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City Harvest Church Discussion - Kong Hee & Sun Ho (Compiled)


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Their members once told me if i dun donate money to them, i will get burnt in hell. !!!

Do they watch the black bag as it goes around? Sometimes i wonder what will happen if u pass the black bag to the next person without you yourself donating. 

Ok lor, since they say like this, next time u put monopoly money into the bag la. 


From what i know bible never say if u don't donate, u will go to hell. Does it mean that if u are pauper, u cannot go church and pray because u have no money to donate? No logic

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Is City Harvest anti-gay?


I found the following article:


"In reflecting whether they deserved such scrutiny, I am reminded of a sermon (a decade ago) by Pastor Kong Hee in a men only gathering where the focus was very much on homosexuality. Pastor Kong was seen determined to weed out gay men from his congregation, and during the service you can see group of guys leaving the service after being told indirectly that gays had no part in the life of CHC and were being counseled to “change”. Many gay Christians were probably so shamed that they never went back to CHC nor any other church. He had interrogated the weakest in his church, and had expelled them. There is justice in God’s law after all."

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Guest Guest

Do they watch the black bag as it goes around? Sometimes i wonder what will happen if u pass the black bag to the next person without you yourself donating.

Ok lor, since they say like this, next time u put monopoly money into the bag la.

From what i know bible never say if u don't donate, u will go to hell. Does it mean that if u are pauper, u cannot go church and pray because u have no money to donate? No logic

Dunno about the black bag but yes there was something passing around when i went once to their concert? by force. I initially skipped it and said no thanks but got dirty stares from all the members around. :/
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Guest Guest

Dunno about the black bag but yes there was something passing around when i went once to their concert? by force. I initially skipped it and said no thanks but got dirty stares from all the members around. :/

Got object passing around u didn't take note what is that "something"? Aiyo, why u so blur one?


Next time don't go. By right how much u want to Tong is supposed to be according to your own free will. Even if u tong only ten cents, u are not supposed to go to hell because of that. There should not be coercion. They look at u, u look back lor. Tong so much money for what? For sun ho to stay in beverly hills is it?

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Guest guest

I wonder whether it is possible to pretend to put some money (maybe 2-dollar note) and then grab out a whole bunch of donations which people had put into the bag? 

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Guest Guest

Got object passing around u didn't take note what is that "something"? Aiyo, why u so blur one?

Next time don't go. By right how much u want to Tong is supposed to be according to your own free will. Even if u tong only ten cents, u are not supposed to go to hell because of that. There should not be coercion. They look at u, u look back lor. Tong so much money for what? For sun ho to stay in beverly hills is it?

No i mean i dunno its black color or gold or what but after awhile know theres a donation bag. Didnt want to donate cos i do not have small notes and politely declined but gt ridiculous stares from those sitting around me instead (they seem like established members). They didnt even say the donation is for what? In addition i heard each member must donate about 20% of their salary to the church each month? No wonder the church is so rich!

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Guest Guest

I wonder whether it is possible to pretend to put some money (maybe 2-dollar note) and then grab out a whole bunch of donations which people had put into the bag?

Siao you dun wanna get out of the church alive is it?

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Guest Guest

Siao you dun wanna get out of the church alive is it?


Paiseh I was affected by the video in the 5th post. I mean if they pass a black bag around like that it would be rather easy to take the money from the bag right? 


I didn't know they were all sitting and scrutinizing you

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Guest Guest

Guest on post 26, want to die early is it? Upstairs got eyes to see hor. How can like that? So evil, pretend to put money in somemore. 

The 20% monthly salary donated is called tithings (i hope i get the spelling correct). Again, from what i understand, it is totally voluntary, don't think it is compulsory. If compulsory, then part time workers who earn only a few hundred a month & housewives cannot be christians already, if they donate 20%, then they will starve to death. If i not wrong, the percentage is also not dictated.


Of course la, they are so charmed by kong hee and sun ho, some will donate in this manner generously, that is why they can hold their service at suntec and have state of art lighting & sound system & graphics. U see the stage design, can fight with lady gaga's stage. 

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Guest Guest on Post 26

When I said take money I meant in a scenario like what guest on post #24 described. 

Are they partying or watching you put money in the bag? If just partying just put $2 , don't drop the money, put it inside nicely then grab out a whole bunch of the donation. 


Of course if its one person coming to you with the bag, and asking for alms its a different story, but otherwise if pass around during their party, I really don't see how hard it is to take some money. 

I have no idea though. Never been to these things before

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Guest guest

how does the black bag look like and how big is it?one round  or 2 round of donation? how much can the black bag be collected?few k each time when  mr Kong  come out and speak>?impress.

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Stop insulting Sun Ho please.


I agree.  It makes little sense insulting her, same as with her husband.


It might be better to let the Singapore population wake up and realize the deception of these Christian megachurches.

It sould be clear what the "Christianity" is they preach.

Times to get back to Buddhism.

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Guest Guest

I went there once after someone invited me and I left after like 10 minutes

this place absolutely gave me the creeps :unsure:


Well, sluts shouldn't be going to churches, they should be in Geylang...

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so any one have good or bad experience at city harvest church  ?but thought got free concert and  free adivsal there.oh not forgetting got famous singers performing.

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Guest Guest

Well, sluts shouldn't be going to churches, they should be in Geylang...


It's whores who belong to Geylang, at least prostitutes get paid.

Sluts sleep with everyone for free.

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I agree. It makes little sense insulting her, same as with her husband.

It might be better to let the Singapore population wake up and realize the deception of these Christian megachurches.

It sould be clear what the "Christianity" is they preach.

Times to get back to Buddhism.

