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Missed Connections For Gay Singapore (No Doxxing Allowed)


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...


To the guy I glance at in Shogun Lockerroom...it was on 08 Sep 2007, ard 2200hrs...I was fiddling wif my handphone @ my locker while u were walking to and fro yr locker...we exchanged a few glances and im realli interested in knowing u...but i was too shy and when u gotten changed i was panicked and thot of walking up to u to sae halo but... :huh: after u checked out, i followed u around whilst u were walking up and down looking for sumthin' to fill yr stomach... itried to lure u into the darklane but u nvr followed and as i came out was glad to c u again...u decided on the rou gu cha eatery and i was standing across the street...after awhile, i walked towards the bk eating house dat is a coffeeshop to wait for u there instead...but u were nowhere in sight after dat...

I walked up and down hoping to catch u but to no avail...i guess u might had thot dat i had given up and left...i blame myself and should have muster up my courage to strike a conversation wif u...

if u were him, pls kindly pm me if u dun mind...realli sincere to make friends wif u...

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  • 2 weeks later...

saw u at shogun on 21st sep...was following u quite discreetly...u r lean and cute looking...tried to approach u but fear of rejection...there was once i was walking down to the 1st floor while i happen to chance upon u walking up and we exchange a few glances....

in the end, u sat at the tiny sofa at the lockerroom and i was hoping u to follow me up but seeing u didnt follow me so i went down but u were already gotten dressed in a red t-shirt and went off.

if u r him, pls pm me...

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  • 7 months later...

Hi, I'm looking for a somewhat chubby or stocky Chinese guy that I met at Cali Orchard in the steam room on Saturday, 3rd May between 9.45 am and 10.00 am. You had short hair, thick eyebrows and were between 165 and 170 cm in height. When we were alone in the steam room, you approached me and started playing with my nipples. I reciprocated and we played for a bit in the steam room before sneaking into one of the shower cubicles for a bit more fun. We stopped playing in the shower cubicle when we heard the cleaner outside. Then, you went out from the cubicle first and went into the sauna. I stayed back awhile until the coast was clear and then went to join you in the sauna. We were alone in the sauna and we exchanged some, nice warm kisses and fondles. I gave you my number, but in the heat of the moment, I suddenly forgot my actual number and gave you the wrong one. You asked me to repeat the number before you left the sauna room, and again, silly me, I unintentionally gave you the wrong number again! Later on, while I was changing back into my street clothes at the locker area you passed by me, and gave me a sly smile. I smiled back and returned to putting on my clothes. Just as I was making to leave, I suddenly realized that I had given you the wrong phone number! My new friend, if you are reading this, please PM with your name and the "wrong number" that I gave you, so that I can verify that it was you that I met that morning. If it's really you, I will give you the correct number this time! I'm very sorry if I caused you any inconvenience, but I did not mean to give you the wrong number that day! It's just that I was so excited that I forgot my real number that morning! My sincerest apologies to the guy I met that day!

"I look upon those who would deny others the right to urge and argue their position, however irksome and pernicious they may seem, as intellectual and moral cowards."

-- William E. Borah

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Look, you anonymous gutless wonder of a "guest," if you got nothing pleasant to say, why don't you go fish out your brain that has been stuck up your constipated arsehole and go wash it in the nearest toilet bowl!!!! :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :twisted:

Edited by metalmickey

"I look upon those who would deny others the right to urge and argue their position, however irksome and pernicious they may seem, as intellectual and moral cowards."

-- William E. Borah

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Guest - whatever -


I am sorry for not noticing you earlier, even when you parked your car near to where i was sitting. Anyway, I am not even sure if you are one of us. The only thing I was sure about was that you had been looking at me, or in my direction whenever you walked passed...which was quite often. You literally stared at me when you were checking the Cafe with your friends and I really felt somewhat embarrassed.

Location: Dempsey Hill

Place: I was sitting outside Dome Cafe, reading my book and drinking coffee

Time: Between 4 to 5pm

You were dressed very casually in Polo T-shirt and black pants (not sure if it's jeans). Your car plate no. is 2350.

Well, if you see this message and am keen to meet up, please reply to this topic.

Hope to hear from you.

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anyone at raw sauna at 5-630pm today?

Wanted to look for this guy who came with his fren(maybe ur bf) when I was about to go off at 630. Both of you were looking for your lockers and mine was directly opposite u all. Sorry for the inconvenience as the area is really very small. You went to weigh your weight. I was trying to stay to see you undress but I think not very appropriate. Haha. It would amount to staring liao. Later kena blue black from your bf.

Anyway, hope to be friends with both of you if you happen to read this post.

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  • 2 months later...

was there today...quite a few turn up..

saw a rather cute guy in specs ard 1 plus

met you at the toilet area, art room...then in the cottage.

i think you are realli cute..

if you are here..mesg me :P

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Guest Guest
was there today...quite a few turn up..

saw a rather cute guy in specs ard 1 plus

met you at the toilet area, art room...then in the cottage.

i think you are realli cute..

if you are here..mesg me :P

hehe, i wonder, even if the guy reading your post, how can he know that you are looking for him just cute & specs info, maybe you can provide more details & how you look like etc, i puzzle how he contact you???

