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Foreign / Overseas LGBT News - Gay News Outside Singapore (Compiled)


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Omg! Seems like guys also won't feel safe nowadays. Ever heard cases when some guys were raped infront of their gal friends while held hostage. think these are isolated cases, even police also surprised and find difficult to handle.

Well in this case, the husband has to console himself that he has high market value and even straight guys also want to service him. He shld count himself lucky for didnt get raped and some nasty Tortures which might result injuries. Perhaps he is smiling to himself for receiving such good service :)

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Just checked the article. Turns out that the victim is Indonesian.

Must be one hell of a hot guy there.... Poor fella....

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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  • 2 weeks later...

A bill proposing that gay and lesbian Ugandans be executed is coming back to Uganda's Parliament - it could pass at any moment.

President Museveni once promised that he would not sign this bill into law. With pressure mounting on him to support the bill, only a massive global outcry - along with our friends in Uganda - will make him keep his promise.

Last year, many helped stop this bill in its tracks. They need to do it again.

Do your bit. Fake the information if needed but do your bit. Let your voice be heard to help the gays and lesbians in Uganda.

Visit this site: http://www.allout.org/uganda-now




善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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OH please don't be a spoil sport, the moment you allow laws like execution of gays and lesbian , there will be an outflow of Gayand Lesbians Ugandans to seek refuge in all the good WESTERN countries that have refugee programs, refugee claims with persecution by law will open the floodgates of migration to western countries.

otherwise these ugandans will find it hard to sneak into counties like Australia, New zealand , Uk, Canada and maybe not so much the USA.

Do you know how many Ugandans just can't wait to get out of Uganda and migrate to the Uk.

Persecution by law will open the gates for refugee claims in the UK .

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I'm not here to preach but just to say my 2 cents.

1. If this bill is passed, there would be people killed no matter what. It is inevitable, no matter how many Ugandans want to leave the country (which there would be plenty once this bill is passed). Sometimes life is not as simple as just doing as you wish and some people unfortunately have baggage like family, etc, tying them down.

2. I know they are black and for racists, it kind of makes it hard to care. Well, it helps to think that if this were to happen in Singapore, the whites would be going: "Who cares about those asian monkeys? They should be eliminated." Racism is undeniably present in the minds of many but it helps to think that if we allow such a precedent to occur, it would make many "Kill the Yellow Gays", "Kill the Brown Gays", "Kill the *insert colour* Gays" bills very much more likely to occur in the future.

3. I know that in Singapore, we are very much sheltered from things like war, starvation, lack of clean water, child prostitution, and all those other third world things that we don't know and don't need to care about. When hungry, we can just go to the nearest kopitiam. When thirsty, we can even drink from the tap as the water is clean. Everyone is educated. The internet is available for all to use. It may be farfetched to think that there are some places in the world where these things don't exist but things like war are still happening in the world today. Mostly because of views like: "These westerners should be killed because they are immoral" or "These Jews/Muslims deserve to die". Today we are blessed to thankfully not be the target of such hatred that can only be settled with violence. But who is to say that it will not happen to us one day?

Anyway long story short: It helps to have a bit of compassion for your fellow human.

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Well, blacks or whites or asians, we're all gays

gay or straight or bi, we're all human.

I don't get why people can dismiss others' lives as being something of lesser importance, it's disturbing.

But it's no use saying this, since i know straight people probably go "those gay people can die anyway."


Judging from the documentary i have watched that time, I believe the problem cannot be solved just by stopping the bill.

The whole society has been influenced under the guise of religion that homosexuality is punishable, the bill may stop execution of gays, but they can still implement a jail term or even life imprisonment for them

This is the second time i have signed this bill (i did so last year too) but sometimes i feel that people should do so much more than signing the bill to pressurize the government :(

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all"

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It always saddens me whenever some self-righteous journalist make "sensational exposé" on our hangouts. I would expect some kind of raid by the police soon. *sigh*


Health club requires males to enter nude, says patron

A HEALTH sauna in Damansara Up-town, Petaling Jaya, is said to be a front for a gay club.

Those wishing to enter the premises on Fridays must do so nude.

Speaking to Kosmo! in an exclusive report, a regular patron known only as Ayie said the club operates between 5pm and 11pm daily.

Members have to pay a RM10 registration fee and RM20 entrance charge.

“Each patron is supplied a small towel, lubricant and condoms when making payment at the counter,” he said, adding that he got to know of the club through friends.

He said members were encouraged to touch each other and could use a private room that had a mattress if they wanted more privacy.

He added that there were also rooms for members to watch pxxnographic videos.

Ayie said the club was usually packed on Wednesdays because it offered free entry for those below 24 years old.

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Ordinary Next Door Guy - Baby Stocky - who love massage - Learnt Massage to know correct points - Thinking to have massage exchange or helping other who need massage. Staying in Melbourne till 2016.

