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How To Exercise & Lose Weight / Slim Down & Get Rid Of Love Handle Aka Spare Tyre? (Compiled)


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i think the regime u doing now is quite ok for the brisk walk. u dun wanna over exert yourself too hard with running yet cos honestly speaking (hope you don't take it to heart), you are on the heavy side and you need to condition your body first before embarking on the high intensity exercise like running. this will reduce the probability of injuring ur knees and ankles.

you might wanna swim more often and for a longer period. swimming are another form of cardio exercise which will work out almost the whole body major muscle groups.

like what lonely said, set a target for yourself but then also have to be realistic to your own condition. once you find yourself comfortable with the distance/time for your walk or swim, start adding like 15min to 30 min to ur regime, or cover more distance within the same time to start strenghtening your heart. slowly but surely, ur stamina will improve.

and lastly, determination plays an important part!!

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Fatties trying to slim down, it is a yo yo syndrome,

Show me a fatty who has slimmed down and stayed there for 3 years and I will chopped off my cock,

Even if they slimmed down they cannot get rid of the sweaty fatty body odor that fatties all of then have fatty odor

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U are so going to get your small useless dick chop off...

You think people who use to be fat cannot slim down... You are so wrong!!!!

There is nothing wrong for people who want to lose weight... keep your brainless comment to yourself...

I myself is a good example... Use to weight 96kg and now weight only 67... and am still keeping it this way...

So are u going to chop off your small dick... If not, don't make such stupid comment where u have no bloody guts to chop it off...

Jurong West

*When there is love, There is HOPE...*

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U need to balance it out properly to get the max effect...

U need to eat healthy and exercise healthy...

Eat healthy... Minimise on carb and make sure u have a balance meal each time... U can choose to break 3 meals into 5 but then each meal must still be healthy... What i do is i cut my meal into small portion and then when i ma hungry or stuff, i eat an apple or some fruit...

Then exercise healthy, it doesn't mean push yourself to the max immediately... U need to understand your body reaction to each exercise u doing... For example, start with cardio first, like what u doing now but increase slowly each time and see how your body react... don't overstress your body cos it will also mean it will take longer for you to recover... So increase it slowly... and take note of any reaction your body is giving u... Once u get going, it more abt determination and perseverance

For motivation, what i do is set as goal for myself to lose a certain amount of weight on a given time span... but then again, there will be time where you will hit a bottle neck where your weight remains constant so what u need to do is to input element of surprise to your body eg, start weight training and then u will see the drop again...

Well that basically what i am doing now... So keep up the good work... And in no time, u will achieve what u want to achieve... and then go right up to -Tyson- and ask him to chop off his dick (though i am very sure he don't have the bloody guts to do it)

Jurong West

*When there is love, There is HOPE...*

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Guest -jackward90-

Thanks everyone! Yup I'm kinda training for my NS too, because it's about a year more to my NS.

I've skipped eating supper recently, and I think it's also helping. Trying to change my bio-clock by sleeping early too, since I heard sleeping early also helps in exercising.

I've seen many cases of giving up, so I hope I won't be one of them too!

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FIRSTLY dun be discouraged if the results are slow. at least slow better than never.

losing weight is a slow process, not a once-off situation. give yourself like a few months to see visible results.

i feel that diet is more important than exercise. start off with a change in diet first, and then slowly incorporate exercise into it.

it is not going to be easy, that's why so many people give up. trust me, you will really thank yourself a few months later when you see the results.


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Guest athlete79

Well done on the cutting down of supper! I can't PM you as you're not a member yet. I'd be glad to draw up a training schedule for you! :)

Thanks everyone! Yup I'm kinda training for my NS too, because it's about a year more to my NS.

I've skipped eating supper recently, and I think it's also helping. Trying to change my bio-clock by sleeping early too, since I heard sleeping early also helps in exercising.

I've seen many cases of giving up, so I hope I won't be one of them too!

