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City Harvest Church Discussion - Kong Hee & Sun Ho (Compiled)


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Guest Under Mount Sinai

My dad suffered a stroke and now admitted to Nus after hearing the verdict. Pious supporter of CHC. Today he recalled his lawyers to have the will amended that all his estate ( 3 bungalows at Holland Road and Namly drive to given sold to assist CHC and the team for all ligitation costs , if he do no make it over this weekend. He's in a very lame situation.Pastor Kong Hee and Sun HO has always been his God sent savior and trusted friends.


Nothing new right, history of the disturbance under Mount Sinai enacting by the weak and paranoid.

Yes, Satan came again and again and again and the weak one failed and failed and failed...



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I feel genuinely sorry for those misguided ppl who simply cannot understand that spending $24 million of church funds to promote an average singers career on the other side of the planet has nothing to do with God! N I feel equally sorry that some of these same ppl feel its perfectly acceptable to squander another $26 million illegally to try n hide their shenanigans,

Hv they not heard of all the other evangelical pastors who stole a great deal more from their adoring flocks? Hv they never heard of Ponzi schemes? Or of Bernie Madoff?

N do they not realize that an appeal against this judgement will cost more huge sums. A senior defense lawyer will first have to read closely through 140 days of trial testimony. Can u imagine the reading fee that will cost before ever getting near court?

O ye of simple unquestioned faith in crooks!

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I feel genuinely sorry for those misguided ppl who simply cannot understand that spending $24 million of church funds to promote an average singers career on the other side of the planet has nothing to do with God! N I feel equally sorry that some of these same ppl feel its perfectly acceptable to squander another $26 million illegally to try n hide their shenanigans,

Hv they not heard of all the other evangelical pastors who stole a great deal more from their adoring flocks? Hv they never heard of Ponzi schemes? Or of Bernie Madoff?

N do they not realize that an appeal against this judgement will cost more huge sums. A senior defense lawyer will first have to read closely through 140 days of trial testimony. Can u imagine the reading fee that will cost before ever getting near court?

O ye of simple unquestioned faith in crooks!


She is NOT average.....

She is trash.

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Well said. She is GOD's chosen. Her fame. , body and looks and dancing styles charmed and converted many to accept GOD.

I don't think so bah, her looks and dancing style actually turned me off and chase me away from god.

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Serina Wee has the making of a star, anytime more than uknowwho.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Neh Neh

These days there are so many neo churches anyhow quote the bible phrases to suite their preaching. Beware of false preaching! I more prefer those anglican cathedral church.

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These days there are so many neo churches anyhow quote the bible phrases to suite their preaching. Beware of false preaching! I more prefer those anglican cathedral church.

AiyoyoyoyO...... Anglican churchs are the most conservative and homophobic in singapore, right next to the baptist churches! Don't talk through your ass can...?

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I don't think so bah, her looks and dancing style actually turned me off and chase me away from god.

Yah loh. This lao chao bo looks very haggard, like she has been used day in day out.

Anyway those Ang Mo must be laughing at this moron for spending so much money on those unwanted albums.

Too bad these cheats wont be canned. I think they should be whipped in public and burn alive

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OVERNIGHT QUEUE: City Harvest Church supporters waiting outside the State Courts at 5.30am yesterday. Some of them stayed overnight in order to queue for one of 55 passes available to attend the court hearing.




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I am where I am because of Pastor Kong, Sun, and the amazing leadership who has stepped up to every challenge thrown their way, be it answering God's cultural mandate, or taking on the challenge of building a church without walls, finding a hurt and heal it, finding a need and meet it...

Pastor, you have ministered to us, week after week. Even in thr toughest of times, your main concern has always been for the church. A lesser man would have crumbled. You ever said to a church brother/sister in their difficult times: You take a rest. Let Pastor do the praying and fasting. So similarly, Pastor, now let us do the praying for you.

