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Discussion on Muscle Building, Weight Lost, Weight Gain, Gym Workout

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Guest Andy11
I am mildly overweight, leading a not so active lifestyle(student). I've already started jogging for a couple of weeks now, but i feel that i can do more. So im trying to find if there's any classes or training done in groups that are meant for people who want to lose weight. i see the classes offered in gyms, most of them are classes to gain more muscle, yoga, and just classes to improve people who are already fit (i may be wrong). but i don't really see classes for overweight people, at least not in the gyms i've checked out.

Also if there aren't classes like that, is getting a personal trainer necessary? I used to have one, but due to my budget at the moment, a personal trainer would be a luxury I'd think twice before getting. The reason i would want to train in a group is because a. id assume its cheaper than a 1 to 1 session, and b. i really think it would help me get the support from other people with similar goals. but is it better to have a personal trainer to track my progress and make an exercise routine that fits me? gym recommendations would be helpful as well :)
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Some tips that may help you lose weight:

- watch your sugar intake (especially drinks)

- go for food with less oil, or even better, make your own food

- try swimming, best effect happens in the morning before you eat anything as it will force your body to burn fat, it will be effective as long as your heart is forced to work

- do compound exercises as these make your heart work hard


If you really want classes, consider GuavaPass?

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Guest Guest

Gym classes look intimidating but all group instructors are trained to offer variable options in a class, so it’s not a correct perception that classes are only meant for those who are already quite fit. If you can afford it, join a gym.


A PT is not absolutely necessary, especially if you have the will power to drive yourself. They can offer a lot of helpful tips that saves you a lot of time, but it’s information which, with a bit of work and trial and error, you can acquires from the Internet.

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Guest Andy11
  On 6/3/2018 at 6:22 AM, repressednerd said:

Some tips that may help you lose weight:

- watch your sugar intake (especially drinks)

- go for food with less oil, or even better, make your own food

- try swimming, best effect happens in the morning before you eat anything as it will force your body to burn fat, it will be effective as long as your heart is forced to work

- do compound exercises as these make your heart work hard


If you really want classes, consider GuavaPass?


Thanks for the tips :) I've heard swimming to be quite good for weight loss, will check that out too

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Guest Andy11
  On 6/3/2018 at 6:48 AM, Guest Guest said:

Gym classes look intimidating but all group instructors are trained to offer variable options in a class, so it’s not a correct perception that classes are only meant for those who are already quite fit. If you can afford it, join a gym.


A PT is not absolutely necessary, especially if you have the will power to drive yourself. They can offer a lot of helpful tips that saves you a lot of time, but it’s information which, with a bit of work and trial and error, you can acquires from the Internet.


Ah i see.. any good sites/apps where i can get these info? i usually use bodybuilding.com as my reference.

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Guest Guest

Rather than stick to a website or source, try different things for a week or two each time and see what works for YOUR body. Take intermittent fasting for example. There are so many different modules, but different people report varying results. The objective is to spike your metabolism throughout the day. Tbh, the one hour or so of exercise is not going to burn that many calories. It’s what happens to your body afterwards when you go about your day. In general, here are the broad approaches:


- as someone suggested above, do compound movement exercises, e.g. burpees, push-ups, bear crawls, skip lunges. These not only burn fat but build your large muscle groups that in turn raise your metabolism

- HIIT better than MIT

- eat clean and track your calorie intake vs calorie usage; don’t have to be anal and weigh out everything unless you are targeting competition level bodybuilding, just agar to the nearest 50 calories 

- if you can help it, intermittent fasting

- get enough sleep

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest imaybeaskingstupidquestion

Just trying to know if my problem is my mouth lol which I guess so.

Ok, here's what I have been doing. Am trying to lose weight here but my weight just don't drop at all or in recent days increased back. But funny things is my weight increase but I don't really see my size getting bigger (maybe imaginative)


Currently is 168 69 but my aim is to lose weight till like 60-62.


My exercise routine is like this weekly

1. Run once to twice a week (average about 7.5km each run)

2. Gym atleast once

Bench Press 10reps with 20kg each side
Bench Press Incline 10-15kg
Bicep 10kg dumb bell
Tricep 10kg dumb bell
Oblique just take the weight stand straight then bend left and right 17.5kg
Fly Machine don't know how many plates
Sit Up 2 Set of 60 reps
Plank 3 set of 1 min 30 sec
3. I do cycle from atleast once like ofo mobike kind. atleast 1hr of cycling. still quite consistent. Hate it when i see my leg start to firm when i want to get smaller T_T


I cant stop eating T_T think my problem is my mouth... I tried like count calories for 2 months my weight drop from 68 - 62 but after afew months i stop it grow back to 69. But physically outlook i was not as fat as that time when i was 68  T_T HELPPPPP

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  On 6/15/2018 at 12:24 PM, IPMan576 said:

Anyone can tell me how to do push up?


Best to check out Jordan Yeoh on Facebook and watch some of his videos.

