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Shogun Spa @ Chinatown (No Ads Allowed)

Guest Sauna Goer

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I was there at shogun on fri nite too...i have to post this(though i dont usually share my inner thoughts on such matter):

at about 11pm, I saw a "sweet" guy,(not sure is he a top or btm- as he s watching tv on the top floor tv aea), "I dont care, I just want him" was in my mind...For sue, I saw his roaming eyes on me when I walked past him a few times...

Why didnt i make an obvious MOVE?

Because an (older than me- not even the suave type, pls dont be  a pig and try to educate me that Shogun has no good guys, plenty!) ah beng took up big space right beside him and even stretched his legs in a way, that i cannot climb onto that bed + that old ah beng is quite a big "block"

Before the guy sleep, he try to knock on the curtain (while i was sitting behind the curtain), I m not sue is his hinting something...

Nevertheless, I tried to get to sleep bside that Ahbeng n can ONLY get jealous of him when he forced himself into "my dream guy"

Really hated that Ah Beng, when he left the bed (i didnt know he go for toilet), i assumed i can take over, but he came back and shoo me away!!!!

Shogun is the Land of Pleasure for sure, the paradize of Pleasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I spend friday night there and was non stopped sucked and sucked by different guys while sleeping on the platform tv.


I think i cum 5 times that night with different guys sucking.


Am I your dream guy?

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Erm? i m not sure, but u r the "one" if u r very fair complexion w a specs!!!!!!!! but i dont think u could be the one cos there is another quite good looking ah beng being served non-stop that nite, that one is not my 菜 though he s good....

guys w specs is definitely cute neh.....i have to take this offline before someone issue me a warning letter

i m bespectacled too

Every Fri is TGIF to me!

Please do not post any ad in the main forum meant for discussion.

This is friendly warning by the mod.

The next ad posted in the main forum will get you a warning point.

If you are not sure why you are getting this message go read the rules http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=67&p=410979



P/s : 知法犯法,罪加一等! Know the law and yet break the law. You are screwed!

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Havent been to Shogun in awhile ,it's normally hit and miss over there , have had times when the crowd was really great and times when the crowd not so . Lots of variety , young , old , slim , chub . I must say I have had my fair share of fun there , best experience was being sucked dry for an hour or more by this guy in the dark room at the top . He would carry on after i came and make me hard again , lost count how many times i shot my load into his mouth .

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GM may i know under which policy of BW did i violate ? Find it is bit ridiculous that i been given warning just that.

You were given the following warning on 30th Sept 2014 http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=55532&page=1entry938192

Here are the rules again. http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=67&p=410979

The Main forum is a place for Discussion.

Post your ads, e.g. Anyone going tonite, Who want to meet me there, who can suck me, etc. in the Personals.

I hope this is simple enough for you to understand this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow it is indeed kinky to fuck in the open or public. Wow it will spur more people to join in and soon there will be lots of orgy at the spa. I like to htose days in Hong Kong Street where there is fuck freely Tuesday nite. The whole tv area is black out, boxes of lub and caps on the bed. All fucking went loose.

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Guest Caps&Lub
One of the areas Shogun can greatly improve are simple faciities. eg. hooks in the rooms for towels, Caps & Lub in the room or in the common area. Sometimes and , in fact, nowadays frequently I can find toilet paper running out in the common area even at 9pm where the skin nite is still in progress.


The place is also too dark.I little more light in the maze open common room for group play. The worst is infact the upper floor common room beside the TV area. It is so dark that sometime a stampede can lead to nasty encounters.


For Friday and Saturday skin nights, play louder music till, may be pass midnight, or 1am. That will discourage sleeping heads. It is really a let down coming into Shogun after party to have fun but all rooms are occupied by sleepers. Not even an open area to let fun take place.


I really like the old Hong Kong Street concept where there are big area for action. I agreed with Abengi we want more action. Maybe the TV area to start with.


Aha aha may be this give me an idea, that second floor area should be strictly "Underwear NO TOWELS"  may be that can spur aciton.




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Was there last Friday night. First time in the shower. There is this guy already cannot wait and suck me off in the shower area. Tried to push him away but I was too horny and let him continue. Swallow every single drop.

