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City Harvest Church Discussion - Kong Hee & Sun Ho (Compiled)


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It's that stupid "angmoh dua lee" thinking again lah! Which is true but says little ablut their real personalities and charactor. Another window dressing that asians just love, especially when imported by angmohs.

There still is some of that Pinkerton Syndrome left over from the older days.....even in the age of the internet which show otherwise that western people and cultures are just as good or bad as the rest...especially so in these day and age when most of the rest of the world have caught up or equal to if not surpassed in some areas.


Not that  I mean it in a bad way but people are people as much as there are smart people who can travel to the moon, there are others less smart and well informed on the other end of the spectrum.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Sorry I do not know if he was asked to meet them or not


These are the LGBT homeless people that the Pope refused to visit (VIDEO)

Nick Duffy 28th September 2015, 3:11 PM

The Pope shunned an invite to speak out against homophobia

The Pope shunned an invite to speak out against homophobia

A homeless centre has released a heartbreaking video showing the harm done by religious homophobia – after the Pope shunned an invitation to speak out on his US tour.

New York’s Ali Forney Centre took out an open letter to the Pope in the New York Times last April, inviting him to see for himself the harm done by Catholic anti-gay doctrine on his US tour that took place this month.

The centre invited the Pontiff “to meet our abandoned youths and see for yourself how their lives have been devastated and made destitute by religious rejection”.

The Pope recently spent ten days touring the US, including multiple appearances in New York and pre-planned photo opportunities with homeless people – but as expected he shunned the invite to condemn homophobia from the Ali Forney Centre.

He instead warned lawmakers that “the very basis of marriage and the family” is being called into question, and claimed that Kentucky clerk Kim Davis has a “human right” to block same-sex weddings.

However, the Ali Forney Centre has not taken the snub lying down – releasing a heartbreaking six-minute film titled Not A Sin.

The clip features a number of young people who were shunned because of their sexuality, on the basis of religion.

It explains: “Over 200,000 LGBT youths are homeless in America. The biggest reason LGBT youths cannot remain in their homes is due to the religious beliefs of their parents.

“Watch brave clients of the Ali Forney Center describe the abuse and rejection they suffered. Every child deserves to be loved.”

Pope Francis refused to meet America's LGBT homeless youths organisation despite a formal invitation being sent out to him. These youths were thrown out by their religious parents for being queer, so the pope could definitely do better by paying them a visit as acknowledgement at least, instead of pretending this particularly vulnerable group's non-existence.

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What on earth was Sun Ho doing being seen in public with a personality named in 2007 as one of Out magazines 50 top most influential people? This is surely a huge scandal!


Chi Chi La Rue is an admitted alcoholic and drug addict! This is a hard core gay porn mogul who worked for years with the gay Catalina porn movie company. In 1998 he directed a racy music do for Judas Priest frontman Rob Halfords band 2wo. This featured strippers n girl n boy porn stars. Understandably it was never shown on MTV.


Was Chi Chis soul saved by Sun Ho? Sorry to disappoint all CHC members, Chi Chi La Rue was back in rehab at the Betty Ford clinic in June this year! We know CHC through its executives crimes had provided Sun Ho with very expensive PR consultants. Why on earth wld they allow a woman of the "church" (allegedly) not only to be seen with this man but post a photo of the meeting on her own twitter account?


More than anything that shows how Sun Hos gallivanting for years in the USA was for one reason only - mega expensive publicity, publicity, publicity.


Not only that, it was for the glam Hollywood lifestyle for the family, living in posh villa, going to wild parties with other celebrities, attending paid award shows while achieving nothing in her quest for stardom in the US.

Even in Singapore, according to the court case, Sun Ho's singing career was not real and the Church's money was spent in a "cavalier and flippant" manner to promote it.


In this scandal, the biggest winners are actually the US producers / song writers got probably got a large portion of that S$50 million while promising everything and anything to promote Sun Ho knowing very well of her quality and potential or rather totally lack of them. They get to keep the loot while all those accused are now found guilty and facing jail term.


And the written judgment on Kong Hee :  "Kong Hee maintains that he is a pastor and not an expert in legality. But one does not need to be an expert in legality to appreciate certain fundamental aspects of honesty, truth and integrity." In simple words, Kong Hee tried to act stupid and ignorant in the whole scam and is found to be a liar!

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Not only that, it was for the glam Hollywood lifestyle for the family, living in posh villa, going to wild parties with other celebrities, attending paid award shows while achieving nothing in her quest for stardom in the US.

