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Shogun Spa @ Chinatown (No Ads Allowed)

Guest Sauna Goer

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redwine065, you reminds me of a certain class of people in society - covering your mistakes by being offensive.

you are beyond cure, like the 'horse' and the 'pig' in this forum.

dun know how you look like but at least I know you have CMI soul.

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SO can we just be civil over here and respects people thoughts and suggestions and if you do not agree please do so in a more tactful manner.

Blady idiots

if you know what is respect, you won't post something without using your brain,

if you know what is respect, you won't molest people and thought you have the right.

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Hahaha.. redwine mabuk already.. afterall the reading.. in the end, it's all about entitlement issues. Him justifying his actions on touching the staff who's wearing boxers while doing his job and getting reprimanded for touching. Get off ur high horse dude. If they don't want to be touch then don't touch. Its the same for staff or patron. Stop whining here, crying wolf.

Plus your credibility as a sound judgement just went down the drain after you made that offending statement that the gay population have no rights. Tsk. N u still want us to be civil abt u . *roll eyes*

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You all are the morons here.


This is only a suggestion and why are you all getting all so defensive?  This is a gay establishment and using staff to draw attention is practised in many establishments and countries too.  Even in straight joints, you see establishments putting girls to do pole dances and all on stages and crowd get to pay them to touch them. The way you guys write only tells that immature your thinking is.  I am thinking on the business point.  Gay establishments must think of profit making to stay in business.  Well, if you have stuffs that display their nudity, I m more than willing to pay.  I dont constraint myself to the $12 like you cheap skate guys.  It is people like you guys that actually causes the gay establishments to close down one by one.  Pay $12 and sleep overnight, suck and suck and fuck and fuck in the room causing other patrons to wait like hell.


Last time even Blue heaven have got services like "pay some money and can get the staff to bathe you and all" , they have like foam party nights etc -- some activities to pull the crowd.  But shogun is just a place where u go and touch each other.  Getting so boring right.  U guys who claims that you like Shogun should give ideas on how the management can make more money to stay in business so that Shogun can remain operative and we can have a place to enjoy for a long long time to come.  And if you have no ideas, atleast just keep your mouth shut.  


In Business, there is no wrong or right suggestion.  All suggestion will be taken into consideration.


Well about the $12,  you guys feel that pay $12 want to molest sounds very cheap..  Well then, to me I dont mind even if the management raises the fee so long as there is a crowd puller to bring in more business.  Instead of it to run auto gear with just $12 and a place for you guys to just come and touch touch and go home.  What nonsense.  My suggestion is to allow patrons to touch them but i did not say that the fees should remain $12.  The management have the right to consider my proposal and if they can convince their staff to allow it and maybe increase the entrance fee and the increase goes to the staff.. its really up to the  management to decide.  Who are you guys to say anything. 


This is so typical of you singaporeans.. Do not want to suggest but when people suggest you all got alot of comments just like the Ah soh in the market.


And if the staff dont want to be touched then they should wear proper uniforms at work like pants and shirts .. like all cleaners. Why wear boxers or towels and tease people but dont allow people to touch??   


Hi Redwine065


Your beginning address is a sweeping greeting. 

It hurts to call us all M O R O N S.

Do you have to say this to vent your anger with everyone in this thread?

Do you think you win the backlashes these people give you?

I learn something in my old days.......Silence is the best conversation ......By Shakespeare.


Cool and we hear you.


Good luck to you forever.

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To me the greatest crowd puller are the two small dogs of the owner.  They are friendly, have no opinions, wag their tails, bark some.  They will happily enter the smoking room with the owner.  Just wonderful.


The counter staff are great and friendly.  Maybe because I am a regular.  And I see them wiping even the top of the cupboards.


The steam room works fine now.  The cupboards are clean...it means they do check.