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Pass midnight and I felt hunger in my groins. There's free sex at the saunas and yet down the street there are men strolling near MacDonald selling sex. Only the knowing would see the unseen.

Don't know why but I always detour a little to pass by that area. Maybe to assure myself that what I am going to allow myself to be treated like a cheap prostitute later at the saunas has 2 sides. 1. at least I don't pay for sex with these men 2. I know I have good market value better than most of these men. If I want to sell, maybe few customers but if I sell for free then too many customers. I can choose from the horde of customers.

It was a chilly night and the rain just stopped hours ago. The place looked less busy than before when it is supposed to be peak hour. I walked by without stopping as eyes glanced at me hoping to get business.

I sensed someone following me when I walked down the 5footway to Shogun. I glanced back and he don't look like MB. Yet I know there are all kinds of MB and some are really nothing to look at, still they think gays are desperate for anything. This one A could be one of those.

I was sure when I pay to get into Shogun, he will stop because of the entrance charge. He didn't and was right beside me and we saw each other up-close. Should be late 30s.

We had lockers next to each other and I was never shy to change naked in front of strangers. Heck, I was never shy to let strangers screw me in public even, if the mood is right. My horniness is half the right mood. A looked but didn't touch.

We went for shower and in that tight space, A bumped into me but no action. I perked my ass, spread my legs wide and cleaned my behind. That usually signaled to interested party that I am not a shy btm and the hunters will follow me discreetly as soon as I finish. Quite disappointed to see so few around and probably non are hunters. Well, good then I can relax and be slutty without inviting troubles.

I went upstairs and he followed. But he kept his distance as I prowled. A few guys and non my type. I parked myself in a corner near entrance where if the curtain open light will shine in. I have assets and don't need to hide in dark corners... also like to see who is the hunter.

One short skinny uncle B, the resident troll recognised me and stopped nearby. He knew my game and expected an open show if we both are lucky. He even knew my pass midnight timings. I pretended to never even know he existed because he did try his luck after I was royally screwed and I never lowered myself so low to accept him ever. But he's patient even though my luck is only maybe one night out of five here. He seen me getting screwed at least 3 times...aiyah I come here too regular already.

Tonight probably not going to be my lucky night. Co-incidentally A and B looked at each other and B expertly managed to get A's towel off and gave A oral. Now I got to be the spectator.

A waved at me to join them but I shaked my head. Just then a strapping big guy C parted the curtains and confidently strode in. My cock twitched and my towel dropped. He came and felt my body. Obediently I waited for him to reach down and then I spread my legs wide for his fingers to access. I leaned back on the wall as he impaled me. He can consume me in public if he wanted. The rooms were all occupied by sleepers. He dropped his towel showing an angry red rod. I knelt to oral him and make it moist as he busily tore a condom and lube.

He gently lifted me to stand, lifted one of my legs and ooomph he stuck it to me. He pumped as I leaned back for balance as I jerked slightly up and down to his rhythm. Fired up with lust, he grabbed my shoulders and threw me around. I knew to bend over low and he slammed right into me. I almost knocked my head into the wall but experience told me already to brace with my hands ready for impact. My meaty assets produced loud pok pok pok as he emmm while pounding me as I rocked back and forth trying to adsorb the impacts.

It rained hard on me and brought me to ecstasy. This was exactly what I was looking for and one never knows when can strike lottery. That's why it is so worth the 4 nights of emptiness. I would think he's worth paying for but I definitely wouldn't pay if I knew he's a MB. There's something about paying for sex that will instantly make me lose my interest. It's my last line of decency.

But he kept going and when we tire, I had to lower further to the kneeling position and he mounted me. Experience again, as I folded the towel to cushion my knees from the hard floor. He laughed at my experienced and carried on pumping. He reach over to check my leaking and flopping cock. He gave my balls a few squeezes and when he pulled on my cock head, I shot and my ass squeezed his cock automatically. He ahhhh and shot his loads too. He collapsed on top of me.

