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City Harvest Church Discussion - Kong Hee & Sun Ho (Compiled)


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Ya...calling for 11-12 years for Kong Hee..the sentence might be out the earliest by this fri. Can read here :


Interestingly the judge referenced to the Ring of Gyges...a mythical ring mentioned by Platos to confer invisibility..if someone with such ring will tend to do dishonest things thinking nobody will discover...mmm...sounds similar to the One Ring in LOTR...an item of corruption.


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His look? Some ppl mentioned on his best days with smile...he might look abit like this hk actor joe ma.


But once exposed n facing the media...wow..no more smiling...目露凶光 got 杀气.


when younger...



He does resemble a shoebill.


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As reported in the Straits Times, The Prosecuter is calling for at least 11-12 years of imprisonment.


Just WOW.


double that! imprisonment is a must, but what about the money? will the 6 share the payback? or ah Hee to return all? 


the witch is next!

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$50 million squandered, living it up at Sentosa Cove; now its payback time @ Changi Ritz Carlton


Perhaps not yet. Remember Kong has a hugely expensive lawyer (who paid for him I wonder???) n he will certainly appeal meaning a lot more expense. Given the judges comments abt him, tho, its hard to believe any appeal cld b even partially successful.

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Some forum mention Joachim Kang, a priest who misappropriating $5.1 million in church funds...sentenced to 7.5 yrs in 2004...but released after 4 yrs in 2008..for good behaviour. The article mention he immediately got job in laywer firm after release.


So 5 million got 7.5 yrs jail....50m only 12yrs? N definitely lesser after good behaviour reduction....

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How on earth does a convicted thief who stole $5.1 million get a job with a law firm even before he has been released? Was he to b advising clients on how to avoid paying taxes on their incomes perhaps?

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I hope this is not an indication of what will happen in the CHC case, but the worlds courts seem to hv a habit of giving fairly lenient sentences in cases of church fraud. 


Last year in Seoul David Yonggi Cho the leader of the world's largest mega church with over 1 million members was convicted of embezzling $12 million to purchase stocks at vastly inflated price from his son who was in financial trouble. Cho was sentenced to just 3 yrs in jail. He was also fined $4.7 million plus $3.2 million in unpaid taxes, but his jail sentence was suspended for 5 yrs!! This may be because he is 78 yr old.


But guess what? Surprise! Surprise! Cho's Church preaches the "make yourself rich" Prosperity Gospel!


The most famous of these get rich quick prosperity pastors was Jim Bakker in the USA. Apart from using $265,000 of Church funds to get the silence of a hooker, he was convicted in 1988 of wire n mail fraud from which he scammed nearly $3.7 million. Bakker made all the financial decisions himself n was discovered to hv kept two sets of account books. After he went to jail it was discovered the Church had a deficit of $60 million with much of that due in back taxes on the churchs money making activities. Bakker served all of five years in prison!


Bakker still owes the US government $6 million in personal back taxes. Free again, Bakker hs founded a new church. N this is a man who never had any training whatever in theology! He had been a worker in a restaurant!



Incidentally on 18 November 2013 Forbes Magazine online carried an article headed "Fraud Thriving In U.S. Churches, But You Wouldn't Know It." This estimates that $594 billion is given to churches worldwide. Of this $32 billion is spent to introduce Christianity to more people worldwide. But losses due to mismanagement of funds totals $8 billion. If u think that is bad, wait for it ... $37 billion disappears in what the article calls "Ecclesiastical Crime". Thats EVERY YEAR!


Much of this fraud goes unreported. Why?


"part of it is a reluctance to see the bad side of a nice pastor, a secretary or a board member of the church.” [Todd M.] Johnson [Director of the Centre for the Study of Global Christianity], even cited one quote from a church member who knew of an embezzlement and said, “I know he stole my money but I still think he’s a wonderful person.”


The same reaction many CHC members hv given re their view on the criminal Kong Hee n his cronies!



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I hope this is not an indication of what will happen in the CHC case, but the worlds courts seem to hv a habit of giving fairly lenient sentences in cases of church fraud. 


Last year in Seoul David Yonggi Cho the leader of the world's largest mega church with over 1 million members was convicted of embezzling $12 million to purchase stocks at vastly inflated price from his son who was in financial trouble. Cho was sentenced to just 3 yrs in jail. He was also fined $4.7 million plus $3.2 million in unpaid taxes, but his jail sentence was suspended for 5 yrs!! This may be because he is 78 yr old.