There is a bit of a garden there..the fish, some potted plants, several TVs, new armchairs, etc.  Hey, for $12, it is a great place to have a nap, select your fun and then go away relaxed, refreshed and discharged.   And one can spend hours there or whatever length of time he wishes.  And the aircon is great.


BTW, I appreciate they have an altar at the top of the stairs.  Even the diety is protecting the place. 

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You all are the morons here.


This is only a suggestion and why are you all getting all so defensive?  This is a gay establishment and using staff to draw attention is practised in many establishments and countries too.  Even in straight joints, you see establishments putting girls to do pole dances and all on stages and crowd get to pay them to touch them. The way you guys write only tells that immature your thinking is.  I am thinking on the business point.  Gay establishments must think of profit making to stay in business.  Well, if you have stuffs that display their nudity, I m more than willing to pay.  I dont constraint myself to the $12 like you cheap skate guys.  It is people like you guys that actually causes the gay establishments to close down one by one.  Pay $12 and sleep overnight, suck and suck and fuck and fuck in the room causing other patrons to wait like hell.


Last time even Blue heaven have got services like "pay some money and can get the staff to bathe you and all" , they have like foam party nights etc -- some activities to pull the crowd.  But shogun is just a place where u go and touch each other.  Getting so boring right.  U guys who claims that you like Shogun should give ideas on how the management can make more money to stay in business so that Shogun can remain operative and we can have a place to enjoy for a long long time to come.  And if you have no ideas, atleast just keep your mouth shut.  


In Business, there is no wrong or right suggestion.  All suggestion will be taken into consideration.


Well about the $12,  you guys feel that pay $12 want to molest sounds very cheap..  Well then, to me I dont mind even if the management raises the fee so long as there is a crowd puller to bring in more business.  Instead of it to run auto gear with just $12 and a place for you guys to just come and touch touch and go home.  What nonsense.  My suggestion is to allow patrons to touch them but i did not say that the fees should remain $12.  The management have the right to consider my proposal and if they can convince their staff to allow it and maybe increase the entrance fee and the increase goes to the staff.. its really up to the  management to decide.  Who are you guys to say anything. 


This is so typical of you singaporeans.. Do not want to suggest but when people suggest you all got alot of comments just like the Ah soh in the market.


And if the staff dont want to be touched then they should wear proper uniforms at work like pants and shirts .. like all cleaners. Why wear boxers or towels and tease people but dont allow people to touch??

If you think your idea is so great then why don't u go open a new sauna and implement your ideas? Shogun is great the way it is.

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Lol, redwine065, when you are low eq and iq, worst, no inner or outer beauty, don't give rubbish suggestion, it make you look like a fool, never talk about human right if you know non about what is respect, pity and sorry for you, at your age still so stubborn and desperate.

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Guest Raiden Alpha

Hi Folks

Can you all tell the beauty of SHOGUN sauna?

Give me your opinions?

Thank you

Lots of old men.

Very nice if you are a daddy seeker.

Some of them still are in relatively good shape.

But if you crave for youths that is not a place for you.

I only go there to take a quick afternoon shower and air my dick for a while under the air con instead of seeking sex.

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Lots of old men.

Very nice if you are a daddy seeker.

Some of them still are in relatively good shape.

But if you crave for youths that is not a place for you.

I only go there to take a quick afternoon shower and air my dick for a while under the air con instead of seeking sex.



been there with my bf during noon few times ( weekday lunch time ),

most guys are mature around 40 and above, however i don't see many " old man ",

perhaps they go around late noon or evening time .


Thank you for your frank replies.

I notice that sauna is not a place for sex only.

I notice it is the place for relaxation.....with air con, steam room, computer, TV

I also notice it is operated 24 hours.

If you have no agenda for sex there, this is a place to relax in the center of the city.

Bugs I heard, I am sure the management has taken drastic actions to curb it.



Other folks, what are your opinions?


Thank you

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He touched me and i said sorry to reject it and immediately standing up to change my seat....then he said:"FXXK u..."@@

Why did you reject him? CMI face/body, bad vibes, lousy energy?