That's when I became aware of the 2 of them. A and B beside us. I was not surprised. It was worth it. But when A tried to put his hand onto my ass, I shaked to avoid him when I realised C was still almost hard and inside me. Surprisingly C grabbed my shoulders and made me keep still for the intrusion. His cock even gave me a few jabs as A dug into my sore hole. Boy, that was some rough fuck and I'm only aware of the sore from too little lube when the orgasm turned cold.

I couldn't believe my ears when C asked A," 你要不要操他啊?"

A answered,"他都已经给你弄死了,看来没什么好操了,算了吧"

the reply from C made me gasp in shock,"钱是你付的,不要后悔哦"

What? WHAT? WTF?? I pay? No way. "什麽?我要付钱?"

C,"shhh 他已经给替你付钱了,哈哈"

On that, A and C left and I was stunted. B was nowhere and I guess he's seeking to release after the free show.

It's one of those believe it or not incident I guess. I didn't actually pay for sex but if C did it only for the money, damn I felt cheated. A paid money to screw me through proxy !! No wonder I saw A kept texting as we walked but I never gave it a thought. Why me? I guess, not all Chinamen are poor.

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Guest Sexy Craze

The Shogun ABC story was nice. Well written and good description and language , The hard floor and curtain in the story , I guess you must have fucked in the small room at the end of the rooms on the second floor. Good to hear such stories in Shogun.

Yes I know a couple of the Money China boys who come here to sleep for the night. Not that I know they will make their business here. It is NOT allow in Shogun's busniess license. Anti VIce will come in if such things happens. Let me tell you all THE AUTHOURITIES KNOW WHAT's HAPPENING. The Govt have been relaxed that's all. If the police intelligence dont know, we have wasted paying our taxes. Same eyes are reading this too.

The only people I hope should be reading this thoroughly, are the staff of Shogun and Tenmen. Lots of ideas to improve.

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Pass midnight and I felt hunger in my groins. There's free sex at the saunas and yet down the street there are men strolling near MacDonald selling sex. Only the knowing would see the unseen.

Don't know why but I always detour a little to pass by that area. Maybe to assure myself that what I am going to allow myself to be treated like a cheap prostitute later at the saunas has 2 sides. 1. at least I don't pay for sex with these men 2. I know I have good market value better than most of these men. If I want to sell, maybe few customers but if I sell for free then too many customers. I can choose from the horde of customers.

It was a chilly night and the rain just stopped hours ago. The place looked less busy than before when it is supposed to be peak hour. I walked by without stopping as eyes glanced at me hoping to get business.

I sensed someone following me when I walked down the 5footway to Shogun. I glanced back and he don't look like MB. Yet I know there are all kinds of MB and some are really nothing to look at, still they think gays are desperate for anything. This one A could be one of those.

I was sure when I pay to get into Shogun, he will stop because of the entrance charge. He didn't and was right beside me and we saw each other up-close. Should be late 30s.

We had lockers next to each other and I was never shy to change naked in front of strangers. Heck, I was never shy to let strangers screw me in public even, if the mood is right. My horniness is half the right mood. A looked but didn't touch.

We went for shower and in that tight space, A bumped into me but no action. I perked my ass, spread my legs wide and cleaned my behind. That usually signaled to interested party that I am not a shy btm and the hunters will follow me discreetly as soon as I finish. Quite disappointed to see so few around and probably non are hunters. Well, good then I can relax and be slutty without inviting troubles.

I went upstairs and he followed. But he kept his distance as I prowled. A few guys and non my type. I parked myself in a corner near entrance where if the curtain open light will shine in. I have assets and don't need to hide in dark corners... also like to see who is the hunter.

One short skinny uncle B, the resident troll recognised me and stopped nearby. He knew my game and expected an open show if we both are lucky. He even knew my pass midnight timings. I pretended to never even know he existed because he did try his luck after I was royally screwed and I never lowered myself so low to accept him ever. But he's patient even though my luck is only maybe one night out of five here. He seen me getting screwed at least 3 times...aiyah I come here too regular already.

Tonight probably not going to be my lucky night. Co-incidentally A and B looked at each other and B expertly managed to get A's towel off and gave A oral. Now I got to be the spectator.

