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Old Mandarin Song + 老饼话当年的粤语时代曲 Cantonese Oldies (compiled)


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Guest Washed Away

Good night wind again.  Very refreshing. I drew in all the air into my lung and was drenched in my own sweat.  Very precious weather before any haze come to visit us.   See if I do so tomorrow evening again.


Wow! still can smell the night wind as I typed.

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41 minutes ago, Guest Washed Away said:

Good night wind again.  Very refreshing. I drew in all the air into my lung and was drenched in my own sweat.  Very precious weather before any haze come to visit us.   See if I do so tomorrow evening again.


Wow! still can smell the night wind as I typed.


Lol don't you like the wind-related songs other guests and member have added to your thread? I think it makes the wind even more refreshing and invigorating... :whistle:

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Well today's golden oldie is really a gem., "Butterfly Lovers". Originally written in 1958/1959 by two astounding composers, this violin concerto is used over and over again in movies and in radio programmes. I've chosen two versions of the same music.  One is sung by Michael Kwan who unfortunately migrated to Canada and led a reclusive life there and the other is sung by Nicky Wu during the 90s.




翻一翻旧的CD, 看到关正杰的精选集, 如获家珍。慢慢地品尝了那美妙的歌声-有如行云流水般地娓娓道来。特喜欢郑国江老师填词的”恨绵绵“。原曲就是何占豪与陈刚的“梁山伯与祝英台小提琴协奏曲”里的精华。



唔讲你唔知, 陈刚的父亲是当代流行歌曲诗词的大碗-陈歌辛的儿子。 



第一版为关正杰的恨绵绵。 郑国江的词富有诗意。


情天偏偏缺 蒼天愛捉弄人
情緣常破滅 無奈困於繭中掙不脫
想化蝴蝶 衝開萬千結
情緣強中斷時 痛苦不消說
可歌往事留在腦海 夢中空泣血
即使未許白頭 柔情難以絕
翻作恨史 千秋待清雪

第二版为吴奇隆的梁祝 (黄占填的词比较口语化, 可能为了迁就吴奇隆吧, 他的唱功哭腔太浓, 鼻音太重)


無言到面前 與君分杯水
清中有濃意 流出心底醉
不論冤或緣 莫說蝴蝶夢
還你此生此世  今生前世



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Yeah, this topic already way way off topic and yet the moderators let them continue like nobody knows.


Should move to the Contonese old song topic contributed by Abang , this one has gone overbaord .


Moderators what do you think?


It was a topic commenting that the night was extremely cooling , which I also felt until the next morning, woke up so happy and the cool air lingered around until afternoon .


I had a fun day with my darling going to the ends of Singapore in our MPV nad had picnic at my outflung parks  like Sembawang park and also Loyang seculded park to catch the cool breeze.

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  • G_M changed the title to Old Mandarin Song + 老饼话当年的粤语时代曲 Cantonese Oldies (compiled)
Guest Windless
8 hours ago, Guest yutana said:

Yeah, this topic already way way off topic and yet the moderators let them continue like nobody knows.


Should move to the Contonese old song topic contributed by Abang , this one has gone overbaord .


Moderators what do you think?


It was a topic commenting that the night...


All thanks to you, now two unrelated topics are dumped together!


We were having fun posting the windy videos, why take it so seriously? TS didn't even complain a word. Furthurmore, it makes lots of sense to be reminded of certain songs due to the weather.


Now our posts on the windy weather here will disrupt Abang's cantoldies thread.


Mods, pls consider divorcing the two topics.

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哎呀, 无用操心啦,


新加坡特色嘛 -混合各方的华/亚裔好歌大家唱/听何尝不是见美事。



各位老饼/靓仔们, 昨晚何否去赏月呢? 今日带首广东儿童民谣“月光光”。 那首歌听讲有几百年历史的。它是宋/明朝时就出现了。记得当年妈妈在我儿时叫我唱的情景 - 有妈的孩子像个宝, 投入了妈妈的怀抱, 幸福享不了。。真是往事只能回味呀。





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本来嘛, 我想去云顶看"林子祥40演唱会“的。

可惜, 星期五晚上接到基佬朋友的家人不幸离去的消息。。




林子祥大叔唱得好肉紧, 每个字都咬得清清楚楚。





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今日就讲讲我青少年时的超级偶像, 许冠杰。

佢曾经带过走迷惘的青涩年华。。佢又靓仔又有才华, 更读过大学。




**看到我喜欢的中佬的类型-PATRICK雷有辉。 有佢这样型男做老公都不枉此生。。虽然我都是偏好洋菜的。。




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又到星期五了。。周末来临时, 你会做啥?

昨晚忽然心血来潮(停经多时了吧), 拿了BEYOND的DVD大唱特唱。

既然发现当时他们的魅力所在。。。在一片片Rock的音乐里, 唱出对家人的爱慕。

给妈妈-真的爱你, 给老爸-大地。

改天我们找个好日子, 聚聚, 唱唱(喊喊)咱们年代的叛逆/光辉岁月。。



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2010 version is horrendous.. too much show-offish high notes that really destroy the original flow of the song.. 真的是新不如旧。。就像梦田。。有些经典是不能碰的。。齐豫和潘越云的版本试问谁能超越。。SHE 唱得2266.。闽南语“粒粒剌剌” 。。我本人觉得既然不能超越,那不如保持原装的版本吧!


想当年, 邓丽君把我的偶像蔡琴的”温柔“提升, 那柔情内敛的感情真的把蔡姐给比了下去。

蔡琴唱的不是不好, 只是少了点成熟, 沧桑的感觉。Teresa's cover of Cai Qin "Gentleness" lifted the song to a new height.  Of course, Cai Qin was good but she lacked the worldly experience of sadness and bitterness.  I may be Cai Qin's numero uno fan but I really prefer Teresa's version.

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2010 version is horrendous.. too much show-offish high notes that really destroy the original flow of the song.. 真的是新不如旧....

to me, i feel it is quite subjective. like art, there are no right or wrong. just a matter of preferences. what i like in remakes are the "something-new-feeling" i get when i listen to them. i take music on a very superfical level. i can't sing, hitting certain notes are tough on me, plus my knowledge in this field is almost equal to zero. music to me is to calm my nerves, get me energized or even help me get thru troubled moments. i m also easily emotional so music and art are my escapes. i m guessing in your instant, your knowledge of music far exceeded mine. from your writeup, you sounded pro in many aspects. if my knowledge is anywhere close to yours, i probably think in similiar directions. but for now i can only enjoy them base on how they tickle my senses. of course i also agree that there are classics such as 梦田 which is quite hard to remake, especially from two greats during that era. than again, nothing is close to impossible. from new singing shows such as 我是歌手, many classics had been beautifully rearrange. it is hard, not to appreciate the multi-talents of the arrangers, singers etc.



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Well I was in Genting for that Teresa Teng Remembrance Concert.

Just prior to that, the speakers was bursting some Hokkien songs.

My limited understanding of the language hampered my interest in them.

I knew the songs from the older generation (蔡琴姐姐的两张台语CD是我的启蒙老师)江蕙的“家后”等等。  不过当天播了黄乙玲的“爱你无条件”使我又对台语歌多了点认识。这个礼拜我就要好好学唱。。我不甘, 我不甘。.(我不愿意不是我所想的“干"。 我好Dirty-minded)





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