No words or actions can ever repay what you and the leadership have done for the church. We will always regard the leadership as our church leadership. We love you Pastor, you will always be our pastor.


another moron! give me $50 miliion dollars and i can bring you where you are now too! stupid fool!

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12 years ago, City Harvest Church threatened to sue whistleblower Roland Poon Swee Kay. They owe him an apology.

hum day for you and me. But it will forever go down as a super sweet day for one Roland Poon Swee Kay.

It is so sweet because he got to savour what vindication really tastes like having been 110 percent correct for the last 12 years — just that he had been waiting for this one day to be proven that he was right all this while.

On Oct. 21, the verdict for the 140-day City Harvest Church trial that took up a good part of the last three years finally arrived: All six current and former City Harvest leaders are facing jail time and fines having been found guilty of all charges levelled against them, including criminal breach of trust and falsification of accounts.

And Poon was the one who got the ball rolling.

The original whistleblower

Twelve years ago, Poon, a businessman, called City Harvest Church out, alleging then that the church was paying for Sun Ho’s music career.

That move took a lot of guts because he was not only a CHC member then who was risking cutting all ties with the biggest burgeoning Christian community in 2003 and faced the prospect of all forms of ostracisation, but it was essentially a case of his word against theirs.

He had no clear evidence to show for but he had to take a stand for what was right and what was — given his position then, he probably had no idea how big this issue was going to be — a matter that was soon to be of extreme public interest.

Nonetheless, he blew the whistle by putting his name down onto letters to the press, having written to various mainstream media outlets saying it was not ethical to mix secular matters and religion.

This was after his queries to the church leadership about how church funds were being used went unanswered.

He had at that time alleged that church funds were used to finance Sun Ho’s publicity campaigns and claimed then that he was encouraged to buy her music.

When the church threatened to sue Poon for his allegations, he retracted his statements and apologised to CHC.

In January 2003, Poon subsequently took out five apologies in The Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao, Lianhe Wanbao, Shin Min Daily News and The New Paper, to a tune of $33,372.06, that was paid for by an anonymous donor.

That sucky feeling of having to publicly admit you’re wrong even when you know you are right — is still not as sucky as Kong Hee telling his congregation to forgive Poon in the aftermath of his newspaper apologies.

According to a Straits Times article on Jan. 27, 2003:

… in five sermons over the weekend, Ho’s husband, church founder and senior pastor Reverend Kong Hee, asked the congregation to forgive the man.

How rich of Kong Hee then.

Poon “now vindicated”

In a Straits Times report on Oct. 22, it appears that Poon has made peace as he found out he was right all along and typical of anyone who knew he was right, he had not much to say — let alone gloat:

The businessman who charged in 2003 that City Harvest Church (CHC) was paying for Ms Ho Yeow Sun’s music career is now vindicated, said his daughter.


Mr Poon’s daughter, Ms Sharon Poon, told The Straits Times after the verdict: “I feel happy for my father that he is now vindicated, and that after 10 years, we now know that what he did was right.”

She said Mr Poon had been concerned about the outcome of the case and was “waiting for this day to happen”, adding: “Now, he can sleep in peace.”

“He was brave enough to come out about it. Now, I hope that they can apologise to him, if they still have the heart,” she said.

Mr Poon declined to comment when contacted.

The humility.

Come on CHC, it’s your turn to say sorry

We’d end this story about courage with a call to be courageous and for basic humility and good sense to prevail.

Which is why we would like to highlight this quote by Kong Hee about his wife Sun Ho from the same ST article from January 2003:

“Her success, which has been achieved through her own talent and efforts, has been unfairly discredited by the false allegations. However, she believes that in time, the truth will dawn.”

It is ironically funny and painfully ironic on so many levels, we only need to point out the last part: The truth indeed has dawned.

Therefore, it’s your turn to admit you are wrong.

And then to say sorry.

Even though Poon might have forgiven you.

In his own private way, of course.

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at least she has a more marketable angelic face.

another well educated but desperate for money less than worthy devil in disguise!