A waved at me to join them but I shaked my head. Just then a strapping big guy C parted the curtains and confidently strode in. My cock twitched and my towel dropped. He came and felt my body. Obediently I waited for him to reach down and then I spread my legs wide for his fingers to access. I leaned back on the wall as he impaled me. He can consume me in public if he wanted. The rooms were all occupied by sleepers. He dropped his towel showing an angry red rod. I knelt to oral him and make it moist as he busily tore a condom and lube.

He gently lifted me to stand, lifted one of my legs and ooomph he stuck it to me. He pumped as I leaned back for balance as I jerked slightly up and down to his rhythm. Fired up with lust, he grabbed my shoulders and threw me around. I knew to bend over low and he slammed right into me. I almost knocked my head into the wall but experience told me already to brace with my hands ready for impact. My meaty assets produced loud pok pok pok as he emmm while pounding me as I rocked back and forth trying to adsorb the impacts.

It rained hard on me and brought me to ecstasy. This was exactly what I was looking for and one never knows when can strike lottery. That's why it is so worth the 4 nights of emptiness. I would think he's worth paying for but I definitely wouldn't pay if I knew he's a MB. There's something about paying for sex that will instantly make me lose my interest. It's my last line of decency.

But he kept going and when we tire, I had to lower further to the kneeling position and he mounted me. Experience again, as I folded the towel to cushion my knees from the hard floor. He laughed at my experienced and carried on pumping. He reach over to check my leaking and flopping cock. He gave my balls a few squeezes and when he pulled on my cock head, I shot and my ass squeezed his cock automatically. He ahhhh and shot his loads too. He collapsed on top of me.

That's when I became aware of the 2 of them. A and B beside us. I was not surprised. It was worth it. But when A tried to put his hand onto my ass, I shaked to avoid him when I realised C was still almost hard and inside me. Surprisingly C grabbed my shoulders and made me keep still for the intrusion. His cock even gave me a few jabs as A dug into my sore hole. Boy, that was some rough fuck and I'm only aware of the sore from too little lube when the orgasm turned cold.

I couldn't believe my ears when C asked A," 你要不要操他啊?"

A answered,"他都已经给你弄死了,看来没什么好操了,算了吧"

the reply from C made me gasp in shock,"钱是你付的,不要后悔哦"

What? WHAT? WTF?? I pay? No way. "什麽?我要付钱?"

C,"shhh 他已经给替你付钱了,哈哈"

On that, A and C left and I was stunted. B was nowhere and I guess he's seeking to release after the free show.

It's one of those believe it or not incident I guess. I didn't actually pay for sex but if C did it only for the money, damn I felt cheated. A paid money to screw me through proxy !! No wonder I saw A kept texting as we walked but I never gave it a thought. Why me? I guess, not all Chinamen are poor.


wow...wished I am there, and be fucked the same way by these China men...leave  a contact , we meet there ? or PM me

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my friend (top) told me in shogun, there is a middle-aged bottom guy (actually quite toned) will accept my friend's pounding, however while having sex, the bottom will keep making noises like "yeh, yah, ye.....oooohhh, oh, fuck me, fuck,... "he will keep repeating such noises non-stop...


and there is another "sexy' guy(but definitely older than 36yo) who often wear sexy underwear who enjoys being blown or massaged but good that he can accept being bottomed in public


I don't mind being bottomed and watched by all...when is the best days and time to be there ?

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Guest best time


One of the areas Shogun can greatly improve are simple faciities. eg. hooks in the rooms for towels, Caps & Lub in the room or in the common area. Sometimes and , in fact, nowadays frequently I can find toilet paper running out in the common area even at 9pm where the skin nite is still in progress.
The place is also too dark.I little more light in the maze open common room for group play. The worst is infact the upper floor common room beside the TV area. It is so dark that sometime a stampede can lead to nasty encounters.
For Friday and Saturday skin nights, play louder music till, may be pass midnight, or 1am. That will discourage sleeping heads. It is really a let down coming into Shogun after party to have fun but all rooms are occupied by sleepers. Not even an open area to let fun take place.
I really like the old Hong Kong Street concept where there are big area for action. I agreed with Abengi we want more action. Maybe the TV area to start with.
Aha aha may be this give me an idea, that second floor area should be strictly "Underwear NO TOWELS"  may be that can spur aciton.



