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What Is The Differences Between Stocky / Cub / Chub / Bear (compiled)

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wat if u are in between? would u change oneself and become bear bear?is getting popular now in sauna.is easier to be bear than be lean.

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Seriously? I thought that big guys were generally unattractive unless you have a specific desire for that? Just look at celebrities, they are a lot more unattractive when they are bigger.


I think a more accurate description would be healthy vs unhealthy. You can be a big guy, but still look healthy and attractive if it's like your natural body type? If it's just pure fats, then it will come across as unattractive I think.

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  • 5 months later...

Hunk = Face + Body + Attitude + Charisma + Intelligence + Sense of Humor

Chub = Body Fat + Perspiration + Food + Childlike

Lean = Ribs + Bones + Slender

162/59 = Short + Malnourished + ??????

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Dont be so mean to Boro.

If he is still young, that is considered cute.

But darling, you need to feed yourself properly.

If time is still on your side, jump jump jump.

If not, then live with your height but dress appropriately.

Hobbit are adorable too...improve on your other talents..

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Dont be so mean to Boro.

If he is still young, that is considered cute.

But darling, you need to feed yourself properly.

If time is still on your side, jump jump jump.

If not, then live with your height but dress appropriately.

Hobbit are adorable too...improve on your other talents..

No lah, must have some wicked sense of humor.

Must drink MILK, take protein(egg white)

BORO, r u cute, too? in your 20s?

I saw this cute husband(160/65) with his wife tdy. so jap-like & macho.

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162cm tall and 59kg is not malnourished >___> neither is he a chub either

even to be 53kg is actually acceptable for the height (lean and those without muscles will be in this range i guess)

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all"

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Guest stbrianud

Take the last 2 digits of his height, if his weight exceeds the last 2 digits, chances are (80%) he's chub.

180/81 - Chub

170/72 - Chub

160/65 - Chub

Theres a 20% chance he's an overly buffed hunk at 180/81 but unlikely.

Not true at all... I'm 175-75 and i'm not where near Chub... i think what you are refering to is stocky... I'm not very stocky either but i guess there's no good way to know for sure till seeing it

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Not true at all... I'm 175-75 and i'm not where near Chub... i think what you are refering to is stocky... I'm not very stocky either but i guess there's no good way to know for sure till seeing it
Take the last 2 digits of his height, if his weight exceeds the last 2 digits, chances are (80%) he's chub. 180/81 - Chub 170/72 - Chub 160/65 - Chub Theres a 20% chance he's an overly buffed hunk at 180/81 but unlikely.

well, u could also take into account whether the person have highly dense bones...

for me personally, my bones are dense to an average norm... so usually ppl dun think my weight is quite close to 0.1 ton, given my height is at 1.81m...

and plus, i do have weird muscle-fat weight distribution for a guy...

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Guest Blaidd_drwg

if you base your impression on someone's physical appearance merely based on stats, not only could you be missing out, it also reflects the more-than-common behavior of this community just taking a look at the stats and deciding if said person is "Pass" or "Okay".


Why are we inculcating useless knowledge which sets expectations way beforehand the cover of the book is even judged. *shakes head*

Terrible la you all. Can't you all see another person as a human being and not their stats and looks? *shakes head*

And even if you stubbornly insist in these ways, it is obviously the response to some deep-seated ulterior motive. *shakes head*

I can shake head until it drops off rotting sia... Wanna give up hope on such superficial sistas...

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Guest stbrianud

Not really... I've quite a few friends at 82 and 176~ not chub. Buff with a little stocky quality. Hmm... For me.. As long I see your belly, you're a chub. No many how skinny you are LOL

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I've been accused of lying about my pics online. I'm 174cm, 77kg but mostly muscle. I find it's only young guys that make this incorrect generalisation as they haven't met many muscular guys.

Muscle is about twice as dense as fat so you can weigh a lot but still not be fat. For example the bodybuilder Chan Wai Teik is 173cm, 95kg.

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I think I cant grow another taller. I still looking a secondary boy at my age.

How abt keeping some trimmed facial hair?

Platform shoes could add a few inches.

Many successful CEOs' wear platform shoes to make them look taller.

Putting on some weight to make you look stocky helps towards a mature look,too.

Boyish face aged well into the 40s/50s/60s, very sexy, u know?

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I've been accused of lying about my pics online. I'm 174cm, 77kg but mostly muscle. I find it's only young guys that make this incorrect generalisation as they haven't met many muscular guys.

Muscle is about twice as dense as fat so you can weigh a lot but still not be fat. For example the bodybuilder Chan Wai Teik is 173cm, 95kg.

I am 170, 62 and my classmates calls me fat! Fine I am fat!


your classmates from Ethiopia

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