But guess what? Surprise! Surprise! Cho's Church preaches the "make yourself rich" Prosperity Gospel!


The most famous of these get rich quick prosperity pastors was Jim Bakker in the USA. Apart from using $265,000 of Church funds to get the silence of a hooker, he was convicted in 1988 of wire n mail fraud from which he scammed nearly $3.7 million. Bakker made all the financial decisions himself n was discovered to hv kept two sets of account books. After he went to jail it was discovered the Church had a deficit of $60 million with much of that due in back taxes on the churchs money making activities. Bakker served all of five years in prison!


Bakker still owes the US government $6 million in personal back taxes. Free again, Bakker hs founded a new church. N this is a man who never had any training whatever in theology! He had been a worker in a restaurant!




that's my fear too! 

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Guest gaysingaporean

underneath all the branded clothes.... they are nothing but rotting bodies of hell entities!

The clothes they are wearing are definately not branded!!!

Just some "wannabe" brands.

The clothes line they brought in to Singapore, Ed Hardy is basically overpriced and cheap looking, trashy garments. Not a top fashion label.

Tasteless and vulgar, just like them.


As I am NOT a religious person and have no religion but I believe there is a higher power up there.

Will someone please tell me why do those CHC people choose to pray in mega function room in shopping mall instead of a beautiful church? Holy services that feel like some sort of trashy music concert or a circus?

I understand there are some churches in Singapore that are finding finance difficulties in restoring their churches, then on the other hand, there are these jokers throwing money to support these con artistes for their own financial gain. Something is terribly wrong here!

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One of those face-palm moment.....


Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Will someone please tell me why do those CHC people choose to pray in mega function room in shopping mall instead of a beautiful church? Holy services that feel like some sort of trashy music concert or a circus?


I second your question.  I live close to another megachurch,  "Lakewood Church" lead by Pastor Joel Osteen  (he is one of the richest pastors in the world).  I have been in his church, and I have been in CHC with Kong He preaching.  They are practically identical, but with one fundamental difference:  while Ho uses the fire of hell to bash sinners like us gays, the Osteen preaches a "feel good", "self-help" that is really positive, so he may be strangely earning his money...


Maybe the reason people like such churches is because... they give spectacles like music concerts?

Can you imagine an invisible Jesus Christ present in these places?   hahaha...

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Hey, that's very closed! Lol


One needs not read all the posts, just see for yourself, is this the face of a benevolent pastor ? More like malevolent. Even life imprisonment is not enough for these crooks and i wonder how the hell can the obvious beneficiary i.e. sunhorse be spared ? It just don't make any sense.

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Over time they become almost brain-washed. The money donation schemes r called tithes meaning u hv to give a certain percentage of ur salary each week. Each member of the congregation joins a cell with a cell leader who makes sure u give appropriately. When u think abt it logically its just a theological Ponzi scheme with the top preachers creaming of a great deal of money. This has happened so many times elsewhere in the world over the last 40 - 50 yrs. But these people who give their hard earned cash just dont look at history n dont think logically!


It's certainly more than mere brainwashing, i would say mass hypnosis.

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Wonder how much $$$ was spent on such fanciful website presentation


I read in this wonderful article of CHC:




What a wonderful idea!  I have seen at CHC many distinguished young men who could infiltrate the Gay scene  like Cruise, TenMen, Keybox and even Shogun in a super crossover project to reach out to the unmarried unchurched unrepressed unheterosexuals by sharing their same interests.


If the Sun Ho could do that for the straight, why should it not work for the gay?


Ah... I continued reading the extraordinary web page, and this is what I saw:




This may be totally true.  I have not taken this journey,  and I probably will never get to see the inside of a SINGAPORE JAIL for extended stays of several years...


Folks... this is incredible!  CHC must have hired a descendant of Mr. Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany, to make this web page !!

Edited by Steve5380
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I read in this wonderful article of CHC:


What a wonderful idea! I have seen at CHC many distinguished young men who could infiltrate the Gay scene like Cruise, TenMen, Keybox and even Shogun in a super crossover project to reach out to the unmarried unchurched unrepressed unheterosexuals by sharing their same interests.