Even in Singapore, according to the court case, Sun Ho's singing career was not real and the Church's money was spent in a "cavalier and flippant" manner to promote it.


In this scandal, the biggest winners are actually the US producers / song writers got probably got a large portion of that S$50 million while promising everything and anything to promote Sun Ho knowing very well of her quality and potential or rather totally lack of them. They get to keep the loot while all those accused are now found guilty and facing jail term.


And the written judgment on Kong Hee :  "Kong Hee maintains that he is a pastor and not an expert in legality. But one does not need to be an expert in legality to appreciate certain fundamental aspects of honesty, truth and integrity." In simple words, Kong Hee tried to act stupid and ignorant in the whole scam and is found to be a liar!


such a shame, at so many levels!



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Not only that, it was for the glam Hollywood lifestyle for the family, living in posh villa, going to wild parties with other celebrities, attending paid award shows while achieving nothing in her quest for stardom in the US.

Even in Singapore, according to the court case, Sun Ho's singing career was not real and the Church's money was spent in a "cavalier and flippant" manner to promote it.


In this scandal, the biggest winners are actually the US producers / song writers got probably got a large portion of that S$50 million while promising everything and anything to promote Sun Ho knowing very well of her quality and potential or rather totally lack of them. They get to keep the loot while all those accused are now found guilty and facing jail term.


And the written judgment on Kong Hee :  "Kong Hee maintains that he is a pastor and not an expert in legality. But one does not need to be an expert in legality to appreciate certain fundamental aspects of honesty, truth and integrity." In simple words, Kong Hee tried to act stupid and ignorant in the whole scam and is found to be a liar!


so shameful! all these fund would be better spent on the rescued animals at spca then to develop the witch's career! 

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Looks like the pope got caught for wanting to have his cake and eat it too. He allegedly supported kim davis's action yet denied it vehemently through his advisor aka PR official. I'm sorry father you can't do that! Lol.

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f)  So I am neither trying to defend the Pope nor criticise him.  That was not the crux of my last posting.  The crux of my lasting posting was to contrast the Pope's frugality (no matter how window-casing you may claim it to be) with the CHC's wolves' blatant extravagant spending.


An interesting contrast!


The frugality of Pope Francis versus the extravagant spending of the CRC wolves and so many other "preachers of prosperity".


I find that the Catholic Church is today doing the largest positive transformation among the organized religions. 

If this is simply the nature of their leader, it still means that such leader had the possibility to become the leader.


And this coming from an agnostic...  :)

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The pope is like Obama... A President but little power.. what little he does is minimum as his Vatican are ensuring he still have to toll the line in the more deep rooted propaganda and long term tactic.


The little things he does is what make him seem more human to the eyes of the simple folks. Just like Obama with is off the grid act like going out without his jacket and entering a fast food joint to buy some burger for himself and some staff. Charming but again. like the tactic use by Kong Hee. It is to humanized him to the mass just enough that they can suck punch their way with their hidden agenda.


This pope is all words but what you don't see is the action underneath that. The Catholic church is more then just a pope that is doing  everything. You can not tell what is happen till it is too late just like the raping of little children decades later. Keep watching.. his term has only just begun. Don't just look to what he is doing and saying. but at what he is not saying or doing in front of the smoke and mirrors.


I also enjoy at times the kick of being cynical.


What good can Obama do as just a Black man with a title?  What good can Pope Francis do with his 'act' of frugality?   What bad could GW Bush have done being just a dumb and weak person in power?  etc. etc.


But in reality society places ordinary people in positions of extraordinary power.  Look how Francis is placing the conservative world on the US on its head by attacking the push of wealth to the rich so that it can "trickle down" to the poor, and by condemning the widening wealth gap between rich and poor.  This is contrary to the tradition of the church that always sought the support of the rich and wealthy.


And in the history of the US, time will show the marked differences between the legacies of Obama and GW. Bush, and will show that with the "little power of a President" the difference was enormous. God protect us from another GW Bush!


They are all words but little action underneath?  Aren't we all like that? 

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Back to CHC case... sentencing is this month right? 


I pray hard for the maximum sentence for the 6 human-skined greedy devils! All the years living in excess luxury out of the church money must be paid back in equal number of years in jail and cash! serina wee can do her high-fashion catwalk in in-mate jail clothes.


Then the witch is next! 

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Back to CHC case... sentencing is this month right?

