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Foreign / Overseas LGBT News - Gay News Outside Singapore (Compiled)


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46 minutes ago, Cube3 said:


But I really enjoy Bryan Singer movies... :(


Well unfortunately, he is predatory. I agree that he is brilliant in what does with movies like X-Men etc. However, it is an abuse of power and a number of victims probably kept quiet for fear of retaliation to their personal and professional lives. 


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The entertainment circle is very bitchy and all those in it knows very well how to defend themselves. 


Suddenly, all these men allege sexual assaults. Come on man, these are either pussies or having wishful imaginations that gays always hit on straights. These are only lowly assistants, their jobs are nothing to be afraid to lose. Rather, if the star were to hit on them, they would thank their lucky stars above so that they would take advantage to either blackmail or dig for favors. 

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14 minutes ago, Guest Macho said:

The entertainment circle is very bitchy and all those in it knows very well how to defend themselves. 


Suddenly, all these men allege sexual assaults. Come on man, these are either pussies or having wishful imaginations that gays always hit on straights. These are only lowly assistants, their jobs are nothing to be afraid to lose. Rather, if the star were to hit on them, they would thank their lucky stars above so that they would take advantage to either blackmail or dig for favors. 


Exactly the childish and shallow mentality that people shouldn't have.

Tech Reviewer on Rhyn Reviews and YouTube: https://youtube.com/rhynreviews.



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  • 2 months later...



After Deyon Phuntsho and his partner Tenzin Gyeltshen came out publicly about their gay status in the last week’s issue of The Bhutanese, the couple said that they have been receiving positive responses from their friends since then. “After the story went viral, we’ve been receiving calls, video calls and messages from our friends on social media, wishing us well and applauding us for our bravery and faith,” said Deyon Phuntsho.

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Indonesia has proposed banning gay sex – and the law could pass in the next two weeks.


The bill, which reportedly has support from all 10 of the country’s main political parties, would make gay sex punishable by up to five years in prison. 


The Indonesian Supreme Court narrowly blocked a similar measure from passing last month, but it seems that was only a temporary reprive.


The bill could pass as soon as Valentine’s Day, according to Kate Walton, an LGBT activist in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, who was speaking to ABC in Australia.

Arsul Sani, the secretary general of the PPP Party, helped to create the new criminal code.


He said: “It applies to people of the same gender who have sex, which is basically a forbidden act.

“It’s considered the same as adultery, where men and women having sex outside marriage can be considered a crime.”

The news comes just days after Indonesian police arrested 12 transgender womenin Aceh and shaved their heads in an effort “to turn them into men”.


Aceh is the only part of the Muslim-majority country where gay sex is already illegal, as the region has Shariah law, having won this concession from the government as part of a 2005 autonomy deal.



The raid on salons was called “operasi penyakit masyarakat,” which translates as “community sickness operation”.

The police chief in Aceh said his officers also humiliated the trans women “by way of having them run for some time and telling them to chant loudly until their male voices came out.”

Gay hook-up apps have also been pulled from the Google Play Store in Indonesiaamid a government crackdown on the LGBT community.


Andreas Harsono of Human Rights Watch said the new law “will create new discriminatory offences that do not exist in the current criminal code.


“It will slow down Indonesia’s efforts to develop their economy, society, knowledge [and] education … if law enforcement agencies are busy policing morality.

“It’s sounding like the Acehnese sharia code,” he added, according to Reuters.


In May, two men were caned 83 times in Aceh as a legal punishment for having gay sex.

The 20 and 23-year-old, identified only by their initials – MH and MT – were the first to be sentenced to punishment for gay sex in the region.


The father of one of the men, who requested anonymity, said that he was unaware that his son was not straight before he was arrested.


“This is an ordeal for our family,” the father said.

“After this problem is resolved, we will send him to an Islamic boarding school to be educated so he won’t be deviant anymore.”

Amnesty International has repeatedly urged Indonesia to stop its horrific treatment of LGBT people in Aceh.


