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Long Term Relationship (Compiled)


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Im 22 chi 180 76

Live in the West area...


Top here...


Looking for dates/friend


Interested in.


Chinese age <23 boy boy looking.


Not interesred in chub although I'm a little chub...


Live in the west? But at least not so far from me...


Wearing spec might be a plus!


Will I even find a suitable bf here? xD


Do add me on line chat @lovehandsomefeet

Edited by i_love_leg
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Guest lastdraw

im gonna try my luck here :)


turning 24 this year, 172 65 chinese, and am looking for friends/ltr 

preferably chinese, similar age/younger than 30, similar stats or better

preferably cute too? in terms of personality/looks/character haha


do hit me up! i'm really a nice dude

Edited by lastdraw
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**Don't read this if you are seeking LTR here **


Having spoken to lots of gay people over the years, I find it amusing that gay men in Singapore are looking for LTR in all the wrong places.  You think MR. Right will drop right in front of you because of your ads.  


From these ads above, I may be too judgemental to conclude that most of these forum users lack the self-confidence to socialise.   Mingle around in various social circles - in the gym, bars, even saunas, workshops and other social gatherings.    Read widely and learn a hobby to sustain a good conversation first. 


It is a superficial world where personal grooming rules.  Although there is someone for everyone, check whether you ooze personality and poise.  Tell me that you are slightly overweight may dampen the chance to meet athletic people.   So shape up or ship out!


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Guest lastdraw
5 hours ago, abang said:

**Don't read this if you are seeking LTR here **


Having spoken to lots of gay people over the years, I find it amusing that gay men in Singapore are looking for LTR in all the wrong places.  You think MR. Right will drop right in front of you because of your ads.  


From these ads above, I may be too judgemental to conclude that most of these forum users lack the self-confidence to socialise.   Mingle around in various social circles - in the gym, bars, even saunas, workshops and other social gatherings.    Read widely and learn a hobby to sustain a good conversation first. 


It is a superficial world where personal grooming rules.  Although there is someone for everyone, check whether you ooze personality and poise.  Tell me that you are slightly overweight may dampen the chance to meet athletic people.   So shape up or ship out!



hey abang,


thanks for your input. well, it might be easy for you to step out and socialise (as judged frm your very proud photo at pinkdot), and subsequently get what you want. but you’ve got to understand a fair number of us are posting on this thread for various reasons. 


some might be just too busy to attend social gatherings. some might be really discreet and shy to join these gatherings in the first place (so we certainly cant judge them to having to resort to ‘posting ads’ on this thread; this may be the only plausible place to know more guys). 


for whatever reason these people are here ‘posting ads’, this is their chosen way to mix in this social circle and grab some opportunities, so let them be? 


lets be nice and give one another due respect.

Edited by lastdraw
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We all are entitled to our own opinions and sharing one's thought is a manifestation of self-confidence.  I don't understand the word "discreet" used by some gay men.  If you don't take the first move to stepping out to the real world, then why bother to look for a Mr. Right?  


If one is so discreet, what are you going to do with your Mr. Right in the future?  Are you going to avoid all public places - no shopping malls, no cinemas, no public pools, no hawker centres?   Take the bold step forward, lah!


With regards to time, I believe there is a lack of effort from them.  You can definitely squeeze two hours of your life to attend workshops organised by gay organisations.  Who knows, that Mr. Right is there.  


I do understand that not everyone is ready to mingle but have they made efforts to learn how to mingle.  It is rather sad to see very reserved guys sitting by themselves at any gatherings - when I tried to strike up a conversation, I get a mono-syllable answer!   This won't work.


不是叫你“滥交” 而是学会社交礼仪。

我们同志不一定会是“花枝招展”, 到处留情。

但是, 如果你连基本的对谈都害怕, 那以后要怎样“沟通”。



我个人觉得首要任务不是要拿回“一马”的钱财 (关我屁事)。

我们先要“包装”自己 -从外表的衣着/仪容开始,不要给人不好的印象。

再来, 多看看报纸/知识性的杂志 - 不要只看娱乐版!丰富我们的内涵。

没时间看的话, 听听BBC也行。。BBC有中英文台的。。





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I think you have it mistaken buddy. It is not that you do not understand the term discreet, but suffer from selective understanding. 


