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City Harvest Church Discussion - Kong Hee & Sun Ho (Compiled)


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Am I seeing things?  Page B9 in today's Straits Times:

City  Harvest  "issued  illegal  loans",  court  told. 

Ex-fund  manager  claims  church  lent  millions  at  high  interest  rates


For a church to involve in usury is something unimaginable.




this should be another round of prosecution after the sentencing, as a separate case! 

Edited by mith
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Read from some newspapers headlines...

Kong hee has to mention from his ageing parents, his deaf brother to his young son to plead for leniency....wait...no mention of his wife?


And also he claimed he is not as bad as durai and mingyi...



he is the same low-level as durai and mingyi, if not worse! 


maximum sentences! maximum sentences! maximum sentences! maximum sentences! maximum sentences!

maximum sentences! maximum sentences! maximum sentences! maximum sentences! maximum sentences!

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Not yet.

They got start of sentence defer to 11 jan. I guess they still get to "perform" on stage for the christmas period....no doubt with "tears streaming down"...

Kong Hee was sentenced to eight years in prison.

John Lam was sentenced to three years in prison.

Sharon Tan was sentenced to 21 months in prison.

Chew Eng Han was sentenced to six years in prison.

Tan Ye Peng was sentenced to five years and six months in prison.

Serina Wee was sentenced to five years in prison.

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Not sure if those jailed now regretted trusting kong Hee..leading them to jail.

Not sure the rest of members still trust the church will lead them to heaven..not hell??

all their mind is all about material and $$$$, do you still believe they " belief " in god's words?
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It's astonshing to see in these day and age where we put people in space, built such wonder devices..etc but in the end as an evolution of human kind, the brain is still the more powerful and weakest things in us. It is so malleable to subjection and control.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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不论在平时的时候,说得如何堂皇动听, 在金钱的诱惑面前人性是如此脆弱,尤其在撒旦的诱惑下,本性就可以赤裸裸地表露无疑。



不论在平时的时候,说得如何堂皇动听, 在金钱的诱惑面前人性是如此脆弱,尤其在撒旦的诱惑下,本性就可以赤裸裸地表露无疑。


satan is only an invention

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Sentence was out, Kong Hee got 8 years.

Too light!

After all the weekends and holidays deductions, it'll be less than 6 years!

He deserved life imprisonment and a big fine for his shameful deed.

I hope they all appeal, lose the appeal and get a much higher sentence!


Their lawyers argued that there were no personal gain for all of them.

What rubbish.

Years of luxurious lifestyle in the US and SG, burning away millions of dollars which were not theirs is what?

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We should see the outcome as quite satisfactory.


The judge wisely gave substantial sentences that were less than the maximum times sought.  In this way, when appeals will ridiculously argue up to the most insignificant attenuating factors, the response can be that the attenuating factors were considered already in the less than maximum sentences.


The most important success is that the defendants were found guilty and will go to prison.  Once inside, this will mark them forever.


With this outcome, CHC and the "crossover project" have done society a great service. 

They have exposed the hypocrisy, deception and corruption that is typical in religious organizations.

This is now clear for everyone to see.

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Well, Sun's crossover project impacted celebrities across Asia and the United States, including Jay Chou, Liang Wen Yin, Lady Saw, Chichi La Rue etc!



The Impact you are talking about, you have no idea what you are saying and what impact means when you are in the same scene like a pop scene. Impact is just something you do as you are walking in the same scene and move in the same circle and how much money you throw at holding parties and pretending to be this or that in front of the media for publicity. If I want to be seen with the famous and I want to get publicity I throw a party that is the talk of the town and all the celebrities who need a boost in their popularity will be there.


You are so simple minded with no idea how the entertainment industry works that you think she is making a big impact.


Looking at the photos.. I wonder how their children feel about living the high life from the pocket money and riches of their parent who one is now in jail for embezzling and misusing the funds. How they act as they come of age is very telling if they think nothing about it and just keep going about their day and showing their face in the church.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Kong hee sentenced to 8 years.

THe rest are being announced now.

what i dont understand from the cna tweets

...they concluded the case as : "Case is unprecedented, unique features as accused did not enjoy personal gain, no financial loss..."...huh?https://mobile.twitter.com/ChannelNewsAsia?ref_src=twsrc^tfw

Duplicity. Judges are trying to appease thousands of church members by not vilifying church leaders too much. It takes one siao lang for the judges to get slapped once they step outside in public. Lol. Judges are human. Humans lie and bullshit all the same.
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Guest Knowing

a heap of rubbish! a desperate last plea for the very guilty 6 crooks! 


i say not only must jail, but maximum jail terms!

Maximum? Don't even count that he will serve 8 years in prison.  2 laters later, on account of good behaviour, repentence and what not, he will be released and still keep his millions ill-gotten money. That is how this regressing society works, didn't it happen before?

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I really hope the prosecution does its due diligence and appeal for a heavier sentence.

Prosecution and Judge are not suppose to be emotional like you and me and be sway to any how give sentences. I am sure there was some plea bargaining with this fuckers to get them to confess to lessen sentence..etc I am sure they will want to get more to whack them as hard as they can but they can only do so depending on what evident they can get in order to mettle out as big a punishment as they can. So what plea bargain was dealt to get to this point is what we see. I am sure if they have more evident they will... You have to know, those fuckers also have high paying lawyers who are watching what the prosecution and judge do. So  both side don't want to over do it too much and end up screwing the whole case.