To be fair, some old uncles can be quite charming.

But most are not so desirable.

They probably thought free touching was included in the entrance fee.

Forgive them, they probably been dejected many times before.

I was hissed and cursed at so I stopped going.

You should have replied "In your next life, if you still have a dick."

This can also happened at other establishment, too.

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Have you ever been scolded by some ungracious uncles there just because you reject and don't wanna have fun with them?


He touched me and i said sorry to reject it and immediately standing up to change my seat....then he said:"FXXK u..."@@


Your statements on these uncles may be unfounded.

I see no reasons why the uncles wanted to scold you and used these four letter words.

The most was he moved on to someone who could accept them.

Maybe you were the one who pissed these uncles who were rejected in an impolite way (my guess)

Ignore them if they behave that way and move on to any comfort zones.


To the uncles who have done these as claimed by Kkennyy, at least respect him when he says NO.

Anyway, we understand you and our uncles also understand you better now.

This from here, we will find our fun in the most respected ways.

Only then fun is awesome and brilliant.


Thank you

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Your statements on these uncles may be unfounded.

I see no reasons why the uncles wanted to scold you and used these four letter words.

The most was he moved on to someone who could accept them.

Maybe you were the one who pissed these uncles who were rejected in an impolite way (my guess)

Ignore them if they behave that way and move on to any comfort zones.


To the uncles who have done these as claimed by Kkennyy, at least respect him when he says NO.

Anyway, we understand you and our uncles also understand you better now.

This from here, we will find our fun in the most respected ways.

Only then fun is awesome and brilliant.


Thank you



Wait till u come across some horrible insistent old men, yours will change.


They can be unforgiveable and they pester you at every corner.


TMC and Shogun, are no different  today

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Wait till u come across some horrible insistent old men, yours will change.


They can be unforgiveable and they pester you at every corner.


TMC and Shogun, are no different  today




I wish to inform you that throughout my experiences in TMC and Shogun, I have never met any unreasonable matured men.

Needless to say, they are very respectful when they are turn away.

They utter no words, when they are "told" by hand gestures politely.

Unless you are too aggressive or arrogant, that these uncles retaliate back at you.....a shame if they do this to you.

Action and reaction....otherwise you find many of the matured guys are heart warming creatures.


Bless you, Pest.

Don't belittle uncles please.

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I wish to inform you that throughout my experiences in TMC and Shogun, I have never met any unreasonable matured men.

Needless to say, they are very respectful when they are turn away.

They utter no words, when they are "told" by hand gestures politely.

Unless you are too aggressive or arrogant, that these uncles retaliate back at you.....a shame if they do this to you.

Action and reaction....otherwise you find many of the matured guys are heart warming creatures.


Bless you, Pest.

Don't belittle uncles please.

I choose to differ. I am an uncle too but I do get harasses by other uncles and ah kongs.

Some are not good at taking rejection gracefully and would resort to name calling and verbal abuse.

So must I pay lip service to the uncles and make them feel desirable?

These uncles might retaliate back... it's more of a crime than a shame.

Some of them are creatures from past Halloween.

Karma and Retribution.

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I choose to differ. I am an uncle too but I do get harasses by other uncles and ah kongs.

Some are not good at taking rejection gracefully and would resort to name calling and verbal abuse.

So must I pay lip service to the uncles and make them feel desirable?

These uncles might retaliate back... it's more of a crime than a shame.

Some of them are creatures from past Halloween.

Karma and Retribution.


I am sorry to hear about your dilemma of other uncles and ah kongs.

Maybe you had got your unlucky days.

One black sheep does not deserve all uncles and ah kongs such names.

Yes if they are so unreasonablae, I think they should be treated likewise like what PEST said.

I think we should bring this to the counter attention.

However, I am sure there are no other nasty incidents of other uncles and ah kongs create.


Spare the thought of other uncles and ah kongs.

They are humans too.