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Oops, I didn't sign in before posting. Anyway, if we can get in touch, I'd love to help you. :)

Thanks everyone! Yup I'm kinda training for my NS too, because it's about a year more to my NS.

I've skipped eating supper recently, and I think it's also helping. Trying to change my bio-clock by sleeping early too, since I heard sleeping early also helps in exercising.

I've seen many cases of giving up, so I hope I won't be one of them too!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest happy loser

Can share how to become more fit or silm down a bit hehe

I used to weigh 85 kg but now I am 72 kg.

Used to be a big beef-eater, now only fish, vege.

Used to have chocolate/ice-cream on a daily basis, but now once/twice a week.

Used to have 4 cans of soda, now plain water/green tea.

Exercise gradually and then regularly.

(u run for 5 mins on treadmillon 1st, increase to 6 the next wk, do not rush to c results)

Most importantly, what's ur motivation?

FOr health?

To be more attractive?

for professional reasons?

Must b Determined, do not give up.

Make exercise/proper diet it a part of your life -like shower, eating, etc.

Enjoy the process!

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  • 5 months later...

Just wondering how everyone here maintain their figure...

what kid of exercises you do? and what is your diet like? and how difficult is it to you?

To start the ball rolling, I exercise by swimming every week and count my calorie intake everyday, quite effective but have to be disciplined about it.

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Guest Guest

thru exercise and diet.

for diet you have to be disciplined. but i do make it a point to eat what i want once a week.

for exercise you cannot see it as a chore. i like to gym because i get a great sense of satisfaction when i see results. activities like jogging and swimming actually help me to relax.

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Coincidentally, i saw the following in a magazine recently. According to the magazine, a study in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine reports that dieters who cut calories saw their levels of cortisol, a stress hormone linked to weight gain, increase. For those who kept diet journals and keep track of their calories intake reported feeling more stress (due to perhaps in having to resist the temptation).

Instead of counting calories, my recommendation would be to have a balanced food choice (which includes eating in moderation) coupled with an exercise plan and that should do the trick.

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Eat smaller meals several times a day. That way it reduces my urge snack. Drink plenty of water. I go 100% vegetarian 2x a week. Hoping to increase to 3x a week at some point. I find that eating less meat helps me with maintaining and controlling my weight better somehow.

I workout 4 to 5 times per week depending on schedule. But I throw in a mix of cardio- spin or jump rope and yoga besides weigh training. Oh! And walking a lot and taking stairs.


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A few people tried this diet plan and it worked for all of them, loosing from 2 to 5 kg within the first month.

It’s a very simple and inexpensive 'poor man's diet'.

Try to have this for lunch or dinner at least 3 times or more everyweek.

3 or 4 pieces of steamed or baked sweet potatoes ( choose those orange and purple variety, they are rich in vitamins and beta carotene and has high dietary fibre)

1 hard boiled egg ( discard or only eat half the yolk)

Fruits (any bite fruit - banana, papaya, pineapple, apple etc but have different type everytime)

1 glass low fat milk or soy bean milk.

For afternoon snack :

1 mug of thick oatmeal ( 4 tablespoon and with 2 tablespoon Milo/Ovaltine, no sugar)

Fruits (any bite fruit)

This diet is low fat, low sodium and high in dietary fibre and most important, easy to prepare and inexpensive.

Sweet potatoes can be steamed or baked in large batches and store in fridge can last up to 1 week.

And please eat moderately on other days and also do not forget your regular excercise routine.

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i eat what i want, anytime i want. however i exercise monday to friday for at least an hr.

run at least 4 times a week for an hour. and hit the gym for weight training 3 times a week for 90mins.

life is 2 short 2 give up fried chicken, cheese cake etc however, u must observe the following.

1st if u are overweight, u must really give up those food u like, get rid of as much fat and sugar in your diet as possible. but do allow some of your fav at controlled portions once a week.