Would the best action time, at times where most people are working and shogun is empty for group fucks ? ie mornings 10- 12 noon ?

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Guest Big Dick

The best Shogun time is still Friday and Satruday Nights. Friday you get some occasional office Straights come here for action in the guise of office "overtime" work. haha. Straights are pretty good tops as they are often stronger and harder fucker, but also quicker to cum.


Saturday's crowd mainly familiar faces who often there for action. I remember when Shogun first moved to Pagoda St they have this skin night at the second level. That was great, bigger bed open space , very good to watch.


Biggest problem in Shogun is the sleeping crowd. I hate it when during  2230hrs to midnight, sleeper start occupying the rooms.

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Guest ABC Story

That A paid C to scew the writer, I only gather that A wanted to screw the writer but he is afraid to approach , So he must have paid C to start first then he follow up with second screw.


Spa is a place to let everything loose. Dont be hsy just do what you want and if the other party willing to do just DO IT. !!!!! Go all the way

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Anyone going to Shogun tonight?

Please do not post any ad in the main forum meant for discussion.

This is friendly warning by the mod.

The next ad posted in the main forum will get you a warning point.

If you are not sure why you are getting this message go read the rules http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=67&p=410979



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Guest Wind Fall

Due to Cruise Club increased in price for weekends and not able to use free RE-visits pass on Saturdays , many hunks swarmed to Shogun as an alternative.


I was there yesterday at 2pm - 7pm, there were at least 20- 30 hunks, even some coming in as I leave.


Thanks to Cruise club for this increase.


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Due to Cruise Club increased in price for weekends and not able to use free RE-visits pass on Saturdays , many hunks swarmed to Shogun as an alternative.


I was there yesterday at 2pm - 7pm, there were at least 20- 30 hunks, even some coming in as I leave.


Thanks to Cruise club for this increase.



This... this is an interesting development... for the 'desirables' to move away from Cruise Club and start patronizing the places of the 'undesirables'... therefore making these places 'desirable'. 


What makes a place 'desirable'?   In my judgement, it is the presence of 'desirable' people.  If all the young and beautiful flock to Shogun, next time I'm in SG I will go straight to Shogun without a second thought.


The same could happen with Ten Men.  If the hunks and twinks start flocking to Ten Mens, this could restore the old glory of Absolute.  How could Ten Mens avoid this?  By charging twice the 18 to 24 year olds and giving free entry to the over 40?  This doesn't make sense.  And I don't think the regulars of Shogun and Ten Mens would mind if the young crowd comes in and takes over.  Just the opposite, I imagine.


The good name and appeal of a gay sauna is a very unstable equilibrium, and could change at any time.  If the 'desirables' move elsewhere, it soon becomes undesirable.



This is indeed good news for Shogun.


Their charges remain at $ 12  and have gain extra patronage of migration customers from Cruise Club with Cruise Clubs new regulations :


1. Revisit Pass - cannot be used on Sat.

2. Revisit Pass - only Mon to Thurs , and only before 5pm and Must not be an Event Day.

    Cruise Club Between Mon - Thurs, 3 days are event days, leaving only Tuesday

3.  Valid on for 1 month

4. Increase in Entry rates to $23 and $ 28



This makes Shogun laughing all the way to the banks....



If Shogun is more positive and customer orientated to work on the following :


1.   Broken mats be replaced

2.   Offer free access to condoms and lub

3.   Disinfect the place now and then to avoid BEG BUGS issues



Shogun will win over Cruise Club, over the ignorance and complacency of customers complaints, and the scamming of Jacuzzi and steam room " UNDER MAINTENACE for MONTHS " as well

as cleaning hygiene issues, that they did not upkeep the place.

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Guest Cruise Club Cadets

This... this is an interesting development... for the 'desirables' to move away from Cruise Club and start patronizing the places of the 'undesirables'... therefore making these places 'desirable'. 