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I am sorry to hear about your dilemma of other uncles and ah kongs.

Maybe you had got your unlucky days.

One black sheep does not deserve all uncles and ah kongs such names.

Yes if they are so unreasonablae, I think they should be treated likewise like what PEST said.

I think we should bring this to the counter attention.

However, I am sure there are no other nasty incidents of other uncles and ah kongs create.


Spare the thought of other uncles and ah kongs.

They are humans too.



Out of 10, 7 to 8 are well-behaved.

I guess some of them come and read the articles in this forum 2.

All of us want to be desired by those we desired.

Sometimes, even good looking guys do not get what they want.

Just let it be.

If it's yours, it would eventually be yours, even 10 years later(based on real life example)

As Sam Hui sang in his song "if it's meant to be in your life, it will be.

if it's not, do not force it"


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Out of 10, 7 to 8 are well-behaved.

I guess some of them come and read the articles in this forum 2.

All of us want to be desired by those we desired.

Sometimes, even good looking guys do not get what they want.

Just let it be.

If it's yours, it would eventually be yours, even 10 years later(based on real life example)

As Sam Hui sang in his song "if it's meant to be in your life, it will be.

if it's not, do not force it"




Well said.


   :whistle:  :thumb:  :yuk:

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Thinking of going very late, like 11 pm or midnight tomorrow. Will there be a crowd?

Please do not post any ad in the main forum meant for discussion.


You had been warned before.


You are hereby given 1 warning point.

The next ad you post will earn you suspension and or ban from the forum

No More warnings.


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Hi Folks


Can you all tell the beauty of SHOGUN sauna?


Give me your opinions?


Thank you

Been there once or twice. Place is average, but private cabins are very dirty, dimly lit or no light working. good chance you will step on someone's cum or something more disgusting!  Wish they clean it little more frequently and get the lights repaired. I will definitely go more often if the place bit more clean and safe.

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Been there once or twice. Place is average, but private cabins are very dirty, dimly lit or no light working. good chance you will step on someone's cum or something more disgusting!  Wish they clean it little more frequently and get the lights repaired. I will definitely go more often if the place bit more clean and safe.


Thanks for your response.


Apart from the above you you wrote, what are the other things you look for besides fun?

Do you like the surrounding as a whole?

Do you find the people approachable?

Do you think many people will like its layout plan as a sauna?

Do you find the staff approachable?

Blah blah blah


Overall what is your rating? (Out of 10)


Warmest regards

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last time 7.5/10.


Now 3/10.


long time no go. last time at least can watch tv if don't wish to join the fun.

after that, sit there also dunno do what, esp when u see none yr cup.

walk up walk down, leg also sour.

PLs pls dun go lah.


One can watch tv with your 65" 3D TV at home.

I guess one is too good for the patrons there.

why dun one bring a solid gold walker and maybe donate an elevator to the establishment.


Rating for the pig:


before reading this post:   1/10

after reading this post:-    10/10

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My first.... And most likely last C&C night at shogun...

Not that it was bad.... There was a lot of people... And the majority of them seems to be tops wanting to be sucked....

It was an interesting experience, most of the action look place in the maze... The upper level was quiet... So after scouting with glasses on, i proceeded to remove my glasses and find some action in the maze...

Walked around a bit of groping... Then there is this guy who lead me to a spot, an open spot, where we started playing... And i was giving him a nice bj.... And before i know it... There is another cock in front of my mouth waiting for me.... So i started blowing the second one one.... And then a third... And a 4th which i had to reject cause no1 was trying to get my attention... Bascially thats when he shot all over me and force me to continue sucking him off..... Which was horrible. Since i keep getting more cum in my mouth which i had to spit. And then i gave up on him and serve another waiting cock for a bit... Then when to try and find the exit to clean up... But i was lost..... Haha! And while finding my way out, i got pulled aside by another guy who ask me to lick his nipples. And then ushered me down for a bj, which i refused, since i felt i should wash my mouth first.... Finally made it out. Haha!

