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Guest Ironrod

If I rent a room for share, out to gay. Then if all four are gay... Won't they have sex party every nite????

Oh pls not all gays are cock hungry.

Plus not everyone is everyone's type.

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Ic.... Cause my parents wanna rent a room out... So I was considering to help.. Thanks btw :)

What's the location?

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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Question one: how different will it be if you rent out to two straight couples?

Question two: how different if two of the guys have sex and the other two are not involved?

Question three: what makes you think when 4 gay men come together, they will have a sex party?

i am sure you hv your rights to have such thoughts since you are responsible for renting out your place. But did it occur to you that your question comes from pure stereotypying of gay men?

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Guest InAndOut

I rented my rooms to gay tenants before. My initial thoughts (before renting) that we may romp on occasions, but it never happened. At the begining one of them (they are not couple and are separate tenants) actually would make known to me what he did, like jacking off coz he so horny, etc... But I kept it strictly landlord-tenant relationship. So nothing happened. I would not want to be caught in a sticky situation (no pun intended) where I have to tell off my tenants about certain unpleasant things or some violation with regard to tenancy contract matters. In fact, I had to tell one of them to ship-out and things turned bad from then. So much drama.

Now, I prefer to rent it out to straight expats on short-term basis as they are more willing to fork out the rental fee without so much fuss and drama.

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If I rent a room for share, out to gay. Then if all four are gay... Won't they have sex party every nite????

Gosh, that is one wild fantasy, which I'm guilty of too.

But it's a pity that only happens in our imagination. A bit too shocking for me to accept it in real life. :rolleyes:


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Aiyo not everyone is so horny and desperate la, also must depends on whether they are each other's type and the chemistry la. But i do believe its a matter of right timing right place right feeling, sometimes when one is feeling horny and there is no others around especially in the wee hours, he may just lower his standards, no need be selective and the uglier tenant/landlord stands to benefit.所谓近水楼台先得月,有时饥不择食会让我们做出意料不到的事。A hot friend of mine made out, albeit jus mutual JO with his super fugly room-mate one night when he was dam emo, horny and a tad drunk and he regretted big time after that, well that fella got lucky.

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Nope. I used to live with only gay room mates for years when I was younger. Yes, we do walk around in our underwear a lot, yes we've probably seen each other naked at some point. We've heard each other having sex with other people in the bedroom, but we've never hooked up.

I think it just complicates the dynamics in the space.


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I met a guy online once and I went over to his place to visit. He was home alone but he told me how he had 2 gay house mates. He said they often hung out in their underwear. He said that sometimes they even got into bed with each other, not for sex but just for a friendly cuddle. It sounded so cute and sweet.

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