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Singapore Gay Men Known As Prawn?

Guest DK

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So do we need foreign talents from Taiwan and HK to improve the quality of guys in Singapore? :(

I guess it's wake up call to Spore guys that there's stiff competition in the face dept.

Most of my foreign friends said that taiwan, mainland china have the better looking 'lobsters'.

If no upgrade, spore guys would become 'sakura shrimps' soon. hehe.....

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Guest curious

What do you mean by "hard" faces? :o

Rough features that look like the coolies of the past - chiselled in all the wrong places, with squinty eyes, and flat noses.

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Guest SG Guest

I have seen enough ugly people who flood Singapore in recent years from neighbouring countries too.

So I wonder what kind of people has the cheek to think so highly about themselves in this forum to be so critical in the first place.

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Rough features that look like the coolies of the past - chiselled in all the wrong places, with squinty eyes, and flat noses.

So you mean Singaporean guys tend to have small eyes and flat noses as compared to guys from HK or Taiwan? :( Could it be that the immigrants in the past were coolies and hence their descendants have that "coolie" look? So what is considered good looking? :o

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Wow, someone must hv been badly 'fxxked up' by S'poreans.

Ya most of our ancestors were coolies when they arrived in S'pore, something to b proud of. Thru their hard labor, S'pore has developed so much, we now import cheap foreign labor for jobs not wanted by the locals.

These days, when u walk down the streets in S'pore, u can't really tell which one is really S'porean n who is the 'cheap labour'. U can only tell when they open their mouth - the heavily accented bad english, the uncouth demeanor, the bad breath, etc... the list goes on.

The next time when u see someone 'ugly', he may not neccessarily be a S'porean, he could be ur own reflection.

Btw, r u advocating the caste culture? like in India? Hope not, otherwise ppl like u (ugly or pretty) hv no place in modern society or any society.

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Being a Singaporean, and as much as I would like and want to protect whatever goodness left of this country, I hate to do to this, but have to admit that we are not a breed of Nation which is blessed with much looks.

During my circuit party boy's days, invited to events organized by Fridae, as far as Taiwan and HongKong, and even the Nation Parties in 2003-2004,

I do observe that actually, our Chinese counterparts in Taiwan CHina and Hong Kong do surpass us in looks, from their features.

I would rank Taiwan first, China then Hong Kong - if not for their attitude and dress sense.

In September this year, when I met a top bone surgeon here frim Shanghai, he does admit Singaporeans are not blesses with much looks , are only known for their bodies. Even he admit, the Taiwanese guys's looks rank the top as against the rest of the Chinese counterparts.

You guys must also understand - our little island only house such a limited number of Chinese, thus limited exchanged of genes among the Chinese, cannot create anymore better looking specimens. My suspicion on this, was observed and deducted from a foreign professor from the UK, specializing in the studies of human genes.

In our converstion , he observed, the Singaporean Chinese are features which are very similar to each other, due to this limited exchange in the genes, within this pool of Chinese community and also the declining birth rate. If you were to observe, their facial features, bone structure, height, and overall phyisque are as though, they are all cloned from the same factory. Where else in China, with population more than a billion, when they procreate over cross borders, this allows and welcome various matrix of genes to fuse and create a different breed of human with a different look, with every succeeding generation.

And he added, because, of this limited exchange among your local indigenous Chinese community, why do you think, your government is doing? By importing other Chinese to work and encourage them to migrate here, this is to hope that, foreign introduction will introduce more genes to the local's, as to create a new kind of human race with a different look.

Remember, he said, this inter-breeding, can create a new human with a higher intelligence.

If not for this foreign introduction, your local community may just be stagnant, or become..."inertia"

Thus genetic do play an important role here, when you study natural history.

Singaporeans are known for their bod, and not for their looks. Those party days, I was told by the Taiwanese and Hong Kongers..in a very crowded party scene, when all the guys bare their bod s and dance, you can tell he is a Singaporean, just but looking at his bod, because Singaporean possessed the best bods, which is according to them. Seldom one is blessed with both assests.