Basically hands below shoulders, body straight like a plank, and push. If you can’t, start with knees on the floor.  Try to do 10. Rest. Repeat 3 - 4 times. 

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  On 6/15/2018 at 12:24 PM, IPMan576 said:

Anyone can tell me how to do push up?


There are many videos teaching you how to do the proper, but to me its always the most comfortable push up and smooth working one affects not everyone body type and construction are the same. To me the "standard" push up taught by the videos does not work very well on me and I tend to tire out just after a few sets.  (Although it will target different muscle groups ) try a few to see which type suits your body. 

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Pushups are my warmup staple for every gym day to prepare my body for any compound exercise. For what’s correct, I think that varies but I try to make sure my body is perpendicular to the ground.


For variety, I will put my leg on a pedestal to train and warm up the upper chest muscles.

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Sorry for being amateurish - I'm currently overweight (32 yo, 90+ kg, 179cm) and haven't exercised for ages. Would like to start leaving healthily and hopefully one day get a toned body.  


Should I focus on losing weight (fats all seem to stuck at tummy, arms and thighs not too flabby) by doing cardio first or can proceed directly to gyming/personal training?


What's the advised frequency for a beginner who hasn't gym-ed regularly before? Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I know the most common advice is JUST EAT MORE. But is there anyway I can know how much to eat exactly. Somehow, my appetite is just not very big, and definitely prefer little meals throughout the day but I work in Tuas and its just insanely hard to really eat as I want. Thought of resorting to just munching on almonds through the afternoons after lunch too. 


Yea, I just got really sick of looking slim/skinny fat. I'm 54kg with a BF% of 21% (which makes me wonder if I should even be bulking..maybe cleanyl) but I'm not thicc in any area. It's frustrating. I have been gyming, I think strength-wise pretty ok. I have definitely seen gains during the past 1 year of gymming and yes, its encouraging and I want to really grow even more in a shorter period of time. 


Any advice? 

Edited by birth_ave
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  On 7/7/2018 at 1:56 AM, yoo_ris said:

If you want to "grow even more in a shorter period of time", you'll have to change your perspective about this. This mindset can lead to frustration and disappointment. You have to be aware of your body's limitations. You may have already read about the maximum lean muscle mass that your body can gain at a given amount of time, but you should also know why it is so. It might also help you, given that you're "54kg with a BF% of 21%", to know around which BF% is preferable to start before you try to clean bulk. You can read more about how the macros from the food you take are utilized by the body and turn them into energy, muscles, or fats. It will give you a stronger reason and drive on how to balance your meals and set a target for your consumption. And from there, you will have a better idea of "how much to eat exactly". This takes time. You can't read your way through this on a day or in a week. Until now, after 5 years of working out, I'm still learning and reading everyday. Learning something new everyday is beneficial in general, anyway.


Now, after knowing the right amount of food (with the right ratio of macros) you have to consume, you will have to plan your meals throughout the day. This is one of the toughest parts in working out, the diet. "BUT I work in Tuas and its just insanely hard to really eat as I want". Why did you say so? Food availability? Time? If you "Thought of resorting to just munching on almonds", I believe you have the opportunity to eat small amounts of food if you wish to. If you have problem because you don't have food choices available around, then you will have to bring your own. You either have to cook your food in the morning, or you can do so the night before. I also had the issue of "my appetite is just not very big". Do note that appetite (aka the desire to eat) is mainly driven by your brain. It sends a signal to your body whether you need to eat something or not. The discipline that explains this is not about food and nutrition alone but is also about how both your body and your brain work together. Read and learn. If your issue is your stomach capacity, slowly improve it. Your body is amazing and it adapts to whatever you do to it, eating included. Again, after reading about "how much to eat exactly", you'll probably stumble about what food bodybuilders or health websites will suggest you to eat - calorie dense foods. You may have come across it already, but it does help in enabling you to hit your caloric intake target if you're having issues eating large amount of food because there are food that can give you almost the same amount of calories but in smaller portion.


For working out, never forget to prioritize compound exercises as your primary workout. Doing just squats, barbell rows, deadlifts and bench presses alone can already cover most of your major muscles and are most likely to help you achieve "thicc in any area".


Lastly, read and I'll keep on repeating, read. Read about nutrition. Read about neuroscience. Read about astrophysics. Read about history. Read about finance. Read about economics. Read about self-help. Read about arts. You will be amazed on how things from different disciplines will have a great impact in parts of your life and how they come together to help you understand the little things that is beneficial in your well-being.



Thanks so much for this detailed reply! It gives me some good direction to start :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Phoenix

The first problem is you do weight lifting once a week.

(((In order to maintain muscle and burn fats you must weight lift 3-4 times a week with the same weight)))


The second problem is you don't even train your legs in the gym. GG.

((You must also do squats and/or deadlift))


The third problem is you are counting your calories wrongly. You should be taking into account your carb, protein and fats ratio. Your protein intake should be higher than your carbs and fats when totaling your calories according to your BMI. ((This is to prevent muscle loss)).

