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Joke: Five Feet and it Reaches the Floor 

Dennis is worried about the size of his penis, so he goes to see a doctor. The doctor says, “Here take these pills every day for a week.”

Dennis is so frustrated that the first night he downs the whole bottle. A couple of days later, he and his wife go back to see the doctor.


Dennis says, “Doc, take a look at this.”

He takes off his pants and he’s got a five-foot penis that reaches the floor. The doctor says, “Goodness I’m going to have to operate.”

His wife says, “How long do you think my husband will be in crutches?”

The doctor says, “On crutches?”

She says, “You are going to lengthen his legs, right?"


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Joke: What's the Story? 

A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died.


After he works on it for a few minutes, it's idling smoothly.

She says, "What's the story?"

He replies, "Just some crap in the carburator."

She asks," How often do I have to do that?"

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Joke: This Is My Sister

The non-commissioned officer surprised the private in the barracks with a girl.

“Uh-uh, this is my sister, Serge.” the private stuttered.

“That’s okay,” the sergeant soothed. “She used to be mine.”

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Joke: Just Looking

A young couple strolled out one evening and met a huge man who rained insults on the wife.


The husband, afraid of the man, kept looking.

"John!" shouted the wife. “Are you going to stand there just looking?”

“No!" replied the husband. "I won't stand here, I’d rather cross to the other side of the road."


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 Joke: Garbage In the Ditch 

The sheriff pulled up next to the guy unloading garbage out of his pickup into the ditch.

The Sheriff asked, “Why are you dumping garbage in the ditch? Don’t you see that sign right over your head?"

“Yep," the guy replied. “That’s why I'm dumping it here, it says ‘fine for dumping garbage.'"


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Joke: I Have To Go Pee 

A teacher, trying to teach good manners, asked her student the following question, “Michael, if you were on a date having dinner with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?"

Michael said, "Just a minute I have to go pee."

The teacher responded by saying, "That would be rude and impolite. What about you Peter, how would you say it?"

Peter said, "I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

"That's better, but it's still not very nice to say the word bathroom at the dinner table. And you, little Johnny, can you use your brain for once and show us your good manners?"

"I would say, 'Darling, may I please be excused for a moment? I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope to introduce you to after dinner.'"

The teacher fainted.


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Joke: Why Are the Blinds Drawn? 

As the lawyer woke up after surgery, he asked, "Why are all the blinds drawn?"

The doctor answered, "There's a big fire across the street, and we didn't want you to think the operation was a failure."


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Joke: My Dad, the Scarely Cat

Two kids are arguing over whose father was the biggest scarely cat.


Tommy says, “My dad is so scared that when lightning strikes, he hides underneath the bead.”

Peter replies, “Yeah? Well, that’s nothing. My dad is so scared that when my mom has to work the nightshift, he sleeps with the lady next door.”

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Joke: That Makes Sense  

A man was going door-to-door doing a sexual survey in Jack’s neighbourhood.


“How often a week do you sleep with your wife?" asked the inquirer.

“Three times,” Jack said without hesitation.

“That is once more often than your neighbour,” said the inquirer.

“That makes sense,” Jack said, “after all, she is my wife.”

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Joke: In Bed With Two Women 

Two friends were sitting at a bar recounting their dreams.


One man said fondly, “I had a dream I was on vacation. It was just me and my fishing rod and this big beautiful lake. What a dream."

“I also had a great dream,” said the other. “I dreamt I was in bed with two beautiful women and having the time of my life.”

His buddy looked over and exhorted, “You had a dream you had two women, and you didn’t call me?"

“Oh, I did,” said the other, “but when I called, your wife said you’d gone fishing.”


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Joke: Judge, Whose Coke Is it? 

A man and his young wife were in divorce court, and the custody of their children created a problem.


The mother jumped to her feet and protested to the judge that since she brought the children into this world, she should keep custody of them.

Then man also wanted custody and the judge asked him to justify his demand.


After a long silence, the man slowly rose from his chair and replied, “Your Honour, when I put a dollar in a vending machine and a coke comes out, does the Coke belong to me or to the machine?”


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Joke: Shit In Your Eye 

Positive thinking is like this...

A little bird in the sky,

You look up, and Shit in your eyes…

You don't mind, you don't cry,

You just Thank Goodness, that COWS DON'T FLY!

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Joke: Your Turn for the Hole 

A guy walks into a bar in a town with no women and asks the bartender, "How can you live in this town without any women?"

The bartender replies, "It's not that bad. When we get lonely, we go out back where there is a barrel with a knothole in it."

So after a few beers, the guy starts getting a little lonely and tells the bartender he's gonna go find the barrel.


So, he walks up to the barrel and sticks it in the knothole.


After about 5 minutes he walks back to the bar and tells the bartender, "Man, that's the greatest stuff I've ever had! What do I owe ya?"