I pray hard for the maximum sentence for the 6 human-skined greedy devils! All the years living in excess luxury out of the church money must be paid back in equal number of years in jail and cash! serina wee can do her high-fashion catwalk in in-mate jail clothes.

Then the witch is next!

I think sharon tan looks hotter in in-mate clothes. She's the clotheshorse. Not that sun horse. Or seraphina wee wee. Weeeee!
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Back to CHC case... sentencing is this month right?

I pray hard for the maximum sentence for the 6 human-skined greedy devils! All the years living in excess luxury out of the church money must be paid back in equal number of years in jail and cash! serina wee can do her high-fashion catwalk in in-mate jail clothes.

Then the witch is next!

You sounded like that kuku bird prissy-lah poh bee hoon. Pray to god to rain burning coals and sulphuric acid and stuff on people she hates.
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You sounded like that kuku bird prissy-lah poh bee hoon. Pray to god to rain burning coals and sulphuric acid and stuff on people she hates.


Major difference... that kuku birds pray for revenge on people she hates.......


I merely pray for justice to be served! i don't hate the CHC!

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Back to CHC case... sentencing is this month right? 


I pray hard for the maximum sentence for the 6 human-skined greedy devils! All the years living in excess luxury out of the church money must be paid back in equal number of years in jail and cash! serina wee can do her high-fashion catwalk in in-mate jail clothes.


Then the witch is next! 


Also by giving these six crooks the maximum sentence they get to benefit the most for the free time to reflect on their misdeeds and return to the grace of their God.  And if this extends their sacrifice, so much their God will give them credit for in the afterlife.

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Christmas is coming soon....maybe spiritually they should have visits by the 3 Ghosts..... of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come..


According to oct article....

"The prosecution is scheduled to file written submissions by Nov 6. The defence will be given a week to respond with mitigation pleas on Nov 13.

Oral submissions will be delivered on Nov 20. Sentencing may take place on Nov 20 or at a later date."


So should be hearing some news very soon....

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Also by giving these six crooks the maximum sentence they get to benefit the most for the free time to reflect on their misdeeds and return to the grace of their God.  And if this extends their sacrifice, so much their God will give them credit for in the afterlife.


That's right... after that, the witch is next!

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Also by giving these six crooks the maximum sentence they get to benefit the most for the free time to reflect on their misdeeds and return to the grace of their God. And if this extends their sacrifice, so much their God will give them credit for in the afterlife.

At most a few months or less than 2 years. It is getting lenient here. Open the papers and you can see the trend in the sentencing of cbt cases.

Edited by Pd69
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This was a lengthy high profile fraud case n I think the biggest of its kind involving a charity. I therefore suspect there will b a great deal of pressure on the judge to make an example of the guilty parties if only to send a signal to others who might b similarly tempted.

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This was a lengthy high profile fraud case n I think the biggest of its kind involving a charity. I therefore suspect there will b a great deal of pressure on the judge to make an example of the guilty parties if only to send a signal to others who might b similarly tempted.


I concur with that.  Instead of mitigating factors, there are plenty of aggravating factors.

First, the guilty were at the high end of education and capable to understand their wrong doing.

Second, the guilty represented themselves as super righteous individuals, which multiplies their hypocrisy.

Third, the guilty had plenty of money to seek advice about the nature of their acts and so avoid a violation of the law.


If some uneducated high school dropout commits a crime, there can be a doubt about his awareness of it.

Not so with these criminals.  

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I concur with that.  Instead of mitigating factors, there are plenty of aggravating factors.

First, the guilty were at the high end of education and capable to understand their wrong doing.

Second, the guilty represented themselves as super righteous individuals, which multiplies their hypocrisy.

Third, the guilty had plenty of money to seek advice about the nature of their acts and so avoid a violation of the law.


If some uneducated high school dropout commits a crime, there can be a doubt about his awareness of it.

Not so with these criminals.  


that's right!


i say give them the maximum - LIFE SENTENCE!


then, the witch can pay back the $50 million in cash over her remaining life.

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They are clearly at fault but what about all these blinded people who sold their cars and HDB just so they can buy more of her records simply bec their leaders told them so!

Stupid people must be held accountable for their own action too!

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They are clearly at fault but what about all these blinded people who sold their cars and HDB just so they can buy more of her records simply bec their leaders told them so!

Stupid people must be held accountable for their own action too!

