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English Chat


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Hey all, i wanna ask if u'll mind that someone who chats u up have bad english. Would u point it out, or would u just keep quiet and avoid chatting with the person in the future?

Personally i'll mind bad english and avoid chatting with the person, so now i'm curious if it's just me or if others do the same. I use short forms n msn lingo too, but someone ppl does it really extremely. A random example is a guy whom i've chatted with who doesnt use question marks (or basically all punctuations). So he would say "had dinner" and i'd have to ask if that was a question. Accompanied by many other grammar problems everywhere, i got tired talking to him. <_<

So my question is, Bad Grammar = Turn Off? :huh:

23 chn 173 63
trevvy/planetromeo same username
up for friends :)

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Hey all, i wanna ask if u'll mind that someone who chats u up have bad english. Would u point it out, or would u just keep quiet and avoid chatting with the person in the future?

Personally i'll mind bad english and avoid chatting with the person, so now i'm curious if it's just me or if others do the same. I use short forms n msn lingo too, but someone ppl does it really extremely. A random example is a guy whom i've chatted with who doesnt use question marks (or basically all punctuations). So he would say "had dinner" and i'd have to ask if that was a question. Accompanied by many other grammar problems everywhere, i got tired talking to him. <_<

So my question is, Bad Grammar = Turn Off? :huh:

I don't mind if the person is not good in English. To me, more importantly, the person has to be sincere and nice and if he is someone I like, even better. Hence, good grammatical correct English is really not important to me :lol:

Edited by koolkai
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Guest grammer mamma

Hey all, i wanna ask if u'll mind that someone who chats u up have bad english. Would u point it out, or would u just keep quiet and avoid chatting with the person in the future?

Personally i'll mind bad english and avoid chatting with the person, so now i'm curious if it's just me or if others do the same. I use short forms n msn lingo too, but someone ppl does it really extremely. A random example is a guy whom i've chatted with who doesnt use question marks (or basically all punctuations). So he would say "had dinner" and i'd have to ask if that was a question. Accompanied by many other grammar problems everywhere, i got tired talking to him. <_<

So my question is, Bad Grammar = Turn Off? :huh:


".....but someone ppl does it really extremely."... ermmm... bleep bleep... grammer murder has occurred... and the perpetrator is none other than someguyinsg... hahaha... joke of the day

look in the mirror 1st, boy

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Guest Centrino

Languages are used for the purpose of communication. Do not underestimate the importance of punctuation or grammar in everyday communication. I have met guys who are unable to convey their thoughts effectively (through emails or MSN), and these have often led to misunderstanding. I don't mind if a guy isn't very proficient in English. However, if I am unable to understand him and constantly need to figure out what he is trying to say, it becomes tiring eventually. I would usually try to ask him what language he feels comfortable communicating in and will use it if I am comfortable with that language too.

Even if he is sincere and nice, effective communication is still an important aspect of a friendship/relationship.

Edited by Centrino
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Some people are just not well educated or have difficulty in learning.

If someone has bad English take time with them, you never know that person might be the love of your life and cos your acting like a snob you could loose them, English is not everyones first language and for some people even if it is they still have problems,

Don't be so quick to judge someone on your own standard

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".....but someone ppl does it really extremely."... ermmm... bleep bleep... grammer murder has occurred... and the perpetrator is none other than someguyinsg... hahaha... joke of the day

look in the mirror 1st, boy

C'mon, reply only if u have something to say bout the topic, not pick on my mistakes. :angry: BW dont need more Guests who finds joy in giving witty remarks and sarcasm. Get your cheap thrill elsewhere. U spelled "grammar" wrongly anyway.

23 chn 173 63
trevvy/planetromeo same username
up for friends :)

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Languages are used for the purpose of communication. Do not underestimate the importance of punctuation or grammar in everyday communication. I have met guys who are unable to convey their thoughts effectively (through emails or MSN), and these have often led to misunderstanding. I don't mind if a guy isn't very proficient in English. However, if I am unable to understand him and constantly need to figure out what he is trying to say, it becomes tiring eventually. I would usually try to ask him what language he feels comfortable communicating in and will use it if I am comfortable with that language too.

Even if he is sincere and nice, effective communication is still an important aspect of a friendship/relationship.

Alright, i caught your point. Notice their sincerity more than their communication. Thanks =DD

23 chn 173 63
trevvy/planetromeo same username
up for friends :)

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In all honesty, if I chat with (well I actually had) people with bad grammar, I would laugh to myself when I read their text... it's not just guys, it includes my friends too. But well, I always believe that you don't have to speak a certain language perfectly to be good; as long as what you say can be understood by people, that's good enough.

