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City Harvest Church Discussion - Kong Hee & Sun Ho (Compiled)


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Salaried people, temp job workers, the unemployed, housewives, full time nsmen, students, retirees. You give your best. You give until your heart is broken. You give until tears stream down your eyes.



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Guest snowball

learn to respect before you want to say you believe and have faith in God. when the truth about God and His Word was distorted, misused, and abused, religious shame was the result. 

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如果这是无私的大爱, 他不会拒绝任何一个向善的心, 不会因你的种族, 更不会因为你是同性恋者, 因为每个人都是平等的

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Guest snowball

错不在SUN, 而是那些心肝情愿把双眼蒙蔽, 把真理歪曲遗弃的跟随者。

但真正的上帝从不会对回头的人不顾, 而是等着痴者重新发现自己内心那颗被灰尘覆盖已久的珍珠,


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sun shines?

f u, sun shines my ass. :hat:

Don't be rude, bitch!

Didn't your parents bring you up properly? Or were you found in a rubbish bin when you were young?

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发光发亮? 她又不是灯泡!

别在这里胡言乱语, SUN是国宝级歌手, 在台湾和中国是著名的疗伤天后,在美国好莱坞是美国告示牌排行榜的冠军舞曲天后,她当然发光发亮!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Guest


This is a pastor with conscience. Dr Paul Choo, where he talked about prosperity gospel with reference to a particular church. Throughout, he did not mention any names or church, but it is very obvious who he is talking about. He did mention China Wine though which make it even more obvious.


Since so many of u are soooooooo interested in our "国宝级歌手, 在台湾和中国是著名的疗伤天后,在美国好莱坞是美国告示牌排行榜的冠军舞曲天后 bla bla bla....." please scroll to 52:00 to 54:00 where he talked about her. 



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When I was young and pretty pious then, I did not, for once, came across a rich preacher man.

Rich in secular sense, lots of material wealth.

Most were as poor as church mice.


I knew of the hard-working servants of God who travelled from one town to another to preach the Gospel.

They were really men-of-great-faith, not men-of-great-wealth.

They are rich in the minds, beliefs.


How things have changed!

"Slap that woman" for misusing God's name so loosely...

I am sure that there are many better ways to reach the unbelievers than to dance/dress provocatively.

Did she ask for approval from God to do it?

I am sure God would say NEVER!

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Congratulations to Sun!  You go girl! :)


Ho Yeow Sun to resume executive role in City Harvest Church


SINGAPORE: Ms Ho Yeow Sun, the wife of City Harvest Church founder Kong Hee, will resume her role as Executive Director of the church after two suspension orders against her were lifted on Monday with immediate effect by the Commissioner of Charities (COC).
The charities watchdog announced it has reviewed Ms Ho’s suspension orders and is “satisfied that it is now appropriate to discharge the orders”.
Last month, the Commissioner announced his intention to remove eight executive members from their office or employment in the church after finding misconduct and mismanagement in its administration. But he decided not to do so with Ms Ho as there was insufficient evidence that she contributed to mismanagement there.
Asked why it did not lift Ms Ho’s suspension then, the Office of the COC said: “At that point in time, the COC’s immediate task was to determine whether to initiate removal proceedings against the suspended individuals.
“Upon deciding to institute removal proceedings against the eight individuals except Ho on April 9, the COC must be given reasonable time thereafter to consider and make a decision on all matters in relation to Ho, whose suspension will only lapse after August. Furthermore, Ho did not personally request for a review/discharge of the suspension orders.”
A City Harvest Church spokesperson said Ms Ho would resume her role as Executive Director. In a church statement posted online on Monday, Ms Ho said she was thankful to be able to resume her executive duties “at such a crucial time for City Harvest Church”, adding: “I am truly glad that I have been fully vindicated.”
The COC on Monday also granted a two-month extension — until July 13 — for the eight executive members to submit their representations on why they should not be removed from their office. The eight are Kong, Lam Leng Hung, Tan Ye Peng, Tan Shao Yuen Sharon, Chew Eng Han, Serina Wee Gek Yin — who are separately facing a criminal trial that begins tomorrow — as well as Mr Kelvin Teo Meng How and Ms Tan Su Pheng Jacqueline.
The extension from Monday’s deadline is a “goodwill gesture”, said the Office of the COC. In return, the eight have agreed to extend their suspensions by two months. The church’s governing board also has until July 13 to submit its representation.
Asked why the board requested for an extension, the church spokesperson said: “There was a need for the board to clarify with the COC what exactly was required for the representations. Now that the clarifications have been made, the board needs more time to craft the representations.”
The Commissioner’s inquiry found financial irregularities of at least S$23 million that were in the church’s building fund but used purportedly to finance Ms Ho’s secular music career.
Monday was also the deadline for the public to submit representations to the COC on four individuals — Kong, Lam, Tan Ye Peng and Mr Teo.
The Office of the COC declined to reveal how many submissions it has received from the public.
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Guest Guest

With money, black can be bleached till white.How can she be fully vindicated when she is the beneficiary of the siphoned funds?


No proof, don't anyhow say.  


Sun is innocent.  She is a superstar for Jesus.

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I am sure God would say NEVER!


Why r u so sure of what God (if one exist) would say? CHC's members and leaders and Sun are, in the same vein, very sure God approved of whatever they are being accused of.

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Sorry hor, I never receive the memo from Jesus.


Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour, not Sun Ho.


If you are so obsessed over one person, and that person isn't God, then you might want to re-examine your values as a Christian.


