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City Harvest Church Discussion - Kong Hee & Sun Ho (Compiled)


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Guest Raiden Alpha

why do you wish a Singaporean to be sack? Even if its one you hate. This goes to show once again you are nothing but false prophet. As long as a Singaporean or anyone who disagree with you, you will curse him to the living daylights. And yet you say you "went to gates of hell" for Singaporeans. Lol. What you want is a government who control it's people more tightly and control what it's people do, listen, think and hear.

Why are you cursing at Singaporeans? Are you anti singapore?

Orh. :)
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Quoted from online articles....

Documents submitted during the trial of five City Harvest Church (CHC) leaders and one former leader showed that Xtron Productions, a company that used to manage singer Sun Ho, had budgeted $10 million to produce and market her English album in the US.

The album has yet to be released.

Another budget for $28.6 million on promoting the album in Asia included almost $700,000 on church founder Kong Hee's airfare.

700k!!!' Speechless....

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Hardly surprising if he is flying in first class all the times.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Hardly surprising if he is flying in first class all the times.


So, r u suggesting that amount is justified?

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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So, r u suggesting that amount is justified?


Justifiable for what?


For the cost of first class flights, yes.


Whether he should have spent such kind on money, I shall leave it to the judge to decide.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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very loaded to sit business class every week.


really...money comes easy for them...this is how they 'misuse' the followers money....dammit.


w such amt of money to spend, flying between LA and SIN is like travelling from Pasir ris to Jurong to visit your parents house every weekend.



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Quoted from online articles....

Documents submitted during the trial of five City Harvest Church (CHC) leaders and one former leader showed that Xtron Productions, a company that used to manage singer Sun Ho, had budgeted $10 million to produce and market her English album in the US.

The album has yet to be released.

Another budget for $28.6 million on promoting the album in Asia included almost $700,000 on church founder Kong Hee's airfare.

700k!!!' Speechless....


This $28.6 millions will probably include also -


buying air-time to promote that old lady's songs,

paying to attend prestigious music awards shows,

Their extensive designer wardrobe for casual and former wear etc.

Hotel bills for presidential suites only everywhere they go,

etc etc.

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Its already quite obvious Kong and his gang are cooking the books big time.

It'll be very interesting to see how their very expensive senior counsels pitch their skill together to get them off the hook.

Since all were charged with the same offence, if one is guilty, then all will be guilty too.

Unless of cos, if Kong decided to sacrifice himself "to the dogs" by saying "They are all innocent, I instructed them to do it!"

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Hey People,

Be mindful of your post. If you guys flame this post, I will move it to the Flaming room.

So please do not divert from the post and stick to the discussion of the topic as it was intended.



P/s : we have many similar topics in the flaming room for you to go bitch, so please don't do it there. http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5332&page=17#entry645093

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If possible, pls only ban those that flame in the topic and not letting them to comment again on the same topic. And not AGAIN putting another hot or nation related topic into flaming rooms.

We know there are always people that think either they are always right or superior than others. 'just ban them' or put the hot topics in members forum.

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I think this case will be draggy. Up till now, only the prosecution has built their case.

Luxury church Luxury weekend church sessions, singing dancing and sheer wasting of donators money to promote Ms Ho to promote Christianity.


What is wrong with church members donating blindly. Church should be a simple place to pray. More efforts should be diverted to charity work for the poor.

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CHC is embarking on a big campaign to control the right information to its members. They don't want anyone to read the wrong message. The GLs are asking its members not to read news from the media. They are prohibited from reading CHC Confessions Facebook page.  They are afraid that members can see through that the 6 group leaders are manipulating transactions to embezzle church funds for a private ambition. The cover ups to cover ups, the lies to defend lies, the collusion to embezzle funds, they are just a bunch of crooks living off the wealth of members. Members are now starting to wake up from their zombiefied state. Some are thinking of organizing class action to recover back their hard earned money which has been thrown to waste. Sun Ho would not give two hoot about spending US$50,000 a month on expenses, first class travel, expensive gifts, clothes, and personal lavishes, reminds me of the golden tap for Durai. Kong Hee just travels first class, S$50,000 a month just for travel. I ask, which CEO in the world spends S$50,000 a month travelling to meetings. And now members must empty their coffers to pay the interest on the Suntec loan. The principal they will never able to pay unless, all members contribute 200% of their wages. This CityNews reporter is also trying to highlight only the defense arguments.  Sigh.