To some discreet can actually mean a lot of things. It does not necessarily mean that the person is in the closet and not tell anyone about his sexual orientation.  But first, you have to understand that everybodys journey is different. 


Discreet can mean, I am into the idea of being in a long term relationship with a men but still believe that at the end of the day, I don’t need to display affection with each other in public. I don’t see a need to shove it to my FB “friends” oh hey I am attach. It can I see the need of keeping things private. Look at most successful people (not media) around the world, do they display their personal life out to the public?  


Discreet can also mean I want to separate my professional career life with my gay life. I do not want some gay soap opera drama interfering with my success at a career. Yet, I am keen for connecting someone long term. 


Alright you happen to be out to everyone and wish to push your gay agenda to everyone, sure. But not everyone wishes to do that. Yes okay you see a need to tell the society to accept you and that you just trying to fit in. But really? Is that really the case? I dont think so. Tell me, when you were much younger, when kids you played at the playground were being mean to you, do you still want to be their friends? Or do you choose to ignore them and find better friends to play with. 


To me, most are bragging and wants their one minute of fame, which will fade. That has always been the issue isnt it? You guys need validation and reaffirmation that your gay lifestlye is going great. Social media is potraying it, but at the end of day most are just hooking up and feel hollow inside.


That is why some are searching for that LTR. They need that life companion. They understand that sex is meaningless when done with someone you barely know. 


And to most posters here, get your act and LIFE together. Sure posting once or twice is alright, but Users like sgind are posting the same crap everyday hoping for a miracle. I want to be firm on this, there is no such thing as Mr Right. And another reality check, what if Mr Right were never meant to happen this lifestyle? Are you going to sit here eveyday and post the same miserable crap. 


My solution? I do not really have one. But what I know is that, the best thing I can do for now is to treat myself. Yes treat yourself. Enjoy your own company. Start paying more attention to your career, call back your parents/siblings (if you still have one). Read a book. Tons of it. Just be out there and stop searching. Stop being needy. 

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Lol what’s wrong with posting here to look for an ltr? While I disagree with spamming on a daily basis, everyone should be able to choose how they want to meet their partners. U are entitled to your own opinions but please don’t push them onto others. BTWW, I found my bf on a similar platform (although not from bw). For us, the world is fucked up enough, don’t make it worse dude. Let people make their own choices.

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12 hours ago, abang said:

**Don't read this if you are seeking LTR here **


Having spoken to lots of gay people over the years, I find it amusing that gay men in Singapore are looking for LTR in all the wrong places.  You think MR. Right will drop right in front of you because of your ads.  


From these ads above, I may be too judgemental to conclude that most of these forum users lack the self-confidence to socialise.   Mingle around in various social circles - in the gym, bars, even saunas, workshops and other social gatherings.    Read widely and learn a hobby to sustain a good conversation first. 


It is a superficial world where personal grooming rules.  Although there is someone for everyone, check whether you ooze personality and poise.  Tell me that you are slightly overweight may dampen the chance to meet athletic people.   So shape up or ship out!



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Im 22 chi 180 76

Live in the West area...


Top here...


Looking for dates/friend


Interested in.


Chinese age <23 boy boy looking.


Not interesred in chub although I'm a little chub...


Live in the west? But at least not so far from me...


Wearing spec might be a plus!


Will I even find a suitable bf here? xD


Do add me on line chat @lovehandsomefeet

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On 5/22/2018 at 12:54 AM, BeKind21Another said:


I'm seeking decent guy to Date (hopefully leading to a sincere LTR), also to make new friends and  activity buddies.

About him:

Decent, stable, pleasant, sane, mindful of others, not judgemental, likes to share/talk things out, committed, sincere. Not a must but do prefer tall local Asian, Malay / Chi guys. Age range of 20s - mid 30s, DDF, lean, muscled, meaty, stocky, not too chubby but most importantly, genuine and friendly! 

About me:

30s, 174, stocky chub, Mly, flex. Enjoy the outdoors as well indoor activities. Likes to go for stroll at the beach, parks, nature trails, people-scarce places. Do enjoy bit of swimming & badminton. Enjoy cuddling in, watching online movie or comedy etc.


