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Oogling At Someone At My Workplace


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About 10yrs ago I worked at Uraco Building, Serangoon North. Everytime I need to pass by this packing store to enter my office. There is one cute guy, about 30+ and very tan and muscular working here. Everytime I will walk slowly and look into the store looking at him working. He likes to wear body hugging tee.

As time passed by, I tried to know him by striking conversation.

Once I was shifting home and borrowed his van to shift my barang-barang.

He offered to help me...

But then, I failed to find out whether he is gay or not.....

I left that company and have not keep in touch with him since... wasted... :unsure:

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I had the same experience several times ... glad to know I'm not the only one haha ... at my first workplace, there was this really cute guy, nice smile, cheerful character. I struck up a conversation with him easily, cos he was also from the same army company, though different platoon, in one of the various courses we had.

As his senior by 1 yr in that company, I showed him the ropes and we became rather good friends. We chatted whenever we had the time etc. He got married but I could not shake the feeling that he was not totally straight from some of the topics we talked about, some small hints here and there. One thing I liked to do then was to squeeze the muscles between the shoulder blade and neck area (dunno the name :P ) cos his muscles at that part was always very hard/tense. It felt good touching him, even under such a context, i thought he somewhat enjoyed it too actually, but I may be delusional I dunno :D :oops: Similarly, I left the company after a while. We still keep in contact, but frequency is very much reduced :( anyway he has 2 really cute kids now ...

In my current company, there is our new GM, previously a BG from the army. Tall, OK body for his age, strong baritone voice, very well-spoken, I just love the way he speaks, so manly keke. Married, but there was once I saw him talk to a rather 'out' colleague, another very talented man I think, but a bit of the sisterly type, I had the distinct impression that the GM was flirting with that guy from his mannerism and facial expression (yes I was spying AND eavesdropping :B) ) Not sure if I am over-imagining things here, cos I never get that feeling when the GM talked to me. Maybe I'm not as cute :( or flew under his radar I dunno :lol:

*Edited for spelling mistakes

Edited by Weisc
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