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City Harvest Church Discussion - Kong Hee & Sun Ho (Compiled)


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Please take a chance to enjoy Sun's "Miss Catastrophe" MV from 2002, shot in Brazil!


She was born in 1972.  Now 43 years old, she must have been 30 at the time of this video.

Her blabber tries to sound like that of a teenage girl.  

Her whole image wants to take at least 10 years off her.

She must have one of the strongest traumas of narcissism.


Now she has transformed from a young chick into an older auntie.

Soon even with expensive cosmetic surgery she won't be able to hide

that she is becoming an old hen. 

Barely good enough for chicken soup.

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Guest AntiGuest

Which is kind of worrying numbers because it shows  zombies are ever increasing. Thanks for the lead.


It is LONG known that FB likes doesn't exactly mean you support that person or post. You have to Like some pages in order to comment.

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Yes, these church leaders were charitable towards each other.

There are many naive people in the USA too. More among 300 million people than among 5 million people.

But why does Singapore need to copy the BAD from the USA?

Human nature is the same everywhere

Given the right conditions, it will flourish.

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She was born in 1972. Now 43 years old, she must have been 30 at the time of this video.

Her blabber tries to sound like that of a teenage girl.

Her whole image wants to take at least 10 years off her.

She must have one of the strongest traumas of narcissism.

Now she has transformed from a young chick into an older auntie.

Soon even with expensive cosmetic surgery she won't be able to hide

that she is becoming an old hen.

Barely good enough for chicken soup.

Dont anyhow say. She looks tender and fresh. It was like yesterday when she was 16.

Let's sing praise of Sun Ho!!!

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After this mammoth case of misappropriating church funds, why are there still "believers"?

Don't the staunch believers realise that their leaders are mere "false" prophets?

I am not surprised that more dirty laundry will be exposed ... 

God, please help those lost sheep..


还是, 信“睡觉” 就比较“安全”。。。



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Believe in yourself and think logically and sensibly. Sometimes when you are down and out you tend to loose faith in yourself and be easily sway away! I always get approached by christians friends and colleages to joint them, but always turn them away! Simply because i have my rights to believe who show rule me! I believe in my own instincts when i dont feel good that is something must be wrong! To those people out there save yourself first because you have the right to live your live the way you want as the mighty god has given u a life! Please use your brain and think!!!! You know what i told my christian friend one day? Why would you call him father? When he don't even look like us! And my friend was stunt! Lol

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O ya my dear singaboring, one more thing, if Kong Hee ask me to join his church, you know what i would ask him back, give me 10% of your pay! Lol

Kong hee will crucify you lah

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贪慕虚荣的女人  ??????









take away all the makeup, take away all the false eye lashes, the hair extensions, the background twerking dances, all the black musicians...what do you get..?


Lao Beh ( 老马)








When God is no longer the center of your decision making .................





Vanity takes over and all hell breaks loose just like our 太阳  .....




Now I hope they will be defrocked also , stripped of all their wealth and external trappings..





and hopefully , the church people can also pick up the pieces of their life and move on ,




and stop building castles in the air...




her music career just did not take off...



but she shed a lot of her clothes for her religion ????

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The article says that the timing of Sun Ho in the US was wrong, that she had bad luck.


But... aren't these people buddies with God? 

So why did their God let Sun Ho fail?

Maybe theirs is a false God?

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I am beginning to think what is CHC 2.0?

Helmed by Sun Ho ....


Now she is 43... what next...will she be able to be "prisoner's wife" for the next ... years?

The saga continues... false divorce...what a drama ....


Why is Sun Ho not a co-conspirator in the deception?

Didn't she wasted all that money?

Could she be tried at a later date and sent to jail?

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Hello people, what is your problem????  The Oceanfront $10 million penthouse is not fully Kong Hee's. It is con-owned with Indonesian tycoon Wahju Hanafi. The monthly instalment is a very very modest sum of $17,000.  Surely Kong Hee is capable of spending such small sum of money.  We all know his wife is internationally renowned and he is CHC #1.  They both live a very hectic life and they deserve a good night rest and a place truly called home.  Dont you all agree with me?  Oceanfront is the perfect haven for this beautiful and successful couple.  They deserve our blessing!  