This is contributed to the fact of NS training, readily and cheap accessibilities to many sports, gym health centre, including swimming pools, where else the other contries do not readily provide such affordable public services.

Likewise, I would also say, as we are constantly baked by the sun and drenched by the tropical rain, our complexion are so much oiler, prone to acne, and our skin tone, much more duller , as compared to our Chinese counterparts, who live in the colder temperate, experiencing the four seasons

Diet also affects us.

As much as I don't like or wish to offend any local guys here, I have to be honest at times and spell out some truth here.

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Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Chinese Malaysians and Chinese Singaporeans have virtually the same origins. Let's continue to appreciate each other's beauty..... oops, I mean.... suaveness... :P

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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come on... words are neutral. it is us who put values to it. if we consider it derogatory to be branded prawn, we only have ourselves to blame...

for me, i actually find it quite amusing (when i first saw this comment), then i thought, wow, there are all sorts of nice prawn/ prawn-related dishes - ngoh hiang, ebi tempura, etc... and from that perspective, it's quite a flattery to be referred to as prawn actually!

if people avoid us because of their (negative) views of prawns, then i can only say it's their loss!


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Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Chinese Malaysians and Chinese Singaporeans have virtually the same origins. Let's continue to appreciate each other's beauty..... oops, I mean.... suaveness... :P

well, well said, u have to support each other coz u 2 r actually from the same root which is considered the uglist and poorest place of china that's called " the southern part of FUJIAN"

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I'm probably not an expert, but it seems to me that in Singapore, Tokyo, Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Zhuhai, etc...there are the same proportion of handsome, ugly, or "average looking" men.

Don't be pessimistic, Singaporeans are not the worst! ;)

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Guest SG Guest
well, well said, u have to support each other coz u 2 r actually from the same root which is considered the uglist and poorest place of china that's called " the southern part of FUJIAN"

Dear Guest, please post such comment in China website and identify yourself if you think you have a strong stand about what you said. I would love to see the reaction.

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Guest SG Guest
Being a Singaporean, and as much as I would like and want to protect whatever goodness left of this country, I hate to do to this, but have to admit that we are not a breed of Nation which is blessed with much looks. During my circuit party boy's days, invited to events organized by Fridae, as far as Taiwan and HongKong, and even the Nation Parties in 2003-2004, I do observe that actually, our Chinese counterparts in Taiwan CHina and Hong Kong do surpass us in looks, from their features. I would rank Taiwan first, China then Hong Kong - if not for their attitude and dress sense. In September this year, when I met a top bone surgeon here frim Shanghai, he does admit Singaporeans are not blesses with much looks , are only known for their bodies. Even he admit, the Taiwanese guys's looks rank the top as against the rest of the Chinese counterparts. You guys must also understand - our little island only house such a limited number of Chinese, thus limited exchanged of genes among the Chinese, cannot create anymore better looking specimens. My suspicion on this, was observed and deducted from a foreign professor from the UK, specializing in the studies of human genes. In our converstion , he observed, the Singaporean Chinese are features which are very similar to each other, due to this limited exchange in the genes, within this pool of Chinese community and also the declining birth rate. If you were to observe, their facial features, bone structure, height, and overall phyisque are as though, they are all cloned from the same factory. Where else in China, with population more than a billion, when they procreate over cross borders, this allows and welcome various matrix of genes to fuse and create a different breed of human with a different look, with every succeeding generation. And he added, because, of this limited exchange among your local indigenous Chinese community, why do you think, your government is doing? By importing other Chinese to work and encourage them to migrate here, this is to hope that, foreign introduction will introduce more genes to the local's, as to create a new kind of human race with a different look. Remember, he said, this inter-breeding, can create a new human with a higher intelligence. If not for this foreign introduction, your local community may just be stagnant, or become..."inertia" Thus genetic do play an important role here, when you study natural history. Singaporeans are known for their bod, and not for their looks. Those party days, I was told by the Taiwanese and Hong Kongers..in a very crowded party scene, when all the guys bare their bod s and dance, you can tell he is a Singaporean, just but looking at his bod, because Singaporean possessed the best bods, which is according to them. Seldom one is blessed with both assests. This is contributed to the fact of NS training, readily and cheap accessibilities to many sports, gym health centre, including swimming pools, where else the other contries do not readily provide such affordable public services. Likewise, I would also say, as we are constantly baked by the sun and drenched by the tropical rain, our complexion are so much oiler, prone to acne, and our skin tone, much more duller , as compared to our Chinese counterparts, who live in the colder temperate, experiencing the four seasons Diet also affects us. As much as I don't like or wish to offend any local guys here, I have to be honest at times and spell out some truth here.