It was an interesting experience, i never had so many cocks Fighting for my mouth before. But.... I am more of a slow and sensual lover, and too much action doesn't cut if for me. And those of u who saw some fat person stumbling around, kicking the stool and banging into the wall.. It was me.

Edited by fatguy

check me out and my interest... =)

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I was there at shogun on fri nite too...i have to post this(though i dont usually share my inner thoughts on such matter):

at about 11pm, I saw a "sweet" guy,(not sure is he a top or btm- as he s watching tv on the top floor tv aea), "I dont care, I just want him" was in my mind...For sue, I saw his roaming eyes on me when I walked past him a few times...

Why didnt i make an obvious MOVE?

Because an (older than me- not even the suave type, pls dont be  a pig and try to educate me that Shogun has no good guys, plenty!) ah beng took up big space right beside him and even stretched his legs in a way, that i cannot climb onto that bed + that old ah beng is quite a big "block"

Before the guy sleep, he try to knock on the curtain (while i was sitting behind the curtain), I m not sue is his hinting something...

Nevertheless, I tried to get to sleep bside that Ahbeng n can ONLY get jealous of him when he forced himself into "my dream guy"
Really hated that Ah Beng, when he left the bed (i didnt know he go for toilet), i assumed i can take over, but he came back and shoo me away!!!!

Shogun is the Land of Pleasure for sure, the paradize of Pleasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes in the maze area.

More info on where? Its kinda dark, a few rooms are closed, so it near the start? Or end? Any makings? Or was it juz too pack that the glory holes ones are full.. Maybe will try to find it when there are alot less people.

check me out and my interest... =)

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Guest Raiden Alpha

I was there at shogun on fri nite too...i have to post this(though i dont usually share my inner thoughts on such matter):

at about 11pm, I saw a "sweet" guy,(not sure is he a top or btm- as he s watching tv on the top floor tv aea), "I dont care, I just want him" was in my mind...For sue, I saw his roaming eyes on me when I walked past him a few times...

Why didnt i make an obvious MOVE?

Because an (older than me- not even the suave type, pls dont be a pig and try to educate me that Shogun has no good guys, plenty!) ah beng took up big space right beside him and even stretched his legs in a way, that i cannot climb onto that bed + that old ah beng is quite a big "block"

Before the guy sleep, he try to knock on the curtain (while i was sitting behind the curtain), I m not sue is his hinting something...

Nevertheless, I tried to get to sleep bside that Ahbeng n can ONLY get jealous of him when he forced himself into "my dream guy"

Really hated that Ah Beng, when he left the bed (i didnt know he go for toilet), i assumed i can take over, but he came back and shoo me away!!!!

Shogun is the Land of Pleasure for sure, the paradize of Pleasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sure is frustrating to see a dangling piece of meat in front of you and you can't get to eat it.

Hehehe :P


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Indeed, raiden

But i m not a greedy person, i just wish to hug the irresistable guy for awhile (at least for a while)will do.....

It sure is frustrating to see a dangling piece of meat in front of you and you can't get to eat it.


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Aft their "romp",

I followed them till they changed location to sleep in the dark room, but it was way too cold for me n it s too dark

The next morning i saw the guy alone(finally) but it s closing/cleaning time alrdy, i was shy to approach him

Sniff sniff sob sob

if u have the chance to have body contact with him, u won't just want to hug, but more.

Edited by lovehandle
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I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by Shogun. Stumbled upon the place by accident and ended up with a good time! The guys there need to be given more credit - they are really not too bad. Eye candy was good with tight bodies to match (or perhaps I happened to go on an anomalously good night hahaha).

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More info on where? Its kinda dark, a few rooms are closed, so it near the start? Or end? Any makings? Or was it juz too pack that the glory holes ones are full.. Maybe will try to find it when there are alot less people.

sorry. is a little bit hard to tell the exact location. some where near end there

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