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  • 2 weeks later...

was at shogun CnC nite ard 730 -1100pm

- you are this cute lean tone boy sitting near the cottage area.

- surprised to see you there...

- later we had some fun on the 2nd floor.

- if you are here, please prvt mesg me.

- i think you are cute.... :)

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was at shogun CnC nite ard 730 -1100pm

- you are this cute lean tone boy sitting near the cottage area.

- surprised to see you there...

- later we had some fun on the 2nd floor.

- if you are here, please prvt mesg me.

- i think you are cute.... :)

dear -hehe-

you log in as a guest. there is no way here or in hell anyone can contact you unless he is psychic, or from the ISD.

can you please put your email up, or register as a member first - in the case where you want someone to PM you?



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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Cathay Orchard Cineleisure

To the tall cute guy...wearing red checkered shirt,

we catch the 5.15pm 'KM31' on 28th Nov, Fri...u were with a big group of your friends and u sat on my left...we have 'fun' on the armrest and i stole a few glances of you cos u looks very cute...accidentally stepped on your shoes when i walked past you...sori

if u are here, please drop me a PM...


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Guest normal guy

saw you today about 1 plus at diamond,

did not get a chance to talk to you, saw you first when you came out of the steam room and sat by the pool,

then you were sitting on the chair in front of the arcade machine, i did not have the courage to say hi,

hope if you see this, you can contact me @ medbuilt@hotmail.com

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Guest -touch-
saw you today about 1 plus at diamond,

did not get a chance to talk to you, saw you first when you came out of the steam room and sat by the pool,

then you were sitting on the chair in front of the arcade machine, i did not have the courage to say hi,

hope if you see this, you can contact me @ medbuilt@hotmail.com

One piece of advice: Don't ever do this again. It does not take much to seek your heart's desires. What missed connection? JUST DO IT. Can you see all the anguish and angst and fuss and waiting u get yourself into now? That SILLY moment of weakness?

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  • 2 months later...

Date: 23rd Feb 2009

Time: Around 11pm - 12pm

Location: Bus stop at Kovan Mrt Stn

To the guy wearing a blue coloured t-shirt...i was the specky guy wearing a black polo T and bLACK BERMUDAS, carrying a black Nike bag with gold linen...

We make eyes at each other while waiting for our bus...and i smiled at you when eyes meet once and you returned it...would want to approach you but not sure if you are keen...so just keep on looking at you from the back...think you notice it...and you took bus no. 81...

if you are here and read my msg...hope you can pm me...am keen to know you better... :rolleyes:

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Guest -wonder-
Date: 23rd Feb 2009

Time: Around 11pm - 12pm

Location: Bus stop at Kovan Mrt Stn

To the guy wearing a blue coloured t-shirt...i was the specky guy wearing a black polo T and bLACK BERMUDAS, carrying a black Nike bag with gold linen...

We make eyes at each other while waiting for our bus...and i smiled at you when eyes meet once and you returned it...would want to approach you but not sure if you are keen...so just keep on looking at you from the back...think you notice it...and you took bus no. 81...

if you are here and read my msg...hope you can pm me...am keen to know you better... :rolleyes:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Date: 14/04/09

Venue: Hougang Sports Hall via Hougang Ave 2 Blk 709

Time: 2100hrs - 2200hrs

I was wearing black t-shirt with white bermudas, tugging along a big black and gold nike bag...

I was walking along the dark pavement alongside of Hougang Sports Hall then sawing you walking out from the other side and we took the same path...

i was tailing behind you and you glanced back a couple of times...and looking at you a few times while crossing the road...and was so delighted when found out you maybe staying in Blk 709...you walked up the pavement stairs via your block and i just walked straight on but turned back after noticing you walked towards the rear of the block...i went over to the carpark area but didnt see you around and just then saw you walking towards the lift side in the front...so i quicken my pace but didnt see you around either...think you had taken the lift up...

if you are here, can pm me? keen to know you...

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was more than 10 years ago, we met at the old Downtown chalet's public pool's Sauna. And then I thou you were a Thai...we had a short relationship but alas, I did you wrong, and from then you dont want to contact me again. I change number many time and hence could not reach you again, I really hope you can contact me again as a friend at least. I miss those days we were together...please if you see this reply me private. I used to work for a fast food company when I know you

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  • 2 weeks later...

last night was at shogun and the crowd was quite ok. l do have a great time over there, now l am here to look for someone who l had a great time with him last night. This guy l met last night l think he is a japanese and if you saw this ad. Could you kind pm me thru email as l wish to know you and also be your friend too :)

Looking ofrwards to hear from you :)

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I was standing at the bus-stop outside Sultan Plaza, while me was waiting for the bus and you just walk pass me and we had the eyes contact.

