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City Harvest Church Discussion - Kong Hee & Sun Ho (Compiled)


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nothing wrong wanting to be a singer even without talent... it is however wrong to cheat people's donation to buy fame and pretend to be successful! it is straight-to-hell wrong using religion as a means to cheat!


She didn't cheat rob or steal.  We gave willingly!

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That you givers did it willingly does not reduce the severity of the crime.

You givers were just brain-washed.


No, we are not.

Anyway, since it's our money and not yours, why are you so worked up?

If we're not complaining, why are you complaining?

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She didn't cheat rob or steal.  We gave willingly!


No, we are not.

Anyway, since it's our money and not yours, why are you so worked up?

If we're not complaining, why are you complaining?


u can give all you want, willingly or otherwise. no one is arguing this!


it is wrong to use it fo buy fame and then trying to cover the expenditure! dragging jesus good name in the act is severely wrong!


do u get it now! 

Edited by mith
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She didn't cheat rob or steal.  We gave willingly!


But to what did u give willingly? As I understand it - n I am sure u will correct me if I am wrong - u gave to a crossover project that would convert souls to God. Thats a perfectly admirable objective IF - repeat IF - the huge amounts of cash u gave were used to that end. The indisputable fact is - THEY NEVER WERE!


Do u seriously believe Sun Hos going to the USA met that objective? How many souls there needed to be saved compared to those in, lets suggest, Africa? Does the USA not hv enough churches n preachers? It hs one of the highest proportionally in the world!


Did u give willingly to permit Sun Ho to live in a Hollywood mansion costing around $28,000 per month for several years? Do u not seriously believe it wild hv been far more in line with Christian principles for her to hv lived in much more modest accommodation so that most of that rental wld hv been far better used in other church charitable activities?


Did u give willingly to permit Sun Ho n her hugely expensive advisers (clearly they know a sucker when they see one!) to buy her way to the top of a billboard chart?


Did u give willingly to have vast sums spent on making a CD that has never even been released?


Did u give willingly without knowing how often - or NOT - Sun Ho actually preached when in the USA?


Did u give willingly without having any accounting of the money spent n the number of souls saved for God in that massively expensive waste of time in the USA?


R u so dumb that u happily write off everything u gave for that exercise in pure personal promotion with its hobnobbing with starlets, porn stars n other riff raff?


If so I can name thousands of genuine needy Christian charities which could hv fed millions for years or given basic Christian education to millions with the amount the CHC wasted on the Sun Ho experiment.


Be happy in ur utter naivety!

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Guest ilovetaylorswift

The Dec 2002 dance track that paved the way for her 2003 foray into Hollywood


What foray are you talking about!!!?

Get grips.

She's like totally non-existence in Hollywood.

Nobody knows her.

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Another question for the naive CHC members who believe they gave willingly. As the behind the scenes puppet master of this charade Kong Hee showed his utter naivety (are they all so naive in the CHC?) when he described in court the promotion plan for Sun Hos never released album. As I quoted in an earlier post - 


Kong said that American publicists had a comprehensive promotional plan for what he called a "very major launch" for Ho's album, which was to come more than four years after it was initially slated to ... This included pitching major television appearances on shows such as CSI New York and CSI Miami, Gossip Girl and Dancing With The Stars, and for promotion in magazines like Vogue, Glamour, Rolling Stones, Marie Claire and Billboard


A very major launch? Its well known in the entertainment business that anyone with a new movie premiere or the launch of a new album gets vast promotion by appearing on the TV entertainment chat shows. Many hv a live music section. How come Sun Hos promotion plan mentions the CSI programmes which wld require SAG membership - n I am certain she was NEVER a member n so cld not take part in them - but had absolutely nothing about appearances on The Tonight Show, nothing about Late Night with Letterman, nothing about The Late Late Show, nothing about the Ellen de Generis show, nothing about The View, nothing about Jimmy Kimmel Live, nothing about The Today Show ... ?


Think on this dear naive people -


Proverbs 14:15

The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.

