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Freeballing / Going Commando Discussion (No Underwear) 睪丸獲得自由、獲得解脫、不受拘束、沒有束縛 (Compiled)

Guest darkflame

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Freeballed yesterday!! Feel good!

Very hot yesterday and felt a little horny... went to toilet to watch porn on tumblr... got really high and decide to jerk off. Stained my underwear with lots of cum... left my underwear hanging on the hook and decide to freeballed inside my pants. Hope someone picks up my cum lots undie!

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Guest Newbies
  On 2/9/2017 at 6:24 PM, redmeat said:

Just 2 days ago I saw a damn good looking Chinese man jogging at west coast park at 8 am in the morning. As he came closer I saw his big dick bouncing up and down on the left side of his shorts which was too short. In fact his red dick head was exposed when it was bouncing down because his shorts probably had no inner lining/netting.  It's obvious he wants people to see right. How can u jog with your dick head peeping out below your shorts and you dont know it. Anyway I jogged after him but could not catch up. I think the feeling of no undies while jogging is a great


Guess some people wants people to know they are freeballing.

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  On 2/12/2017 at 3:03 PM, Guest New said:

I managed to convince 1 straight friend to go freeballing.  He has always noticed me freeball after gym session. So I told him to try it out to see if he likes the feeling. 


He came and surprise me one day after gym session. He just pull down his shorts without any underwear 


I went to gym with my colleague during lunch time and after we are done, I wear back my formal clothes without undies. He saw and surprised. 


Eve had afternoon office meeting, the way he way he looked at me the whole afternoon was so different, like he's keep thinking that im commando inside

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  On 2/12/2017 at 3:03 PM, Guest New said:

I managed to convince 1 straight friend to go freeballing.  He has always noticed me freeball after gym session. So I told him to try it out to see if he likes the feeling. 


He came and surprise me one day after gym session. He just pull down his shorts without any underwear 


so u freeball after gym, but he freeball during gym?

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  On 2/13/2017 at 4:48 AM, yhtang said:


What do you mean by half freeballing? 

Part time free balling?


Tuck in the balls and leave the cock hanging, or free the balls and hide away the cock?


Hahahaha.  Funny la u all

I know wat he mean.wear undies from home n once reached workplace or shopping ctr, take out undies n keep in the bag.hahahaha


Edited by cutejack
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  On 2/13/2017 at 4:50 AM, cutejack said:

Hahahaha.  Funny la u all

I know wat he mean.wear undies from home n once reached workplace or shopping ctr, take out undies n keep in the bag.hahahaha




Oh, I see.  My apologies.  I am rather naive on this aspect. 


No, I have not done this before.  I am naked when I return home and shut my front door, but I am hesitant to freeball outside in case I get a hardon.  I have done it a few times before, but I was wearing shorts of a thick material, and it was a short trip out to the nearby shop just to buy something and come back home immediately.  

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I once read a local fanfiction story here on BW, about a hot young police sergeant who got molested and sexually assaulted by his superiors at work  :twisted: 


During one molest session which was disguised as an interrogation, the young sergeant was forcibly stripped by his superior.


The older policeman then discovers that the hot young sergeant does not wear any underwear beneath his police pants, and he demands to know why!  :D


And after a while, the sergeant also realises that his superior does not wear underwear while in uniform  :twisted:


This is an excerpt from the story:


ASP Lim then began to undo the shiny buckle on SGT Jeremy's pants. Jeremy tried to protest. ASP Lim then shouted at him: "Shut up, sergeant! This is an order! I need to examine the evidence!"


SGT Jeremy became submissive. As ASP Lim unzipped his cumsoaked pants, the sergeant's cock jumped out, grateful to be free. ASP Lim's eyes widened in amazement at the sheer size of

the sergeant's tool.


"Why don't you wear underwear when in

uniform?" ASP Lim whispered in a hoarse voice.


"Because ... erm ... because I like the feel of

the fabric brushing against my ... my cock." SGT Jeremy confessed.


"Hmmm ..." ASP Lim proceeded to stroke

SGT Jeremy's cock, turning it left and right and peeling back the foreskin with each stroke.


SGT Jeremy's mind was on fire!  His cock grew to unbelievable proportions. All the while, his eyes were on ASP Lim's fitted police pants - a bulge was forming at one of the leg holes.


SGT Jeremy then realised that ASP Lim is

another fellow who does not wear underwear under his studly blue uniform.