Where are the news reports of these people selling properties to fund their pastor's secular ambitions? Will be an interesting read.
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Why would you need to sell your house or car to buy a $10-20 CD? Albums are not that expensive if it was you would be playing even more for a Adele CD who is a thousand times more famous and talented then Sun Ho..


I have known they were told to support and buy her CD but not buy hundred or thousands of the same CDs each for some reason. How silly would that make the Pastor to go over board with that kind of command and alert people to that keep of crazy.


I don't support this fucking cheat KONG HEE but even we should be objective as to what we want to claim he did without going overboard and cheapen our stand against him.

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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At most a few months or less than 2 years. It is getting lenient here. Open the papers and you can see the trend in the sentencing of cbt cases.


if this is the sentence, the judicial system in singapore has no more ground for existence! 


a few months jail, then go back to sentosa cove residence! 


then why should anyone work for a living???? simply go cheat for life. .... 

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Don't you guys think that kong Hee and his Wife are both very attractive looking? I think they would be my top choice for a 3-some to try out DP. I really want to try DP after reading about it here....

May be they can repay their sin by offering their attractive bodies to those who got cheated to double fuck them. Just a thought!

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I concur with that.  Instead of mitigating factors, there are plenty of aggravating factors.

First, the guilty were at the high end of education and capable to understand their wrong doing.

Second, the guilty represented themselves as super righteous individuals, which multiplies their hypocrisy.

Third, the guilty had plenty of money to seek advice about the nature of their acts and so avoid a violation of the law.


If some uneducated high school dropout commits a crime, there can be a doubt about his awareness of it.

Not so with these criminals.  

All the accused knew very well what they did were serious crime that's why they were wiling to fork out a million$$ each to engage senior counsels, which are equivalent to Queen's counsels, to defend them.

After the sentence and if it involves long jail terms or worse, life imprisonment for the Dear Leader, I'm sure they will fork out even more money to engage the most expensive senior counsels for the appeal.

Anyway, all of them are filthy rich and are also able to get big donations from the faithful church members so money is never a problem for them.

Just wondering, will Kong be so generous and compassionate, like he always portrait himself to be, sell off his luxurious Sentosa Cove home to help his fellow accused or is it "you die your business, my money is my money" .

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Don't you guys think that kong Hee and his Wife are both very attractive looking? I think they would be my top choice for a 3-some to try out DP. I really want to try DP after reading about it here....

May be they can repay their sin by offering their attractive bodies to those who got cheated to double fuck them. Just a thought!


u go! fxxk them deep deep!

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That controversial pastor yang tuck yoong of cornerstone community church who wrote "fire the first salvo" and "battle has started" on social media to encourage his flock to fight against the repeal of 377a has just bitched about kong hee on the national papers. LOL


Controversy over City Harvest Church's 'prosperity gospel'

PUBLISHED NOV 11, 2015, 5:00 AM SGT

Ex-members, other pastors publicly speak out about church's questionable practices

Danson Cheong

Former church members and some pastors have publicly questioned some practices at City Harvest Church (CHC), after several of its leaders were found guilty on Oct 21 of misusing church funds.

Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Community Church Yang Tuck Yoong wrote an online note to his congregation, saying CHC's founding pastor Kong Hee had not taken heed of the proverb which says "a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches".

He added that he was grieved many people had "left the faith, backslid, stumbled, or who had been so disillusioned by the whole fiasco".

Kong, 51, was among six church leaders who were convicted of misusing millions in church funds to bankroll his wife Ho Yeow Sun's music career. They are due back in court next Friday for sentencing submissions.

Mr Yang told The Straits Times he got to know Kong when they were both attending the Marine Parade Christian Centre in the 1980s. Kong had assisted him in running the youth ministry at the church, he said.

The duo had disagreed on "theological standpoints" in the past, Mr Yang said.

"We've a saying that 'theology breeds methodology', and their position on the Crossover Project might have led to some practices in the church that have now come into question by the courts," he said, referring to CHC's project to evangelise through the music of Ms Ho.

Pastor Aaron Ho from Saint Andrew's Secondary School had written in his blog that trying to evangelise through Ms Ho's controversial music career was "questionable at the very least".

"The principle is this - you cannot compromise the gospel in order to share the gospel," he wrote.

Formers members also told The Straits Times about practices in church, saying they felt compelled to give donations, had their whereabouts constantly monitored by church members, or were pressured into buying Ms Ho's music albums.

One former member, who wanted to be known only as Mr Khoo, said his cell group leaders had questioned him about his monthly allowance because they suspected he was "under-contributing" in his tithes and offerings.