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No, we are not.

Anyway, since it's our money and not yours, why are you so worked up?

If we're not complaining, why are you complaining?


You think that because it was not my money I should disregard their crime?

Today over 150 French people were slaughtered in terrorist attacks in Paris. 

I have no personal relationship with any of these 150 victims. 

Therefore, should I also disregard that act of terrorism and think like it did not happen?

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She didn't cheat rob or steal.  We gave willingly!


So you gave willingly and knew ahead of time of what they will use the money for?


 Hong Kee or Sun TOLD YOU DIRECTLY at church? Like  "Please donate as much as you can to help me be NUMBER ONE and Well known in the US for my singing. I am not good enough but with enough funding from you wonderful followers, I can pay for the best song writer, muscians and producers to bride and realize my dream to be the best singer with many album hits"


She told you all that in advance?

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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So you gave willingly and knew ahead of time of what they will use the money for?

Hong Kee or Sun TOLD YOU DIRECTLY at church? Like "Please donate as much as you can to help me be NUMBER ONE and Well known in the US for my singing. I am not good enough but with enough funding from you wonderful followers, I can pay for the best song writer, muscians and producers to bride and realize my dream to be the best singer with many album hits"

She told you all that in advance?

You reason like that with sycophants, minions, kowtowers and underlings?!
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You reason like that with sycophants, minions, kowtowers and underlings?!

Bombastic terms.. but you do understand basic sarcasm right?

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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What make a person different from devil and saint, you know i know deep inside, period.



Assuming u r the guest who wrote posts 1573, 1575 n the one above, pray tell us what r u? Devil or saint? N what is the judge in the CHC court case? 

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Assuming u r the guest who wrote posts 1573, 1575 n the one above, pray tell us what r u? Devil or saint? N what is the judge in the CHC court case?

me not, just find that it is a shame to use God's name as a tool, there is a fine line between greed and the breaking of the law to fulfill one's selfish desires or greed
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One of the most boring repetitive disco-type remixes Ive ever heard. Even the drumming is numbingly boring!


Mind u the words reveal a lot about the lady -


I feel so beautiful

Can no one tell me no?

My lifes a circus show

No matter where I go.




Im just trying to have fun.


What a laugh!

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No, we are not.

Anyway, since it's our money and not yours, why are you so worked up?

If we're not complaining, why are you complaining?

You may not. But there are some who already woke up and left the church
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History is littered with the death of churches founded on the sinister prosperity gospel. It has absolutely nothing to do with the teachings of Christ. It is a fake facade for its founders to cream off vast sums from their unthinking congregations. Of course it does offer some benefits. But the idea that God will enrich you materially just because you give more more of ur hard earned cash to a bunch of sweet talking individuals calling themselves pastors hs been thoroughly discredited. 

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I don't understand how he did it? Any theories ? It can't be just his good look.... Li Nan Xin is as hot but I don't see people throwing money at him!

Actually you don't need to start a thread on this.


His basic teaching is on tithing, saying that God remembers how much you gave and you can never outgive God because He will bless you back what you gave to Him.


Unfortunately many fall into his trick because he (Kong) promised that God will bless back but most of the times, blessings aren't limited to financial blessings only,

Will you be my valentine's? :D

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His basic teaching is on tithing, saying that God remembers how much you gave and you can never outgive God because He will bless you back what you gave to Him.


Its called the Prosperity Gospel based on one small text in the Bible. It has little to do with Christ who gave everything away n everything to do with preying on the guilt of people to give to "God" on the basis that "He" will give you back much more. The sweeter n more charismatic the so called preacher the richer they become.

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His look? Some ppl mentioned on his best days with smile...he might look abit like this hk actor joe ma.


But once exposed n facing the media...wow..no more smiling...目露凶光 got 杀气.


when younger...


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So these people have insecurity complex and they believe that he represents God. But surely after giving for awhile and no muracle happens to you, wouldn't you stop giving? I mean anyone w reasonable IQ would be able to see that if money is going into a hole, stop throwing more into the same hole?