Never mind lah, it's just a forum where everyone gets to rant. This bitch plus gay-looking hubby have cheated Singaporeans through sub-conscious mind, hypnotism and emotions which many mainstream Christian denominations do not. So, what's your take?

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Guest Guest

Guest on post 26, want to die early is it? Upstairs got eyes to see hor. How can like that? So evil, pretend to put money in somemore. 

The 20% monthly salary donated is called tithings (i hope i get the spelling correct). Again, from what i understand, it is totally voluntary, don't think it is compulsory. If compulsory, then part time workers who earn only a few hundred a month & housewives cannot be christians already, if they donate 20%, then they will starve to death. If i not wrong, the percentage is also not dictated.


Of course la, they are so charmed by kong hee and sun ho, some will donate in this manner generously, that is why they can hold their service at suntec and have state of art lighting & sound system & graphics. U see the stage design, can fight with lady gaga's stage. 


on a serious note, whether voluntary anot, i think its absurb to ask your churchgoers or members to donate 20% of their salary to you. they have really been deeply brainwashed! :yuk:

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Guest, on 24 Mar 2013 - 00:33, said:

Nice new song by Sun Ho in church


way to go pst Sun!

Wow. The presence of God is so strong in this video, accompanying with SunHo's angelic and supreme voice, im so touched.

Surely this song has to be number 1 in the Billboard too right? I mean, its so divine.

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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Guest Guest

Wow. The presence of God is so strong in this video, accompanying with SunHo's angelic and supreme voice, im so touched.

Surely this song has to be number 1 in the Billboard too right? I mean, its so divine.

I can't sense his presence, watched the whole video till end. Angelic can be used to describe her? Look at all her videos, how she behaves seductively. hmmmmmm, maybe all of us perceives an angel wrongfully, didn't know angels makes seductive expressions. 

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Guest Guest

Wow. The presence of God is so strong in this video, accompanying with SunHo's angelic and supreme voice, im so touched.

Surely this song has to be number 1 in the Billboard too right? I mean, its so divine.

Wow. The presence of God is so strong in this video, accompanying with SunHo's angelic and supreme voice, im so touched.

Surely this song has to be number 1 in the Billboard too right? I mean, its so divine.

Didn't know imchaser is a fan of this whore!

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I'll be honest, I was in that church for a few months. And I really do agree with all you guys. Sun Ho isn't a pastor's wife, because Kong Hee is not a real pastor but a scammer, and also she's a slut...or a slut-wannabe. She even said the word "bitch" in a video, something the church members there dare not even say in the slightest sense(like little kindergarten kids with no brains)! And Kong Hee, he's like an Asian version of "Barney The Dinosaur", but really skinny, with money he took from his zombies, and Gucci suits.


To the guests who don't like us bitching about a slut and her gay husband, why are you here? If you are from CHC, please, go ask your pastor for forgiveness, because we will never forgive you for being on the side of homophobic queers. I mean, if you seriously want to come here and defend your church, come out of the closet, hook up and get fucked by a man, and then if you still think its appropriate to defend them, give your money to his jesus. I've never heard of Jesus being so selfish and fucked up, until he talked about "jesus". And his zombies all just cry: "Uuuuuuggghhhh.....we no brain...must listen to rich gay man with slutty wifey.....uuuuugggghhhh....give...all...our...money...UUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH". Please, grow a brain and some balls.


P.S. The money "donation" they do every week at their services is in what they call a collection envelope. And they even have options of giving by cash, cheque, or even credit card. And they have online live webcast where they also have a link for you to give by credit card also. And they also have their tithing, which is, according to them, a practice where "you give 10% of your salary", and this 10% is your salary...before CPF contribution. The reason is that some guy in the Old Testament in the Bible gave one-tenth of all his belongings to "God". The difference is that the Bible guy gave 10% once, but people in the church are stupid enough to give 10% every month. Luckily I never gave a single cent to them. Phew!

Edited by Nic Jude Das
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Guest Passingthru

I can't sense his presence, watched the whole video till end. Angelic can be used to describe her? Look at all her videos, how she behaves seductively. hmmmmmm, maybe all of us perceives an angel wrongfully, didn't know angels makes seductive expressions. 



Didn't know imchaser is a fan of this whore!

Fully agree with Imchaser, Sun is really second to none.  Simply incomparable.  On top of that, have you noticed how humble and down-to-earth she is?  The divine way she carries herself, so full of light and of such delicate manner, is a beacon to all of us who have lost our way and souls to the degradation of worldly pursuits.  She is a vision and gentle reminder that while we're in this world, we're not of this world.  Truly an inspiration for those of us who have back slidden and are so desperately challenged to regain our footing on this slippery slope called life.  Well, Sun, gives us hope!  Hallelujah!!





( Wondering how many more will take our postings at face value! )

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Guest Passingthru

Yes, God has blessed me - particularly with the ability to discern sarcasm, parody, irony, tongue-in-cheek, comedy and most of all...... SATIRE.


Wouldn't be surprised if the several guests here actually take, for example, The Onion,  as real and serious news!  LOL!

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Guest Anti鬼佬

 The difference is that the Bible guy gave 10% once, but people in the church are stupid enough to give 10% every month. Luckily I never gave a single cent to them. Phew!

In another words, they are gorng-kiia right?

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Guest KongHee

P.S. The money "donation" they do every week at their services is in what they call a collection envelope. And they even have options of giving by cash, cheque, or even credit card. And they have online live webcast where they also have a link for you to give by credit card also. And they also have their tithing, which is, according to them, a practice where "you give 10% of your salary", and this 10% is your salary...before CPF contribution. The reason is that some guy in the Old Testament in the Bible gave one-tenth of all his belongings to "God". 





My expensive botox from the church funding leh! If no church funding, how can I get my botox be done?

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