"At that point of time, I was still a student, but I was driving my dad's car - I think they felt I was quite well-to-do," said Mr Khoo, 27, who left the church about three years ago.

Making a donation is a personal choice, he said, adding that contributions were noted on envelopes and tracked by cell group leaders.

CHC preaches the "prosperity gospel", which teaches that one would be rewarded materially and spiritually if they gave financially to God.

Another former member, Ms Geraldine Sim, said she was expected to report daily via SMS to a "mentor" on her whereabouts, and was once told off when she was spotted watching a movie with a male friend.


At a meeting, we were told one of the cell group leaders had sold his car so he could buy more albums. It was like 'See, our brother, he sacrificed for God'.

MS GERALDINE SIM, a former member of City Harvest Church, on how members were urged to buy Ms Ho's music albums.

The 27-year-old digital content editor related her time in CHC in a blog which was shared widely. She attended CHC for about two years, joining it at the age of 15.

Whenever Ms Ho released a music album, pastors would "encourage" members to buy it, said Ms Sim. She added: "There were extreme examples. At a meeting, we were told one of the cell group leaders had sold his car so he could buy more albums. It was like 'See, our brother, he sacrificed for God'."

Undergraduate Samuel Wee, 25, said giving to the church was regularly emphasised.

"It was an environment where financial contribution was constantly portrayed as a positive thing you do to be a good Christian, and for your own good, to enrich yourself spiritually and financially," said Mr Wee, who left the church in 2009.

When approached, CHC declined to comment. The National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS) said many churches encourage regular giving, but "coercion is not helpful if it were true".

NCCS president Reverend Wee Boon Hup said worshippers were free to join other churches if they did not agree with CHC's practices.

He said: "NCCS expects member churches to be responsible in the raising and management of their funds, following accepted principles of governance as required by the Commissioner of Charities."

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I think pastor phil pringle of chc affiliation may have criticized pastor yang in return. Lol


Kong Hee Accused of 'Prosperity Gospel' Preaching by Fmr. City Harvest Church Member


November 12, 2015|1:09 pm

A number of former City Harvest Church members have accused Pastor Kong Hee of prosperity gospel preaching, after six CHC church leaders were found guilty of misusing millions in church donations.

A report by The Straits Times on Wednesday featured several interviews with former members who said that CHC's practices are questionable at best.

"Formers members also told The Straits Times about practices in church, saying they felt compelled to give donations, had their whereabouts constantly monitored by church members, or were pressured into buying Ms. Ho's music albums," the article stated, referring to singer Sun Ho, the wife of Kong.

Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Community Church Yang Tuck Yoong added that he is grieved for people who have "left the faith, backslid, stumbled, or who had been so disillusioned by the whole fiasco," referring to the recent guilty verdict.

Kong and the five other CHC members are awaiting sentencing after being found guilty of funneling more than $35.5 million in church donations to Sun's career.

One former member, identified as "Mr Khoo," revealed that his cell group leaders would question him when they thought he was under-contributing in donations to the church. He claimed that CHC preaches the "prosperity gospel," in which church members are told they will receive material and spiritual rewards if they give money to the church.

The Singaporean megachurch has faced such accusations in the past, with Paul Choo, founding pastor at Gospel Light Christian Church, warning that ministries like CHC are nothing more than a scam.

"This is not Christianity. This is not the Gospel. This is a SCAM. PERIOD! Using the name of God is a financial scam," Choo said in a 2012 speech.

Kong and the CHC leadership have rejected all accusations of teaching the prosperity gospel, however, and have attempted to maintain a positive outlook despite October's guilty verdict.

"I am so grateful to God for all of you, the most wonderful members of CHC. In the midst of life challenges, you have been so tenacious in your faith, and you kept on loving one another, serving the young and the old, fellowshipping in unity, sharing the Word, and praising God with all your hearts," Kong, who founded CHC in 1989 along with Ho, said in a Facebook post on Wednesday.

Australian megachurch Pastor Phil Pringle has also encouraged the CHC congregation not to lose faith in the church.

"The church will stay together. You'll be strong. You'll only get stronger. The church is not built on Kong Hee. It's built on Jesus Christ," Pringle said in a sermon last week.

"The church is more together and more resilient than you think it is. It survives any kind of persecution. The worst kind is when Christians fight against each other, when ministers criticize each other. It's the worst kind because it's confusing for the younger believers," he added.