A report alleged that there had been attempts to ‘cover up’ the anti-LGBT oppression in the region by moving the floggings away from the public eye.

But it’s not just in Aceh where LGBT Indonesians suffer.


The caning punishment came the day after 141 men were arrested in Jakarta, the capital, for having a “gay sex party”.

And earlier that same month, eight men were arrested for holding a “gay party” in Surabaya, the second biggest city in Indonesia.


It was also announced that the country’s government would clamp down on gay culture – instituting a ban on online “gay propaganda” after a request from the police.

Last year, Indonesian lawmakers gave the green light to a proposed law that would outlaw ‘LGBT behaviours’ on television.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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  • HendryTan changed the title to Indonesia is set to ban gay sex
Guest We WelCUM you!
3 hours ago, LeanMature said:

Good news for Singapore saunas. Indonesia population is 260 millions. 

Hope they will all cum here to set up home with their singapore gay partner.  We welcome singapore citizenship for all  gay from other cuntries.

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Guest kian wee iec97
4 hours ago, Guest We WelCUM you! said:

Hope they will all cum here to set up home with their singapore gay partner.  We welcome singapore citizenship for all  gay from other cuntries.

there are already so many indon money boys nowaday!

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Guest not hiding
41 minutes ago, auri said:

Have people forgotten that gay sex is illegal in Singapore too?  It's really time for change!

good point!!!

Even bigger broadband telecom providers from Singapore "filter" content for business users. Therefore, many apps not accessible.

No need to point fingers overseas.

I just wonder whether politicians in such countries have nothing else to do?

How about the level of poverty in Indonesia?

Anyway, even in the strict Saudi Arabia you find gays... Politicians in Indonesia: Your fighting a lost battle...please move on and improve the lifes of the people... thanks


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On 2/2/2018 at 3:48 AM, Kimochi said:

Then HIV rates will soar too ~


Then it is time for Singapore to provide free HIV testing and free antiviral drug therapy to anyone on the island who is HIV+

Like there are cities that plan to eradicate HIV by getting every infected person to an undetectable virus level,  Singapore is of an ideal size to do this too.

If I were an absolute ruler of Singapore I would force the City Harvest Church to give all their capital and their profits to this cause.  (and I would force the leaders of that church  who are in jail and the Sun Ho who is still outside to labor to contribute to the anti-HIV campaign.  Ah... and let's not forget Lawrence Khong and his church)

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On 2/2/2018 at 4:58 PM, Guest not hiding said:

Politicians in Indonesia: Your fighting a lost battle...please move on and improve the lifes of the people... thanks



But... aren't these politicians trying to keep away the Indonesian population from the WORST possible SIN (according to Muhammad's suras) ?

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It is one thing to preach, another to practice what you preach.

With "Happy" sex banned, there are still pederasty, paedophilia and others.



Mahathir (of all people) said something along the line of "Why ban alcohol on the Malaysian Airline after you have them Arab Muslim alight pissed drunk."

Edited by wilfgene
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On 2/6/2018 at 1:26 PM, Vometra said:


Indonesia got one step forward before?

Her history is drenched in blood.


Well for one in its 72 years since independence, it never really had any law against LGBT (outside Aceh).


And though religious fanatics have tried over the years to do so, multiple attempts to criminalize homosexual acts had been rejected/outvoted by the government so far. Even if this 2018 attempt finally gets passed, that only makes it like... well, like Singapore or Malaysia which had already criminalized LGBT for half a century.


And the running of its government has largely been secular so far. Want it or not, you gotta give at least a tiny bit of props.

Edited by derryfawne

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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16 hours ago, derryfawne said:


Well for one in its 72 years since independence, it never really had any law against LGBT (outside Aceh).


And though religious fanatics have tried over the years to do so, multiple attempts to criminalize homosexual acts had been rejected/outvoted by the government so far. Even if this 2018 attempt finally gets passed, that only makes it like... well, like Singapore or Malaysia which had already criminalized LGBT for half a century.