What makes a place 'desirable'?   In my judgement, it is the presence of 'desirable' people.  If all the young and beautiful flock to Shogun, next time I'm in SG I will go straight to Shogun without a second thought.


The same could happen with Ten Men.  If the hunks and twinks start flocking to Ten Mens, this could restore the old glory of Absolute.  How could Ten Mens avoid this?  By charging twice the 18 to 24 year olds and giving free entry to the over 40?  This doesn't make sense.  And I don't think the regulars of Shogun and Ten Mens would mind if the young crowd comes in and takes over.  Just the opposite, I imagine.


The good name and appeal of a gay sauna is a very unstable equilibrium, and could change at any time.  If the 'desirables' move elsewhere, it soon becomes undesirable.



This is indeed good news for Shogun.


Their charges remain at $ 12  and have gain extra patronage of migration customers from Cruise Club with Cruise Clubs new regulations :


1. Revisit Pass - cannot be used on Sat.

2. Revisit Pass - only Mon to Thurs , and only before 5pm and Must not be an Event Day.

    Cruise Club Between Mon - Thurs, 3 days are event days, leaving only Tuesday

3.  Valid on for 1 month

4. Increase in Entry rates to $23 and $ 28



This makes Shogun laughing all the way to the banks....



If Shogun is more positive and customer orientated to work on the following :


1.   Broken mats be replaced

2.   Offer free access to condoms and lub

3.   Disinfect the place now and then to avoid BEG BUGS issues



Shogun will win over Cruise Club, over the ignorance and complacency of customers complaints, and the scamming of Jacuzzi and steam room " UNDER MAINTENACE for MONTHS " as well

as cleaning hygiene issues, that they did not upkeep the place.



We are 6 Cruise Club Cadets. The above was true.


6 of us decided to visit Shogun yesterday and was indeed very impressed with the turn out, after all the new rules by Cruise Club.


Most important there is only 1 statue ( wearing a chain ) keeps standing there, which is the trademark of Cruise.


Anyway, most of the crowd ignored him. My friends even deliberately stepped on his toes and another pushed him away, as he tried to touch my friend.

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Guest 6 Cruise Cadets

Due to Cruise Club increased in price for weekends and not able to use free RE-visits pass on Saturdays , many hunks swarmed to Shogun as an alternative.


I was there yesterday at 2pm - 7pm, there were at least 20- 30 hunks, even some coming in as I leave.


Thanks to Cruise club for this increase.



We are 6 cadets from Cruise. Yes it was true...since CC changes its prices,. tming and so many stupid restrictrions on re-visit pass as well as the hygiene issues, cleanliness, steam room and jaccuzzi issues,  6 of us decide to avoid the statues and went Shogun last night. All was fine except one obvious statue that was brought over to stand at Shogun like a piece of white elephant.


All was great fun overall

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Guest Raiden Alpha

Cruise cadets mean ginnas below 25 and these children are given heavily subsidise entry price at $10 or free entry.

Why would they patronise shogun the chub club?

I don't believe you.

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We are 6 cadets from Cruise. Yes it was true...since CC changes its prices,. tming and so many stupid restrictrions on re-visit pass as well as the hygiene issues, cleanliness, steam room and jaccuzzi issues,  6 of us decide to avoid the statues and went Shogun last night. All was fine except one obvious statue that was brought over to stand at Shogun like a piece of white elephant.


All was great fun overall


To all our Brotherhood


The objective of sauna is to de-stress in whatever forms

However should there be any cadets or not, the business goes on as usual.

It does not mean that they are popularly demanded by the ppl only there.

I find a lot of ppl who visit sauna is to take what come may (be it good, bad or ugly)

Should the cup of tea is not favourable, then we move on to get what it needed


So don;'t always say the young dudes are most wanted.

To each his own.

Chemistry works too

Fun is what we want


So enjoy whatever you can and be happy

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Due to Cruise Club increased in price for weekends and not able to use free RE-visits pass on Saturdays , many hunks swarmed to Shogun as an alternative.


I was there yesterday at 2pm - 7pm, there were at least 20- 30 hunks, even some coming in as I leave.