Come!!!  let us all applaud and wish he could fully own this $10 million home!  May he and Sun have bigger homes to own in the future.


Instigator.  ​There is enough hatred here already, why make such insensitive post to stir emotions ?  Whichever side of the fence you are sitting, I can identify you as the type who would sit back and enjoys while the opposing camps are after each other throat. 

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Human nature is the same everywhere

Given the right conditions, it will flourish.

As explained here...


....such churches tend to target the middle and working classes in the region.

"The socio-economic profile of their congregation provides them with a good financial pool to tap on. These churches also offer a sense of community and particular sensitivity to consumerism and capitalism, thus making them very relevant to the real world in the eyes of believers," he says.


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From what i know, many gays attend chc. Some are outwardly attached (superglued) to women. I really think their church is screwed-up from the get-go.

Danny yeo the radio dj still attending chc?

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In her music videos, Sun Ho dances away in a delirious manner, muttering some unintelligible phrases,

all the while looking as if she had taken something she (or any sane person) shouldn't have.


Seriously, how exactly do the videos purport to convert people to God, I wonder?

If anything, they are a total LAUGHINGSTOCK.

Edited by mate69
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In her music videos, Sun Ho dances away in a delirious manner, muttering some unintelligible phrases,

all the while looking as if she had taken something she (or any sane person) shouldn't have.


Seriously, how exactly do the videos purport to convert people to God, I wonder?

If anything, they are a total LAUGHINGSTOCK.


"Mix the China wine with the dutty wine"


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In her music videos, Sun Ho dances away in a delirious manner, muttering some unintelligible phrases,

all the while looking as if she had taken something she (or any sane person) shouldn't have.

Seriously, how exactly do the videos purport to convert people to God, I wonder?

If anything, they are a total LAUGHINGSTOCK.

Worse, she sang about killing her own husband in another song. Very unchristian thoughts!
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Instigator.  ​There is enough hatred here already, why make such insensitive post to stir emotions ?  Whichever side of the fence you are sitting, I can identify you as the type who would sit back and enjoys while the opposing camps are after each other throat. 


I think that "Instigator" is adding to the fun here.

I cannot identify many people who are supportive of the crooks, and those who appear to be may be just other "instigators".

It is like a celebration of the slaughter of the evil evangelists with a satisfaction that there is still some justice around.

I am sitting back... and forth enjoying this mud bath of Sun Ho and her deceiving husband.  

They more than deserve it.

And... I don't find much HATE here.  Instead, there is SATISFACTION.

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Kong hee is prejudiced against gays.



Reading this makes my blood boil...


In her music videos, Sun Ho dances away in a delirious manner, muttering some unintelligible phrases,

all the while looking as if she had taken something she (or any sane person) shouldn't have.


Seriously, how exactly do the videos purport to convert people to God, I wonder?

If anything, they are a total LAUGHINGSTOCK.


The LAUGHINGSTOCK makes people laugh, which is healthy.


Maybe the whole saga is a godsend from a real God

intended to raise awareness of the corruption of organized religion.


I'm a foreigner in Singapore,  but could all this scandal lead the way

to a good lawsuit by the gay community against the CHC 

on the basis of slander, libel, smear.?


Maybe the article posted by Guest can point to some ground for such lawsuit?

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Can we stop bringing up this CHC issues.  Kind of getting bored and uninteresting now.  BW forum is meant for more interesting topics than Sun Ho and family Inc.


Well, this thread happens to be about CHC.

Nobody forces you to look into this thread.

If you are bored here, look for something different elsewhere.

Edited by Steve5380
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Can we stop bringing up this CHC issues.  Kind of getting bored and uninteresting now.  BW forum is meant for more interesting topics than Sun Ho and family Inc.


no! that's exactly what these crooks are hoping for... people get bored after a few days and forget about the terrible crimes these crooks did. then justice is forgotten and these crooks go off easy!


never! i'll not stop the pursuit until maximum justice is served... meaning after the 6 convicts got the maximum jail sentences and fine to the maximum! then bring the witch to face the law and starts the whole saga again to pursuit the witch!


move to other treads if you are bored! simply as that.

