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Changi Business Park (Cbp)


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going there again later about 10pm. including tonight, it'd be the 5th-6th time in a row when i be leaving 'empty-handed'! but i mostly enjoy the darkness and breeze, so the hook-ups are bonuses. nonetheless, i find it strange that some guys drive all the way there, walk 1-2 rounds and leave 5-10mins later. if you are just seeking JO in the dark, isn't it be a shame that you leave while a few guys are waiting around for action??

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Maybe you r just not their cup of tea ...

Thanks for pointing out the obvious. You missed my point; unless you are looking to find someone at CBP to fall in love with, then why be so picky about who makes you cum in the dark?

Anyway, it was great to discover something new over past few nights. Usually, when I sit with someone else, I'll stop and cover-up whenever anyone walks by. But over the past two occasions, the guy insisted on carrying on when someone was nearby, and it made me panic a bit. But both times, the passer-bys stopped to look, and then joined in! Really exciting to have that feeling of 'shit-i'm-going-to-get-caught' which then turns into a hot 3-some..... Yum!

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Was there earlier this month, was alone when first arrived there, after about 10 min a guy in running attire showed up at the gazebo. Had some simple fun when another guy came and just watched the action. Hopefully I can find time to go down again, and hoping to get "more done" lol.

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