And the running of its government has largely been secular so far. Want it or not, you gotta give at least a tiny bit of props.


Indonesia inherited her laws from the Dutch, who are already fairly liberal from way way back.

Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Myanmar, India and many ex-British colonies inherited the infamous 377 law from the prudish English. I'm sure you know about the lesbians ...


Under Sukarno and Suharto, things were quite secular, as the former flirted with communism while the later was a hardcore nationalist. Still both of them were responsible for some of the bloodiest episodes in Indonesia history.


It was after the fall of Suharto that the Islamic parties started to gain prominence and power ...

Really, it doesn't take much to Islamicize a Muslim majority country. Just look at Pakistan and Turkey.

Edited by Vometra
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2 hours ago, Vometra said:


Indonesia inherited her laws from the Dutch, who are already fairly liberal from way way back.

Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Myanmar, India and many ex-British colonies inherited the infamous 377 law from the prudish English. I'm sure you know about the lesbians ...


Under Sukarno and Suharto, things were quite secular, as the former flirted with communism while the later was a hardcore nationalist. Still both of them were responsible for some of the bloodiest episodes in Indonesia history.


It was after the fall of Suharto that the Islamic parties started to gain prominence and power ...

Really, it doesn't take much to Islamicize a Muslim majority country. Just look at Pakistan and Turkey.


I think whether or not a country has had a bloody history, even if valid, is rather a red herring.

The European great powers were literally responsible for the world's bloodiest histories, but that also doesn't deny the fact that nowadays many of them are liberal and forward-thinking.


Staying within the context of LGBT rights, what's more important is not so much about which law it inherits from, but rather how the government/society had responded to subsequent affairs pertaining to that. Hong Kong and Fiji inherited the 377 too, but when the issue is challenged, it is finally repealed. 377 had also been challenged in Singapore before, but the court had taken a stance to keep it and whenever opportunities come, the default action is always to censor or downplay its importance.


Indonesia may have had a headstart from the Dutch law, but when LGBT issues get raised, the stance is not to outlaw it (or in some cases, even to support it). This had persists in multiple occasions. Just a few examples:

- Late 1960s: Jakarta Transgender Association (Hiwad) was established with the support of Jakarta governor Ali Sadikin.

- 1982: First public gay association Lamba Indonesia was established in Solo. This soon quickly spread across other major cities in the entire country with their own similar associations.

- 1993: Indonesian Lesbian and Gay Congress (KLGI) held in Jogjakarta. Try that in Singapore: Even our annual Pink Dot which remains confined in Hong Lim is facing continuous sabotage attempt (e.g. no foreign sponsors, etc.)

- 2002: Q! Film Festival, Asia's largest LGBT film festival, established in Jakarta. In Indonesian cinemas, it is also possible to release a gay-themed film and actually becomes a national box office seller (e.g. Arisan! in 2003). Meanwhile, the mainstream media censorship in Singapore can't even let the Obama speech about the changing American attitudes towards LGBT in Ellen without cutting out the whole thing, let alone showing an actual LGBT scene.

- 2006: The first ever international principle on human rights regarding sexual orientation and gender identity was signed in Yogyakarta.

- 2003, 2015, 2017: Multiple attempts to criminalize LGBT, each time failed and outlawed/outvoted by the government.


This is not to say that Indonesia had been revolutionary in LGBT rights. It's not - it's certainly still behind your Thailand/Taiwan/Japan/etc, but Indonesia IS a country that is capable of having, and allow people to have, civil conversations around LGBT rights (and actually have people who are bringing such conversations into public consciousness). At least until recently, the late 2016 to 2018 turn of events are indeed very unfortunate. So yes, one step forward, two step backs.


And this is also not to say that Singapore had been "backwards" - I think the government and the people are not necessarily against LGBT, but more like complacent about the issue or prefer not to shake up the status quo. That's why The Powers That Be had always played a "soft non-support of LGBT, but won't really hunt you down if you keep it quiet in your own bedroom" role.