I do not think the government immigration policy is to introduce more variety of Chinese gene into local population. It is basically out of economic and population consideration.

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Another scenario of 'my friend says', wats impt is, wat r u? R u good-looking or ugly? Do u agree ur S'porean face is contributing to the ugliness?

By many scientific standards, the asian face does not make the cut. The colonial west were shocked by the different facial features of the asians. Somewhere along the line, ppl like to use genes n their ancestry to put down others. For instance ppl from Beijing will look down on ppl fron Shanghai.

If the Shanghainess hv such good bones, they won't need the flourishing aesthetic industry to correct their features, do they? Or is this a case of insecurity?

Does dat mean a flat southern face is not beautiful? As an asian, do we need to b indoctrinated to think dat a flat nose is ugly? R we so insecure to think only a sharp nose n big eyes make a beautiful face?

Do we need to align our faces to the perfect symmetry to validate our looks?

As for procreation, our forefathers were from all over China, India, Malaysia, n other parts of Asia. There were Shanghainess, Pekinese, Cantonese, Punjab, Southern Indians, etc... amongst them. They migrated to the south ie S'pore during the wars n hard-times. Only the resourceful ones ran away from their troubled countries. Inter-marriage is very common in S'pore!!

I believe nobody has the right to call someone ugly, maybe he's jus not ur ur idea of beauty. A 'good' plastic surgeon will not drastically change the features of a client to make him /her into the perfect face.

Even someone not blessed with the perfectly symmetrical face can look attractive, with the right hairstyle, appropriate clothes, good hygiene,etc. Someone who is able to accept others who r different from themselves, r definitely more pleasant looking than those who goes around saying this or dat person is ugly.

Insecurity breeds a unhappy person.

Think about it, an unhappy person will not think of themselves as beautiful, not to mention others.

Cheerios....happy holidays.

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please la...

"By many scientific standards, the asian face does not make the cut. The colonial west were shocked by the different facial features of the asians."

(more appropriate to call this - by westerner standards)

"Somewhere along the line, ppl like to use genes n their ancestry to put down others. For instance ppl from Beijing will look down on ppl fron Shanghai.

If the Shanghainess hv such good bones, they won't need the flourishing aesthetic industry to correct their features, do they?"

(this is called - by Beijing people's standards)

"Or is this a case of insecurity?"

(i agree with you here.)

this i agree with you. People tend to use themselves as yardstick from where they judge. and their yardstick is something cultural and familiar and more often than not, objective. In the first example above, generally, Asians have been drilled to believe that westerners are good (in looks, culture, etc) and this is no thanks for years of colonisation, americanisation etc. I believe in time to come, the Asian face will become the "fashion" and shape the definition of what is nice/ not nice. As for your second example, the same can be said by Shanghainese about Beijingers. So...

Anyway, bottomline is - how secure are you about yourself. screw what people think of you, be confident.