Isn't that a good excuse for my half-assed Japanese & Korean? lol



"The two of us are living in the same era, believing in the same future

Yesterday’s tears and today’s smiles will stay true

We’ve experienced the same pain, we’ve gathered the same kindness

And we’ll turn them into the strength to live on tomorrow"



progress - ayumi hamasaki


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Guest my English is not great

I am English born in England, grew up in England went to school in England and my grammar is rubbish, I am going out with a Singapore guy whos English is also not that great we might not understand each other all the time and some times have to explain what we are saying but we do know its fun with each over and we laugh with each other when we get things mixed up when talking, but I sort of understand what you are saying as the times when its worse is when we text each other, so most times we just give up and phone each over, as deep down I guess we know what each and other is trying to say

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I am English born in England, grew up in England went to school in England and my grammar is rubbish, I am going out with a Singapore guy whos English is also not that great we might not understand each other all the time and some times have to explain what we are saying but we do know its fun with each over and we laugh with each other when we get things mixed up when talking, but I sort of understand what you are saying as the times when its worse is when we text each other, so most times we just give up and phone each over, as deep down I guess we know what each and other is trying to say

I smiled reading this. It's great that u two see it as something fun rather than a barrier :clap:

All the best between u n him! :thumb:

23 chn 173 63
trevvy/planetromeo same username
up for friends :)

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Guest keefey88

the reason you were "picked on" was because u sounded so unforgiving to begin with. Its as if you're incapable of making mistakes and therefore you cannot tolerate them. I may not have read you correctly, but there certainly is an air of cockiness around. I would definitely had taken that pot shot/dig if i had read your initial post first anyways....hahahaha

C'mon, reply only if u have something to say bout the topic, not pick on my mistakes. :angry: BW dont need more Guests who finds joy in giving witty remarks and sarcasm. Get your cheap thrill elsewhere. U spelled "grammar" wrongly anyway.

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Bad grammar per se is not, but insistency to use it sure is.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Agree totally

the reason you were "picked on" was because u sounded so unforgiving to begin with. Its as if you're incapable of making mistakes and therefore you cannot tolerate them. I may not have read you correctly, but there certainly is an air of cockiness around. I would definitely had taken that pot shot/dig if i had read your initial post first anyways....hahahaha

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".....but someone ppl does it really extremely."... ermmm... bleep bleep... grammer murder has occurred... and the perpetrator is none other than someguyinsg... hahaha... joke of the day

look in the mirror 1st, boy

Grammer?!?! Hilarious. Can't even spell the word yet you wish to correct him.

Although you are right of course. That sentence is wrong.

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Guest keefey88

The subject matter is grammar and not spelling per se... there is no need to harp on an issue that has already been pointed out... next please....

Grammer?!?! Hilarious. Can't even spell the word yet you wish to correct him.

Although you are right of course. That sentence is wrong.

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Hey all, i wanna ask if u'll mind that someone who chats u up have bad english. Would u point it out, or would u just keep quiet and avoid chatting with the person in the future?

Personally i'll mind bad english and avoid chatting with the person, so now i'm curious if it's just me or if others do the same. I use short forms n msn lingo too, but someone ppl does it really extremely. A random example is a guy whom i've chatted with who doesnt use question marks (or basically all punctuations). So he would say "had dinner" and i'd have to ask if that was a question. Accompanied by many other grammar problems everywhere, i got tired talking to him. <_<

So my question is, Bad Grammar = Turn Off? :huh:

Face to Face? Not so much.

Online chatting? Definite turn-off

At least with face to face it only takes a short while and some further description to get the point through.

Online chatting will be terrible since all you can read seems like garbage no matter how many times you type back and forth.

"Kinsey says everyone has homosexual tendencies in various degree. YOU'RE ALL GAY!!!" ~ from some kid I overheard in a KFC.

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Hey all, i wanna ask if u'll mind that someone who chats u up have bad english. Would u point it out, or would u just keep quiet and avoid chatting with the person in the future?

Personally i'll mind bad english and avoid chatting with the person, so now i'm curious if it's just me or if others do the same. I use short forms n msn lingo too, but someone ppl does it really extremely. A random example is a guy whom i've chatted with who doesnt use question marks (or basically all punctuations). So he would say "had dinner" and i'd have to ask if that was a question. Accompanied by many other grammar problems everywhere, i got tired talking to him. <_<

So my question is, Bad Grammar = Turn Off? :huh:

U should go for moral course!!!