Being someone who had stayed in a post-Soeharto Indonesia for at least 10 years, and had also stayed in Singapore for at least 10 years, to appreciate LGBT issues in the context on everyday life's realities - I do see both are on rather comparable grounds, with similar make ups of conservative older generations, very liberal young generations (incl. very liberal Muslims too) with decent % who are somewhat supportive of LGBT, silent majority, loud minority religious groups (e.g. some Muslim groups in Indonesia, but ALSO loud anti-LGBT sentiment from Christian groups in Singapore... c'mon it's an "ignorance" thing, not a "religion" thing).


And let's not be funny... a bill against LGBT could probably get passed with the recent development of anti-LGBT sentiment in the last 2 years and because many people in the silent majority may not identify with this issue to make some noise against it, but a Muslimized government of Indonesia? Indonesia may have a huge Muslim population, but it also has a huge population of people from other religions who would react to such radicalized non-secular government. For instance, there are at least 24 million Indonesians which are Christians, that's more than the ENTIRE population of Singapore and I doubt they will keep quiet about living under a Sharia law. Even Malaysia, which has a relatively lower percentage of Muslim populations, could pass off Islam as the official state religion; whereas the Indonesia Constitution had always recognized six official state religions.

Edited by derryfawne

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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  • 3 months later...

'Warped' sex attacker, 30, who drugged and raped four men he met on gay dating app Grindr is jailed for 23 years

  • Sam Ashley, also known as Sam Davis has been jailed for 23 years for raping men 
  • He met three of four victims on app Grindr before drugging and attacking them
  • Ashley from Portsmouth was previously convicted of assault on a boy aged 14 


PUBLISHED: 15:48 BST, 4 June 2018 | UPDATED: 16:06 BST, 4 June 2018


A gay man who drugged and raped men he met on the dating app Grindr has been jailed for 23 years.

Sam Ashley, also known as Sam Davis, sexually assaulted four men in a series of horrific incidents spanning six months.   

Portsmouth Crown Court heard the 30-year-old insurance worker spiked a university student's drink and raped him when he 'blacked out'. 

The student in his 20s said 'forceful' Ashley had sex with him while he dipped in and out of consciousness and was 'concentrating on trying to figure out where I was and just stop the room spinning'.

Ashley was found guilty of four charges of rape, four counts of administering a substance with intent and two charges of attempted rape.

Thirty-year-old predator Sam Ashley drugged victims' drinks before attacking them. One man revealed how he woke up surrounded by sex toys which had been used on him 

Thirty-year-old predator Sam Ashley drugged victims' drinks before attacking them. One man revealed how he woke up surrounded by sex toys which had been used on him 

One of his other three victims was an HIV sufferer who 'lost count of the number of times he said no' and abusing another who was spiked while drinking a cup of tea.

Portsmouth Crown Court, Hants, heard Ashley met three of his victims on gay dating app Grindr and the other at a rugby club.

As well as slipping drugs in their drinks, Ashley spiked one man by giving him a 'headache tablet' the victim thought was paracetamol or ibuprofen.

One of the rape victims, who was being treated for HIV, was given an 'ultimatum' to meet Ashley who lied and said he had 'terminal colon cancer'.

Today at Portsmouth Crown Court Ashley was jailed for 23 years as he was branded 'dangerous, calculating and manipulative'.

Last month Ashley, from Fareham, Hants, was convicted of four counts of rape, two attempted rapes, and four counts of administering a substance with intent.

Today he fought back tears as David Melville QC sentenced him and banned him from using Grindr and forming a sexual relationship without telling police.

Judge Melville QC said: 'You made every step which was needed, so far as you saw it, in your warped way of thinking in order to overcome their reluctance and allow you to get up close when their barriers were down.

'There's a pattern of behaviour here - it's dangerous in my judgment.

