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Singles Party On 10Th July 2010,Saturday


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Hi all, there's a rainbower party on 10th July 2010 ,Saturday (RSVP required)

Venue : 31, Lorong Chuan ,The Chuan condominium , function room @ level 1 .Nearest MRT is circle line Lorong Chuan MRT station.

Check out http://www.streetdirectory.com

Date : 10th July 2010,Saturday

Time : 7pm onwards

Costs : $20 per person as food and drinks will be catered

Kindly RSVP me.

Bring your friends along for this aj gathering and social networking session.

Edited by lawrencechua
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  • 2 months later...

SK .. hmm I find your posting rather abrasive lately...

The time lapse between the party and your posting on 28 Sep 10 is rather long..

Please tell us more of the experince.. instead of mere 4 to 5 words...

lol nothing much to say about the group.

granted there are many different personalities in this social group but i shall hold my peace.

I just want to help my didi. Shall remain silent

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lol nothing much to say about the group.

granted there are many different personalities in this social group but i shall hold my peace.

You made a malicious remark at everyone in the group out of the blue and now had nothing much to say?

This actually reflects the lousy character of yourself instead. :yuk: :yuk: :swear: :swear:

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You made a malicious remark at everyone in the group out of the blue and now had nothing much to say?

This actually reflects the lousy character of yourself instead. :yuk: :yuk: :swear: :swear:

and since when is this considered malicious ?

he said to hold his peace. And you cannot read ?

certainly reflects on you too. The so called community leaders think so highly of themselves and serve to protect their own vested interest.

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You made a malicious remark at everyone in the group out of the blue and now had nothing much to say?

This actually reflects the lousy character of yourself instead. :yuk: :yuk: :swear: :swear:

I said I shall hold my peace cos I do not want to bring out the issues i had with two particular so called community leaders. And since they are running the group, so be it. I do not want to say too much since I have already said what I wanted to say to Pasc. And since he chose not to listen to my matter fully but chose to send out that email to the group, then so be it.

As a new member, I was definitely enthusiastic. Sure I sent out replies in the emails. But that was my enthusiasm. If that was offensive, then tell me ! I can stop it.

If anyone feels strongly, then have the habit of putting a note to say to respond to the organiser. If others can send their response to the whole group, why am I singled out and not allowed to do so ?

And being a social group, I have been enthusiastic in cooking for gatherings. So I get slammed for it ? LOL... and there are so called members who send out emails about Mariah Carey had a fall to the entire group and he is allowed simply bcos of connections etc ? What constitutes unwanted junk mail then ? What has MC having a fall got to do with the group ?

Since people wanna be superficial so be it. That was what I said.

And to whoever who said that many people hinted at me, I am certainly not aware of it. Anyways, again, i shall hold my peace. Not happy about it , then come on up to talk to me and not behind my back.

I have not done anything wrong and my conscience is clear, and esp. when I wasted time and effort in cooking food for gatherings.


Edited by SKMan

I just want to help my didi. Shall remain silent

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This is so funny indeed.

A sashaying member can talk and send unwanted email about MC having a fall to all in the list and is not labelled a junk mail sender. yet he can bitch about someone else and accuses him of bitching on a shoutbox when all he did was to remind the owner that his info are not set to private and is open for legal implications. Such double standards.

Also, that sashaying person must think that all comments must be made by one person. when anyone can go on shoutbox.

:whistle: :blink:<_<

I just want to help my didi. Shall remain silent

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Thumbs up for speaking against this so called committee team who think with their heads above the clouds.

They are only capable of talking against others but always fail to reflect on their own actions. Like the way they send bitchy gossips amongst themselves and the way they slander others just so that they can get rid of a member. If Wei Ge did not send out his email, no one in the group would have realised all the bitchy stuff that the leading committee members (not the group) circulate amongst themselves like some dried up fairy queens. And god knows which other poor fellas are in their personal grapevine of group members to eliminate.

They can bitch about others but will always say they can do no wrong. They think they are above the rest sheez.

Since when did SKman do anything during the Malacca trip that ended in "many people" talking against him ? Stop the slandering and grow up. If you guys have disliked him since then, why bother introducing him to the group and slapping your faces ? Since when did he offend anyone during the trip ? Did he step on any feather or tail ? Did he not lend his toiletries to those cheapos who did not bring theirs along ?

For the record, he was seated with his friend on the way to and fro the journey , and hardly had any interactions with the rest. So how can he offend anyone then ? He also never attended the dinner but went to the sauna on the 2nd night with his friend.

Grow up !

Really feel sick and will stop attending such gatherings from now on.

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