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A片看到凍未條 男子性侵8母雞致死

2012年12月02日00:00 -- 免費分享同志影片、同志圖片、同志文學的交友論壇- s" A6 M: }% F8 O3 f9 Z

中國傳出,一位年輕男子因為在網咖看A片,到了深夜精蟲衝腦無法克制,竟然跑進一戶人家的雞舍,抓了母雞就「性侵」,還一連性侵了8隻母雞! :wacko:

- n2 w* j L, C/ x1 R

雞舍主人半夜約2時被吵醒,看到一年輕男子身穿黑色外套、褲子脫到膝蓋,兩手抓著雞翅膀,對著母雞屁股「硬上」,他當場大叫逮人。慘遭男子性侵的8隻老母雞,平常養著都會下蛋,供雞舍主人與孫子食用,雖然當下雞都還活著,但不到一天就全部死光,「他把雞屁股都給弄爛了,裡面腸子也都斷了」、「平時這些老母雞都會下蛋給孫子吃,養了好一段時間也有感情,現在全都被姦殺了,日後誰下蛋給孫子吃?」' T |2 F$ r& {% N" W! o1 c

-- 免費分享同志影片、同志圖片、同志文學的交友論壇9 L6 J1 D! G+ e1 P$ w0 p. `0 c8 E


母雞的「屁股都給弄爛了」。 :oops: :oops: :oops: 翻攝網路

The "dunno to laugh or to cry" portion of the news: The chicken owner asked: "現在全都被姦殺了,日後誰下蛋給孫子吃?" :o :o :wacko: :wacko:

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Guest Porcupine

"A片看到凍未條" - So funny! My stomach pain siar.

"男子性侵8母雞致死" - this is nothing amazing. There are Indian security guards keep bitches and fxxx them quietly at night. Don't ask me how I know. If I don't know, I will not share.

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No need to share, the bitch is u loh. Kneel!!!! Indian security guard coming to fxxk ur smelly hole now!


"男子性侵8母雞致死" - this is nothing amazing. There are Indian security guards keep bitches and fxxx them quietly at night. Don't ask me how I know. If I don't know, I will not share.

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Bestiality is nothing new, What is new was that the man fxxked 8 hens in a row. I disagree that as long as it is safe, it is ok. Safe to who? Surely it causes great pain to the chickens! How would you like to be fxxked by a bull elephant? The news said all the 8 hens died with their intestines ruptured. What a selfish wilful act! For those who have not seen how chicken rape is done, I have a video clip on it but someone will first have to teach me how to upload it here.

WOW ! Iwould like to watch ! Amazing people who do such stunts with Chickens !

So what did they do wit those chicken?

Cook " Stew Screwed Phoenix banged by Big Long Marinated Dragon' ?

Luckily Singaporeans don't fxxk Spiders, when people tell them to fxxk Spiders !

Edited by TheVisitors
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Guest uanyhow

I find nothing wrong with bonking chicken, duck or puppy as long as we are safe from being bitten. Safety first..

Good luck to you. Hope you didn't bonk into the car exhaust pipe. :swear:

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My skill in the chinese language sucks, so I had to read your comments to understand what is going on.

Yes, its disgusting, bestiality is just controversial...well.. not really actually... the animal involved, be it fish, duck, baboon or snail do not have the intellectual capacity to consent to a sexual act by a human being. Their anatomy is not constructed to cater to a human's penis, penetration will lead to complications and the rupturing of their intestines. It is downright infringement on their rights of having a more-or-less comfortable life to live, they feel pain as well.

At least the animals in slaughterhouses feel pain so as to be food for the hungry, animals who feel pain and die in a sex process is just pitiful and the offenders should be shameful about it.

I admit that I'm against China people, its their culture that is grotesque and irritating, can't stand them, though I know of a couple nice, friendly china people.

Chickens may be stupid, but that does not give people the right to sexually exploit them, what are they now, walking sex toys?


I draw sexy men, visit http://www.toastwire.tumblr.com click on 'My Artworks'. Willing to take on comissions

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UK government have trouble defining "what constitutes consummation of a gay or lesbian relationship".

In a straight relationship, consummation is only defined as complete penetration of the vagina by the penis, although it does not matter if a condom or ejaculation is involved.

While some believe consummation could be left out of the draft law, ministers have decided to make same-sex marriage an exact replica of opposite-sex marriage except for the right to marry in a church.

This means like with straights, gay couples will have to consummate their marriage for it to be valid. If they do not, it could lead to the union being annulled.

I thought this news is both amusing and rather funny at the same time.

Edited by merlinkun


"On the Internet, no one knows you are a cat."

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Now sodomy has a new interpreation another context.

Better call CSI writer to inspire them to write the nxt season opener.

I guess the dead chickens would be haunting that idiot man now & then.

He would be hearing "Cock, cock, cock, cock, cock" in his head for the rest of his life.

Note: he could have tried a dead squid(sotong) instead. better lubrication & suction & more humane.