With him we are talking about millions of dollar and thousands of worshippers. How does he do it? If we don't attempt to break this mistery, then the same mistake will be repeated!

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So these people have insecurity complex and they believe that he represents God. But surely after giving for awhile and no muracle happens to you, wouldn't you stop giving? I mean anyone w reasonable IQ would be able to see that if money is going into a hole, stop throwing more into the same hole?

With him we are talking about millions of dollar and thousands of worshippers. How does he do it? If we don't attempt to break this mistery, then the same mistake will be repeated!


Over time they become almost brain-washed. The money donation schemes r called tithes meaning u hv to give a certain percentage of ur salary each week. Each member of the congregation joins a cell with a cell leader who makes sure u give appropriately. When u think abt it logically its just a theological Ponzi scheme with the top preachers creaming of a great deal of money. This has happened so many times elsewhere in the world over the last 40 - 50 yrs. But these people who give their hard earned cash just dont look at history n dont think logically!

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Guest The Promised Rose Garden

So these people have insecurity complex and they believe that he represents God. But surely after giving for awhile and no muracle happens to you, wouldn't you stop giving? I mean anyone w reasonable IQ would be able to see that if money is going into a hole, stop throwing more into the same hole?

With him we are talking about millions of dollar and thousands of worshippers. How does he do it? If we don't attempt to break this mistery, then the same mistake will be repeated!


What if the blessing is a 'promise' of luxury 3 storey bungalow next to His sacred garden and extended time on earth before getting there?

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Very simple, go attend that church for a period of time if you want to know the answer.

Please also bear in mind that many of his followers are rich and successful people. Low IQ? Definitely not.

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What if the blessing is a 'promise' of luxury 3 storey bungalow next to His sacred garden and extended time on earth before getting there?

That You will receive it this life time or next?

Extended time so you get to stay in it or to suffer longer before going to the next world?

Brain washing is the right word but how? His look? His promises? His fear tactics? Can't be his wife's singing!

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Over time they become almost brain-washed. The money donation schemes r called tithes meaning u hv to give a certain percentage of ur salary each week. Each member of the congregation joins a cell with a cell leader who makes sure u give appropriately. When u think abt it logically its just a theological Ponzi scheme with the top preachers creaming of a great deal of money. This has happened so many times elsewhere in the world over the last 40 - 50 yrs. But these people who give their hard earned cash just dont look at history n dont think logically!


Defaming Sun again?

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That You will receive it this life time or next?

Extended time so you get to stay in it or to suffer longer before going to the next world?

Brain washing is the right word but how? His look? His promises? His fear tactics? Can't be his wife's singing!


Can I assume that you're too occupied with other things and deprived of the chance to understand how religion "works wonders" in the helpless and weary hearts and minds. Does people go to temple and pay respect to deities because the monks are cute?


Fear tactics as in there's no place in His garden for you if you don't contribute enough.

'His' garden, not his garden.


Instead of brain washing I'd rather called it self-deceiving.

What's that again? You can't force the ox's head down if it does not want to drink blah blah.

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Defaming Sun again?


Sadly No! This thread is about Kong Hees money exploitation schemes. Nothing to do with his songbird wife. She has several threads of her own on BTW. Ho Ho!

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Over time they become almost brain-washed. The money donation schemes r called tithes meaning u hv to give a certain percentage of ur salary each week. Each member of the congregation joins a cell with a cell leader who makes sure u give appropriately. When u think abt it logically its just a theological Ponzi scheme with the top preachers creaming of a great deal of money. This has happened so many times elsewhere in the world over the last 40 - 50 yrs. But these people who give their hard earned cash just dont look at history n dont think logically!


I've never came into contact with any of them but I always like to analyze according to what I've known of the human's weakness.

These people are not really that brain-washed, they are just afraid of being outcast by their cohort, they need some imaginary identities to assure and comfort them that they belong to the majority accepted bunch so as to achieve the same social status as their acquaintance, too weak and too much self-inflicted worries to just walk away from fear of damnation by the administration, even from that of close friends. You know lah most people cannot lose face one. Die die must win one.