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In her music videos, Sun Ho dances away in a delirious manner, muttering some unintelligible phrases,

all the while looking as if she had taken something she (or any sane person) shouldn't have.


Seriously, how exactly do the videos purport to convert people to God, I wonder?

If anything, they are a total LAUGHINGSTOCK.


exactly! these video will bring people closer to the devil!


i think whoopi goldberg would convert more people with her movie "sister act" then these demeaning video made by a witch in disguise!

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Seems like in other countries especially USA have many of such mega churches too.

Indeed it does! Switch on a TV any Sunday n u cannot escape a gazillion televangelists. Funny though that a lot of them end up in jail! Most are there for extortion n living way beyond their incomes but an increasing number for having gay relationships outside their o so solid marriages!

Google anyone on this list

Ted Haggard

Jim n Tammy Bakker

Oral Roberts

Jimmy Swaggart

Paul Barnes

Kent Hovind

Kenneth Copeland

Benny Hinn

Marrie Gortner

Bob Jones

Robert Tilton

Take a look also at Robert Schuller. He built a huge cathedral mostly of glass n called the Crystal Cathedral. In a family feud of truly Shakespearean proportions he was finally kicked out by his sisters n their spouses when it became clear the building was mired in debt. It all went bust n the building was sold to a developer.

Just like CHC power goes to these crooks heads n they think they can do anything. Ah praise the Lord for unsuspecting congregations for showering these con men with money without insisting on professional annual audits. Praise be!!!!!

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Guest AntiGuest

I think the matter doesn't die down because it is so clear that the whole lot are not in the least sorry for what they have done, over 10 years.


Instead, they continue to hide behind the name of God, slap words like unity, prayer, etc like wet blankets, and worse, the core person at it all i.e. Sun Ho continues to lead 17K ++ followers with her cosmetic brand of spirituality and worship.


Don't know about you. But I've a premonition we can expect more scams from them.


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When well established HK singer Sammi Cheng became a Christian , she took a very risky move of loosing a part of fans who will crictize her for her gospel pop album or concerts as another preaching way and concerns of album sales too (infact, Sammi did not do much promotion for her last two well sold albums in HK ) although it turns out other230wise because many knew her intention is not to make much more money ,however , this cannot be said the same for Sun Ho , who is an unknown with nothing much to loose but spending much money to gain fame ...., who is a more willing to sacrifice Christian ?

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She was born in 1972. Now 43 years old, she must have been 30 at the time of this video.

Her blabber tries to sound like that of a teenage girl.

Her whole image wants to take at least 10 years off her.

She must have one of the strongest traumas of narcissism.

Now she has transformed from a young chick into an older auntie.

Soon even with expensive cosmetic surgery she won't be able to hide

that she is becoming an old hen.

Barely good enough for chicken soup.

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Guest God loves cheerful givers

I want to encourage you. You know what, we love City Harvest Church. We love the vision that God has given to us, and we love God. Today I want to encourage you. Why don’t we just give… to God; not to man, not to anybody. But we give to him. Why? Simply because we love him. Simply because he love us. Simply because how much he has given to each and every one of us. His one and only son.


Today as we reciprocate his love toward us, by giving during this time of uncertainty, all the more it is so much more precious in the eyes of God. and I pray that today, God will see those sacrifices and your offering. And he will bless each and every one of us. You know we thank you today, and you see there is an envelope that look like this, I want you to just take it out, and put your offering inside, and you can, if you are making a cheque make it payable to ‘City Harvest Church’, I want to encourage you to fulfill your tithe, your building fund. Thank you for your giving, thank you for your love towards City Harvest Church. God loves you, let’s give with a big wide smile. Amen? Praise God.


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Religion should be treated like a business. If what you ask for does not come true or come about for what you pray for. Withhold your money to them till it come true FIRST.


If you don't get the watch working the way it was claimed to work, would you buy it still? Especially after see too many example of abusive claims over it from others who had the watch.


