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Anime Discussion (Compiled)


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One Piece


read the manga a few years ago, stopped during the “skypiea arc” of the story as I perceived that part was boring. It was only until recently a friend who is really into “One Piece” re-intro the manga and lent me his whole collection (still ongoing)

As a manga, One Piece stood up with its successful blending of comical moments, exciting fighting and carefully planned plots (e.g. small details in the earlier part of the story had a significant impact as the story progress), all this while maintaining the core concepts of chasing one’s dream and cherishing one’s friends.

Another trait of this manga is the injection of tragic elements on the characters but instead of bringing the story to a mellow self, the writer/ artist injects great hope at each of the characters and their burning desire to achieve what they wanted.

Almost all main characters have a tragic past and his/ her dream, which brings character development and much depth into them.

My favorite character in Tony Tony Chopper.

Read about him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Tony_Chopper

I shred tears when I read his story in the Manga and yet still cried when I saw the anime episodes.

Oh, if you are watching the English dubbed episodes showing in Central, don’t bother, not only the English version suffered cuts, the monotone of the voice actors completely ruined the show.

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Wah, OB, I didn't know u can be so "sensitive" one ah. :D

Anyway, I have in recent time been following on Naruto anime. I like the story line as it is uses suspense and strategy to keep you glued to the story. As with most Jap shows, even the bad guys have their reasons for being bad and each character has a background.

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naruto - i have watched the anime all the way till the end of Sasuke arc, stopped when the filler episodes started, IMO they have the bloody longest filler episodes, more than 1 whole year of screening. not only were the filler arc boring, they didnt contribute to character and plot growth, which is expected.

now waiting the Naruto II to start the screening.

Bleach - likewise watched the anime till the filler arc.

One Piece - i started with Manga rather than Anime. different series have their merits but seldom will utilse character's tragic past to the ultimate. You really need to have a heart of stone (or dont like manga and anime at all) to not to cry on the Tony Tony Chopper's past.

it was really amazing that i cried when reading the manga and yet again when watching the anime when i already know the story.

basically chopper's past was about acceptance. Born with a blue nose, Chopper was outcasted by his reindeer family, and when he gained the ability to be a human, he wasnt accepted as one either. you can see the similiarity with PLU's status.

(another character's past that is equally touching was Nico Robin's past)

If you have the ability to jump into the story, i will recommend watching the past of Tony Chopper in youtude, you can ignored the characters in the present time and just concentrate on Chopper. If you are hooked, continued the story to the ending of this arc to have another heartbreaking moment...

Episode 84

Episode 85

Episode 86

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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I like Naruto too !!! esp the fight between him and Sasuke .... I din encounter much filler la ... now already ep 209 .. havent watch it ..... still waiting for my Tsubasa Season1 to be finished and then followed by Season2... I love CLAMP !!!!!

BLEACH is ok to me

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I am an advent anime fan. Only recently I got time to start to get down watching some. These are my favourites:


Mai Hime

One Piece

Tsubasa Chronicles

Card Captor

Hell Girl

Currently watching:


Fate Stay Night

Trying to get Bleach and Naruto from a friend but it is taking ages...

Any recommendations for good animes?

Jealousy is when you realise the things you don't have.

Envy is when you realise the things you'd never have.


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Neo eva is too chim for me, I have watched it before. Even at the end of death and rebirth, I was like ???, really catch no balls... But I like the computer virus angel though, and how the three wise men work against one another to give the best solution.

I am not really into sports anime : slam dunk, prince of tennis, dear boys, or some robots anime : Macross, Gundam.

Fighting ones are cool : Flame of Recca, Yuuyuu Hakoshyo, Law of Ueki

Journey ones allow me to go for adventure : Inuyasha, One Piece

Kiddie ones are ok : Pokemon, Yugio, Digimon, MAR

By any chance some of you guys here know about a Japanese Transformer series on power master and head master? I am looking for that series but don't have the details.

Jealousy is when you realise the things you don't have.

Envy is when you realise the things you'd never have.


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Lol thanks for the advice. :D

I am ok at the moment. Lonely is just a nick I created when I was out of a bad relationship. But I am enjoying all the things that I like to do at the moment. Just happens that most of them are solitary things.

I do play badminton with my friends every week and catch movies when a good one comes up.

I have a problem though. I have been working overnight for a while and now my bio clock is all whacked. I am wide awake now, in the middle of the night... :blink:

Jealousy is when you realise the things you don't have.

Envy is when you realise the things you'd never have.


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I like to watch Gundam Seed and Destiny. Gundam Wing also very nice. :lol: I also like to RahXephon.

A few month ago SCV showing a Jap anime called Z-Hime also not bad too...

Curnently downloading a Shounen Onmyouji.... :lol:

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Guest Guest

U guys may try this site to watch some of your favorite anime for free.........


They have Mai Z-Otome which is a OVA.