So, if you think you fit the bill,  do hope to hear from you soon and let's chat to get to know each other better! ;)


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On 5/25/2018 at 10:35 AM, sgind said:

26 175 69 working  professional seeking for LTR with someone who’s looking for a serious, committed relationship. Prefrably chinese. Hit me up to get connected :)

Still seeking a partner in crime. A little outreach goes a long way.

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On 5/22/2018 at 8:36 AM, abang said:

We all are entitled to our own opinions and sharing one's thought is a manifestation of self-confidence.  I don't understand the word "discreet" used by some gay men.  If you don't take the first move to stepping out to the real world, then why bother to look for a Mr. Right?  


If one is so discreet, what are you going to do with your Mr. Right in the future?  Are you going to avoid all public places - no shopping malls, no cinemas, no public pools, no hawker centres?   Take the bold step forward, lah!


With regards to time, I believe there is a lack of effort from them.  You can definitely squeeze two hours of your life to attend workshops organised by gay organisations.  Who knows, that Mr. Right is there.  


I do understand that not everyone is ready to mingle but have they made efforts to learn how to mingle.  It is rather sad to see very reserved guys sitting by themselves at any gatherings - when I tried to strike up a conversation, I get a mono-syllable answer!   This won't work.


不是叫你“滥交” 而是学会社交礼仪。

我们同志不一定会是“花枝招展”, 到处留情。

但是, 如果你连基本的对谈都害怕, 那以后要怎样“沟通”。



我个人觉得首要任务不是要拿回“一马”的钱财 (关我屁事)。

我们先要“包装”自己 -从外表的衣着/仪容开始,不要给人不好的印象。

再来, 多看看报纸/知识性的杂志 - 不要只看娱乐版!丰富我们的内涵。

没时间看的话, 听听BBC也行。。BBC有中英文台的。。







Dear Abang,

I do understand and respect your capacity and agency for having your voice heard. I also know it's hard when we have to navigate another person's idea of 'discreetness' and privacy. I'm not gong to refute your points, and I'm certain we can all agree to disagree on how we find love and meaning in our own lives.



To all the OPs, 

I just want to say that I really admire the courage you exhibited by posting on the forum. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for you to put yourselves out on the public sphere. I just want to encourage all of you to do your best in finding love, no matter what the circumstance. You are all awesome human beings, and I can only hope that Love awaits you somewhere somehow, and when you and the universe is ready to align. Meanwhile, live life to the max and stay awesome always. Cos you can only do you (Unless you have the option of being a unicorn... #lel) There will be someone out there who will love you for who you are, and not necessarily what you look like and/or what you can afford. 


Just remember, you are awesome, and you are loved. :)


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On 5/22/2018 at 8:36 AM, abang said:

We all are entitled to our own opinions and sharing one's thought is a manifestation of self-confidence.  I don't understand the word "discreet" used by some gay men.  If you don't take the first move to stepping out to the real world, then why bother to look for a Mr. Right?  


If one is so discreet, what are you going to do with your Mr. Right in the future?  Are you going to avoid all public places - no shopping malls, no cinemas, no public pools, no hawker centres?   Take the bold step forward, lah!


With regards to time, I believe there is a lack of effort from them.  You can definitely squeeze two hours of your life to attend workshops organised by gay organisations.  Who knows, that Mr. Right is there.  


I do understand that not everyone is ready to mingle but have they made efforts to learn how to mingle.  It is rather sad to see very reserved guys sitting by themselves at any gatherings - when I tried to strike up a conversation, I get a mono-syllable answer!   This won't work.


不是叫你“滥交” 而是学会社交礼仪。

我们同志不一定会是“花枝招展”, 到处留情。

但是, 如果你连基本的对谈都害怕, 那以后要怎样“沟通”。



我个人觉得首要任务不是要拿回“一马”的钱财 (关我屁事)。

我们先要“包装”自己 -从外表的衣着/仪容开始,不要给人不好的印象。

再来, 多看看报纸/知识性的杂志 - 不要只看娱乐版!丰富我们的内涵。

没时间看的话, 听听BBC也行。。BBC有中英文台的。。






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hi there!


i'm turning 23 this year, standing at 171cm and weighing at 60kg

currently pursuing a degree 

pretty much interested in anything under the sun (or moon), so hoping to find someone whom i can talk about those things to

i love food, travelling (overseas), watching movies, classical music and of cause sleep 

i enjoy puns, witty & funny (dark humour included hahah) conversations - hmu, lineID: epictonx (but please have a facepic or intro so i know who are you hahah)


if it matters:


rather independent 


staying in the west



may the odds be ever our my favour // if life's a garden, what will you be? 