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.... As for procreation, our forefathers were from all over China, India, Malaysia, n other parts of Asia. There were Shanghainess, Pekinese, Cantonese, Punjab, Southern Indians, etc... amongst them...

without sounding disrespectful, isn't Pekinese a breed of dog? I think in modern names are better. Beijingers. Incidentally, people from Punjab are called Punjabis.


Merry Christmas.

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I think we should STOP perpetuating this myth about SG guys.

We DO have many good-looking guys in Singapore, too bad you had no opportunity to meet them and befriend them.

A person's self-worth is not solely based on his face. I think when people here talk about other countries' boys, they think about what they see on TV. (The average Korean man does not look like the TV guy, he had plastic surgery and full make-up.)

A person's self-worth and self-confidence should be based on his inner-peace and happiness that he has done his best.

At least the moderators here could promote good-grooming rather then run down Singaporean guys.

SG Guys, I love you !

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Guest Kendall

On the lack of good features on Sporeans, it may not be constructive to discuss on matters which cannot be changed and altered, unless there is a national programme (like Korea) where plastic surgery is made common.

In fact, many of our boys should at least go through ordothondic braces treatment to align and straighten their teeth, in order to provide a very nice smile, with straight teeth. Too many of our Sporean boys have crooked and misaligned teeth. Misaligned teeth, besides discounting a smile, will result in difficulty in cleaning, poor oral hygiene and bad breath.

Of course, should Sporeans improve the expressiveness and better the EQ in communication skills, that would make Sporean men more desirable in and outside the circuit.

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One of the funniest thing about Singapore (新加坡) is its emphasis of bilingualism.

Yes many speaks the language but where is the proficiency?

Mixing English words with chinese sentence structure will hurt both languages.

Yes, the bodies are better now than 20 years ago but what about filling up with more brain materials, 内涵?

When was the last time a book (not a magazine, not a business or IT journal) was picked up?

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Yes, the bodies are better now than 20 years ago but what about filling up with more brain materials, 内涵?

When was the last time a book (not a magazine, not a business or IT journal) was picked up?

Dun forget street-smartedness.... ;)

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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Another scenario of 'my friend says', wats impt is, wat r u? R u good-looking or ugly? Do u agree ur S'porean face is contributing to the ugliness?

By many scientific standards, the asian face does not make the cut. The colonial west were shocked by the different facial features of the asians. Somewhere along the line, ppl like to use genes n their ancestry to put down others. For instance ppl from Beijing will look down on ppl fron Shanghai.

If the Shanghainess hv such good bones, they won't need the flourishing aesthetic industry to correct their features, do they? Or is this a case of insecurity?

Does dat mean a flat southern face is not beautiful? As an asian, do we need to b indoctrinated to think dat a flat nose is ugly? R we so insecure to think only a sharp nose n big eyes make a beautiful face?

Do we need to align our faces to the perfect symmetry to validate our looks?

As for procreation, our forefathers were from all over China, India, Malaysia, n other parts of Asia. There were Shanghainess, Pekinese, Cantonese, Punjab, Southern Indians, etc... amongst them. They migrated to the south ie S'pore during the wars n hard-times. Only the resourceful ones ran away from their troubled countries. Inter-marriage is very common in S'pore!!

I believe nobody has the right to call someone ugly, maybe he's jus not ur ur idea of beauty. A 'good' plastic surgeon will not drastically change the features of a client to make him /her into the perfect face.

Even someone not blessed with the perfectly symmetrical face can look attractive, with the right hairstyle, appropriate clothes, good hygiene,etc. Someone who is able to accept others who r different from themselves, r definitely more pleasant looking than those who goes around saying this or dat person is ugly.

Insecurity breeds a unhappy person.

Think about it, an unhappy person will not think of themselves as beautiful, not to mention others.

Cheerios....happy holidays.

Well said. The Westerners used to laugh at the Japanese for having squinty eyes and yellow features.

When Japan developed, suddenly they are considered mostly good looking.