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Let's look objectively at the CHC issue. For some reason, they intended to spread the message of Christianity to teenagers in the US, and that is why they saw it fit to spend tens of millions of dollars. Let's for the purpose of argument, assume this to be true and analyze the situation.


First question is "why the US"? It is undeniable that the US is no longer as Christian as it used to be, but to send missionaries to a country that has a majority of Christians is like sending coal to Newcastle. I can understand the South Koreans going to Afghanistan, but CHC going to the US? Not understandable. But then again, I have also heard of churches sending missionaries to Australia, another majority Christian country, so I don't get it, most people don't get it, but let's just give CHC a pass here.


The second question, "why Ho Yeow Sun"? Her supporters say that she is "wholesome". I don't know what this means and I don't know what's so "wholesome" about China Wine. Anyways, CHC wanted to spread the message to US teenagers. How old? Teen as in sixteen, seventeen ... In 2007 when China Wine was made, Ho Yeow Sun would be 35 years old. So CHC seriously expect teenagers to identify with someone who is closer to their mother's age? Sorry CHC, gets a fail here.


Talking about identifying. Hip Hop comes from US street culture. How on earth would US street culture be associated with a 35 year old Chinese woman with a foreign accent? It would be the same as getting Joshua Ledet, a great black American singer, to evangelize to Singaporean teenagers by singing Chinese songs! At the most it would be something odd and maybe even entertaining. CHC again gets a fail here.


The next question, the choice of music. Gospel songs are about Christianity. So if someone likes the gospel genre, they learn about Christianity because every gospel song is consistently about Christianity. Hip Hop on the other hand has no consistent message. So anybody listening to the Hip Hop genre is not given consistent information about anything in particular. So whatever message Ho Yeow Sun intended to convey, will be lost the moment potential convert find another Hip Hop song. Again I give CHC a fail here.


So I think the very basis of the Crossover Project is in a word ... unbelievable.



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The cat is kinda out of the bag slowly but surely. One of the auditors has testified that he has been told to appear in a video reading a pre-made statement by the church indicating that its finances are in order. This video is then played to assure its members that everything is fine. Sounds tad bit of dishonesty to me.

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Very good analysis as being an outsiders, the whole cross over projects made no sense


To "attempt" to ans your questions


- Why USA: it was stated that their end target market is China. While Sun had a decent reputation in Taiwan, she didnt make it to the much bigger China market. Hence the plan is to have Sun makes it big in USA and then return to China to spread the messages.


- Why Sun: Other than she is Kong's wife and what seemed like vanity project for her, Sun does enjoy a respectable success in Taiwan market. What baffles me why they didnt mimic her "wholesome" image to the USA, instead going towards Beyonce path.


- Why the choice of music: In fact she wasnt doing hip hop in China Wine, it was more Reggae Dance, which was a sub gene. Personally I felt the whole team was duped by the USA management and to a certain extent wyclef jean, who produce excellent songs for shakira.


Coming back, it isnt a question of cross over project, in my opinion, the Church has the right to used its fund, but the question the court trying to establish is whether CHC's possible falsification of accounts and criminal breach of trust  


Let's look objectively at the CHC issue. For some reason, they intended to spread the message of Christianity to teenagers in the US, and that is why they saw it fit to spend tens of millions of dollars. Let's for the purpose of argument, assume this to be true and analyze the situation.


First question is "why the US"? It is undeniable that the US is no longer as Christian as it used to be, but to send missionaries to a country that has a majority of Christians is like sending coal to Newcastle. I can understand the South Koreans going to Afghanistan, but CHC going to the US? Not understandable. But then again, I have also heard of churches sending missionaries to Australia, another majority Christian country, so I don't get it, most people don't get it, but let's just give CHC a pass here.


The second question, "why Ho Yeow Sun"? Her supporters say that she is "wholesome". I don't know what this means and I don't know what's so "wholesome" about China Wine. Anyways, CHC wanted to spread the message to US teenagers. How old? Teen as in sixteen, seventeen ... In 2007 when China Wine was made, Ho Yeow Sun would be 35 years old. So CHC seriously expect teenagers to identify with someone who is closer to their mother's age? Sorry CHC, gets a fail here.


