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Changi Business Park (Cbp)


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okay here I go again..I have had a few request again ( in private email) asking me for more details on the Changi Business Park park and all that stuff. So to save me more typing here is another PUBLIC SERVICE ACT. I hope now everyone knows where is where and if you want to discuss or tell about something happening where you can refer to the chart and new the location. And if you have no clue how to read maps.. you are on your on. heheh


Want to cruise ... stick to the Pergola #1 and all the #1s you see heheh.... This is where it usually happen. And as for the best cruising time... aiyo it is like fishing, depend on your luck and patience, I can sometime go there for a few straight weeks and noting but just a few but you want to have lots to choose.. you best go somewhere else. But at time when it rains it can pour cocks like last week for me. Got into group, single and threesome for abit of BJing.. heheh. All at about 4.30 till 6.40am!. But other time I every got laid at 9pm at bench 5. Forget the large canopy, usually str8. there use to be regualrs who ride their motorbike there to eat and do some petting. Gay don't hang there much as far as I know most of the time. THere had been motorgangs that sit there to drink beers and make noise there. Sometime they use the bench 3 area.

Some shy guys pretending to be doing work out at workout area 1 and 2 mainly while checking the guys out but you know lah what they are there for but they really can be so shy they start to workout there heheheh... strange I mean it is pass 12 or even 2 am!!! Guys if you are reading this... it is cool to chat people up and just be known you are there for fun or some good conversation heh.. don't strain yourself doing sit up and such heheh....

SOme guys walk the whole length from Workout staion 1 to station 4. I know. I have guys follow my bike from one end to the other. Playing catching with them especially those who ca not take NO for an answer. die die they will follow my bike. I would make them walk... back and forth one end back to the other and then do it all over again. One china national trail me for 4 hours!!!!. WTF.

Well hope this map is helpful to those who want to knw more about the place., Give me a shout out when you see me cycle back nude.. dont just oogle at my butt...I am good for a chat with fellow forummers too and give you some directions.

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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thanks so much bro, really appreciate it. hope to bump into you..


** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Interesting.. maybe i'll drive by later on. thanks for the info tho. thumbs up.

If someone as hot as u are going there, I will surely dash down. Haha

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Yup...me. Riding about just got here not long.already o

ne at the pergola reading his smart phone haha...no one else so far.nice soft rind and quite cooling tonight so far after the rain.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Delay send of msg.3g bad over at the bench 5 area.no signal

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Two guys are the usual pergola.not action Hee.guess it is too earlier.k am only just starting here and not even onto my usual nude ride yet.doubt the rain will return from what i see.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Police car just policing the area

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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No biggie lah. Quicker they come, usual they will come again unless Unger are racing cars or bikes.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Teri guys here,i guess are double teaming to see who they can have fin with heh.moving about as a pair. They either looking to get it or they want to give itlol.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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There is a guy on tight short doing a storm of a workout at work out area 4.nice body. Seen damn intense on his workout but at this hour? Heee. Anyway i let him be.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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3 Indian workers relaxing at pergola 2.couple on motor at the giant canopy has gone

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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The double team seem to have become one person.guess the other left or something

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Teri more guys just walk into the pergola 1 area.walking on big strive like with duty And purpose here heeeee one in black and the other in dark coloured gear.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Maybe'tourist'to my map just to find put more about this place....

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Two just left...and one just lingering and the scene has quiet down again.but that is the way it hours here when three is no hype. Hee

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Two just left...and one just lingering and the scene has quiet down again.but that is the way it hours here when three is no hype. Hee

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Fitness guy seen to have left.do left just one guy in white or light colour great walking about the pergola area.3 Indian man at pergola 2 has left.place is quieten down

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Fitness guy seen to have left.do left just one guy in white or light colour great walking about the pergola area.3 Indian man at pergola 2 has left. A nee guy at work out 2.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Fitness guy seen to have left.do left just one guy in white or light colour great walking about the pergola area.3 Indian man at pergola 2 has left. A nee guy at work out 2.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Looks like out is just the ztr8 cyclist and me here now.UHF slight Raton drops might have scare the rest away.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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You must be the one getting done mouth right now? At bench 1?.. I know the guy giving it.he us having find fun heee

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Us quiet now.that you walking about without a tee shirt?

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Yup...not much cocks about to play play though heee

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Some action with two guys.nice time especially with One of them. Doing two on a night as threesome was unexpected but kinky fun. They are gone home now.think i might call this a night. All by myself now no more people coming it seem so far

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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There should be stone tables there. How to have a picnic without a table? A big stone table. The ants were hungry last night. Ouch. Next time I will carry anti insect repellent. Maybe I shall take a picnic mat too; the benches were damp last night. And thanks to upshot for the live updates. Fills the time. Anyone into outdoor photography?

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I met u at the pergola this morning at about 1+ am... I was in my running attire (black) in the pergola n u came rite into the pergola n sat opposite me. We kissed quite a bit n had some real good times...

U r really cute and would like to know u better. Wanted to ask for your name n contacts but was shy to ask u...

If u see this posting and dun mind having another fren, pls drop me a PM.

Hope to hear from u soon.

Edited by Eastguy27
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