Just like gay and the community, if one could not find any he will feel inferior, live in miseries, and may resort to end his life.

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Everybody is afraid of death and they hope after death god can give them a place to stay and take care of them. So if you dont donate to make the god happy you will suffer in hell. These is the main scare tactics from most religion and Kong Hee just made use of it to the fullest.

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I've never came into contact with any of them but I always like to analyze according to what I've known of the human's weakness.

These people are not really that brain-washed, they are just afraid of being outcast by their cohort, they need some imaginary identities to assure and comfort them that they belong to the majority accepted bunch so as to achieve the same social status as their acquaintance, too weak and too much self-inflicted worries to just walk away from fear of damnation by the administration, even from that of close friends. You know lah most people cannot lose face one. Die die must win one.

Just like gay and the community, if one could not find any he will feel inferior, live in miseries, and may resort to end his life.


Oh by the way can I assumed that there's no people living in ghettos remains and welcome under such administration? After one could earn enough money to satisfy his and his family needs, next came the thirst for status and power. How to achieve that? Contribution and get recognized by you know who lah.  ;)


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I used to attend these charismatic churches but not anymore, they are really good to lure the believers with staged acts such as the priest would summon those who are sick and the sick come up to the alter pretended to be healed up by the blessing from the priest, and other tactics. Who don't get mesmerised with such staged acts?

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That reminds me of an event which was so so so far back in the last century at Yio Chu Kang stadium. I was looking for refuge and don't know how got invited to this huge gathering where they carry someone in a stretcher up to the stage and after some blessing this man they carried stand up and everybody in the stadium cried out loud and praised. I was like what the fuck? and suddenly this long bamboo/cane/string with black pockets attached to it descended from the back rows. Everybody put in some money and I also gong gong dumped in 2 dollars.  :mellow:

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Everybody is afraid of death and they hope after death god can give them a place to stay and take care of them. So if you dont donate to make the god happy you will suffer in hell. These is the main scare tactics from most religion and Kong Hee just made use of it to the fullest.


The problem with the prosperity gospel churches is that they latch on to one quote from the bible n tell "believers" that God intends them to b rich. The way to get rich is to give to God n he will look after u. The problem is all that there is no real supervision apart from by other believers. So the cash ends up in the preachers hands he decides what is to b done with it. God never sees it!!!


N the miracles? Well theres a bit of magic in everyone, only a lot of these preachers hv it down to a fine art. See what Lawrence Khong does in his spare time??

Edited by wozzit
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Very simple, go attend that church for a period of time if you want to know the answer.

Please also bear in mind that many of his followers are rich and successful people. Low IQ? Definitely not.

Ya definitely not wise enough
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They are tempted by the devil. Not attracted by god. Church promise this promise that and they care more about the sense of belonging to a 'mega church' and all the infinite social and financial possibilities. Peer pressure. Like using facebook. A good place to hunt for husband and wives - assuming many rich, pious and cute guys and pretty girls. Haha! And business opportunities too!

I din't think those intelligent and rich people care about heaven or hell. They just want to show off that status of being a christian belonging to a mega church. And of cos, some are really facing existential crisis and got lured into all the temptations!

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Anyway, since it's our money and not yours, why are you so worked up?

If we're not complaining, why are you complaining?


How about the fact that a massive crime was committed? That does not concern you? Judge See Kee Oon said of your leader "Kong capitalised on the church climate of paranoia and fear in 2003 to galvanise support for the Crossover Project."


No doubt like that other "man of God" (?) Phil Pringle u liken the judge to the wicked Satan. N also no doubt u will be praying for the following verse from the Bible to come true -


2 Peter 2:9

So God knows how to rescue the godly from evil trials. And he knows how to hold the feet of the wicked to the fire until Judgment Day.

Well the Day of Judgment is nearly here. Pray hard! But I expect a public burning is not going to happen!!

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