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  On 2/25/2015 at 6:18 AM, merlinkun said:

Hey, I am going in this August as well. Thinking of getting a single room hall. Heh.

I am pretty curious what do everyone major in in NTU. I am gonna study at ADM.


Yoo. Is there a way to secure a single room? Based on what my friend told me, it's randomly allocated.

I'm a little worried actually, I don't know if any of my friends are also applying to hall yet and apparently it's possible to just randomly get assigned to exchange students and stuff if you don't apply to room with someone you know specifically. (I HAVE HEARD THE WORST STORIES ABOUT EXCHANGE STUDENTS)


Whatever, still have a month or two left before the application period comes up.

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they will usually pair freshies with freshies, same race with same race. 

exchange students arent that bad la haha just make new friends..

you can apply for ur hall freshmen orientation camp to know more people 


and also hall office will post email during the first few months if there are open single rooms.

then u can write in to apply for single room.

very rare for freshie to get single room but its possible

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I'm an exchange student and I don't think they are all bad. For sure they must be a minority of annoying people, but like in every group of people.

Anyway, if you didn't tick the box which says "i accept to be paired with an exchange student" then you won't be.

And if you wanna get a single room, after the begining of the 1st semester just send a bullshit email to the housing staff saying that you can't study properly bcs of insomnia/sleep-walking or whatever. If you insist on the study condition, then you have a good chance to get one. Two of my friends did like that and got attributed one.

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My cousin actually got single room for first year. Should ask him how he did it. Haha.


He is currently staying in the newer block, there was a time the card thing stopped working and he got locked out of his room and that time the air con repair man stole his box of over-the-counter meds. 


Didn't know NTU hall so happening or maybe it is just him. Haha.


"On the Internet, no one knows you are a cat."

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