And what's more he wears his cock down though one of the leg holes!

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  On 2/13/2017 at 4:48 AM, yhtang said:


What do you mean by half freeballing? 

Part time free balling?


Tuck in the balls and leave the cock hanging, or free the balls and hide away the cock?


Hahahahga so funny after reading the reply. 

What I meant is that time I'm still in sec sch. When I'm back home change to shorts, I pull down my uniform pants my underwear was half pull down meaning the band is half way my butt. I felt sexy n wear my shorts leaving the underwear halfway. It's kind of free ball cos the below of the underwear is not pressing on your balls. So u felt free dangling

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Was walking thru e back lane of some office buildings in the CBD to find a good spot to smoke & saw this tall  guy smoking.  

Although his back is facing me while I m walking towards him, I can see his movement of hand adjusting his pants around his crotch area then keep looking downward at his own crotch area a few times after the adjustments. 

Me walk towards him & stood behind a pillar diagonally across him where he can't see me to get a nearer view & saw he actually has got an erection in his tight office pants when he turn facing my direction. 

The protruding bulge, shape of his harden cock pointing side way & shape of his cock head pressing against his tight grey pants from inside was clearly seen. He might be commando inside if not how can his cock head so clearly visible.

After smoking he was reading his handphone. I walk out from the pillar towards him while he Is still reading handphone. He felt awkward when lifted up his head & saw me after his reading. He quickly turn away from me then act blur turning to face the wall then look at his own below again & turn to another direction & left. 


I dunno if u guys agree but I have been seeing more guys in CBD area going commando in their office pants nowadays. Their cock shape can clearly be seen in their slim fit pants, all facing downward sideways. 

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  On 2/16/2017 at 9:00 AM, Guest Guest said:

I even seen a guy forgotten to zip up his business pants before. He freeballing inside bcos I saw his bush of pub hair.... LoL


I like to freeball in business pants especially those from dockers. The material is thick enough yet comfortable 

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  On 2/17/2017 at 3:39 PM, Guest Guest said:

I like to freeball in business pants especially those from dockers. The material is thick enough yet comfortable 


haha.. is it.. i have pants from dockers but never try before.. 


Anyway, went gym with no underwear inside, guess the sports shorts is too comfortable with the liner until I only noticed I was free balling halfway gym.. 

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i always freeball in the gym but to me not really free ball, u know nowadays many brands of sports shorts comes with tights inside, not the triangle lining.

so with that i do no see why should i wear an underwear seriously.  If any of u guys owns this kind of shorts will u wear underwear beneath?

anyway many of my gym friends like to wear those compression tights and very obvious they are not wearing anything inside lor when bench or squat or deadlift so obvious. but no one cares. some even go home like that after workout, i do not find that a big deal seriously.

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  On 2/19/2017 at 6:15 AM, quanjishou said:

i always freeball in the gym but to me not really free ball, u know nowadays many brands of sports shorts comes with tights inside, not the triangle lining.

so with that i do no see why should i wear an underwear seriously.  If any of u guys owns this kind of shorts will u wear underwear beneath?

anyway many of my gym friends like to wear those compression tights and very obvious they are not wearing anything inside lor when bench or squat or deadlift so obvious. but no one cares. some even go home like that after workout, i do not find that a big deal seriously.



kool .. that's the way ... in other western countries, guys just wear shorts in commandos and u can see their balls and cock bouncing like nobody business... Singapore to be an advance country needs to be open minded ..


wearing tights showing the bulge n buttcrack is nothing .. at least we are still wearing something as long as we are naked in public ..


just cannot understand why some commuters just like to make a hoo-ha

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  On 2/19/2017 at 10:08 AM, bluerunner said:

I actually like this kind of shorts very much. Unfortunately, not many brands making it and it's not cheap. 


in fact a lot of brand now.  initially only nike, now reebok, under amour, New balance, adidas, odlo also have.

fit wise nike still one of the best. reebok is not very good. there rest not yet tried.

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  On 2/19/2017 at 4:22 PM, skybeach said:

Perfectly fine to freeball while gymming. Will feel less restrictive actually. Most people won't bother looking at your crotch as they are too busy training or looking at themselves or their handphones, etc.


i think depends on what kind of shorts u wear. if got lining still ok. or at least the shorts is about knee level.

i ever saw ppl benching with shorts no lining no underwear and quite loose and balls comes out. but he cannot do anything because he needs to finish his set rack the weights before sit up. by then the ball already expose almost a minutes. lucky or unlucky there are not gals at free weights area.