Thanks to Cruise club for this increase.



The hunks who went there were participants for an event by "group" in planetromeo.  This group holds regular events in different saunas.  Usually done in the afternoon.   They used to do their events in CC. 

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Guest Curious

The hunks who went there were participants for an event by "group" in planetromeo.  This group holds regular events in different saunas.  Usually done in the afternoon.   They used to do their events in CC. 



what group is this ? gay/ bi or straight ?  how to join ?

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what group is this ? gay/ bi or straight ?  how to join ?


The hunks who went there were participants for an event by "group" in planetromeo.  This group holds regular events in different saunas.  Usually done in the afternoon.   They used to do their events in CC. 



This group is called " Pink_Nation_Asia"  at planetromeo.   They also send out regularly updates on gay scams, cheats, networking the pink people with correct information one may wants to know about.


They also have a blacklisting of certain users in the planetromeo and the pink nation netizens

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Guest Raiden Alpha

This group is called " Pink_Nation_Asia" at planetromeo. They also send out regularly updates on gay scams, cheats, networking the pink people with correct information one may wants to know about.

They also have a blacklisting of certain users in the planetromeo and the pink nation netizens

Yup correct.

A fag auntie gossip community.

They share your sex video,vital stat,profession,address,cock size,sexual performance out with their members.

If you are a good catch and sporting,these queens will do free hard sell for you and you will swarm with lots of sexual offers because your admires heard of you from afar and come to seek you out.

But if you are bad they will shoot and warn.

The worst kind is those you have rejected or the sex didn't turn out great due to chemistry/attraction.

They will made up all sorts of nasty stories about you and spread it across so as to cut off your potential to find sex partners.

I met a chub who I have rejected using my pictures to duplicate accounts to talk shit about me.

Apparently some FTs and political foes use the same tactics to slime me too.

That's why I don't use gay apps and i look down on gays.

I find them pathetic and vindictive.

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Yup correct.

A fag auntie gossip community.

They share your sex video,vital stat,profession,address,cock size,sexual performance out with their members.

If you are a good catch and sporting,these queens will do free hard sell for you and you will swarm with lots of sexual offers because your admires heard of you from afar and come to seek you out.

But if you are bad they will shoot and warn.

The worst kind is those you have rejected or the sex didn't turn out great due to chemistry/attraction.

They will made up all sorts of nasty stories about you and spread it across so as to cut off your potential to find sex partners.

I met a chub who I have rejected using my pictures to duplicate accounts to talk shit about me.

Apparently some FTs and political foes use the same tactics to slime me too.

That's why I don't use gay apps and i look down on gays.

I find them pathetic and vindictive.


Thank you for the feedback.

I am now aware that there are ppl who try to take advantages of others.

This is uncalled for.

But that is life.

We hear listen see look and it is a process of understanding each and everyone like PLU


Should there be any adverse remarks or info on such activities in sauna,

it is a blessing we learn from each other to avoid any harm.


Once again I wish to thank you very much.

God bless.

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The best Shogun time is still Friday and Satruday Nights. Friday you get some occasional office Straights come here for action in the guise of office "overtime" work. haha. Straights are pretty good tops as they are often stronger and harder fucker, but also quicker to cum.


Saturday's crowd mainly familiar faces who often there for action. I remember when Shogun first moved to Pagoda St they have this skin night at the second level. That was great, bigger bed open space , very good to watch.


Biggest problem in Shogun is the sleeping crowd. I hate it when during  2230hrs to midnight, sleeper start occupying the rooms.

I agree about the problem in Shogun of people occupying rooms to sleep. That is really frustrating for people who come there for a good time and cannot find a room. Also, people who come there to sleep should instead sleep in open rooms instead of blocking private cabins. But I don't think we can expect that kind of sense from those people there! Anyway, Shogun management must have some policy of not allowing sleepers occupy till some time , say late midnite..

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Guest Curious about Spa

Looks like I should use Shogun as my

Virgin sauna trip. Are happenings usually in steam rooms of all

Saunas ? Always dark and you can see anyone except feel the bodies?

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