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Can tell it is true love bet Sun & hubby. Otherwise with that kind of money he can fuck any Hole he wants. Why Sun Hole?


Because they knew damn well if one party back out or get caught eating dessert dim-sum, the other one will sing until the sun don't shine.

And who knows, judging at how they quibble during the trial, they probably have chose to be pretentious to continue grafting more money and indulge in luxury. I'm not surprise they had orgies in their penthouse and BMW which is definitely a win-win for all.

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Because they knew damn well if one party back out or get caught eating dessert dim-sum, the other one will sing until the sun don't shine.

And who knows, judging at how they quibble during the trial, they probably have chose to be pretentious to continue grafting more money and indulge in luxury. I'm not surprise they had orgies in their penthouse and BMW which is definitely a win-win for all.

Wah piang..... u want them to do Sun???? They rather play board games...
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OVERNIGHT QUEUE: City Harvest Church supporters waiting outside the State Courts at 5.30am yesterday. Some of them stayed overnight in order to queue for one of 55 passes available to attend the court hearing.



I think it's right that the CHC supporters stayed overnight to queue for the passes to attend the court hearing.


THEY NEEDED TO HEAR REALITY from the judge as much as the convicted crooks.

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I am where I am because of Pastor Kong, Sun, and the amazing leadership who has stepped up to every challenge thrown their way, be it answering God's cultural mandate, or taking on the challenge of building a church without walls, finding a hurt and heal it, finding a need and meet it...

Pastor, you have ministered to us, week after week. Even in thr toughest of times, your main concern has always been for the church. A lesser man would have crumbled. You ever said to a church brother/sister in their difficult times: You take a rest. Let Pastor do the praying and fasting. So similarly, Pastor, now let us do the praying for you.

No words or actions can ever repay what you and the leadership have done for the church. We will always regard the leadership as our church leadership. We love you Pastor, you will always be our pastor.

Words fail me! "Amazing leadership", "Gods cultural mandate" "Toughest of times" "a lesser man would have crumbled"

Who on earth wld believe these actually refer to a proven crook who stole $50 million to advance his wifes career? Clearly just a few innocent brainwashed ppl without any capacity to think for themselves!

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Wah piang..... u want them to do Sun???? They rather play board games...


Then how? All do Kong Hee later his anus sphincter so loose till no matter ah Ho use fisting, footing or heading also no feeling. Poor thing... things.

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I feel genuinely sorry for those misguided ppl who simply cannot understand that spending $24 million of church funds to promote an average singers career on the other side of the planet has nothing to do with God! N I feel equally sorry that some of these same ppl feel its perfectly acceptable to squander another $26 million illegally to try n hide their shenanigans,

Hv they not heard of all the other evangelical pastors who stole a great deal more from their adoring flocks? Hv they never heard of Ponzi schemes? Or of Bernie Madoff?

N do they not realize that an appeal against this judgement will cost more huge sums. A senior defense lawyer will first have to read closely through 140 days of trial testimony. Can u imagine the reading fee that will cost before ever getting near court?

O ye of simple unquestioned faith in crooks!


Yes, not only they squandered the initial money and threw some more at it to hide their misdeeds, now they want to keep spending it until their time out of jail runs out. Speaking of which, hopefully they are committed to jail on sentencing and not until they appeals run out.


In any case, if they want to appeal, THIS IS GOOD.

The more the case stretches out, the more it will remain in the public eye.

The more chance people have to realize what this kind of HYPOCRITE FALSE PREACHERS are.


When the crooks are sentenced it may be a good time for some LGTB organization to post big adds in the newspaper,

showing what kind of CRIMINALS condemn LGTBs and falsely demonize them,

requesting VINDICATION for their demonizing and asking again for the repeal of 377A

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Words fail me! "Amazing leadership", "Gods cultural mandate" "Toughest of times" "a lesser man would have crumbled"

Who on earth wld believe these actually refer to a proven crook who stole $50 million to advance his wifes career? Clearly just a few innocent brainwashed ppl without any capacity to think for themselves!