'There you are, just imagine, you found it possible to get those drugs, you used them when you wanted to on innocent victims, one of whom was already seriously ill.

'You took serious advantage of them and of course that was repeated on four occasions, all put into effect to make it easy for you by the use of the Grindr website, an easy way to meet those in the gay community.


'And of course if you met with reluctance you had a wheeze, a final one - you told them you were dying of cancer.

'This was calculated behaviour, it was deliberate and awful.'

During the trial, the court heard from Ashley's victims.

The university student said Ashley poured him a glass of strawberry and lime Kopparberg as he watched football on TV at Ashley's then home in Portsmouth.

In a video played to jurors, the student said: 'I had a couple of sips, it wasn't even a quarter of the glass.

'I sort of felt a bit shaky and wobbly then, not starting to spin but like I was on a boat in the middle of the sea.

'We kissed and it went blank. The next thing I remember - he was behind me and we were having sex.

'He was quite forceful and I remember I sort of gripped the pillow and I was more concentrating on trying to figure out where I was and just stop the room spinning.

Sam Ashley has been jailed for 23 years for drugging and raping men he met on the dating app Grindr

Sam Ashley has been jailed for 23 years for drugging and raping men he met on the dating app Grindr

'I just wanted the room to stop spinning so I could figure out what was going on.

'Things went black again and he was pushing my head down on to his penis.'

He described Ashley as 'desperate for reassurance' and said during the abuse Ashley asked him 'I love you, do you love me?'

One complainant, who met him on Grindr, said he felt unwell after drinking tea with Ashley and woke up to discover sex toys laying on the bed which were used on him.

Another was given 'two tablets' when he complained of a headache and was later left feeling 'sore'.

It was also revealed in court Ashley had been convicted in 2013 of two charges of indecent assault against a boy under the age of 14.

Detective Inspector James Stewart, from Hampshire Constabulary, said outside court: 'Samuel Ashley is a dangerous, calculating and manipulative individual who committed some of the most serious offences against multiple victims.'

Lindsay Pennell, from CPS, said: 'Ashley administered drugs, without the knowledge or consent of the four men by putting it in their drinks or, on one occasion, giving tablets for a headache, leading him to believe they were paracetamol or ibuprofen.

'On more than three occasions, Ashley went on to rape or attempted to rape three of the victims while they were stupefied as a result of consuming the drugs, GHB, diazepam, zopiclone or a combination thereof.'

Drugs were found in the rapist's bedside table when he was arrested. 

Lindsay Pennell, of the CPS, said: 'Ashley met three of his victims on the dating app Grindr and one at a rugby club in 2016.

'On four of these occasions, Ashley administered drugs, without the knowledge or consent of the four men by putting it in their drinks or, on one occasion, giving tablets for a headache, leading him to believe they were paracetamol or ibuprofen.

'On more than three occasions, Ashley went on to rape or attempted to rape three of the victims while they were stupefied as a result of consuming the drugs, GHB, diazepam, zopiclone or a combination.

'Ashley denied all 10 charges but the Crown Prosecution Service worked closely with the police to build a strong case to include the victim's accounts and expert evidence from a consultant toxicologist which saw the jury return guilty verdicts.

'I would like to commend the victims for their courage in coming forward and for supporting the prosecution.' 

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Guest stupid


Aha, that's very stupid because probably he would have met guys on apps that were actually looking for what he enjoyed and would have voluntarily met him to do his sexual things with them. But he seems to suffer from some thrill to overcome and dominate innocent guys. It probably boils down to some lack of love which he suffered in his upbringing. Not sure if he will be able to accept some mental treatment.

Not sure if the jail term of 23 years will withhold during appeal.

I would be interested to learn how people come up to such minds and what made them to act like they did (but I m having a totally different job... just an interest).