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Phil pringle used "persecution" to describe what chc leaders are facing. Such a loaded, strong word! He sounded as if they were being bullied by the law when they have broken it in the first place! Coming from a senior pastor, I'm speechless....

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This is what "christian persecution" is, according to this site:


What is Christian Persecution

Where Does Christian Persecution Occur

Why Persecution Occurs

Why We Serve Persecuted Christians

Theology Of Christian Persecution


Christian persecution is any hostility experienced from the world as a result of one's identification as a Christian. From verbal harassment to hostile feelings, attitudes and actions, Christians in areas with severe religious restrictions pay a heavy price for their faith. Beatings, physical torture, confinement, isolation, rape, severe punishment, imprisonment, slavery, discrimination in education and employment, and even death are just a few examples of the persecution they experience on a daily basis.

According to The Pew Research Center, over 75% of the world's population lives in areas with severe religious restrictions (and many of these people are Christians). Also, according to the United States Department of State, Christians in more than 60 countries face persecution from their governments or surrounding neighbors simply because of their belief in Jesus Christ.


The World Watch List ranks the top 50 countries where Christians face the greatest persecution. See what life is like for persecuted Christians in each of these countries.



There are numerous reasons why Christians are persecuted. In some countries, severe abuse of Christians takes place under authoritarian governments. In the case of North Korea and other communist countries, authoritarian governments seek to control all religious thought and expression as part of a comprehensive plan to control all aspects of political and civic life. These governments regard some religious groups as enemies of the state because they hold religious beliefs that may challenge loyalty to the rulers.


Another reason why Christians are persecuted is hostility towards nontraditional and minority religious groups. For example, in Niger, more than 98 percent of the population is Islamic, and hostility comes more from society than from the government. Historically, Islam in West Africa has been moderate, but in the last 20 years, dozens of Islamic associations have emerged, like the Izala movement, which aims to restrict the freedom of 'deviant Muslims' and minority religious groups like Christians.


The lack of basic human rights is another significant part of persecution in some countries. For instance, in Eritrea, there are violations of the freedom of expression, assembly, and religious belief and movement, in addition to extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, extended detention, torture, and indefinite national service, which cause many Eritreans to flee the country.

Freedom of religion, like all freedoms of thought and expression, is inherent. Our beliefs help define who we are and serve as a foundation for what we contribute to our societies. However, today, many people live under governments that abuse or restrict freedom of religion. Christians in such areas suffer deeply, and are denied basic freedoms that humans should be entitled to.

In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration came as a result of the treatment of the Jews in Nazi Germany. The document states that every person is entitled to basic human rights. This reaffirmed the dignity and worth of all human beings no matter what a person's race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status. In 1966, the United Nations developed the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in addition to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 18 of the ICCPR focuses on four elements of religious freedom:

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others, and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.

No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.

Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.

The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.


The Bible calls us to be a voice for the voiceless. Psalm 82:3 says, "Stand up for those who are weak and for those whose fathers have died. See to it that those who are poor and those who are beaten down are treated fairly."

As Christians, we are called to take a stand for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. Hebrews 13:3 says, "Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." Learn more about how you can help persecuted Christians.


Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

For almost 60 years, Open Doors has worked in the world's most oppressive countries, empowering Christians who are persecuted for their beliefs. These believers stand strong, despite the many obstacles that they face. What are some of the things that we can we learn from their faith?

There is something about hardship that allows us to know God deeply. When times get really tough, we discover more about who God is and how He works. Christians who have endured persecution for their faith, know this well.

There are no easy answers for why God allows his followers to face suffering. However, the lives of persecuted Christians reveal that even when things look out of control believers can rest secure, knowing that God is still in control. He is able to give courage, peace and even joy to stand strong through the storm. It is through these storms that believers discover God's love in new and powerful ways.

Standing Strong Through The Storm is the curriculum that Open Doors uses to help Christians stand strong in the face of persecution. There are six theological and biblical lessons from this curriculum:

Sometimes you need to build yourself a cell

Be still, and know that I am God—Psalms 46:10

One Chinese church leader, who spent 23 years in prison, once said this to Christians who did not face persecution:

"I was pushed into a cell, but you have to push yourself into one. You have no time to know God. You need to build yourself a cell, so you can do for yourself what persecution did for me—simplify your life and know God."

It is vital that we spend time with God, to grow in Him, so we are prepared to stand strong in the face of persecution.