Talking about identifying. Hip Hop comes from US street culture. How on earth would US street culture be associated with a 35 year old Chinese woman with a foreign accent? It would be the same as getting Joshua Ledet, a great black American singer, to evangelize to Singaporean teenagers by singing Chinese songs! At the most it would be something odd and maybe even entertaining. CHC again gets a fail here.


The next question, the choice of music. Gospel songs are about Christianity. So if someone likes the gospel genre, they learn about Christianity because every gospel song is consistently about Christianity. Hip Hop on the other hand has no consistent message. So anybody listening to the Hip Hop genre is not given consistent information about anything in particular. So whatever message Ho Yeow Sun intended to convey, will be lost the moment potential convert find another Hip Hop song. Again I give CHC a fail here.


So I think the very basis of the Crossover Project is in a word ... unbelievable.



:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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The cat is kinda out of the bag slowly but surely. One of the auditors has testified that he has been told to appear in a video reading a pre-made statement by the church indicating that its finances are in order. This video is then played to assure its members that everything is fine. Sounds tad bit of dishonesty to me.


A tad of dishonesty is far too mild.

This auditor had all the while been playing footsie with the church's executives and is now denying everything in court.

He had appeared as an auditor-in-charge in a video declaring in an AGM that "no church funds were ever used in the promotion of Sun Ho's singing career" and now

in court, said he was actually pressured to read from a script prepared by the church in front of the camera which he had now also forgotten upon who's instructions.

And everything he was asked in court, he cannot remember what he had said but remember very well things that he did not say??

He is being described as untruthful in court and you can really see here a professional totally without integrity.

He failed badly in his profession and should be jailed too for cahoots and helped to cook the books.


As the case proceed, you can see defendants are all now trying to prove that this auditor, sometimes they called brother, is the one who gave them all the advices on the dealings.

And if the dealing are deemed illegal, they can then accused this auditor for giving all the wrong professional advices while they being laymen, were just ill-advised innocents

From this case, you can also see how all this religious church people, they once call each brothers, trying to lie, shift blame and accusing one another just to save their own skin.

Despicable may be is too mild too.

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"All 'Bout The Money"

Sometimes I find another world
inside my mind
when I realise
the crazy things we do
It makes me feel ashamed to be alive
It makes me wanna run away and hide

It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum.......
And I don't think It's funny
to see us fade away
It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
and I think we got it all wrong anyway

We find strange ways of showing
them how much we really care
when in fact
we just don't seem to care at all

This pretty world
is getting out of hand
So tell me how we fail to understand?

It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum.......
And I don?t think It?s funny
to see us fade away
It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
and I think we got it all wrong anyway

Cause it's all 'bout the money

It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
And I don't think it's funny
to see us fade away
It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
and I think we got it all wrong

It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
And I don't think it's funny
to see us fade away
It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
and I think we got it all wrong anyway

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Why everyone here so kaypoh?


Did Sun Ho lie, steal or cheat?  What's wrong if the churchgoers donated to support her Crossover Project for the benefit of the church?


It's not as if Sun is doing this for her personal glory.  She is doing this for God and CHC, her career was part of a wider aim to spread Christian values and humanitarianism.


Furthermore, so what even if her career was supported by the church?  If she herself didn't have the personal qualities to make it big in showbiz and in the American music scene, no amount of money would be able to help her.


She had already worked with big stars like Wyclef Jean and Olivia Newton-John, and was to work with Rihanna, Akon, will.i.am, and many other successful US singers.


Do you think they would want to work with a failure?  They only want to work with the best.  Obviously, Sun Ho is the best.


They work with monies! Doesn't matter whether SH is failure or not. Pump in millions of $$$$ of course they will work even with a horse.


The how come the album was never released? The how come the 6 leaders of chc are now charged in court? Pls go to CHC CONFESSIONS and do some reading!!!


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Guest lausche ametyk
Hello everyone i would like to share to all of you a bit on this genre of music called reggae dancehall which is what Sun Ho's 2 songs China Wine and Mr Bill are produced from. 

Firstly dancehall can also be referred to as reggae dancehall is the latest form of music from jamaica and is relatively young and first became a distinct seperate genre of music from reggae in the late 80's to early 90s. One very important aspect of dancehall is that the background tune or what is known as the rhythmn or "riddim" is produced by synthesized music rather than from a band. This is what differentiates it from reggae. 