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1 hour ago, epicton; said:

hi there!


i'm turning 23 this year, standing at 171cm and weighing at 60kg

currently pursuing a degree 

pretty much interested in anything under the sun (or moon), so hoping to find someone whom i can talk about those things to

i love food, travelling (overseas), watching movies, classical music and of cause sleep 

i enjoy puns, witty & funny (dark humour included hahah) conversations - hmu, lineID: epictonx (but please have a facepic or intro so i know who are you hahah)


if it matters:


rather independent 


staying in the west



may the odds be ever our my favour // if life's a garden, what will you be? 



U love Classical Music?
me too! my radio is always fixed to Symphony 92.4 , & better still... i sing Classical Music too =)
not trying to impress U... just proud my parents sent me to College to pursue an Arts Education... that's why while my friends listen to Madonna... i prefer Mozart, LOL =)
all the best for ur Studies... 

Edited by jerseyboys
forgot to wish him "All the best..."
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Im 22 chi 180 76

Live in the West area...


Top here...


Looking for dates/friend


Interested in.


Chinese age <23 boy boy looking.


Not interesred in chub although I'm a little chub...


Live in the west? But at least not so far from me...


Wearing spec might be a plus!


Will I even find a suitable bf here? xD


Do add me on line chat @lovehandsomefeet


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22/169/74 Chinese here, looking for dates/friends 

>Currently in the army

>I m a person who likes to stay in at homes on most days

>Love binge watching shows, (English/Hong Kong shows, anime)

>Likes watching movies/listening to music/playing handheld games


Msg me so we can find out more about each other ~~



Waiting for my impossible love

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48 180 85 chn seeking partner (younger or around same age) who is intellectual mature and independent. I am a discreet working professional with his own business. Romantic loving and understanding. PM me for a chat and to trade photos. Flex btm if you must know.

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Guest lastdraw

23 turning 24, 172, 65, chinese, final year in university. 

straight acting, very discreet, seeking chat/friends/dates. 

hit me up if you think we might be a match :) 


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Hi! :)

Trying to see if I could meet a decent guy here to date (for a sincere LTR), else friends & activity buddies wld be nice too.

About him:

Decent, sincere, stable, pleasant, committed, mindful of others, not judgemental, likes to share/talk things. Not a must but a tall local Asian, Malay/Chi man wld be nice. Age below 36yo, DDF, masc. traits, lean - not too chubby.

About me:

Early 30s, 174, stocky chub, Malay, flex. Enjoy the outdoors as well indoor activities eg. beach, parks, nature trails, people-scarce places. Do like to dip in the pool & play badminton. Likes cuddling in, enjoying the cheesy stuff that couples do & more.


So, Mr Right, I hope to hear from you soon and let's get to know each other better! ;) 

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On 6/2/2018 at 12:45 AM, sgind said:

Am 26 175 69; a professional in the Finance line. I’m seeking a match with someone who’s looking for a serious, committed LTR. Preferably chinese. PM me to get know each other better. :)


PM me to get connected.

Edited by sgind
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2 hours ago, bubblemilktea said:


Posted yesterday, no response.


Posting every (other) day will not get you any responses when there is no one (interested) out there


The only thing you'll get is the increased post count LOL


how about you just let the guy post what he wants


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2 hours ago, bubblemilktea said:


Posted yesterday, no response.


Posting every (other) day will not get you any responses when there is no one (interested) out there


The only thing you'll get is the increased post count LOL

If everyone mind their own business. There will not be any squabbles.


Everyone has their rights to post what they want as long as it adhere to forum rules.


Don't trouble trouble and trouble won't trouble you.

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Guest Sport-coholic
On 6/4/2018 at 6:14 PM, Alexwong said:

Hi, any tops wanna chat?


33 chn 180 63

boyish btm seeking r/s and friends

social drinker and smoker

financially stable and working professional


Like mature, confident, easy going tops with place. 


My line is alexwong1985

chat me up if you are keen

Has anyone chatted you up?


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