Food aft diner is a big NO!!aft you loose a few kgs aft a few weeks, pick up jogging. its ok 2 jog slow, when i 1st started joging, i ran for only like 400m b4 i pant like crazy, now i ran 10k few times a week. u shd set targets for your jogs and aim 2 improve your distance every other week. you could increase your fd intake if you find your weight drop drastic or if u feel 2 tired.

and remember, u must exercise even if u feel dead tired. i jog even if i come back from work at 1130pm.

rule of thumb, burn more than u eat. so if u eat 3000cal a day, pls burn 3000cal a day! exercise hard, swear, pant and feel your body burn fat! no use doing those slow walks an hr a day, u burn nothing. if u cant run go 2 gym n use the cross trainer 2 work up a sweat.

i use 2 weight 76kg, after 1 year, was 59kg. now i bulk up n weigh btw 62kg to 64kg. i wont allow my weight 2 go abv 64kg.

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loosing weight is not as easy as you think. loosing weight and maintaining gd BMI takes lots and lots of commitment. please do not expect majic. the most u will loose like 500gm a week. and never go on xtreme diets, it never work. however when people start commenting how gd u look, u get motivated.

i lost so much weight in 6mths that everyone i know tot i was sick, i hit the gym n bulk up and now people say i look fit. thats great motivation! cloths fit better, u feel better. and i feel strange if i dun exercise. however, i loose weight bcos of my health n looking much younger and better compared 2 my plumb days is a big bonus!

and if u smoke, pls stop. i smoke for 18years and gave it up in a day. your will power and brain plays a very impt part. determination bro.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest darkflame

I'm thinking of getting my bum off my seat to go jogging and swimming.

How long do you jog and when is a suitable time to stop?

Saw three guys jogging yesterday around my place and one of them look very cute.

That of course doesn't affect my decision to start jogging. :twisted:

And how many laps of swimming do you do? And for how long too?

Would like to try toning my body from swimming.

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I'm thinking of getting my bum off my seat to go jogging and swimming.

How long do you jog and when is a suitable time to stop?

Saw three guys jogging yesterday around my place and one of them look very cute.

That of course doesn't affect my decision to start jogging. :twisted:

And how many laps of swimming do you do? And for how long too?

Would like to try toning my body from swimming.

This may sound like a cliched response, but before you start any form of excercise (especially if you haven't been exercising), it's best you sought your doctor's advice first.

The next step is probably for you to draw up a timeline and set goals according to it (eg, by XXX months, you want to be able to run how many km/gain stamina/lose weight/run how fast etc).

Key points are to pace yourself, and not burn yourself out... also, remember that it is not how hard you train, but how much you rest in between exercise, that gives you that improvement you seek.

Lastly, if you are on the heavy side, it's best to start with low impact cardio activities such as cycling/swimming for a few weeks first, before you embark on running. This is so that you can avoid joint injuries to your knees/ankles.

Balance your exercise plan with sensible eating (eating in moderation etc) and you should be well on your way to a fitter, healthier you. (Now I sound like Health Promotion Board spokesperson).


Have fun!

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  • 5 weeks later...

First tip. Change your eating habit. Without doing that, it would be hard for you to cut down.

What used to be 4 or 5 meals a day, cut down to 3 meals a day, etc.

hi Gm,

i skip breakfast and sometimes lunch due to my work and just take dinner...i gain a lot of weight when there period of times i work in office but now i been skipping meals but still same weight...i stop sugar and soft drinks already and drink more plain ice water only where ever i go...

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If you eat less, the body metabolic rate will reduce and you will burn less. Do you feel cold in the office ?

You will feel lethargic and no strength to exercise.

It matter of balance. Not just exercise more and eat less.

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Hi manlybigsize, one does not decrease weight by skipping meals. That is precisely what caused anorexia to slim-figure-obsessed women. Do not fall into this trap. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it should have a high content of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals.