Now i watching Magical Lyrical Nanha striker S, U guys have to watch 1st series Magical Nanoha and 2nd series Magical Nanoha As before u watch striker

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Neon Genesis was one of the first anime series i watched... i loved the absolute mindfxxk and the nihilistic violence.

another one was Serial Experiments Lain. great opening track too.

Ghost In the Shell and Akira are two classic titles that any serious fans of Anime must watch at least once.

More recently, Tokyo Godfathers, Spirited Away, Blue Submarine no 6 and Macross Zero are all notable ones. And oh, Princess Mononoke. Heck anything from Studio Ghibli is good :)

Sol Bianca is good too. And omfg Samurai Champloo! You have GOT to watch that!

At the Picturehouse earlier I saw the promo video for Paprika. Lets go watch that shall we? :)

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Homeboi, the gundam series are really extensive!

you can check out in wikiepidia on the numereous series Gundam had chunked out over the years.

The original Gundam were a continuation series whereas the recent Gundam were mostly standalone series (with the exception of seed and seed destiny)

you can try torrent for the series, but think only the recent ones

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Homeboi, the gundam series are really extensive!

you can check out in wikiepidia on the numereous series Gundam had chunked out over the years.

The original Gundam were a continuation series whereas the recent Gundam were mostly standalone series (with the exception of seed and seed destiny)

you can try torrent for the series, but think only the recent ones

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Guest Guest


Go to the above site and search to see if ur favorite anime is uploaded or not? So far i keep track on nanoha striker and mai Zwei otome OAV..............

And Masked rider lah if u guys know what is kama rider.......... I watching Den O also in that site but u need to use to site search engine at japan drama series

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for gundam, After the seeds season there was this "astray" episodes.

After Mai Hime, the next series was Mai Otome. Yeahx..

Trinity Blood is nice too.

From what i can tell, Studio BONES makes good anime too like Rahxephon, Eureka 7 and more..

oh yeah.. one more .. SCRYED is one interesting anime. Look it up as well. :)

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gundam seed was really good!

i'm watching an old one - X. Which also has a bit of gay overtones :D :D:D Probably quite hard to find, but it has quite a interesting storyline... Written by CLAMP.. Can also watch their latest xxxHOLIC.

Ergo proxy is one of the not so old ones that i'll recommend.. need quite a bit of thinking to understand it though hahahha

Or if you got time to watch 70 episodes, Yakitate!! Japan also very fun to watch.. Gets boring towards the end, but super funny anime :)

OH, and Witch Hunter Robin...

If you like the mecha genre, Full Metal Panic, FMP 2nd Raid, and FMP Fumoffu are also pretty classic...

And Ghost in the Shell:SAC too

Yeah.. and the list goes on and on...

P.S. Offtopic, but browncow's avatar is super hot.... :thumb:

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  Guest said:

Go to the above site and search to see if ur favorite anime is uploaded or not? So far i keep track on nanoha striker and mai Zwei otome OAV..............

And Masked rider lah if u guys know what is kama rider.......... I watching Den O also in that site but u need to use to site search engine at japan drama series

the website is a paid for each download... anyone knows any torrent and free download web ???

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wowo so many ppl watching Tsubasa Chronicles !!!

Is it the first series or the new one?

I had finished the first series but no news for 2nd series ler ....

Anime I had finished:

Saint Seiya

Card Captor series

Gate keeper

flame of recca

Tsubasa Series 1

On going :

Bleach ( only watched for 30 epsidoes and stop)

Naruto ( on going .....)

Anyone got new recommendation? waiting for naruto is so tiring ...

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This is eye-opening. I only watch animation in YouTube and veoh for free. :P

Never know that there are so many other websites. :clap:

Do you guys know where to find a serie call Vandread 1 & 2? It has 2 seasons, and the Vandread robot is super cool!!!! I watched it on TV a few years ago. Wish to watch it again now.

Watching animation make me feel young again and forgot the stress from work and study. ^_^

Feel like wind, roaming free...

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  cw30 said:
wowo so many ppl watching Tsubasa Chronicles !!!

Is it the first series or the new one?

I had finished the first series but no news for 2nd series ler ....

Anime I had finished:

Saint Seiya

Card Captor series

Gate keeper

flame of recca

Tsubasa Series 1

On going :

Bleach ( only watched for 30 epsidoes and stop)

Naruto ( on going .....)

Anyone got new recommendation? waiting for naruto is so tiring ...

I like Tsubasa Chronicles! But i cant find a shop that sell the whole series. Anyone know which local shop sells the series or from the net?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

What is wrong with watching Anime? Anime got no age limit lor.

Uncle here is following with Naruto, Bleach, Kekkaishi. Currently watchin D.Greyman.

As for hentai, never really watch those except for 1 or 2 which I happen to download. You watch 1 hentai, you had seen them all. All about the same.

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