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Just finish work out at my condo gym. Saw a  cool japanese hunk was swimming in his white color Nike 1/2 compression tights. After his swim i saw him dry himself & sit at the pool chair to rest. He later put on his singlet & came into the gym & obviously he was free balling. The white color tights was so tight tat he must be squeezing himself into size S tat does not suit him. I see the tights was stretch to max & the material become thinner till can see the shape of his dick so clearly & bit of his dick skin color too. He was lying on the bench doing his chest & his protruding bulge making me go hard! Was there admiring till he finish & go off.

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Hot encounter

  On 2/20/2017 at 10:46 AM, Guest Xavier said:

Freeballing is something I enjoy very much, and would do so whenever I go out for runs. I like the airy feeling and when you feel that your balls are free. Maybe it's also just me, but I feel that running without an underwear is something that turns me on. So whenever I jog, I would pay attention to those guys with short shorts. There's a chance they might be freeballing like me too! 


There was once I was jogging around my house, and as usual, no putting an underwear on. I took a longer route that night, and jogged along a park connector. The park connector was dimly lit and beside it was a huge canal. I was wearing a white FBT singlet as I was running. It was quiet until I noticed there was someone of around my age (late twenties) behind me. He was jogging too but faster than me. He happened to be shirtless too. So I seized my chance, turned my head a little to do a quick scan on his shorts, but they were pretty loose so I couldn't tell if he was freeballing. But whatever the case is, I was already attracted by his hot bod. His nipples were rather tiny and his body was covered with sweat. He probably noticed that I was looking at him, tho I tried to do it as quickly and discreetly as possible. I wanted to give him an impression that I'm just merely looking at who was jogging behind me. But I guessed I failed. So he gave me a little nod and continued running. 


A part of me is also an exhibitionist, but not an extreme one. Or maybe I just love the idea of being nude and the airy feeling that comes with me - just like freeballing. So I took of my singlet and continued to run. Whew, I was getting slightly turned on somehow. Perhaps by the sight of his body. 


The park connector was quite a long stretch. Up till a point, I noticed the same guy I saw earlier. He was standing by the lamp post and he was doing some leg stretches. Quite a sexy moment when you have two topless guys along a quiet park connector. The only unsexy thing is that it is beside a canal. I jogged slower than before, hoping to get his attention. Again, maybe because of the thought that I get to see his naked bod again, I was horny and my dick got hard immediately. Plus, I wasn't wearing underwear. 


The buldge was rather obvious. As I ran passed him, he suddenly called out "Hey, dude. Your shoelace."


Ok I totally didn't expect that and it was awkward. There I was feeling horny and here you are stopping to tell me about my shoelace which was untied. I didn't even realise. 


So I bent down to tie, meantime saying "Thanks" to him. 


I tried to continue a conversation with him, "So, you jog here often?" 


"Yeah, at this time." But I could tell that his eyes were looking at my buldge. 


"First time jogging here?" 


"I jog around the neighorbourhood usually, once in a while I'll come here, but it's my first time jogging here at night." 


"You jog shirtless?" 


"Depends. Today's weather is good for jogging topless." 


My eyes were on his shorts too as we were talking. My imagination could be rather wild at times, but I thought I could somehow make out the shape of his dick. I could see the balls, and my guess most likely is that he is freeballing too. But it wasn't hard...


He noticed me again, or maybe I was just too obvious for him not to notice. 


"I jog topless usually. It's cooling." 


"Haha, yeah..." I adjusted my shorts a little. 


"Erm.." He said, "Are you erected?" 


"Opps, sorry." 


"No, no. It's cool. Can I feel it?"


Holy shit. The moment I heard it - I was getting more excited. I totally didn't expect it to escalate this fast. I moved closer to him, and he placed his hand on my shorts to feel my dick. "Can I feel yours too?" I asked. He nodded and immediately, I slipped my hand into it. 


"Woah, you're fast."


His dick was kinda soft, and I played with it and soon it slowly grew hard. 


"This place is very quiet at this time." He said. 


"You're freeballing too huh?" 


He smiled wryly, and I continued playing with his dick. He gradually slipped his fingers from beneath my shorts to my balls and then my dick. He tapped on my head with his fingers and then moved to my asshole. It was a sensational feeling, and all these was done without removing our shorts. 