Are the authority still digging to get others who are still no caught yet I am sure there are. They need to have the right evident to do so.. so far that bitch got off.. for now maybe. I am hoping she will join him one day.. but the law is the law.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Prosecution and Judge are not suppose to be emotional like you and me and be sway to any how give sentences. I am sure there was some plea bargaining with this fuckers to get them to confess to lessen sentence..etc I am sure they will want to get more to whack them as hard as they can but they can only do so depending on what evident they can get in order to mettle out as big a punishment as they can. So what plea bargain was dealt to get to this point is what we see. I am sure if they have more evident they will... You have to know, those fuckers also have high paying lawyers who are watching what the prosecution and judge do. So  both side don't want to over do it too much and end up screwing the whole case.


Are the authority still digging to get others who are still no caught yet I am sure there are. They need to have the right evident to do so.. so far that bitch got off.. for now maybe. I am hoping she will join him one day.. but the law is the law.


When they were first caught and charged, none of them plead guilty and begged for leniency.

They claimed innocence and employed the most expensive lawyers to defend them in court.  

And during the hearings, they blamed their auditors and advisors, they acted stupid and ignorant and showed no signs repentance.

The lengthy court case had wasted so much of the state's resources just to investigate and charge them.

Till now, there were still no confessions from them and they may even appeal.

Hence, it was right for the prosecutors to seek maximum punishment for this group of cheaters, the judge was just to lenient!

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And we have a PAP Member of Parliament fighting the case on their behalf as a Senior Council. What was he thinking when he took up a case like that? Doesn't he has any moral sense to know what is right and what is wrong without the need to go through a judge? Or was he doing it for the sake of the money? Either way, it's outright disturbing to have a political figure fighting on the side of the demon, regardless if he was misguided or just doing his job. If he can lack the judgment to know what is right and what is wrong on a personal basis, how can we know that he understands what is right and what is wrong for all of us Singaporeans.


And he wasn't even the first PAP lawyer who fought for the wrong side and lost the case. Remember Alvin Yeo who fought the case for Dr Susan Lim? He not only lost the case, he was found to severely overcharge his client.


This case is not just about a religious cult. The case on CHC reveals so many things wrong with our entire sociopolitical ecosystem here, that it's just outright worrying.

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And we have a PAP Member of Parliament fighting the case on their behalf as a Senior Council. What was he thinking when he took up a case like that? Doesn't he has any moral sense to know what is right and what is wrong without the need to go through a judge? Or was he doing it for the sake of the money? Either way, it's outright disturbing to have a political figure fighting on the side of the demon, regardless if he was misguided or just doing his job. If he can lack the judgment to know what is right and what is wrong on a personal basis, how can we know that he understands what is right and what is wrong for all of us Singaporeans.


And he wasn't even the first PAP lawyer who fought for the wrong side and lost the case. Remember Alvin Yeo who fought the case for Dr Susan Lim? He not only lost the case, he was found to severely overcharge his client.


This case is not just about a religious cult. The case on CHC reveals so many things wrong with our entire sociopolitical ecosystem here, that it's just outright worrying.

70% citizens have no issues with it.

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Is this PAP lawyer an evangelical Christian ?

When The witch Sun Ho gave a message on that city new network , she mentioned god and the lawyers

Lawyers need to take up cases irregardless of the access position .

They have to be objective and not judge

But also do their best to save them irregardless

But I have heard there is an unwritten rule that Christian lawyers and eben christian judges can wink wink at each other to help each other - may be speculation but not beyond human reason .

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Is this PAP lawyer an evangelical Christian ?

When The witch Sun Ho gave a message on that city new network , she mentioned god and the lawyers

Lawyers need to take up cases irregardless of the access position .

They have to be objective and not judge

But also do their best to save them irregardless

But I have heard there is an unwritten rule that Christian lawyers and eben christian judges can wink wink at each other to help each other - may be speculation but not beyond human reason .


That can still turn down cases if they find it wrong to take them up.

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What saddens me is that letter from leniency from 173 followers. They used their old aegument about how they donated willingly and are still around.

Which is like, what about those who left? All those thousands who didnt know, didnt approve? What about Roland Poon? The letter is evidence of how badly KH has corrupted minds. These 173 has not ability or willingness anymore to look beyond themselves.

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It seems that the PAP lawyer really put his moral values aside when he took up the case, by claiming that he was "just doing his job". In fact, it seems like he already knew they were guilty, since he himsel claimed that it was not a complicated case. 

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70% citizens have no issues with it.

They are happy proud of their overpriced columbarium condo units in a most expensive first world country and corruption free politics. Like how north korean citizens are grateful to that fat kimchi for unbridled stability in the country without political contenders and western influences.

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And we have a PAP Member of Parliament fighting the case on their behalf as a Senior Council. What was he thinking when he took up a case like that? Doesn't he has any moral sense to know what is right and what is wrong without the need to go through a judge? Or was he doing it for the sake of the money? Either way, it's outright disturbing to have a political figure fighting on the side of the demon, regardless if he was misguided or just doing his job. If he can lack the judgment to know what is right and what is wrong on a personal basis, how can we know that he understands what is right and what is wrong for all of us Singaporeans.

And he wasn't even the first PAP lawyer who fought for the wrong side and lost the case. Remember Alvin Yeo who fought the case for Dr Susan Lim? He not only lost the case, he was found to severely overcharge his client.

This case is not just about a religious cult. The case on CHC reveals so many things wrong with our entire sociopolitical ecosystem here, that it's just outright worrying.

Isn't that alvin yeo the christian mp that spoke in parliament on behalf of his church their stance against the repeal of 377a? He overcharged susan lim because she overcharged the bruneian royalties? What a convenient excuse. Look how nothing happened to him, and how pap ministers attacking roy ngerng and hhh on the national papers over the heckling inccident diverted attention from this overcharging inccident by a pap lawyer mp.
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