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Guest InBangkok

Rape is hardly ever the result of a sexual urge. It arises from a need to dominate and control. Since this deviant obviously could not achieve this in a normal sexual encounter - if indeed he is capable of such a thing - he resorted to the apps where he knew he would be attractive to some. But to gain control he had to ensure his partners were unable to resist. Hence he had to drug them. A total bastard!


Since he had already been convicted of some form of indecent assault with a boy of 14, my gut feel is that he will indeed have to serve his full sentence. Mind you, people guilty of sex offences are sometimes killed by other inmates.

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On 6/7/2018 at 1:28 AM, Guest stupid said:


Aha, that's very stupid because probably he would have met guys on apps that were actually looking for what he enjoyed and would have voluntarily met him to do his sexual things with them. But he seems to suffer from some thrill to overcome and dominate innocent guys. It probably boils down to some lack of love which he suffered in his upbringing. Not sure if he will be able to accept some mental treatment.

Not sure if the jail term of 23 years will withhold during appeal.

I would be interested to learn how people come up to such minds and what made them to act like they did (but I m having a totally different job... just an interest).


Your interest could be useful if you come up with a way to avoid this, a complete waste of him and his victims.

Would this be much different if he became disabled by some infection and he infected other people?  

In such case at least there would not be the element of guilt, so difficult to evaluate.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest That's cool
On 10/8/2016 at 2:09 AM, Guest Serves them right said:

An ideal punishment indeed.  The only unfortunate thing is the ordeal is way too mild and short for these burglars.  If they could have been bashed severely when raped and made to drink pee and eat shit, say for 5 to 10 years, that would be perfect.


Wolf-man is the hero!  He deserves an award


+1, agree completely.  That'll learn 'em

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Guest fruitguan
On Friday, October 07, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Guest Guest said:

The barbaric sodomisation is what love handle needs.  LOL

Wow hated since 2016!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pervert tells food delivery guy to have sex with him for 200 yuan or he’ll leave a bad review

However, the creep ended up getting more food delivery guys than he bargained for

in News

Outrage has erupted online over a video starring a man who allegedly threatened a food delivery guy, saying that if he did not have sex with him for 200 yuan, he would leave a bad review online.


After placing an order in the Jiangxi capital of Nanchang, the creep sent several harassing text messages to the food delivery guy, insisting that after he brings the food over he should also stay the night. Despite the delivery guy’s obvious lack of interest in such an arrangement, the man goes on to sweeten the offer, promising a five-star review on top of 200 yuan.

Yet again, the delivery guy turns him down, causing the man to threaten that if he does not give in, he will leave a negative review instead.





After the delivery guy informed his boss about the awkward exchange, the outraged boss decided to take matters into his own hands. When the delivery guy arrived at the man’s apartment with the food, the boss stormed in as well, accompanied by several other coworkers. “We thought one person couldn’t satisfy you, so we all came here,” he shouts in video of the confrontation posted onto Weibo.

In the video, the man is seen sitting on his bed without a shirt. Baffled by how a troop of delivery guys suddenly got into his room, he asks them to leave. Instead, the boss continues to insult him. “You are a pervert… you think food delivery men are easy to bully?”

When the man simply ignores him and stares away, the boss adds, “You go and try to leave a bad review. I’ll break your leg.”

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Guest no surprise
17 hours ago, Guest Damaging said:

I hate this type of gay people.


But there is a thread here, where guys discuss about getting a food delivery guy in Singapore into bed or to take the food while having an erection, opening the door naked, etc etc.


This thread at blowingwind is disgusting too.

Because it disrespects food delivery guys and makes them to sex objects.

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Guest Hoollaa
2 minutes ago, Guest no surprise said:


But there is a thread here, where guys discuss about getting a food delivery guy in Singapore into bed or to take the food while having an erection, opening the door naked, etc etc.


This thread at blowingwind is disgusting too.

Because it disrespects food delivery guys and makes them to sex objects.


While I don't quite agree to treating delivery guys as sex objects, the members in BW didn't go to the extent of threatening the delivery boy. That's not only disgusting, but I'll intent. 

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