The bartender replies, "Nothing, but it's your turn to get in the barrel."

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Joke: $100 Tattoo 

A man came home to his wife one day with a one hundred dollar bill tattooed on his penis.

His wife asked, "Why would you do such a thing?"

He replied, "First, my father always told me to keep a hundred dollars in my pocket. Second, I always like to see my money grow. And third, any time you want to blow a hundred dollars, you don't even have to leave the house."


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Joke: Hands On My Steak 

A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb over the meat.

"Are you crazy? yells the customer. "With your hand on my steak?"

"Sorry," answers the waiter, "I don’t want it to fall on the floor again."

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Joke: KY, Glove, and What Is That? 

A man is having his first proctologic exam. The nurse told him to have a seat in the examination room and said the doctor would be with him in just a few minutes.

As he waited, he noticed that there were three items on a stand next to the doctor’s desk: a tube of K-Y jelly, a rubber glove, and a beer.

When the doctor appeared, the man said, “Look Doc, this is my first exam. I know what the K-Y is for, and I know what the glove is for, but what’s the beer for?”

The doctor curses in exasperation, flung open the door, and yelled to his nurse. “Nurse! I said to bring me a butt light!”


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Joke: A Beak Full of Shit

A strange bird the coo-coo, it sits upon the grass.

It's wings neatly folded, its beak is up its ass.

In this strange position, it murmurs twit twit.

Cuz it’s hard to sing coo-coo, with a beak full of shit!


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Joke: Boobs On Your Back 

An elephant asked a camel, "Why do you have boobs on your back?"

The camel was stunned for a second and then replied, “That’s a good question, especially coming from a freak who has his penis on his face!"


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Joke: Take the Soup 

A little old lady was running up and down the halls in a nursing home. As she walked, she would flip up the hem of her nightgown and say, “Supersex!”

She walked up to an elderly man in a wheelchair. Flipping her gown at him, she said, “Supersex!”

He sat silently for a moment or two and finally answered, “I’ll take the soup.”


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Joke: One Piece of Tail 

Three members of a weekly bridge quartet were all impressed when the fourth arrived wearing a gorgeous new mink coat.


“That’s a lovely garment, Fran,” purred one woman. “It must have cost you a fortune!”

“But it didn’t,” said Fran, “just a single piece of ass.”

“You mean,” continued the admirer of the coat, “one that you gave your husband?”

“No,” smiled the coat wearer, “one that he got from the maid.”


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Joke: Peanut Butter & Jelly Again! 

At a construction site one day at lunchtime, three men were all sitting down to eat their lunches. The first man opens up his lunch pail to find a PB&J sandwich. "PB&J AGAIN! I swear, if I have to eat this one more time, I'm going to jump off this DAMN building!"

The second guy opens up his lunch box to find a tuna sandwich. " TUNA AGAIN! If I have to eat another one of these stinking things again I’m going to jump off with you!"

The third guy looks inside his box and sees a bologna sandwich and screams, "HELL, bologna again, well, if I get this again, I'll jump off this building with ya!"

Well, the next day all three guys find the same types of sandwiches in their containers so they all leave notes as to why they jumped and then jump off. At the funerals the new widows are all sitting together. The first man's wife cries, "If only he had told me, I would have fixed something else."

The second man’s wife says "It wouldn't have been a problem...I thought he liked tuna."

But the third guys wife sat their dumbfounded and said " well I just...just...don't understand! He made his own lunch!"


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Joke: It Shakes So Bad 

There are two old guys sitting in a retirement home talking about there indignity of growing old.

The first old man said, "My hands shake so bad that this morning when I was shaving, I cut myself in four places!"

The second old man said, "That’s nothing, this morning when I was taking a piss, I came three times!"

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Joke: My Wife's In Labour 

A guy calls 911. “Help, send an ambulance! My wife is in labour and her water broke!

The 911 operator asks, “Is this her first child?”

“No, you moron” yells the guy. “This is her husband!”

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Joke: Don't Touch It, Timmy 

The teacher was very impressed with Timmy's answer to her question so she told him to come up to the front of the class, close his eyes and hold out his hands for a surprise. "But first," she said, "You have to guess what it is."

"A toy?"


"A new pencil?"

"No," said the teacher as she held the Hershey's kiss right above his opened hands. "Let me give you a hint. It's something your dad asks you mom for every day before he leaves for work."

"Don't touch it, Timmy!" yells little Johnny. "It's a piece of ass!"


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Joke: Now Everyone Has It  

"Doctor,” said the man on the phone, “my son has scarlet fever!”

“Yes, I know,” replied the doctor. “I came by your house and treated him yesterday. Just keep him away from the others in the house and …”

“But you don’t understand,” said the troubled parent. “He’s kissed the maid!”