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Bestiality is nothing new, What is new was that the man fxxked 8 hens in a row. I disagree that as long as it is safe, it is ok. Safe to who? Surely it causes great pain to the chickens! How would you like to be fxxked by a bull elephant? The news said all the 8 hens died with their intestines ruptured. What a selfish wilful act! For those who have not seen how chicken rape is done, I have a video clip on it but someone will first have to teach me how to upload it here.

Are u uploading the video clip?

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Aiyo. My English too cheem for you to understand meh?

I guess he was temporary possesed by the dead chicken's spirit & could only 'talk cock'.

Or he just bought a live kampong chicken, stripped of her feathers & was about to consummate with her.

He just want to watch your video so he could get his other cock up.

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Guest arrogant

My skill in the chinese language sucks, so I had to read your comments to understand what is going on.

Yes, its disgusting, bestiality is just controversial...well.. not really actually... the animal involved, be it fish, duck, baboon or snail do not have the intellectual capacity to consent to a sexual act by a human being. Their anatomy is not constructed to cater to a human's penis, penetration will lead to complications and the rupturing of their intestines. It is downright infringement on their rights of having a more-or-less comfortable life to live, they feel pain as well.

At least the animals in slaughterhouses feel pain so as to be food for the hungry, animals who feel pain and die in a sex process is just pitiful and the offenders should be shameful about it.

I admit that I'm against China people, its their culture that is grotesque and irritating, can't stand them, though I know of a couple nice, friendly china people.

Chickens may be stupid, but that does not give people the right to sexually exploit them, what are they now, walking sex toys?

Then why are you still eating hormone injected kfc chicken?

fyi: your great grandparents also are from china. Its aint cool to stereotype honey.

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it is because of inhuman like this..we hav aids..think about it...

Boy boy,

aids form monkey,

sars form civet cat,

This you get 'chicken pox' & now all hens are lesbians because of this man.

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A MARRIED dad turned into a gay sex addict after taking medicine that was meant to treat his Parkinson's Disease, a court heard.

British drugs firm GlaxoSmithKline was ordered to pay £166,000 to Didier Jambart for the transformations in his life after taking Glaxo’s ReQuip tablets.

The 52-year-old says the pills made him become a compulsive gay sex addict who started cross-dressing and exposing himself on the internet.

He sold his children’s toys to fund online gambling sessions and his dangerous sexual encounters led him to being raped, he claimed in court in the French city of Rennes.

He also attempted suicide three times, he said.


Married ... Didier with his wife Christine

Mr Jambart was initially awarded £100,000 by a court in Nantes 18 months ago.

Glaxo appealed the ruling but the higher court in Rennes this week upheld the earlier decision, and then increased the compensation to Mr Jambert by another £66,000.

During the first hearing, he told the court: “After first taking the drugs I was bursting with energy. I would get up at four in the morning and run ten-and-a-half kilometres.

“Then my neurologist increased the dose and I completely lost the plot.

“I discovered internet gambling, and at first it was just a bit of fun but I soon became addicted.

“In total I lost between £60,000 and £90,000 online.

“Then in November 2005 my neurologist increased the dose again, and I became more addicted until I was gambling 8,000 pounds a month.

“I stole bank cards, around eight in all from friends and colleagues, and used them to gamble. I also sold my children’s toys and I borrowed money.

“At other times, I had an urge to kill someone.”

Mr Jambert said the drug also turned him into a "hypersexual, gay, cross-dresser".

He added: “I started seeking out sex with men and exhibiting myself on the internet.

“Those around me could simply not understand what was going on.

“It was only in 2006 that I discovered what was going on when I read a Canadian website.

“I sought help and was told of the side-effects, and have expert medical advice that I was the victim of an addiction.”

Mr Jambert said although his marriage has survived, his family became "pariahs" in the community due to his extreme behaviour.

He said: “There was no warning of these side effects that came with the drug, although this finally appeared on the packet in 2006, showing the makers were aware of the risks much earlier.”

ReQuip, also sold under the name Ropinirole, is used to adjust dopamine levels in the brain to treat Parkinson’s disease - a disorder of the nervous system that affects movement, muscle control and balance.

He added after Wednesday’s judgement: “It’s a great day. It’s been a seven-year battle with our limited means for recognition of the fact that GSK lied to us and shattered our lives.”

Glaxo has so far refused to comment on the case.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4672046/parkinsons-pills-turned-married-dad-into-gay-sex-addict.html#ixzz2EbNo2gjs

雨降って地固まる ame futte ji katamaru : Literally: after the rain, earth hardens (Meaning: Adversity builds character./After a storm, things will stand on more solid ground than they did before)

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A MARRIED dad turned into a gay sex addict after taking medicine that was meant to treat his Parkinson's Disease, a court heard.

Wording's a little misleading though that's expected from The Sun, haha. Even if they did explain it was hypersexuality in the article.

It's a little scary that doctors recommend this medicine as a first-line treatment, especially for younger patients, suffering from PD.



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