God keeps secrets

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts—Isaiah 55:8-9

There have been countless stories of persecuted Christians who have died without seeing the fruits of their labor. However, God know all that has been and all that is to come. Our labor is not in vain, it is in His hands.

Weakness is a direct path to power

That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong—2 Corinthians 12:10

An Egyptian Christian reflected on the way he was treated when he converted to Christ:

"In great suffering you discover a different Jesus than you do in normal life… Pain and suffering bring up to the surface all the weak points of your personality. In my weakest state, I had an incredible realization that Jesus loved me even right then."

True empowerment does not come from human means, but through Christ alone. It often takes being at our weakest point to realize this.

Overcoming is greater than deliverance

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. —Romans 12:21

Persecuted Christians, no matter what country they are from, do not ask us to pray that persecution would end, but rather ask us to pray that they stand strong through the persecution. They do not wish to be delivered from the persecution, but rather ask us to pray that they would be able to overcome the trials that they are facing in a way that is honoring to God.

Extreme hurt requires extreme forgiveness

And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." And they cast lots to divide his garments—Luke 23:34

A Christian widow from Iran said:

"I only had hatred in my heart for my enemies who had murdered my husband. But one day a miracle happened. God taught me how I could love my enemies… I had been praying for this, even though on the deepest level I didn't want it to happen. Gradually, through a process of ups and downs, God answered this prayer."

The only way we can get through extreme hurt is by forgiving people as Christ did.

Prayer is the ultimate fellowship

Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering—Hebrews 13:3

Many persecuted Christians often feel isolated and alone, since they are unable to fellowship with other believers. However, prayers from Christians half a world away have brought the same amount of encouragement that fellowship would have for these persecuted Christians. Prayer is vital—not only as a direct line to God, but as a way to encourage our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.

1 Corinthians 12:26 tells us that we are one body—when one member suffers, we all suffer. When one member is lifted up, we all rejoice. Persecuted Christians and Christians in the free world are not two separate entities, but rather are one body. The persecuted church needs the free church to support them and most importantly to lift them up in prayer. The church in the free world learns lessons from the persecuted who have stood strong in the face of persecution. Christ is the head of the body and uses the church (both free and persecuted) in unique and powerful ways.

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So you see, christians have this DNA in them to cry persecution whenever they are hindered in their paths, whatever they do, even when breaking laws! This is totally new to me and so... so amusing.

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Phil pringle used "persecution" to describe what chc leaders are facing. Such a loaded, strong word! He sounded as if they were being bullied by the law when they have broken it in the first place! Coming from a senior pastor, I'm speechless....


The same writing called my attention too... PERSECUTION ???

This is correct if we think of JUSTICE as PERSECUTING the CRIMINAL.  

But in reality, justice PROSECUTES the criminal.


So maybe this Phil Pringle is so ignorant that he confuses the two terms.

Senior pastors can be ignorant too. 

Many are ignorant of the precepts of morality that condemn deception, which includes religious deception.

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So you see, christians have this DNA in them to cry persecution whenever they are hindered in their paths, whatever they do, even when breaking laws! This is totally new to me and so... so amusing.


I agree, it is AMUSING.

A display of utmost HYPOCRISY by those who present themselves as righteous.

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I think whenever christians experience significant suffering or resistance from other humans while pursuing their faith, they will feel persecuted. But according to the above site: "Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others."

It looks like pastor phil pringle's idea of persecution is rather.... Innovational. Teehee

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these CHC lost sheep and their other churches affiliates STILL refuse to accept that their leaders are liars and greedy criminals that have broken the laws! bringing the criminals to justice is NOT persecution!


moreover, the witch still runs free!  so where got persecution.

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(1) Pastor Aaron Ho from Saint Andrew's Secondary School had written in his blog that trying to evangelise through Ms Ho's controversial music career was "questionable at the very least".

"The principle is this - you cannot compromise the gospel in order to share the gospel," he wrote.

(2) Undergraduate Samuel Wee, 25, said giving to the church was regularly emphasised.

"It was an environment where financial contribution was constantly portrayed as a positive thing you do to be a good Christian, and for your own good, to enrich yourself spiritually and financially," said Mr Wee, who left the church in 2009.


(1) "Questionable at the very least???" That, Pastor Aaron Ho, is a monstrous understatement of mega (church) proportions!!


