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Have they at least renovated the gym.. its bad from those time that I was a member.


The hot jacuzzi become at place for eldery to wash their underwear inside the hot tub.

And annoying uncles watching video in the steam room, that I wish their phone goes dead


I wonder if there's any other leisure club that's still worth to join? Thanks.... hehe

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4 hours ago, fbttop said:

Have they at least renovated the gym.. its bad from those time that I was a member.


The hot jacuzzi become at place for eldery to wash their underwear inside the hot tub.

And annoying uncles watching video in the steam room, that I wish their phone goes dead


I wonder if there's any other leisure club that's still worth to join? Thanks.... hehe

oh what happened? I tot it's a club for alumni and current students (i.e. yummy and fresh crowd).


Why got elderly and annoying uncles? 😂

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Also, a run down of a typical visit:

1. guest entries are $8/pax (a member has to sign you in) 

2. signing in at the towel counter: guests are entitled to one towel and a key + fob

3. key is for your locker in the changing room, and the fob is for access to the gym and the wellness spa (sauna, steam room, jacuzzi, cold pool, hot pool) 


Guests can stay however long but most of the facilities close at 9pm! 
Steam Room only operates in the morning from 9am-1pm, and 3-8pm. 

I always recommend guests to bring their own towel since the one given will most likely be used in the gym/spa. 

There’s also a poolside cafe with relatively affordable food! 

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