So what changed?

No, they cannot mutate in a few generations into a different look.

They simply learn how to groom themselves better, wear newer and better clothes.

With better education and income, they carry themselves with dignified confidence.

All these talks about Singaporeans being prawns only come about like those typical gay idle gossips. Those indulging in such trivial time wasting gossips are not worthy of our concerns because we have better things to do. That alone make these gossip queens seem ugly to me and they really are usually the ugly ones who like to gossip such things because of their own insecurities.

Please don't quote this doctor our that doctor, it makes you sound so shallow; use some depth in your postings to carry your points across.

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Guest shenderz

There are two types of people who hold the opinion tat sporean guys are ugly. One is those who think they are better looking than most so entitled to it. Another is those who are no better looking so enjoy taking a dig at others.

Come on, there can be nothing objective about such things.

Seriously if one is offended by the ugliness of singaporeans, why not do something about it rather than bitch about it? Now tat's the bitchy meego speaking. (can't help it when I see too much illogical comments)

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Actually, the more I read this topic, the happier I am. As I see it, those who look down on Singapore men's faces will always be dreaming and chasing after those plastic surgery Korean and Japanese - or in some cases, ang moh - actors. And that leaves the great majority of Singapore men for the rest of us to lust after...so less competition, right?

But the best thing is that some day, when those same "prawn-haters" grow old and have to give up hope that their dream plastic surgery enhanced Korean, Japanese, ang moh, Beijingese or Kwamzoostanese dream man will come and take them away from horrible Singapore men, to their big white palace in the sky, these Singapore men-haters will have to lurk around the public toilets with their tongues hanging out as they beg young "prawns" for sexual favours....HA HA HA HA! See, God is fair!

Old and experienced but always ready for naughty fun! 

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A friend from Hong Kong mentioned to me, in his opinion, singaporean and thais are good-looking. While one of my singaporean friends states that taiwanese are more good-looking. Well, looks are subjective.

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Actually, the more I read this topic, the happier I am. As I see it, those who look down on Singapore men's faces will always be dreaming and chasing after those plastic surgery Korean and Japanese - or in some cases, ang moh - actors. And that leaves the great majority of Singapore men for the rest of us to lust after...so less competition, right?

Err... I dun think its a zero sum game here, bro.

If one is cmi, it does not mean whoever 'unwanted' men would succumb to you.

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I'm Singaporeans and I have to agree that most Singaporeans AJ are prawns. Nice body but the face cannot make it. Most Singaporeans men don't look good in the face. Japanese and Taiwanese are the better looking breed. Maybe due to our genes. Even mainland Chinese looks better. Singaporeans in general have that nerdy specky look and mostly are not hairy and not manly. Not much facial hair and body hair. Very smooth skin and commonly 5 inch normal size dick. One signature is the orange peel skin. Why ? I think they don't take care of their skin during adolescents and the army stage of their life under hot sun. Pimple face and still using the cheap Oxy 10 remedy and Biore facial wash. Good skincare product need not be expensive. But you need to do product research and understand your own type of skin. They should had seen a dermatologist early when they have skin problems. Next is freckles and brown spot due to over tanning in the pool and not wearing proper sun block. Sad to say its a fact that we are a prawn nation. Maybe cover him with a pillow in the face or turn off the lights can still play play or make love :-p

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To be honest, after yesterday's Zirca, I must say that a lot of Singaporean gays are really good looking. I think either you guys are not looking hard enough or just standardising.

"Well, I didn't know it would come to this but that's what happens when you're on your own."

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Sad to say its a fact that we are a prawn nation. Maybe cover him with a pillow in the face or turn off the lights can still play play or make love :-p

So there is no hope for the guys in Singapore? :( But as a prawn nation, why some guys are still so self-conceited? :wacko: You mentioned using a pillow in the face, will the guy be suffocated to death? :o

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Err... I dun think its a zero sum game here, bro.