My other bare hand played with his nipples and I stroked his dick meantime. I could feel that he had some precum. I quickly smeared the precum all over his head and continued to rub it even harder. 


It it was a good feeling for me too, when he toyed with my hole and grabbed my balls. 


"Fuck, I wish we are in somewhere private. Is your house available?" I asked. 


He breathed, "No. You?"


"No, either." 


"We can do this again tomorrow.."


"You're hot. I want to cum on you like right now."


"There's a toilet in front. We can do it there."


So we went straight for the toilet, and into the handicapped's cubicle. It was rather spacious for us, and he stripped down his shorts. His large uncut dick was in front of me. His peehole was huge. I rubbed it harder, and then began sucking it. 


Within a short span of a few minutes, he moaned, "I'm gonna cum." 


"No... Suck me first."


I didn't want it to end. Besides, this was an unexpected encounter that I wanted it to last. He hurriedly went down to his knees and pulled down my shorts. My erected cock was soon his mouth. Not long too, I felt that I was gonna cum. I pushed him way gently and made him turned over, bending down. 


"I'm gonna cum on your back, ok?" 


He nodded and I placed my cock on the butt crack. I leaned slightly forward too and played with his nipples. Soon enough, I cummed all over his back.


Then, it was his turn. He request to cum on my front because he has a thing for nipples. So I grabbed his dick and placed it on my right nipple to cum on it. In no time, I could feel the hot cum straight from his dick on my chest. It flowed down to my hips and then my thighs. Quickly, he grabbed some toilet paper to wipe it off me. 


It was one of my most kinky experiences and it perhaps started all from freeballing. After the incident, we still see each other often along the park connector. Both of us are still topless and freeballing. 


So maybe you could also try freeballing. It's a way to cruise too. 



Edited by enthuboy_93
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  On 2/20/2017 at 10:46 AM, Guest Xavier said:

Freeballing is something I enjoy very much, and would do so whenever I go out for runs. I like the airy feeling and when you feel that your balls are free. Maybe it's also just me, but I feel that running without an underwear is something that turns me on. So whenever I jog, I would pay attention to those guys with short shorts. There's a chance they might be freeballing like me too! 


There was once I was jogging around my house, and as usual, no putting an underwear on. I took a longer route that night, and jogged along a park connector. The park connector was dimly lit and beside it was a huge canal. I was wearing a white FBT singlet as I was running. It was quiet until I noticed there was someone of around my age (late twenties) behind me. He was jogging too but faster than me. He happened to be shirtless too. So I seized my chance, turned my head a little to do a quick scan on his shorts, but they were pretty loose so I couldn't tell if he was freeballing. But whatever the case is, I was already attracted by his hot bod. His nipples were rather tiny and his body was covered with sweat. He probably noticed that I was looking at him, tho I tried to do it as quickly and discreetly as possible. I wanted to give him an impression that I'm just merely looking at who was jogging behind me. But I guessed I failed. So he gave me a little nod and continued running. 


A part of me is also an exhibitionist, but not an extreme one. Or maybe I just love the idea of being nude and the airy feeling that comes with me - just like freeballing. So I took of my singlet and continued to run. Whew, I was getting slightly turned on somehow. Perhaps by the sight of his body. 


The park connector was quite a long stretch. Up till a point, I noticed the same guy I saw earlier. He was standing by the lamp post and he was doing some leg stretches. Quite a sexy moment when you have two topless guys along a quiet park connector. The only unsexy thing is that it is beside a canal. I jogged slower than before, hoping to get his attention. Again, maybe because of the thought that I get to see his naked bod again, I was horny and my dick got hard immediately. Plus, I wasn't wearing underwear. 


The buldge was rather obvious. As I ran passed him, he suddenly called out "Hey, dude. Your shoelace."


Ok I totally didn't expect that and it was awkward. There I was feeling horny and here you are stopping to tell me about my shoelace which was untied. I didn't even realise. 


So I bent down to tie, meantime saying "Thanks" to him. 


I tried to continue a conversation with him, "So, you jog here often?" 


"Yeah, at this time." But I could tell that his eyes were looking at my buldge. 


"First time jogging here?" 


"I jog around the neighorbourhood usually, once in a while I'll come here, but it's my first time jogging here at night." 


"You jog shirtless?" 


"Depends. Today's weather is good for jogging topless." 