(2) How is that the sheep who attend these evangelical prosperity churches never look back to the history of scandals, corruption n vice that hs taken place in many similar con churches elsewhere? How is it they never question how their contributions r actually going to be fed back to Christ? How is it they never question who handles that money before it might ever get near Christ? N does it never occur to them that handling so much cash over such a long period of time opens up all sorts of temptations? Jesus cast temptation behind him. "Prosperity gospel" is a synonym for greed, corruption n theft!


The Singaporean megachurch has faced such accusations in the past, with Paul Choo, founding pastor at Gospel Light Christian Church, warning that ministries like CHC are nothing more than a scam.

"This is not Christianity. This is not the Gospel. This is a SCAM. PERIOD! Using the name of God is a financial scam," Choo said in a 2012 speech.


Glad this quote has resurfaced for it is so absolutely true. Scam from day 1. Yet still vast number of CHC members r so brainwashed they almost laugh it away.


Phil pringle used "persecution" to describe what chc leaders are facing. Such a loaded, strong word! He sounded as if they were being bullied by the law when they have broken it in the first place! Coming from a senior pastor, I'm speechless....


No need to b speechless! This is the same Phil Pringle who once in a sermon used visual images to suggest that Kong Hee was Christ n the Singapore courts those who "murdered Jesus"!! He also wrote n said in a You Tube vdo -


Phil Pringle once again claims Kong Hee’s innocence to his church, once again insinuating that the Singaporean courts are being used by the devil ... “I want to take a second, for us all just to take a minute to pray for Pastor Kong Hee ... He is one of the most pure hearted, holy men of God I know. One of the most devoted, dedicated, like rugged soldiers for Christ that I’ve ever met. There are some people that are like ‘I’m not so sure I actually want to try to stand but Kong Hee he’s impeccable in integrity in these areas and it’s just that he’s been caught up in it.




Well, that sure shows where Phil Pringle stands - even though it was published a few days before the verdict. A man who masterminds the theft of $50 million is "pure hearted"? What a joke! Anyone know what's between him n Kong Hee? Pringle certainly sounds like a real nut case!

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Phil pringle was kong hee's mentor when he started out. But i think his words of defence for kong hee are instead giving more ammunition to people to use to run him down further. He actually sounded more like a lunatic, a loose canon for kong hee.

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He actually sounded more like a lunatic, a loose canon for kong hee.


I wonder where the contributions he collects from his "mega church" go???? Does he live in a penthouse I wonder?

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I wonder where the contributions he collects from his "mega church" go???? Does he live in a penthouse I wonder?


Did a quick google...so Phil Pringle doesn't sing or dance....but he sells special artworks...eg this article mention $50k for a painting..???


And sell stuff eg pen for A$550...



i really really don't understand why so many people are so gullible???? anyone who threw in the word god and common sense no longer apply to these people! a pen for A$550!!! oh gosh.

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Well! Well! Well! So Mr Pringle runs a church very much like CHC. Heres what he says on his website -


I’ve always been passionate about the arts playing a major role in church to make her contemporary and relevant to the current world. Our Creative Arts stream has developed and graduated thousands of musicians, worship leaders, song writers, graphic artists, dancers, actors and film makers. I myself paint and exhibit around the world. I also love to write, so I’ve mixed these two elements together in books like Inspired to Pray, But God and 24 Hours That Saved The World – The Gospel of John in Art. My other books include Faith, Moving in the Spirit, Leadership Excellence, Financial Excellence, Leadership Files and You the Leader.


Plenty of room for excessive money making in that lot. Funny how these charlatans always write books about leadership n financial excellence. No doubt thats the way they con their flock into parting with their hard earned cash. But theres more. Each year this church issues music through CDs n online via iTunes n other platforms. Oh, n guess what? The senior pastor of the C3 church in Asheville North Carolina is in jail for his part in a real estate fraud! Lordy! Lordy! Who would hv thought that possible?


Having earlier equated Kong Hee with Jesus n the Singapore Court as Satan, heres Pringles web update following the verdict -


We are continuing to pray with Pastor Kong, Sun and the team after the decision handed down today http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore . We are especially praying for the families affected by this verdict, who are facing such a difficult time. I would urge you to pray with us and believe God for Jesus Christ to rule and to reign and for his grace to prevail in Jesus name, Amen.


Funny theres nothing there about Jesus n Satan. Just please pray. For what? For a light sentence for the crooks? For more money for Sun Hos career? For more people to buy his derivative paintings? As mith says above - I just dont get it!!


Incidentally, dont u think the word pastor is too good for people like Pringle, Kong Hee n Sun Ho? Theyre plain mister n miss in my book from now on. 

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