You said you stopped sugar, but if you don't cut on your rice/noodles/flour-made foods intake, you are still taking sugar. And don't drink too much plain ice water, it will hurt your kidneys. Do some workouts to burn the calories. If you happen to drink caffeine-containing drinks (coffee or red tea), limit to one or two cups a day is enough as it drains water and B vitamins.

hey qedcwc,

i only drink coffee tea sometimes n i dont drink coffee...yup dinner i do take rice...ppl been advise of taking breakfast every morning.

bad habit that i love ice water and seldom drink warm or hot water...i don skip meals bcuz i am an owl i sleep late at nite till like 3am plus and wake up late and thats make me skip my breakfast and lunch b4 i go to work daily...

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hey qedcwc,

i only drink coffee tea sometimes n i dont drink coffee...yup dinner i do take rice...ppl been advise of taking breakfast every morning.

bad habit that i love ice water and seldom drink warm or hot water...i don skip meals bcuz i am an owl i sleep late at nite till like 3am plus and wake up late and thats make me skip my breakfast and lunch b4 i go to work daily...

The liver needs to detox itself between 1 am to 3 am.

In restive state, it will handle all the fat-soluble substances and detox everything that is useless. I'm afraid given the fact that you often turn in late has caused the liver unable to handle the substances properly and hence retained below your skin cells and thus unable to reduce weight.

At the end of the day, you are the one who make things happen.

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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The liver needs to detox itself between 1 am to 3 am.

In restive state, it will handle all the fat-soluble substances and detox everything that is useless. I'm afraid given the fact that you often turn in late has caused the liver unable to handle the substances properly and hence retained below your skin cells and thus unable to reduce weight.

At the end of the day, you are the one who make things happen.

thaks for all advise and guess now time for proper healthy meal and exercises...

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thaks for all advise and guess now time for proper healthy meal and exercises...

No problem. Any questions or doubts, just throw them into this forum.

Will be glad to answer them. ;)

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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hi Gm,

i skip breakfast and sometimes lunch due to my work and just take dinner...i gain a lot of weight when there period of times i work in office but now i been skipping meals but still same weight...i stop sugar and soft drinks already and drink more plain ice water only where ever i go...

Yes, I totally agree with Qedcwc. Skipping meals is not the best way to lose weight because your body will gain that back in no time.

I think when you were "younger" your body's metabolism was higher due to your gym and workout, which is why you were able to keep up with your high food intake. Many body builder puts on weight because although they had stopped gyming, the food intake volume is still the same as before.

This is something you might want to take note.

As for me, I lost about 6kg over the past few months after actively exercising regularly. I still maintain a 3 meals a day diet and tried to watch what I eat. More vegetable, more soupy stuff and less fried stuff. Regular exercise and fresh fruits and lots of water. No buffets and no alcohol unless I can't help it. Recently had a very sinful Mud Pie ice cream during one of the outing, which only happens once in a blue moon.

So long as you are mindful about what you eat and couple with regular exercise. You should be losing weight in no time.

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Hi all,

I need advise on how to lose some inch off my waist/tummy. I read from the net that cardio is a must for this and it is most effective to do it early in the morning before any food consumption.

3x a week is the minimum requirement together with high intensity interval training.

Am i missing anything out on this??

At the same time, i will want to bulk up alittle. Not going for the muscular bod.

Currently at 1.73, 62kg.

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I have some questions regarding some exercise.

1)Swimming - I have checked the web, and it tells me swimming is good at burning calories(losing weight) How true is it? My friend told me that swimming cause your hair to drop cause of the chlorine inside the pool and I am scared!

2)Jogging - Another Cardio exercise which helps to lose weight but it has rumour that it is bad for your knee. Also it is only working out your leg muscle unlike swimming(more muscle parts are used)

What should i choose? Or should i mix them up?


How true is the web above? Can help me check? :D


We AJ/Gay/Lesbian/nobody, all of us need friends=)

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I have some questions regarding some exercise.

