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Kallang Basin Swimming Pool


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Due to the hijack of this pool for the ex-TPY users, I have little opportunity to swim here. 
I managed to get my afternoon swim today (2Aug). 
I was shocked by the state of the men’s shower room. My favour cubicle is sooooo filthy. Dark mould covers so much of the tiles, as if the floor and the walls have not been washed for ages. The shampoo and bath organiser is broken. It is in such sorry state, really. 
Only the big pool is operating. Thus, all the lanes are occupied. I’m happy that I managed to get a lane. 

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A couple of weeks ago, I resumed swimming at KB pool. Somehow, it feels easier to swim here compared to my regular haunt at SAFRA Tampines. Have to agree with @bluerunner on the sad state of the shower room. Not sure why nothing has been done to spruce it up with the increased crowd now that TPY pool has closed.


Speaking of increased crowd, I took a photo of the pool availability schedule (this was in July) and concluded that:

1) if you wish to swim on weekdays, do it before 5pm;

2) if you wish to swim on Saturday, do it between 2 and 7pm;

3) if you wish to swim on Sunday, do it after 5pm.

This is because of the Pacer and Aegir programmes that take up half of the competition pool (I believe it's the half closer to the PIE cuz of the swim lanes).

Edited by JYAG-sim
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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, tyy said:

I just went there today and showered with open door and sat around at changing area nude for a few minutes, feels good showing my body to the 4-5 uncles around : ) I just sit there and didn’t do anything else because I shy though

You have redefined the meaning of ‘shy’. You have put Oxford and Collins dictionaries to embarrassment 

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  • 3 weeks later...

looking for swimming peeps for the social aspect and encouraging each other to go!
PM if looking for the same. Not fuss if have fun or not. To encourage each other to be consistent.

Edited by BrainBoner
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  • 2 weeks later...

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