My eyes were on his shorts too as we were talking. My imagination could be rather wild at times, but I thought I could somehow make out the shape of his dick. I could see the balls, and my guess most likely is that he is freeballing too. But it wasn't hard...


He noticed me again, or maybe I was just too obvious for him not to notice. 


"I jog topless usually. It's cooling." 


"Haha, yeah..." I adjusted my shorts a little. 


"Erm.." He said, "Are you erected?" 


"Opps, sorry." 


"No, no. It's cool. Can I feel it?"


Holy shit. The moment I heard it - I was getting more excited. I totally didn't expect it to escalate this fast. I moved closer to him, and he placed his hand on my shorts to feel my dick. "Can I feel yours too?" I asked. He nodded and immediately, I slipped my hand into it. 


"Woah, you're fast."


His dick was kinda soft, and I played with it and soon it slowly grew hard. 


"This place is very quiet at this time." He said. 


"You're freeballing too huh?" 


He smiled wryly, and I continued playing with his dick. He gradually slipped his fingers from beneath my shorts to my balls and then my dick. He tapped on my head with his fingers and then moved to my asshole. It was a sensational feeling, and all these was done without removing our shorts. 


My other bare hand played with his nipples and I stroked his dick meantime. I could feel that he had some precum. I quickly smeared the precum all over his head and continued to rub it even harder. 


It it was a good feeling for me too, when he toyed with my hole and grabbed my balls. 


"Fuck, I wish we are in somewhere private. Is your house available?" I asked. 


He breathed, "No. You?"


"No, either." 


"We can do this again tomorrow.."


"You're hot. I want to cum on you like right now."


"There's a toilet in front. We can do it there."


So we went straight for the toilet, and into the handicapped's cubicle. It was rather spacious for us, and he stripped down his shorts. His large uncut dick was in front of me. His peehole was huge. I rubbed it harder, and then began sucking it. 


Within a short span of a few minutes, he moaned, "I'm gonna cum." 


"No... Suck me first."


I didn't want it to end. Besides, this was an unexpected encounter that I wanted it to last. He hurriedly went down to his knees and pulled down my shorts. My erected cock was soon his mouth. Not long too, I felt that I was gonna cum. I pushed him way gently and made him turned over, bending down. 


"I'm gonna cum on your back, ok?" 


He nodded and I placed my cock on the butt crack. I leaned slightly forward too and played with his nipples. Soon enough, I cummed all over his back.


Then, it was his turn. He request to cum on my front because he has a thing for nipples. So I grabbed his dick and placed it on my right nipple to cum on it. In no time, I could feel the hot cum straight from his dick on my chest. It flowed down to my hips and then my thighs. Quickly, he grabbed some toilet paper to wipe it off me. 


It was one of my most kinky experiences and it perhaps started all from freeballing. After the incident, we still see each other often along the park connector. Both of us are still topless and freeballing. 


So maybe you could also try freeballing. It's a way to cruise too. 



Love it! Just imagining I am in your position as I read. 

Edited by redmeat
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  On 2/20/2017 at 9:48 AM, Guest cool said:

Just finish work out at my condo gym. Saw a  cool japanese hunk was swimming in his white color Nike 1/2 compression tights. After his swim i saw him dry himself & sit at the pool chair to rest. He later put on his singlet & came into the gym & obviously he was free balling. The white color tights was so tight tat he must be squeezing himself into size S tat does not suit him. I see the tights was stretch to max & the material become thinner till can see the shape of his dick so clearly & bit of his dick skin color too. He was lying on the bench doing his chest & his protruding bulge making me go hard! Was there admiring till he finish & go off.


Some guys out there really not shy or dare to show what they have. I can't stop myself falling in luv with this kind of guys! 

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  On 2/22/2017 at 5:14 AM, Guest Guest said:

Some guys out there really not shy or dare to show what they have. I can't stop myself falling in luv with this kind of guys! 



  On 2/22/2017 at 5:14 AM, Guest Guest said:

Some guys out there really not shy or dare to show what they have. I can't stop myself falling in luv with this kind of guys! 



Next time take photo discretely la. We also want to get hard 

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  On 2/22/2017 at 5:14 AM, Guest Guest said:

Some guys out there really not shy or dare to show what they have. I can't stop myself falling in luv with this kind of guys! 


Maybe some guys doesn't aware that he is exposing his deek indirectly to other people.

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