1)Swimming - I have checked the web, and it tells me swimming is good at burning calories(losing weight) How true is it? My friend told me that swimming cause your hair to drop cause of the chlorine inside the pool and I am scared!

2)Jogging - Another Cardio exercise which helps to lose weight but it has rumour that it is bad for your knee. Also it is only working out your leg muscle unlike swimming(more muscle parts are used)

What should i choose? Or should i mix them up?


How true is the web above? Can help me check? :D


Chlorine won't cause hairfalll. Your friend is misinformed. Chlorine may result to dry hair but the major and probably the most common cause of hairfall in men is excess DHT in the body.

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Chlorine won't cause hairfalll. Your friend is misinformed. Chlorine may result to dry hair but the major and probably the most common cause of hairfall in men is excess DHT in the body.

Every human body has a threshold towards chemicals. Ofcos the kind of amount in d pool water or even ur home's drinking water will not immediately cause u health problems during that moment of time. But if ur daily diet doesn't contain the necessary nutrients to expunge these toxins out of the body, accumulation by the day may cause u to develop certain symptoms, even including hairfall. All u have to do is to get a balanced diet, use the correct shampoos (preferably that has a Ceramide Infusion System to replenish damaged ceramide, a type of hair protein) and shower soaps/gels that have conditioning n moisturizing effects since some ppl may develop skin prob due to the pool's chlorine.

For jogging/running, knees may hurt due to lack of glucosamine, calcium and other minerals which form the cushioning layers in btwn ur knee joints.

If u're serious in doing exercises, by all means, go for it. At the end of the day, all u need to do is to have a delicate balance among the four:

1. Positive mood

2. Balanced nutrition intake (food, take supplements too if u want to)

3. Sufficient exercise, dun overdo it

4. Enough rest

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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Swimming doesnt cause hairfall. As for chroine, its in the water we drink and shower as well. Take a look at all the swimmers - be it the pool or any athletic events. Are they bald? No right?

Swimming is a great cardio that burns lots of calories. Not only that, it helps you get sexy tan lines and builds up your body. Your lungs will have greater oxygen capacity, your shoulders will boarden. These are the most visible and quick effects of swimming. Your arms and legs shall grow too, hard and leanfit muscular tone. Research shows that swimming is not only cardio but also equilivant of doing free weights.

Running provides a faster slimming effect but does little to help with muscle growth either than the calf and thighs. Running definately has a higher impact on the knees then swimming but our knees have been designed to absorb such impact. There will not be any long term problems unless you have been diagnosed with bones that are weak due to lack of nutrients or abnormal growth or at the current moment more than 15kg overweight.

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someone told me, over pressure, depression & negative thought will cause hair falls too.

i read some articles before, do not jog everyday

snowball is right. It is not recommended to jog everyday.

It will cause burden on the heart, unless you yourself ensure that you have enough Coenzymes Q10 for your heart to continuously pump blood. But even so, jogging everyday may tire out the heart as well.

Even doing workouts at gym requires a period of time in-between to rest.

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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Swimming might be a better choice for me as I enjoy doing it :lol:

you can slow jog, make it 2 or 3X a week, each session not more than 40mins, start with 20 - 25mins, do some stretching, warm up & down before & after, if you don't like to go to those gym that need to apply as a member, you can go sport council fitness too, is cheap & you can tone, gain muscle mass, all the best

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Is gym needed? LOL, kind of xia suay leh going in so fat while everyone is mucular.

Jogging + Swimming will be my final decision :D Have more choice to chose from mah.

Wanted to start jogging at first but too tired and sweaty le :oops:

Need to build stamina, it isnt something that can be achieve overnight.

Most important is my attitude and perseverance

Ok gtg tomolo have to wake up early to swim, Good night Everyone!

We AJ/Gay/Lesbian/nobody, all of us need friends=)

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Is gym needed? LOL, kind of xia suay leh going in so fat while everyone is mucular.