Who would?  Those who use churches and religion for their benefit.

People who seek PRIDE in being members of a big successful church.

People who seek the STATUS SYMBOL of rubbing elbows with other 'important' people.

People who seek spiritual ONE-UPMANSHIP by following a successful 'pastor'.  And finally:

People who are so IRREMEDIABLY DUMB to fall for the deceptions of religious organizations.

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Kong and Lam were found guilty of three charges of criminal breach of trust.

Tan Ye Peng, Chew and Wee were convicted of six charges of criminal breach of trust and four charges of falsifying accounts.

Sharon Tan was found guilty of three charges of criminal breach of trust and four charges of falsifying accounts.

The falsification of accounts charge carries a jail term of up to 10 years and a fine.

For each count of criminal breach of trust, the accused could face up to 10 years' jail and a fine.

The punishment for criminal breach of trust by a public servant, banker, merchant or agent set out under Section 409 of the Penal Code - the section under which the six have been convicted - is a life sentence or up to 20 years' jail.

However, the maximum punishment a District Court judge can impose is 10 years per charge, or a maximum cumulative sentence of up to 20 years.

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Using God name to cheat donations.

Adamant on using church funds to kickstart a middle age woman pop career.

The music producers and hip hop industry is a well known front for mafia,illuminati,drug cartels and gangsters.

If a corrupt church with vast public resources colluded with these kind of people to do vice and money laundering activities to further grow their wealth then I don't know whether to blame religion or the blind followers themselves.

History have already shown abrahamic faiths is the most corrupted and evil religions on earth.

They committed the darkest atrocities on earth and impose heavy taxes on pheasants while the clergy live in sins and wealth.

Yet after twenty centuries the human race still can't overcome their weakness for the belief over a non existent God and his kingdom.

Sad and disgraceful actually.

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My dad suffered a stroke and now admitted to Nus after hearing the verdict. Pious supporter of CHC. Today he recalled his lawyers to have the will amended that all his estate ( 3 bungalows at Holland Road and Namly drive to given sold to assist CHC and the team for all ligitation costs , if he do no make it over this weekend. He's in a very lame situation.Pastor Kong Hee and Sun HO has always been his God sent savior and trusted friends.

​And he feels he needed to donate to someone who was living in a Hollywood mansion with a rent of $28,000 per month.....

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By middle of next year, the gang of 6 should be readying to cleanse their bum and see the interior of Changi Hilton soon.


i sincerely hope so.... but singapore judicial system always gives light sentences to white-collar crimes... look at durai of the nkf saga, mingyi monk of ren ai tong....


i will be disappointed if these 6 devil-in-disguise crooks will let off easy!


let's wait and see!

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Simply brain washed! I think the hakka won't be so stupid to believe in such things, they are the winners!


With a posting name like "Henri Abusta", more likely to be one of those rich Indonesians who got brainwashed......

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This trial might become the most expensive in spore history...over $10m...

One defendant who represented himself had said part of legal fees came from fund contributed by church members.

One church member said to be a well-known businessman (BUT declined to be named) said he did contributed but said it is out of free will.


Kong hee said he have no fear.

"The days and steps ahead are challenging, but with God's grace and love, I have no fear. The Lord Jesus, my Good Shepherd, will lead and guide. I will obey, I will follow, by faith," Kong wrote.

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This trial might become the most expensive in spore history...over $10m...

One defendant who represented himself had said part of legal fees came from fund contributed by church members.

One church member said to be a well-known businessman (BUT declined to be named) said he did contributed but said it is out of free will.


Kong hee said he have no fear.

"The days and steps ahead are challenging, but with God's grace and love, I have no fear. The Lord Jesus, my Good Shepherd, will lead and guide. I will obey, I will follow, by faith," Kong wrote.

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Sun is full of charitable love!