“Well, that’s unfortunate. Now we’ll probably have to quarantine her…”

“And, doctor, I’m afraid I’ve kissed the girl myself.”

“This is getting complicated. That means you may have contracted the disease.”

“Yes, and I’ve kissed my wife since then.”

“Great,” exclaimed the doctor, “now I’ll catch it too!”


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Joke: Erection problems 


Jack goes to the doctor and says "Doc I'm having trouble getting my penis erect, can you help me?"

After a complete examination the doctor tells Jack, "Well the problem is that the muscles around the base of your penis are damaged. There's really nothing I can do for you unless you're willing to try an experimental treatment."

Jack asks sadly, "And that would be?"

"Well," the Doctor explains, "What we would do is take the muscles from the trunk of a baby elephant and implant them in your penis."

Jack thinks about it silently then says, "Well the thought of going through life without ever having sex again is too much, let's go for it."

Jack went under the knife, and, after a period of recovery and healing, returned to the Doc for his blessing. Following the examination, the Doc pronounced Jack "healed and ready for action".

Eager to use his experimentally enhanced equipment, Jack planned a romantic evening for his girlfriend and took her to one of the nicest restaurants in town, anticipating a happy conclusion to the evening.

In the middle of dinner he felt a stirring between his legs that continued to the point of being painful.

To release the pressure, Jack placed his napkin on his lap and unzipped his fly. His penis immediately sprung from his pants, flipped the napkin on the floor, went to the top of the table, grabbed a bread roll and then returned to his pants!

His girlfriend was stunned at first but then, imagining the possibilities, said with a sly smile and a gleam in her eye, "That was incredible! Can you do it again?"

Jack groaned, "Probably, but I don't think I can fit another roll in my ass."


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Joke: The Brakes Don't Work 

Two blonde guys are driving a car on a very hilly road. They get to the top of a very high steep hill and they start going down it very fast.

The guy driving says, "Oh my God! The brakes don't work!"

The guy in the passenger seat says, "Don't worry, there's a stop sign at the end of this hill."

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Joke: Pesticide Condoms 

One day a man goes to visit his doctor and asks, “Do you have any pesticide condoms?”

The doctor says, "You mean spermicidal?"

"No," the man says, "I mean pesticide because my wife has a bug up her ass and I’m going in after it."

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Joke: Terrible Work History 

A guy walks into the human resources department of a large company and hands the executive his application.


The executive begins to scan the sheet, and notices that the applicant has been fired from every job he has ever held.

"I must say," says the executive, "your work history is terrible. You've been fired from every job."

"Yes," says the man.

"Well," continues the executive, "there's not much positive in that."

"Hey!" says the guy as he pokes the application. "At least I'm not a quitter."


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Joke: More Than I Intended 

A shoplifter was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from an exclusive jewellery store.


"Listen," said the shoplifter, "I know you don't want any trouble either. What do you say I just buy the watch, and we forget about this?"

The manager agreed and wrote up the sales slip.


The crook looked at the slip and said, "This is a little more than I intended to spend. Can you show me something less expensive?"

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Joke: Giving Up Your Sex Life 

Then there was this young man who left the priesthood after just two months.

“Can you imagine,” he told a friend, “the torture of giving up your sex life only to have people come in and tell you the highlights of theirs?”


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Joke: Pesticide Condoms 

One day a man goes to visit his doctor and asks, “Do you have any pesticide condoms?”

The doctor says, "You mean spermicidal?"

"No," the man says, "I mean pesticide because my wife has a bug up her ass and I’m going in after it."



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Joke: That's My Mop 

One day a little boy sees his mother stepping out of the shower and curiously points to her triangle of hair and asks, "Mommy, what's that?"

"That's my mop," she replies.

The little boy then asks, "Where is the handle?"

The mother replies, "Oh, Dad is going to put it on tonight."

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Joke: Too Wiggly and Limp 

Grandpa and his 7-year old grandson are gardening when to boy sees an earthworm trying to get back into its hole. He says, “Grandpa, I bet I can put that worm back in that hole.”

“I’ll bet you five dollars you can’t,” says Gramps. “It’s too wiggly and limp to put back in that little hole.” The kid runs into the house and comes back out with a can of hair spray. He sprays the worm until it is straight and stiff as a board, and proceeds to put it right back into the hole.

Grandpa hands the little boy five dollars, grabs the hair spray, and runs into the house. Thirty minutes later, Grandpa comes out and hands the boy another five dollars. “Grandpa, you already paid me,” says the kid.

“I know. This is from your Grandma.”

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Joke: More Than I Intended 

A shoplifter was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from an exclusive jewellery store.


"Listen," said the shoplifter, "I know, you don't want any trouble either.


What do you say I just buy the watch, and we forget about this?"

The manager agreed and wrote up the sales slip.