Jogging + Swimming will be my final decision :D Have more choice to chose from mah.

Wanted to start jogging at first but too tired and sweaty le :oops:

Need to build stamina, it isnt something that can be achieve overnight.

Most important is my attitude and perseverance

Ok gtg tomolo have to wake up early to swim, Good night Everyone!

You're wrong. There are fat and skinny gymmers as well, each seeking to shape up.

Nobody's gonna care about you anyway, so long you don't break the equipment. :lol:

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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Something I find helpful when I need to shred off winter weight is by mixing up cardio routine.

I.e. One day swim, another day I will jog or do jump rope. But what I do consistently on the days I do weight training is I do about 15-20 minutes of stationary bike after. Helps with the glutes a lot :)


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Shampoo your hair clean and apply conditioner (any kind will do I think) before you go for your swimming routine really helps. ( I am not telling you to dive into the pool with conditioner still on your hair ) It works wonders. My hair never dries up even though I swim almost everyday. Got the tip from my female friend. :rolleyes:

For jogging I guess a pair of running shoes that fits you is of utmost importance. I used to jog with expensive running shoes thinking that it should be good cz of the 'bling bling' effect of the price, it didn't turn out to be one that fits by posture and running habits ( consulted another of my male friend, a podiatrist ) make sure you do some research before you get your shoes.

I guess its better to get some professional opinions if you are someone who jogs everyday. :rolleyes:

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I guess you are right,qedcwc, but in a sense that i am still not ready to go to gym (lack of confident) Even swimming I feel reluctant but bo bian if dun swim = you stay the same (FAT!!!! <_< for me only lah)

I will try to mix cardio routine but for now i think i stick to one or two( its hard for me to start everything at once)

Thanks chelseasian I will note this method and try it in the future.

Hi matthewleon, I know its hard for you but what kind of conditional should i use? And how should i use?

I dun really care much for my appearance last time but I have to take care now for better future :P My frens say my hair feels rough and dry so its essential to apply conditional daily (even without swimming)

Thanks ALOT for your help and advice. I really appreciate it !!!!!!!!! :D

We AJ/Gay/Lesbian/nobody, all of us need friends=)

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To burn of fats, one must engage in an exercise for minimum 20mins before it starts to burn... thus why so many people aren't working it out the right way because, they went for 15mins (slow jog) and call it a day.

For me, the best way is to do cardio. Running helps alot. Swimming helps too, but for overall toning and less taxing on the joints. A good pair of (suitable for your feet) running shoes is a must, not forgetting running attire. As for swimming, go for a rinse after your laps, if you intend to do some sun tanning. This is to rinse off the chlorine in your hair. After that when you go for your shower, wash it clean with shampoo and apply some conditioner then rinse off. Am currently using L'Occitane conditioner. Alternatively, try L'Oreal leave on conditioner, smells nice too, though i think almost any brand of conditioner works just as well. :)

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To burn of fats, one must engage in an exercise for minimum 20mins before it starts to burn... thus why so many people aren't working it out the right way because, they went for 15mins (slow jog) and call it a day.

For me, the best way is to do cardio. Running helps alot. Swimming helps too, but for overall toning and less taxing on the joints. A good pair of (suitable for your feet) running shoes is a must, not forgetting running attire. As for swimming, go for a rinse after your laps, if you intend to do some sun tanning. This is to rinse off the chlorine in your hair. After that when you go for your shower, wash it clean with shampoo and apply some conditioner then rinse off. Am currently using L'Occitane conditioner. Alternatively, try L'Oreal leave on conditioner, smells nice too, though i think almost any brand of conditioner works just as well. :)

Thanks for the help, I am engaging in swimming more than 20mins :D so I think I am burning calories (didnt know that burning of fats starts after 20mins) Conditioner L'Oreal? OMG thanks! I think i will go buy it some other day( Using my sis's one currently :lol: )

We AJ/Gay/Lesbian/nobody, all of us need friends=)

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