《不凋零的花》是何耀珊2008年唯一中文单曲,阔别多时、熟悉亲切的声音让你拾回对生命的热爱。这首歌的推出正值5.12汶川强烈地震的第二天,这场灾难牵动了亿万人的心,有那么多人失去了亲人和家园,有那么多孩子瞬间成为了孤儿,从电视中目睹灾区人民特别是儿童受伤惨状的何耀珊内心非常不平静,经历一场特大灾难刺激后,无论心理素质多强的人,都会留下难以愈合的心理创伤。曾经做过心理辅导老师的何耀珊深知比身体创伤更难愈合的是灾难给人们带来心灵上的伤害,希望用这首勇气之歌,向灾区的人民送上一种温暖与信心,只要爱还在,希望还在,生命就永远不会凋零。   《不凋零的花》由思创公司授权,北京吉神文化负责企划行销。   何耀珊——首次打入美国最权威流行音乐公告牌BILLBOARD,并击败麦当娜登上首位的亚洲歌手;被美国媒体誉为“国际流行艺人”的艺人,这个歌曲无数次登上新加坡、台湾、香港等排行榜首位的女歌手在港台海外早已人尽皆知,她以干净,温暖,亲切的声音被称为“疗伤天后”。   何耀珊想努力塑造一个歌者形象,而不是娱乐人物。本是心理辅导师的何耀珊,最初是凭着“音乐可以医疗人”的信念,跟其他辅导师一齐唱歌,并在身为制作人的朋友介绍下获得唱片监制赏识。在她而言,其实只是在另一层面继续执行她的心理辅导工作。“其实当时我也考虑了很久,虽然我喜欢唱歌,但从来都没有想到要做歌手。后来才想到,辅导工作只可以一对一,但如果我唱一些正面的歌,其实可以一对百、一对千的鼓励人,于是便入行了。”何耀珊说。   何耀珊上一张专辑《拥抱》更是在乐坛持续创造亮眼的销售成绩,将台湾七大排行榜冠军尽收囊中,2008年,何耀珊又延续了她一贯的心灵沟通,带来《不凋零的花》,这首由好友飞儿乐团的阿沁作词作曲的歌,描写了一颗低落的心走出封闭世界的过程,借助爱的力量,终于走出生命的阴霾,让过去的悲伤化作云彩。曾经作过心理咨询师的何耀珊深知灾后心理援助的重要,这场灾难将会严重影响受灾群众的生活质量,带给他们深刻的内心痛苦,最终可能走入抑郁,借助家庭和朋友的力量走出抑郁症阴影的她更愿意以自己的经验给与他人关爱,她用这首歌鼓励在灾难中幸存下来的人们要更加坚强地活下去。何耀珊用简单的抒情元素加以柔软的唱腔传达她个人独有的气质,每段旋律都有着扑面而来的温暖。“终于我,找到了你,就像一朵不调离的花;让过去,从悲伤变成美丽的云彩,你就是爱,永远不会更改……”这首勇气之歌,何耀珊唱给灾区的人们听,希望能用自己的声音为他们祈祷与祝福;也唱给在灾区与死神抢夺生命的救援人员,希望能用自己的音乐表达了对他们的敬意与感谢,更唱给平凡的你和我,让我们心中时时充满对生命的感恩与热爱。

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Guest Adam Wijayano

This trial might become the most expensive in spore history...over $10m...

One defendant who represented himself had said part of legal fees came from fund contributed by church members.

One church member said to be a well-known businessman (BUT declined to be named) said he did contributed but said it is out of free will.http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/city-harvest-trial-most-costly-criminal-trial-in-singapore

Kong hee said he have no fear.http://www.channelnewsasia.com/mobile/singapore/days-ahead-challenging/2210658.html

GOD Will punished those who are wrongly accused and sinned against GOD'S missionaries ( Pastor kong Hee, Pastor Sun Ho, and the rest ) , just like Jesus died on the cross for all those who have sinned, in the end Jesus is king
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