Later l followed you into the building and then tried to get to know but l was too shy.

if you are here, can pm me? keen to know you...

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Guest Ah Kang

Hi trying my luck only. We met at Hong Lim Park last Saturday midnight. You said you only have 1/2 hour and if I am zero then we both lucky. Though I was shocked at your point blank question, we agreed to go shogun and you paid for the entry.

After sex you asked for my number and I told you but you said same as your number except the last 4 digits but you need to get pen and paper so as not to get it wrong.

You told me to wait for you and you will knock 3 times on the door then I open.

This is where things went wrong. Someone knocked 3 times and I thought it was you so I turned my backside to you hoping you will make me cum instead of your earlier rough fxxking finishing with you cum but not me. That someone did fxxk me and only 1/2 way then I realised though he was almost same body size as you, he seemed fatter.

It was an honest mistake since the room was so dark and he was fxxking me from behind and pinning me down. I realised that all the moanings I made to respond to "your" fxxking ( you said very sexy) must have driven you off.

I really like you and hope that you understand. The last 4 digits are 3874 so call me like you promised to make me your sex buddy. I promised you that for you I'll let you do anything to me.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest SimpleChub

This evening (Tuesday) at 6-6:30pm I saw you were wearing maroon long sleeve business shirt at Ang Mo Kio Hawker Center located at Blk 724, Avenue 6. It is the hawker center located near to KBox AMK.

You have a moustache, no glasses and likely in your late 30s or early 40s.

I guess I saw you walking a few rounds in the hawker center where I was eating my dinner. And it was during those moments, I am not too sure, but possibly we could have some eye contact...haha and I was trying to look at you.

Well, you have packed some food home eventually.

Anyways, trying my luck.

If you are the person could you just response here.

Sincerely appreciate. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest SimpleChub

Saw you at Thursday screening of the play "Own Time Own Target" at DC.

You were wearing red/dark grey horizontal broad stripes polo t-shirt + jeans. You were with a friend.

Anyways, it is awkward to approach you since I do not know you. Just shy I guess.

Seems like you are a very quiet person.

If you are there, would you response here? Would like to be friends. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I noticed your nice smooth body passed by me, you are already at the locker room changing and checking your sms. You are young and in short hair and approx between 175 to 180cm in height and weigted approx 85kg to 90kg. You dressed with a red T-shirt with pair of nice sport shoes. Your locker no is either 34 or 32.

Time is approx 1:15am. I then approach and asked you "are you about to leave..?".

You replied with "Ya..then...I didn't do anything here.?"

I was a little panic and shy didn't dare approach with further conversation...I think you are really really cute and handsome..you have a nice big eyes and smooth body. You are my dream chub.

If you see this message and kind to know each other, pls message me here. I am a true honest chinese looking for forward for a sweet relationship with a young chub. We can alway start as normal friend.


Edited by klplu2000
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When I noticed your nice smooth body passed by me, you are already at the locker room changing and checking your sms. You are young and in short hair and approx between 175 to 180cm in height and weigted approx 85kg to 90kg. You dressed with a red T-shirt with pair of nice sport shoes. Your locker no is either 34 or 32.

Time is approx 1:15am. I then approach and asked you "are you about to leave..?".

You replied with "Ya..then...I didn't do anything here.?"

I was a little panic and shy didn't dare approach with further conversation...I think you are really really cute and handsome..you have a nice big eyes and smooth body. You are my dream chub.

If you see this message and kind to know each other, pls message me here. I am a true honest chinese looking for forward for a sweet relationship with a young chub. We can alway start as normal friend.


hey tks

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


This afternoon went to Y-club with my friend.

Well this is my first time over there and i find the place is ok.

Anyway my main point is that l am trying my luck to look for this guy who l had meet him in Y-club

this afternoon.

To you, as we had spend some quality time together and l do like you very much. as we were at the third floor

have a wonderful time over there.

If you are the one and read this message please PM me or email me ok?

Do wish to be friend with you.

take care,

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U parked just a car away behind mine along novena terrace. We walked to the gym together, ended our training about the same time too. Went to the sauna and finished showering at the same time too. We keep seeing each other even after gym. We even walked back to our cars at the same time. We have been exchanging glances throughout. Are we fated to know each other?? Do contact me if u are see this. U drive a red car, u should know who r u and who i am. Thx.

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Date : 26 Oct 2009

Time : 7.50am - 8.05am

Place : Inside a HDB Lift @ TPY

You were wearing a white cap and came into the lift @ 6th floor this morning.

I was wearing a purple stripped office shirt and black pants, going to work.

At the lift lobby, you walk to the right while I walk to the left.

We both took a peek of one another before we turn our backs and walk on.

Drop me a message here if you see this notice.

Thank you.

Edited by lancerboy
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  • G_M changed the title to Missed Connections For Gay Singapore (No Doxxing Allowed)
  • DeMarko changed the title to Are YOU the one ??

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