Next most artists don't actually sing on the songs or "tunes" but rather "deejay" on it. Deejaying can be considering rapping or rapping in a sing song fashion on the riddim. There are a number of famous dancehall songs that hit the billboard like mr bombastic from shaggy, get busy by sean paul. If you listen to eurodance you would be familiar with deejaying as artists like ice MC did that on all his songs like it's a rainy day or fun factory's "so close to you ragga remix". Phrases like boomshakalaka should be familiar too. Sean paul should be the most famous dancehall artist and if you heard any of his songs he isn't rapping in the conventional sense and he isn't singing but deejaying.

Now dancehall is based off the darker elements of jamaican society. It's from the ghetto of jamaica and it's famous for its "slackness" which is glorifying gun culture, sex, violence, gangsterism, ganja smoking and hatred of homosexuals. 

That is why the songs China Wine and Mr Bill show gratious sexual dances and talking about violence this is very typical of the genre and would be expected if Sun had done a heavy metal song it would be expected for her to sing about death, sex, drugs etc cos that is typical of metal. 

Next just google on passa passa which is a weekly street dance that takes place in jamaica and see how they dance. The songs China Wine and Mr Bill are unique in that they were specially produced. Songs or "tunes" on dancehall are regularly produced. An artist like elephantman easily has 100s of such songs or "tunes" so they obviously don't put in extensive production behind every single tune. Most tunes are produced with an artist deejaying off a riddim. A riddim can easily have up to 10 artists deejaying off it. The background track sounds the same but what the artists say is different. Just google applause riddim or diwali riddim which has sean paul's famous get busy tune. 

I suppose since Sun Ho had 2 songs specially made for her that was why she paid such high production fees and of course the appearance of famous personalities like tyson beckford and wycleff jean.

Elephantman is considered an exciting artist that doesn't focus on the darker elements like killing people or being a "badman" or a gangster but more on the dancing aka jiggy jiggy aspect of dancehall. He does however deejay on everything in dancehall from killing of gays or "battyboy" being a badman, a "gyalis" or lady killer and smoking of ganja. His lyrics are often nonsensical and not to be taken seriously.

The other artist that appeared was tony matterhorn. Tony matterhorn is more a frontman of a sound system. Go google "jamaican sound system" and you will see that these personalities from the sound systems or the selectors from the sound systems are famous in their own right. Tony matterhorn crossed over from being a selector and frontman on the sound system king addis and he got his break through hit with "dutty wine" or dirty dancing. Dutty wine is a pretty famous song and it's a specific way of dancing aka "wining" where the female bends over and spins her hair. China wine is supposed to be a continuation of dutty wine. A wine in the carribean or west indies is known to be a lady's sexy dance something akin to "twerking".

On the bigger scale of things dancehall isn't really that popular and is considered an underground genre of music but it can be found worldwide in Europe, USA, Japan. 

Go google mighty crown and japanese dancehall and it's really big over there in osaka for example. Many aspects of dancehall to be found from being an artist, a selector from a sound system or being a dancer and dancehall queen and they come from various countries especially europe. One famous UK selector would be David Rodigan.

I am telling you all of this to show that even though dancehall isn't as popular as hip hop or pop but it isn't that unknown and still has some reach and not to mention it and reggae are normally played together and some reggae artists like damien marley do dancehall tracks too. 

I think it was a bad choice for Sun Ho to actually do dancehall tracks. It's not very popular in the wider scheme of things, the lanaguage that they speak which is jamaican patois cannot be readily understood by ppl not from the carribean and the terms they use like mixing the china wine with the dutty wine cannot be understood by ppl unfamilar with the genre. 

Dancehall videos typically have lower production costs compared to hip hop videos because jamaica isn't that rich compared to the US so the quality definitely suffers. Many dancehall tracks are released in months and in a few years a dancehall song can be forgotten like dutty wine is long forgotten even though it was famous and successful. Let me add that her songs China Wine and Kill Bill were terrible too. Dancehall fans didn't like it either and called it noise. 

