's see what you got."


The old man reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles. Then, nodding to the young man, he said, "All right. Get in."

a good oral sex makes your day, a good anal sex makes your "hole weak"

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