Edited by Phoenix
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  On 4/2/2018 at 7:54 AM, tomcat said:

i guess when you are young, there are many motivating factors to pursue

this ideal magazine cover body.  and be excessive with health and exercise


but why go through so much trouble?

oh, i know. my younger cousin says, he build and publicise his abs

to show the effectiveness of his workout, as he is a trainer.

some other younger people, do it so they can post on IG.
some older people, just do it cos they are insecure about looking bad.
chuando says he does it because he likes looking like a lean chicken breast.


as long as you are not unhealthy,

body and face nice enough to pull some guys,

and can still eat actual food, instead of eating rabbit food.


good enough, everything in moderation. 
remember even when you reach peak shred, the maintenance is the one

that will kill you.


you are so right !

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So these past few days, i am steadily losing weight. However, i'm still eating normal and stuff, and still gymming almost everyday. The thing is, in the past, i never lost weight despite doing this so i am wondering why now lol. Im eating the same as before and doing the same as before.. I'm not sure if i'm losing muscle mass or fats. Anyone in the same boat/ or to give advice and experience?

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i naturally lost weight during my teens and early 20s, for no clear reason except metabolic rates were higher then.


if you are past these milestone ages, that is a bit peculiar. how much are you losing per week? if the figure is drastic, please look into family history for lymph diseases and their related ailments.

if you are losing more than 3 kg in a week, that is major cause for alarm. 

how long have you been gymming? or have you switched lately to a new routine? sometimes that kicks start the metabolism in a new way, as the body has plateaued previously.





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  On 8/10/2018 at 5:29 AM, tomcat said:

i naturally lost weight during my teens and early 20s, for no clear reason except metabolic rates were higher then.


if you are past these milestone ages, that is a bit peculiar. how much are you losing per week? if the figure is drastic, please look into family history for lymph diseases and their related ailments.

if you are losing more than 3 kg in a week, that is major cause for alarm. 

how long have you been gymming? or have you switched lately to a new routine? sometimes that kicks start the metabolism in a new way, as the body has plateaued previously.


the only difference is that i have increased my weights alittle, but thats it i think. ahh so youre saying that its normal if im still in my teens to lose weight like that ah. but is it fats or muscle though? would you know?

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  On 8/10/2018 at 5:32 AM, JaO said:

the only difference is that i have increased my weights alittle, but thats it i think. ahh so youre saying that its normal if im still in my teens to lose weight like that ah. but is it fats or muscle though? would you know?


The only way to know is to go for a full body analyst, which some gyms do. Or if you want to track more closely, handheld body fat monitors can give approximate results based on electrical resistance, height, weight, age and gender. Most popular are those by Omron.

Basically to know what is being lost, you will first have to know your starting percentages.






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  On 8/10/2018 at 5:40 AM, Lumbakuda said:

Its a blessing dude. Im putting on but im having normal meal as before. My colleagues n frens are seeing the difference in my size. I putting on alot. Hmm...


not sure thats why..if its fats ill be happy but idk if its muscle or what ahhahahaha i think the only thing i can do now is to just keep doing what im doing :D

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  On 8/10/2018 at 5:15 AM, JaO said:

So these past few days, i am steadily losing weight. However, i'm still eating normal and stuff, and still gymming almost everyday. The thing is, in the past, i never lost weight despite doing this so i am wondering why now lol. Im eating the same as before and doing the same as before.. I'm not sure if i'm losing muscle mass or fats. Anyone in the same boat/ or to give advice and experience?



I envy you sir. I've been "3-months pregnant" for the past 4 years liao. In another year or 2, I'll probably be able to "give birth".



Regardless, please monitor your health carefully. Sudden weight loss might be a sign of some changes in your body.

Take care!

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  On 8/10/2018 at 5:46 AM, Nipoet said:


I envy you sir. I've been "3-months pregnant" for the past 4 years liao. In another year or 2, I'll probably be able to "give birth".



Regardless, please monitor your health carefully. Sudden weight loss might be a sign of some changes in your body.

Take care!


wa wa like what omg scary leh 

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  On 8/10/2018 at 5:42 AM, JaO said:

not sure thats why..if its fats ill be happy but idk if its muscle or what ahhahahaha i think the only thing i can do now is to just keep doing what im doing :D



Look yourself in the mirror to see if you are losing fats or muscles ?  It's quite obvious, isn't?  If you have been going to the gym regularly, you will gain muscles and lose fats, logically. 

Don't read and response to guests' post

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  On 8/10/2018 at 5:46 AM, JaO said:

I DID NOT HAVE ANY SEX AT ALL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . i mean ive stated, im worried that my losing weight was due to muscle mass dropping and not fats dropping hahah


No sex? ah...u missing out something there :whistle:but anyway, if in doubt just go for  a medical check up and consult a doctor to clear all doubts.

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