I think wycleff jean himself being a big dancehall fan and wishes to become a selector wasn't actually a good choice to collaborate with. It would have been better to maybe do a hip hop/pop track but wycleff doesn't exactly do that type of music. All things said and done Sun probably didn't have the connections to get ppl to do that type of music for her so had to settle for wycleff and it's cheaper to hire matterhorn, elephantman, lady saw then American hip hop or pop stars obviously.


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Thanks for the link from the previous post..

Some other interesting points found in the link...


"As already mentioned in previous sections of this post, CHC members may have been bound and blinded by a strong sense of loyalty to their spiritual leaders and subjected to the natural principle of submission to authority. Indeed the natural respect that the worshippers/learners have for a their spiritual leaders/teachers led primarily to a one-way and downward communication that left little (if any) space for questions and discussions. Furthermore, as mentioned in the previous section, public expression of negative feelings or reservations held or felt against church leaders or church policies and activities have been strongly discouraged (if not prohibited) in CHC, as they are considered as gossip leading to disunity. The church has “strict teachings” on it and Pastor Kong Hee in his preaches said a number of times that Gossip is Satan’s lethal weapon. It seems that the proper course of actions (in CHC) if a member is unhappy or has questions about something is to ask his cell group leader privately and be contented with whatever answer he gets. If they are still not happy, spiritual counseling is available for “difficult” cases, apparently usually to convince them that they are in the wrong at least according to some testimonies you can find on CHC confessions Facebook page (a forum for people claiming to be former or current members of CHC, where they can share their experiences). Not following that course of actions would be considered as gossiping, creating disunity and hence going Satan’s way. This is obviously not really an option for a good christian. Here again the options are limited: to stay and keep quiet, or leave the Church without making any noise. In this regard, it must be noted that actually a large number of members have left the church over the years, it is reasonable to assume that most of them left because they were unhappy with something about the church and/or its leadership.

In summary, putting it all together, one-way communication, selective information disclosure, strong peer pressures and church leaders’ close supervision of church cell groups have been working very effectively to promote a culture of OBEDIENCE and CONFORMITY in CHC. Voting with their feet by leaving the church quietly often ended up to be the only option out for the so-called “rebellious” characters."


"What about from a Christian spiritual perspective? Here the answer is also very clear as all of mankind has been corrupted by Sin through Adam’s disobedience to God’s command. While according to the Christian faith, Jesus Christ has, by his sacrifice, broken the power of sin and freed mankind from it, the power of the temptation of Sin is still very much present in this world. So unless you think that Pastor Kong Hee & Pastor Tan are sinless – and by doing so you would be committing a blasphemy- you have to admit that the possibility of unethical and even fraudulent behavior on theirs parts is by definition possible. You should also keep in mind that the Bible provide many examples of “fallen” leaders such as the most famous Kings of Israel i.e. Saul, David and Solomon. While they were anointed by God, they all eventually, to various degrees, succumbed to the temptation of sin and greed."

"However, interestingly, it appears that for many years the church communication about Sun Ho’s Crossover had actually been quite limited, essentially consisting of victory announcements when one of Sun Ho’s singles reached the top of the U.S. dance charts or was invited to sing or attend some A-list events. There were also regular glowing reports about her achievements on the humanitarian fronts. Suddenly everything changed when the case broke out in 2010. After a few initial months of confusion and disarray, the church leadership started to communicate intensively about the Crossover project, particularly on the origins, method and fruits, through preaches, videos, information booklets and lastly through the recently launched CHC Crossover website early this year.

From a Crisis management perspective, this flurry of communications and the Crossover website in particular, appear to be a carefully planned and quite well-executed crisis communication strategy to provide the church members with the leadership’s answers to most of the above mentioned “difficult” questions 1 – 5. I can analyse the underlying key objectives of this crisis communication strategy as follows:

To write (or rather rewrite) the narrative (story) of the case from the CHC leadership’s perspective to counter-balance the storyline that has been emerging from the COC & CAD investigations over the past 2 years.

To focus first on CHC members, the objective is to take control of and frame the way CHC members will interpret the facts gradually unfolding to push them towards the narrative developed by the CHC leadership. The ultimate goal is preserve member’s loyalty and even build retroactive support for the new narrative.

Finally to turn the tide in the “battle of mind” with the prosecution by changing the perception of other key stakeholders. How? By building a strong and offensive defense based on a now well-constructed narrative explaining the behavior of the CHC leaders in a positive light.

