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Weird Feeling After Meeting A Guy In Sauna


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About 2 weeks ago, I went to one of the sauna for my first time to 'see see' and I met this guy there. And so I had a nice good chat with him and we did nothing else (OK maybe touch here and there a little) as he was very particular about the cleanliness. In the end we left together, parting at the entrance. Before we parted, he asked for my email and said he will contact me soon. A few days later (and even till now), I realized that I check my email and msn every hour, hoping that he will contact me soon. What kind of feeling is it? anyone had such weird feeling too? how do i get rid of this feeling?

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About 2 weeks ago, I went to one of the sauna for my first time to 'see see' and I met this guy there. And so I had a nice good chat with him and we did nothing else (OK maybe touch here and there a little) as he was very particular about the cleanliness. In the end we left together, parting at the entrance. Before we parted, he asked for my email and said he will contact me soon. A few days later (and even till now), I realized that I check my email and msn every hour, hoping that he will contact me soon. What kind of feeling is it? anyone had such weird feeling too? how do i get rid of this feeling?

Usually are you straight or bi or gay?

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Guest coughdrop

I know what you are going through. Don't bother, that guy is not going to contact you. Had a similar experience like u except we really had sex, we later exchanged contacts. I thought he would contact me and asked me out but he didn't. It was I who took the initiative to msged him the first few times and he did reply, but i cld tell from there that he just isn't interested. After that I just gave up. Weez, juz forget about him. Sauna is not a place to meet to look for love or meaningful connections. Try PLU or ooga chaga to really make genuine friends andperhaps you might find your partner there.

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asking for email address or telephone number is the modern day's closing phrase. Most of the time, it is just lips service, it doesn't mean anything. It serves to erase some embarrassment of parting abruptly.

Just like the opening phrase "how are you?". Nobody actually bothers about your state of mind. They just say it for the sake of opening a conversation.

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.

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Guest Maybe...

I did thought that him asking me for contact was just a closing phrase but the feeling keeps lingering on and I wish I can get rid of it easily.

Maybe there was something more during your conversation that makes you anticipate for him to e-mail you.... Just think, if you hate/did not like that someone.... would you want him to contact you? Try to recall what you like about him. Usually we find traits that we like in other people thinking that we do not have them. Then, with your will you can choose to work on having these traits or be thankful that you are what you are... beautiful and gorgeous just the way you are.... ;)

Lots of LOVE Muacksss...

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About 2 weeks ago, I went to one of the sauna for my first time to 'see see' and I met this guy there. And so I had a nice good chat with him and we did nothing else (OK maybe touch here and there a little) as he was very particular about the cleanliness. In the end we left together, parting at the entrance. Before we parted, he asked for my email and said he will contact me soon. A few days later (and even till now), I realized that I check my email and msn every hour, hoping that he will contact me soon. What kind of feeling is it? anyone had such weird feeling too? how do i get rid of this feeling?

Read this book: why men marry bitches.


It is the feeling of insecurity due to short-span-spark infatuation, and what you can do to get rid of it is by going to the sauna or club or bar or anywhere and meet other guys.

Guys won't make you happy, they only make you high.

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Before we parted, he asked for my email and said he will contact me soon.

What kind of feeling is it? anyone had such weird feeling too?

how do i get rid of this feeling?

Sauna is different from a social gathering where ppl exchange contacts for the sake of exchanging contacts. If he took the initiative to ask for your contact, he might have some interest in you, be it purely for sex or more.

Perhaps he lost your email, perhaps he got overwhelmed by work, perhaps he is overseas and not convenient to email, or perhaps he might just b an asshole who really exchange contact for the sake of exchanging contact.

That kind if feeling means u have interest in him too and yearns for that small indication that you two can go on.

What u can do:

go bak to the same sauna, similar day and time and hope fate will bring u together again?

Get yourself occupied with work and u'll slowly forget him.

Go find another guy to occupy yourself

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About 2 weeks ago, I went to one of the sauna for my first time to 'see see' and I met this guy there. And so I had a nice good chat with him and we did nothing else (OK maybe touch here and there a little) as he was very particular about the cleanliness. In the end we left together, parting at the entrance. Before we parted, he asked for my email and said he will contact me soon. A few days later (and even till now), I realized that I check my email and msn every hour, hoping that he will contact me soon. What kind of feeling is it? anyone had such weird feeling too? how do i get rid of this feeling?

you mean only you gave him the contact?

shouldn't it be an exchange of contact, then you can email him instead of waiting endlessly.

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Guest hehe...

Sauna is different from a social gathering where ppl exchange contacts for the sake of exchanging contacts. If he took the initiative to ask for your contact, he might have some interest in you, be it purely for sex or more.

Perhaps he lost your email, perhaps he got overwhelmed by work, perhaps he is overseas and not convenient to email, or perhaps he might just b an asshole who really exchange contact for the sake of exchanging contact.

That kind if feeling means u have interest in him too and yearns for that small indication that you two can go on.

What u can do:

go bak to the same sauna, similar day and time and hope fate will bring u together again?

Get yourself occupied with work and u'll slowly forget him.