I have spend half my life believing in all this religious stuff and teaching and then spend the other half without all of them after that. I found my life more meaningful, more successful and fulfilling after leave all the religious nonsense in the wind.

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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She was born in 1972. Now 43 years old, she must have been 30 at the time of this video.

Her blabber tries to sound like that of a teenage girl.

Her whole image wants to take at least 10 years off her.

She must have one of the strongest traumas of narcissism.

Now she has transformed from a young chick into an older auntie.

Soon even with expensive cosmetic surgery she won't be able to hide

that she is becoming an old hen.

Barely good enough for chicken soup.

Steve....u r just bias and it clouded ur judgement. Come....be open....let down ur pretention & feel Sun Ho like a ray of hope shining onto ur face. So tender....so pure.....so much love.....repeat after me: Sun Ho is the best! I love Sun Ho....she is my guardian angel.......Sun Ho Sun Ho Sun Ho....

U must try Sun Ho's abalone.....smell it....press ur face against it....lick it....u will be Sun Ho's forever Supporter Steve!

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While u bury ur nose in her abalone, she will grab ur hair and clam ur face tighter towards her unwashed groin and lock ur head between her thighs....."surrender urself Steve! U will be my slave forever!"

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Today I want to encourage you. Why don’t we just give… to God; not to man, not to anybody. But we give to him. Why? Simply because we love him. Simply because he love us ... You know we thank you today, and you see there is an envelope that look like this, I want you to just take it out, and put your offering inside, and you can, if you are making a cheque make it payable to ‘City Harvest Church’,

I encourage the congregation - or however many of them r left - to do as this crook says. Make your cheque out very simply. Just make it payable to GOD!

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I encourage the congregation - or however many of them r left - to do as this crook says. Make your cheque out very simply. Just make it payable to GOD!


good idea or do like the Taoist do. Write out the cheque and then burn it. LOL. By pass all the bad folks.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Why did Limpeh Alex Liang say such bad things about Sun, that she is tainted goods and no record company would touch her? Why 落井下石??

People cannot because of this one-off incident 抹杀 her humanitarian efforts over the years in Taiwan, China, Aceh and even the Honduras!

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It's fun how their God made the Universe and Earth and can answer prayers but somehow with all these power to create or grant wishes... he and his "leaders" always need money still.


Funny how folks lower down the food chain of their church can not see that. Is the fear of death so scary that you can compartmentalize your smart brain to know what is right or wrong in real life situation but with things you are told by people who cheat you like they did with proof but yet you believe them still without a doubt. Because it is religion, the natural use of common sense and logic DOES NOT APPLY and can not be apply and that is fine.


All to this, to help one think, there is life after this mortal life just so you sleep better and carry on doing bad stuff because someone will always forgive you each time you are done doing bad and ask for forgiveness.


Talk about a perfect Freudian slip situation. No wonder they want so bad to forgive this fucking group of cheaters of thousands. It's all about themselves as they imagine if it was them, for whatever they might do that is wrong, they hope to also be forgiven I guess.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Why did Limpeh Alex Liang say such bad things about Sun, that she is tainted goods and no record company would touch her? Why 落井下石??

People cannot because of this one-off incident 抹杀 her humanitarian efforts over the years in Taiwan, China, Aceh and even the Honduras!

Judging by some of the vdos posted here the woman is a tramp. To suggest as some hv done she had no idea that a humungously outrageous amount of CHC funds were being used purely to promote her own career as a questionable singer is mind-numbingly pathetic! Working on occasional charitable efforts no doubt helped maintain a profile of a dedicated humble servant of God. Greed n her high living lifestyle unlocked the true persona. Edited by wozzit
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"you invest in a project if you think you can make a return, a profit. They probably took one look at Sun Ho and thought, "no way she's going to make any money, this is but a vanity project. I'm going to invest with someone else who can actually make some money." Sun Ho was just so wrong for the American market in so many ways; yet she suffered from delusions of grandeur. Most of all, her team was under the impression that they could just keep throwing money at the project until it worked, ignoring the evidence before them that grew glaringly obvious. Anyone with any basic business acumen would realize how badly wrong things were going for them.



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