This communication strategy has already met some successes. A large majority of CHC members have so far, closed ranks rallying faithfully around their leaders with many church members even claiming that they implicitly approved of their leaders’ spending because they have supported the crossover project all along.


"You can find on the CHC Crossover website the claim that the “US music market is much edgier and louder than the Asian music market” and therefore a demure nice romantic girl personae would NOT work there. It goes on to further explain that a personae is just an imaginary character, a role used in videos and performances obviously different from the real personality of the artist. And it conclude by declaring that using a personae is “just part and parcel of the music industry”.

"So what was the CHC Crossover strategic breakthrough plan then? Was it to make edgier videos until Sun Ho could finally have a breakthrough on the U.S. pop music scene? And then once she had finally become a superstar, she would suddenly shine for Jesus Christ by strongly promoting her Christian faith and encouraging her fans to go to church? If that was the idea, CHC members may wish to question the wisdom of it."


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"So what was the CHC Crossover strategic breakthrough plan then? Was it to make edgier videos until Sun Ho could finally have a breakthrough on the U.S. pop music scene? And then once she had finally become a superstar, she would suddenly shine for Jesus Christ by strongly promoting her Christian faith and encouraging her fans to go to church? If that was the idea, CHC members may wish to question the wisdom of it."



I really wish they have the capability/capacity to question it.... 

Instagram: vodkabaker

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The house of Satan is burdened with debt. If we assume there are 15,000 dumb fucks still donating evry month, then each of them have to donate $200 a month just to pay the interest, rental and operating cost plus salaries. The church has to start cutting wages and staff to survive. Church has just taken Glory capital Loan to fund Suntec. If CHC wants to redeem the loan, then each dumbass has to contribute $3,000 to keep the church alive. Kong Hee and sun expense alone used to cost each member $300 per month. If all 6 are convicted, they have to pay cost to the State of an equivalent amount of $5 mio at least and restitution of $24 mio back to the church. This is on top of $8 mio legal which has already been collected from dumb supporters and already deposited wthe lawyers. The loan will likely go into default in 6 months and the Church will collapse close to the verdict of Kong Hee. The finances are in bad shape. Kong will not be able to ay the $17 k for the sentosa cove unless the Hanafi can come up with the money every month which i think is tough as he is also in dome kind of tight cashflow. As for Kong hee 's prime apartments I think he is unloading it to the market before the state seize his assets for not being able to pay. Both Sun and kong will not be able to run any church in singapore, they will ave to seek greener pastures in taiwan, malaysia or china. Looks like they might go china to start afresh and con the mainland chinese. 

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I can't believe there are still people here trying to defend her using the god and chc thing. Dude, to quote from an amazingly written blog:




"Assuming that God indeed made the decision to choose Sun Ho as the vehicle for the Crossover, then how much money do you think, God would need to help her to make a breakthrough on the U.S. pop music scene? Considering that God is almighty and can do anything, He would certainly help her through signs and wonders. It does not mean that Sun Ho would not have to work hard to succeed, but God could and would open doors miraculously at critical times. However from what we can observe in Sun Ho’s case, it seems unfortunately that 7 years of trying very hard with 3 different top producers and spending at least SGD 24 millions  were NOT enough to succeed… Shouldn’t that raise some serious questions about whether God was really supporting this project?"


"...Pastor Kong Hee and Sun Ho claimed that they had to “sacrifice” their family life in Singapore to obey God’s command. However when we look more closely at the facts, we can observe that Sun Ho was enjoying the “super star” lifestyle, hiring renowned producers and top choreographers, getting large advance bonuses, living in a SGD 28,000 a month luxury mansion in a plush Hollywood district, buying clothes from top fashion designers, being served  by a large entourage of helpers (primarily members from the church) and participating in A-list events with other socialites. In short, she was the main beneficiary of the Crossover project and its fundings. Furthermore Sun Ho brought her family along with her in L.A., giving them the opportunity to enjoy those benefits as well. Finally Pastor Kong Hee himself also moved to the U.S. to be with his family and enjoyed the same luxury socialites lifestyle. He even charged quietly his business class traveling expenses to the Church ($700,000 according to information revealed during the trial). So when a sacrifice comes with so many benefits, we may wonder whether it is still a sacrifice.."


Makes sense?



** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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