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Good Gym Buddy


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We have seen so many guys are looking for a gym buddy in numerous personal ads.

But what does a gym buddy do? Just by verbally motivate you or he has to be able to do other things? First and foremost I believe a gymbuddy has to be as equally strong as us (in terms of strength: lifting weights, etc) otherwise we will not get much benefit from him as well as himself from us.

Personally, a good gym buddy has to be able to do at least one of these requirements ...

  • Guide me on how to do exercises in a proper form
  • Guide me on how to rest minimally to maximise my training
  • Assist the last reps of my weights when I start to feel fatigue

Certainly I will not expect my gym buddy to do all these things otherwise I just have to engage a personal trainer to assist me in these.

Anyone is welcome to correct me or to contribute more to make this thread more interesting ...

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A gym buddy who can do the same weights is definitely important, don't need to waste time changing weights all the time.

also a good gym buddy should be one that reads up on workout techniques and exercises so that there can be constant discussions about what routine to switch to next.

I think both having the same goals in the gym is important, so that workouts can be tailored for a common goal.

Lastly, having a gym buddy to makan with is also good, diet is just as impt as exercise, so having a buddy to help watch what you eat is impt. :)

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Certain machines require a gym-buddy to ensure proper safety. Otherwise, doing those machines may be dangerous or hurt us if nobody is spotting us.

These machines include the bench-press (with heavy weights) and whenever heavy weights are used.

Love me for a Reason, Let the Reason be Love. (from 'Love Me For A Reason', Boyzone)

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Buddy system will only work when 2 persons are committed and put in equal efforts to achieve the common goals.

If you are looking for a gym buddy, I would suggest that you look for someone who has similar training objective(s) and build / size. Those are important issues to consider because as the training progress, both of you will able to progress to the same (or almost same) level at the same time.

A good buddy is someone who is focus, encouraging, positive and pushy (at times) to help each other during the training sessions.

Enjoy and have fun with your workout. :)

learn to see the sparkle in others. not just the flaw.

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good gym buddy is someone who is strong enough to - remove that f**king loaded barbell on your chest - after it had slammed onto your body.... LOL!


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We seldom talk during our training coz our training has been pre-planned and we know what to do. We make sure our posture is correct and support each other, especially training with heavy weights. Also we have short interval time.

Normally we will discuss more after our session.

learn to see the sparkle in others. not just the flaw.

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