The crook looked at the slip and said, "This is a little more than I intended to spend. Can you show me something less expensive?"


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Joke: Two Promises

Father: Didn’t you promise to be a good boy?

Little Johnny: Yes, father.

Father: And didn’t I promise to punish you if you weren’t?

Little Johnny: Yes, father. But since I’ve broken my promise, you don’t have to keep yours.

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Joke: Why The Big Pause?

A bear walked into a bar and asked the bartender for a, "vodka and...... tonic."

The bartender said, "Sure, but why the big pause?"

The bear replied, "Oh I use my paws for catching fish with."



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Joke: Say It With Flowers

A man stops by his local florist shop to buy flowers for his new girlfriend. He asks the proprietor, "You know the expression, 'You should say it with flowers'?"

"How about three dozen of my finest roses?" the florist asks.

"Make it a half dozen roses," the man answers. "I'm a man of few words."


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Joke: It's the Job

Two friends met after not seeing each other for a couple of months.

Bill: "Jack, you look like you not doing well?"

Jack (swiping the sweat off his brow): "I ain't been ill. It's the work doing me in. Working from seven in the morning till six at night. Only one hour for a break. Think of it. Very taxing on one’s body."

Bill: "Wow, and how long has this been going on? How long you been working for that company?"

Jack: "Oh, I haven't been there yet. I begin tomorrow," he added gloomily.


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Joke: I Found It

Soon after a couple turns in for the night, the wife becomes aware that her husband is touching her in an unusual way.


Not having had much physical contact with him for a while, she decides just to relax and enjoy herself.

He runs his hands along her shoulders, then along her side, across her abdomen, down her leg, then up the inside of her leg.


By this time, she is squirming with pleasure. He soon reaches down between her thighs… then abruptly stops and turns over.

“Honey, why did you stop? I was just getting started,” she says.

“I found the remote,” he says.


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Joke: Good Intentions

Two children ordered their mother to stay in bed one Mother's Day morning.


As she lay there looking forward to being brought breakfast in bed, the smell of bacon floated up from the kitchen.

Finally, the children called her to come downstairs. She found them both sitting at the table eating bacon and eggs.

"As a surprise for Mother's Day," one explained, "we decided to cook our own breakfast."

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 Joke: Risky Bananas

The real estate agent is following up with an elderly gentleman after showing him a new home.


Over the phone the agent indicated, "This house will be worth double what you paid for it in a few years."

The older gentleman laughs, "At my age, it's a risk buying green bananas."

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 Joke: You Hardly Know Him

Maddi: "But you've only known the man for two weeks! You're not thinking of marrying him, are you?"

Julia: "Well it isn't as if he's a total stranger... I have a girlfriend that was engaged to him for several years."

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Joke: A Lot of Mileage

Judi tried to sell her old car. She was having a lot of problems selling it because the car had 250,000 miles.


One day, she told her problem to a friend she worked with at a salon. Her friend told her, "There is a possibility to make the car easier to sell, but it's not legal."

"That doesn't matter," replied Judi, "as long as I can sell the car."

"Okay," said Judi's friend. "Here is the address of a friend of mine. He owns a car repair shop. Tell him I sent you and he will turn the counter in your car back to 50,000 miles. Then it should not be a problem to sell your car anymore."

The following weekend, Judi made the trip to the mechanic. Two weeks later the friend asked Judi, "Did you sell your car?"

"No," replied Judi, "why should I? It only has 50,000 miles on it!"

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 Joke: I'm Her Brother

At a girl's college dormitory, dates were permitted only on Saturday night.


One young man showed up on a Tuesday evening, explaining to an older woman in the lobby of the dorm that it was imperative he see a certain young lady immediately.

"I want to surprise her. You see, I'm her brother."

"Oh, she'll be surprised all right," said the woman. "But think of how surprised I am, I'm her mother!"


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Joke: I'm Done With School

Little Johnny: I’m not going back to school anymore.

Mom: Why not?

Little Johnny: On Monday the teacher said that four and four make eight. On Tuesday she said six and two make eight. Today she said five and three make eight. I’m not going back until she makes up her mind.


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Joke: I Love My Job

“I love my job,” a farmer says out loud.

A sheep replies, “Ha! All you do is boss me around all day!”

The farmer, clearly upset by this responds, “What did you just say?”

The sheep replies, “You herd me!”


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Joke: Now Put Your Other Hand In

A man and a woman were in bed getting ready to make love. The woman directed the man, “Go ahead. Put your finger in there.”

So the man did, and after a few minutes, she said, “Put a few more in.” So the man put a few more in, and then she requested, “Put your whole hand in.”

The man did this, and after a few moments the woman said, “Now put your other hand in.” So, the man did. The woman said, “Clap!”

“I can’t,” replied the man.

So the woman said, “Tight, huh?”


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