You sure are behaving like a good Christian in the romp thread.  LOL


Jesus would be ashamed to be associated with the satanic likes of you.

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一个人的人品修为如何, 是否嘴巴说的是一套, 做的又是另一套, 自己心知肚明。是否贪图富贵享乐, 事实胜于雄辩, 从他/她们的日常生活中的起居饮食就可知晓。人在做, 天在看, 如果做得正行得正, 心就不会不安。

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Guest Little Monster

Sorry hor, I never receive the memo from Jesus.


Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour, not Sun Ho.


If you are so obsessed over one person, and that person isn't God, then you might want to re-examine your values as a Christian.

Jesus is my virtue but Judas is the demon i cling to.

Tong Tong Tong Tong Tong Tong Tong Tong Tong.


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Guest snowball

如何做人已经是一生难修的课了, 何必自欺欺人, 还没学会爬就想飞, 一步登天摔下来可不是好玩的。

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I can get nightmare. The hair look like Kwee. Very eerie.


She also rent a place in a very upmarket area in US where the celebrities lives.

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From the entertainment industry on CHC:

When i was in Shanghai, Sun's manager asked my company how much do I want to put Sun in any productions, just name ANY price. This is very shocking as it's never the practice for our industry, it's usually the other way round. If she is really such a celebrity like you say, she and her management won't have to resort to this. 

In Hollywood, her appearance in the fashion week was the biggest joke among the community, NO ONE respected or regarded her as an artist. One question to ponder, how much did she spend to appear at the awards ceremony? Only the management knows. 

I'm speaking from someone from the entertainment world, your belief of Sun as a cross over artist... is all but an illusion. Billboard charts, publicity and so called fame all can be bought.

How much was the cross over project? From what i know, it's at least double of what is being reported in the news. I'm not a hater of CHC, nor anti-Sun Ho, I have so many friends in CHC, they deserve to know the truth as too many people are in debt because of this.


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*knock knock on the heads of these people and shouted: "hello, anybody home?! Wake up"  

what was heard is the echo of my own shouting because their heads are empty !

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20K of prayers ???  pray that Kong Hee and his wife go straight to jail :clap:  . Mr Ed Ong, you can post any figures you want lah :ph34r:


Kong Hee and wife are misusing the name of God to cheat church people religion beliefs of their hard-earned money for their (Kong Hee and wife) own materialism, fame and luxury... :angry:

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Ex-finance manager Serina Wee Gek Yin also been charged.
One thing cross my mind. Had they spend just a small amount of the sum to promote her instead, probably she will be more successful and earn millions more for the church.
I really dunno what type of singer Sun Ho is. Instead of earning money, they lose 24mil.

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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Ex-finance manager Serina Wee Gek Yin also been charged.



One thing cross my mind. Had they spend just a small amount of the sum to promote her instead, probably she will be more successful and earn millions more for the church.


I really dunno what type of singer Sun Ho is. Instead of earning money, they lose 24mil.


This is much prettier than that old horse!!!

She is so FETCH.

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Actually this horse face and that horse face from fetchyrcb blog will make a good team, both ugly talentless and desperate for fame. Both have a face that people would want to slap.

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Guest Guests

I think all of you have to stop your namecalling. After all, the case is not even halfway through and the verdict is not out yet. So stop making any more spiteful comments.

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seriously, that makeup of her makes her look horrible...whose the makeup artist to think of doing that to a horse?


He's trying to make her into a Monkey. Sun WuKong.

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Guests, please control yourself and avoid rude name calling and vulgar words. This is the main forum not flamming room. 


Everytime u guys do this the mods move all your posts to the flamming room including mine. Its not fair. 

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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别在这里胡言乱语, SUN是国宝级歌手, 在台湾和中国是著名的疗伤天后,在美国好莱坞是美国告示牌排行榜的冠军舞曲天后,她当然发光发亮!






Hahahahahaha, LMAO, wow, some people here are hilarious, or being very sarcastic.

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actually when I didn't know that horse is from CHC, I thought her first song 'Sun with Love' was quite nice. Her voice is ok for mandarin songs.



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Guest Raiden Alpha

After Dulai and Ming Yi who else is the next to follow?

Sad to see this type of things happening over and over again.Can people cast their faith more carefully or not?

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Wtf is wrong with you people?

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After Dulai and Ming Yi who else is the next to follow?

Sad to see this type of things happening over and over again.Can people cast their faith more carefully or not?

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Wtf is wrong with you people?


Please do your research!


Sun Ho had a number of No. 1 hits on the United States Billboard Charts, the United Kingdom Musicweek Charts and the Spanish dance charts.


Jesus was blessing her all the way to the top of the charts.

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Ex-finance manager Serina Wee Gek Yin also been charged.



One thing cross my mind. Had they spend just a small amount of the sum to promote her instead, probably she will be more successful and earn millions more for the church.


I really dunno what type of singer Sun Ho is. Instead of earning money, they lose 24mil.


One eye totally covered by hair. Only left one eye to see. How to distinguish black from white, good from evil?

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Guest Raiden Alpha

Please do your research!

Sun Ho had a number of No. 1 hits on the United States Billboard Charts, the United Kingdom Musicweek Charts and the Spanish dance charts.

Jesus was blessing her all the way to the top of the charts.

I understand where you are coming from.

As long as the verdict is not out all is innocent until proven guilty.

That is why I refrain from naming or defaming the church outright.

I try my best to be civic and practice self censorship. This is the best I can do for you guys.

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