If one is cmi, it does not mean whoever 'unwanted' men would succumb to you.

:yuk: As you highlighted, I am happy to lust after Singapore lobsters. Doesn't mean I am going to worry whether they lust after me...of course, I wouldn't say "No"... :clap:

Old and experienced but always ready for naughty fun! 

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:yuk: As you highlighted, I am happy to lust after Singapore lobsters. Doesn't mean I am going to worry whether they lust after me...of course, I wouldn't say "No"... :clap:

According to ixmog, we are a "prawn nation", so there is no lobster for you to lust :( Please be contend with our fresh prawns! :wacko:

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well, singaporeans are really conservative and shy people... thats a fact, it isnt just a stereotype.

well, you can go ahead and type "singapore" or "sg" on xlive.com and see for yourself on how many private videos there are. On top of that 80% of them are faceless.


I draw sexy men, visit http://www.toastwire.tumblr.com click on 'My Artworks'. Willing to take on comissions

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So there is no hope for the guys in Singapore? :( But as a prawn nation, why some guys are still so self-conceited? :wacko: You mentioned using a pillow in the face, will the guy be suffocated to death? :o

It's just a comical way to end a posting :-)

After all prawn tastes sweeter than lobsters.

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Guest curious

I think any argument made about looks here has to sway with the majority's opinion, and not the minority. Unfortunately, what is used to impact the majority is decided upon by the minority. Just look at how our Singapore females (and males) go gaga over not just the western sense of beauty, but even the asian ones (Korean and Jap pop stars, etc.)

Consider our ads - most of the talents come from overseas. By sheer population size, we don't have enough good looks in Singapore to secure talent scouting. Look at the A & F models. How many are born and bred in Singapore? Look at our television productions. Quite a few (albeit not all) sell because of imported faces for the male actors.

Truth of the matter is that if you are talking about population density, we have the body. Looks, I beg to differ. My Christmas shopping down Orchard road was blighted by the sight of rather average-looking Singapore guys with their girlfriends and wives in tow. Even the PLUs looked crappy. In South Korea (another cosmopolitan city), just travelling on a single carriage of their subway will reveal faces that our local media will happily snap up.

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Taiwan , hong kong , china everywhere also have a good mix of good and not so good looking guys around. Singapore has a smaller population compared to the rest so when they come for the parties here they always bump into the same people because these "prawns" are always partying. And these "prawns" travel around to party that's why the stereo type.

I have seen many not so good looking guys every where and any where.

Let's just move on and love everyone

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raind: thank u for attempting to correct me. Yes ppl from Punjab r called punjabis.

Let me enlighten u. The reason y I referred to Pekinese was becos during the 40s-80s, Beijing was known as Peking in the english language. So obviously, ppl from dat region were known as pekinese. Unfortunately, for some obvious sinister reasons, the english scholars decided to called a breed of dogs from dat region as Pekinese, as well.

As chinese we were brought up to respect others, so when I refer to dat breed of dogs, I'll call them as pekinese dogs. It's a fact dat the world is made up of different types of ppl, it's disrespectful to insult indiscriminately.

To the singapore guy who called his S'pore a prawn nation, I'm so proud of u. Btw, what made u think the guy u were shagging was not having the same sentiments?

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Prawn head is the best part of the prawn. Many people love to suck the juices of prawn heads and eat the roe. At high end jap restaurants, if u eat prawn sashimi, the head gets special treatment, it's fried to a crisps n u get to munch the delicious head. Prawn heAds are delicacies.

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Guest curious

FYI, due to what I do for a living, I"ve seen hottest male n female stars of Korea sans make up, they look good but not drop dead wow. U will be surprise with the power of make up. N this topic is so superficial.

Then don't comment. We don't need sweeping statements that do not promote pertinent discussion. You can start your own thread on the superficiality of sg gays, but let us continue to give our own views here without your contaminating, high-handed moral judgments.

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