Go find another guy to occupy yourself

Hehe.... sorry... sorry... you make it sound like getting another guy like getting a pet.... :P

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At the risk of being wet blanket, perhaps you need to examine what you are longing for. Is it the person or the experience with him. It is quite unlikely you fall for the person within the short time span in the sauna. You probably yearn for the same intimacy you had with him, which can be happen with another man. It is very easy for some of us to feel empty after a great session and then look forward to repeat the same thing.

There is a rule of thumb which u might not agree, ie do not have sex within the first three dates with a man so that you can allow better understanding of each other and if you are looking for a relationship. Clearly, a sauna encounter is within the three dates lor.

There is nothing wrong having healthy sex inside or outside saunas, but my suggestion is look for love elsewhere. Hit rate for love in sauna is terribly low.

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Sauna is different from a social gathering where ppl exchange contacts for the sake of exchanging contacts. If he took the initiative to ask for your contact, he might have some interest in you, be it purely for sex or more.

Perhaps he lost your email, perhaps he got overwhelmed by work, perhaps he is overseas and not convenient to email, or perhaps he might just b an asshole who really exchange contact for the sake of exchanging contact.

That kind if feeling means u have interest in him too and yearns for that small indication that you two can go on.

What u can do:

go bak to the same sauna, similar day and time and hope fate will bring u together again?

Get yourself occupied with work and u'll slowly forget him.

Go find another guy to occupy yourself

I've though of these reasons why he have not been contacting me, maybe that is why I'm still hoping he will contact till now. I dont think I'll go to the sauna again just to find him, so its either the feeling be get rid of or he contacts me soon :)

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At the risk of being wet blanket, perhaps you need to examine what you are longing for. Is it the person or the experience with him. It is quite unlikely you fall for the person within the short time span in the sauna. You probably yearn for the same intimacy you had with him, which can be happen with another man. It is very easy for some of us to feel empty after a great session and then look forward to repeat the same thing.

There is a rule of thumb which u might not agree, ie do not have sex within the first three dates with a man so that you can allow better understanding of each other and if you are looking for a relationship. Clearly, a sauna encounter is within the three dates lor.

There is nothing wrong having healthy sex inside or outside saunas, but my suggestion is look for love elsewhere. Hit rate for love in sauna is terribly low.

Nah I dun thing you are being a wet blanket. I do feel that the primary reason to go to sauna is sex, so I dont expect to find any love there, I just dont know why I'm having such a feeling. To side track, I did not have sex with him, so its not within the three dates!

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You said it was your first time in a sauna. You are probably just excited over the experience and he is part of it. Move on. You are probably just another guy (together with hundred others) to him. Anyway he did not do anything wrong, at least he was nice to you as a gesture and was courteous enough to part nicely.

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About 2 weeks ago, I went to one of the sauna for my first time to 'see see' and I met this guy there. And so I had a nice good chat with him and we did nothing else (OK maybe touch here and there a little) as he was very particular about the cleanliness. In the end we left together, parting at the entrance. Before we parted, he asked for my email and said he will contact me soon. A few days later (and even till now), I realized that I check my email and msn every hour, hoping that he will contact me soon. What kind of feeling is it? anyone had such weird feeling too? how do i get rid of this feeling?

Are you new or just returned in to the dating scene?

I am and i get that kinds of feelings as well.

Friends advise that if it comes, it comes, just stay calm, confident, natural and available

until you meet that "someone". :thumb:

"Kinsey says everyone has homosexual tendencies in various degree. YOU'RE ALL GAY!!!" ~ from some kid I overheard in a KFC.

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Nah I dun thing you are being a wet blanket. I do feel that the primary reason to go to sauna is sex, so I dont expect to find any love there, I just dont know why I'm having such a feeling. To side track, I did not have sex with him, so its not within the three dates!

why dont you take out your time and courage to attend the event organised by oogachaga? that might expand your social circle and may get to know some frds in the circle.

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Guest GVisitor

About 2 weeks ago, I went to one of the sauna for my first time to 'see see' and I met this guy there...... Before we parted, he asked for my email and said he will contact me soon. A few days later (and even till now), I realized that I check my email and msn every hour, hoping that he will contact me soon. What kind of feeling is it? anyone had such weird feeling too? how do i get rid of this feeling?

so you went to sauna

and suddenly you are looking for 'love' ?

deal breaker

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Lol, can i shamelessly rebroadcast about the many single men two that we are doing 12 and 13 feb? There is a thread on that le so u can read more about it there.

Back to your concerns. I have heard of people having relationship with a guy met in the sauna. But it is extremely rare. You actually stand a chance knowing someone online or through a friend. My own case is that i know my partner through a female classmate who knows my partner because he works in the clinic she goes to.

And bottom line is, you dun hv to go through the usual spots like sauna, bar or club to find someone. Strange as it sounds, there are people who actually meet their love in supermarket or bus stop.

You will need to let go of that attachment to feel free to find the right one.

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I went to the sauna to 'see see' only and not to find a relationship or something. I do not expect anything from my visit there in the first place, thats why I do not know myself why I have such a feeling. Perhaps, you guys are right and I should open up my circle more and get to know more people and hopefully the feeling will dissipate as I meet more people.

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