If the Sun Ho could do that for the straight, why should it not work for the gay?

Ah... I continued reading the extraordinary web page, and this is what I saw:


This may be totally true. I have not taken this journey, and I probably will never get to see the inside of a SINGAPORE JAIL for extended stays of several years...

Folks... this is incredible! CHC must have hired a descendant of Mr. Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany, to make this web page !!

More members means more income for the church.

People are paying the church to save their own soul! Ha

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What a wonderful idea! I have seen at CHC many distinguished young men who could infiltrate the Gay scene like Cruise, TenMen, Keybox and even Shogun in a super crossover project to reach out to the unmarried unchurched unrepressed unheterosexuals by sharing their same interests.

If the Sun Ho could do that for the straight, why should it not work for the gay?

How true. Why reach out all the way to the west when there are so many "condemned" gays that can be saved right smack in Singapore. Just give us the $$ and "we tried our best" to be churched. ;)

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Guest ilovetaylorswift

Wow, her album covers are indeed very cutting-edge...

So, these kind of rubbish album covers and equally nonsense songs are supposed to spread the word of God by Sun aka Geisha?

Geisha is defined as a Japanese hostess trained to entertain men through song and dance

Dancing like a total slut and talking about killing her husband. This is not only confusing but super blasphemy as hell.

How is she supposed to spread the word of God.

Utter waste of time.

And Money

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She spent millions from church donations to glorify herself! Why not donate the money to the poor and the orphans in those poor countries like Laos and Cambodia! 


exactly right! if the 50 millions were spent to save these villagers from hunger and poverty, they have high chance to crossover, and the CHC project will be a success! 

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Its perfectly clear from a review of much of the evidence that the $50 million went down the drain in a vain n futile attempt purely to promote the career of Sun Ho by people who knew precious little about the US entertainment industry. The Crossover project was a total sham n the attempt to cover it all up was a criminal act by a manipulating man. Prosperity gospel churches which r not properly audited n not taxed r perfect ways for those who run them to become fabulously wealthy. 

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exactly right! if the 50 millions were spent to save these villagers from hunger and poverty, they have high chance to crossover, and the CHC project will be a success! 


Yes, other poor churches are doing that, they have missions to help and save the less fortunate every year! 

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Wow..ppl queuing since last night...n someone said he got positive dreams....mmm....positive to who? kong hee or ppl who want to see him punished?

City Harvest trial: Guilty due back in court for oral submissions

By Vanessa Paige Chelvan and Wendy Wong

POSTED: 20 Nov 2015 07:48 UPDATED: 20 Nov 2015 08:04

SINGAPORE: The six City Harvest leaders who were found guilty on Oct 21 are due back in court on Friday (Nov 20) for both prosecution and defence to make oral submissions to the judge on the appropriate sentences for the six found guilty.

Friday is also the earliest date for sentencing.

The six leaders of the church - founder and senior pastor Kong Hee; deputy senior pastor Tan Ye Peng; former church board member and Chairman of CHC's Investment Committee John Lam Leng Hung; former church board and CHC Investment Committee member Chew Eng Han; and former finance managers Sharon Tan and Serina Wee - were each convicted on between three and 10 counts of criminal breach of trust and falsifying church accounts.

Channel NewsAsia understands the prosecution is seeking a sentence of 11 to 12 years' jail for Kong Hee, eight to nine years' for John Lam, about 11 to 12 years for both Tan Ye Peng, Chew Eng Han and Serina Wee; and about five to six years for Sharon Tan.

From 1030pm Thursday night, interested members of the public had started queueing to enter the court. At about 7.15am on Friday, passes were given out - 50 for the morning session and 50 for the afternoon session.

Said one of those in line, who is not from City Harvest Church but refused to be named: "I had dreams that during the case, during the early part, I had four dreams of Kong Hee that's all positive. So did it come from devil or God or conscious or subconscious, so I thought I'd come here to see if it shows up."

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I prefer the Digital Dog dub of Fancy Free.  Sun has a good working relationship with The Underdogs, they first produced her hit single Ends of the Earth way back in 2005 and then came on board to remix her track Fancy Free.

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Read from some newspapers headlines...

Kong hee has to mention from his ageing parents, his deaf brother to his young son to plead for leniency....wait...no mention of his wife?


And also he claimed he is not as bad as durai and mingyi...


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