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Hey all, i wanna ask if u'll mind that someone who chats u up have bad english. Would u point it out, or would u just keep quiet and avoid chatting with the person in the future?

Personally i'll mind bad english and avoid chatting with the person, so now i'm curious if it's just me or if others do the same. I use short forms n msn lingo too, but someone ppl does it really extremely. A random example is a guy whom i've chatted with who doesnt use question marks (or basically all punctuations). So he would say "had dinner" and i'd have to ask if that was a question. Accompanied by many other grammar problems everywhere, i got tired talking to him. <_<

So my question is, Bad Grammar = Turn Off? :huh:

Another Visitor.

U sound exactly like that pretentious guy who used to criticise the grammar of BW posters as that of primary school standard.

Guess what ? he was properly put in place when shown his wasn't any better.

And yes, just like him, u are certainly no better too.

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Bad grammar is a HUGE turn-off for me. Unless he can converse in English perfectly fine in real life... I don't really mind. There's still the phone for communication (:

Not trying to bitch but just some comments on your posting.

1. It's pretty obvious that you used the conjunction "unless" the wrong way.

2. Your posting is also very incoherent. Can't really make head or tail on what you are trying to say. I think being coherent in what you are trying to say is more important than getting the grammar right so as to get your message across.

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Very important indeed. Think of it. If he has trouble with simple grammer/punctuation online, what makes you think he's capable of carrying a conversation properly in real life, with both parties fully understanding each other? I'm a grammar nazi myself, and so I'll just stay away should I see somebody like that. :/

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err....your command of the English language is not that strong you know.........haha! I think your comment had and will only invite a "put off" of no one but yourself...................so funny!

This shows that language ability is not as much a put off as character........

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I myself is not good in Engrish (in fact I would rate myself as rather poor English user), but yet poor command of language (English mainly because it's the main "online" language) is indeed a turn-off... not asking for perfect grammar, but it should at least be nice to read... :) I mean, wouldn't you like "Can ('May' is better :P ) I fxxk you?" better than "I fuk u ok"...? :lol:

I personally think that it's somehow linked with our own "requirement"... I don't think people can sound smart with poor command of language, hence if you're looking for someone intelligent, poor english is definitely a turn off... Am not being a "pro-egrand" here but english is the main language we use in forum, in IRC in MSN and whatnot...

Excessive use of abbreviation and unreasonable mIxEd uSaGe Of CaPitAL aNd sMAlL leTTerS also affect how I see a person, in online chat :)

Edited by Lovensick
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C'mon, reply only if u have something to say bout the topic, not pick on my mistakes. :angry: BW dont need more Guests who finds joy in giving witty remarks and sarcasm. Get your cheap thrill elsewhere. U spelled "grammar" wrongly anyway.

How come you can pick on people's grammer, and others cannot pick on yours? If you don't want others to regard your posting as cheap thrill, then don't behave like one...... :P :P :P

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you did kinda ride into this one on your high horse a bit lah.

Language has the singular purpose of communicating with others - for the purpose of emoting, convincing, describing and what have you.

Some have a better grasp and are more efficient in articulating, others less so.

It's not for upmanship; there'll always be greater and lesser persons (Desiderata?)

We do infinitely better face-to-face because our brains are equipped to process erroneous grammar and pronunciation, while spelling is a non-starter; body language fills in for much of the rest of the message.

It's all about the degree of tolerance - this is why you're getting a roasting, I suppose.

If you like a guy and he shows a sincerity towards you, there would be a natural forgiveness and we relent our harsher stance.

Written and spoken communication give way to more primitive forms perhaps - like touch, care, smiles, tears.

I've communicated often with a guy who writes without an iota of punctuation. Couldn't understand him and spent lots of time deciphering his messages ... but he was a beautiful soul and we got on famously and I was much richer for the experience.

"Tai hoi" a bit lah as my mother would admonish. (... uh, tai hoi = see open ?! sorry lor! :( )

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Very important indeed. Think of it. If he has trouble with simple grammer/punctuation online, what makes you think he's capable of carrying a conversation properly in real life, with both parties fully understanding each other? I'm a grammar nazi myself, and so I'll just stay away should I see somebody like that. :/

why do you use this phrase "Think of it" Mr Grammar Nazi?

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Guest DoubleA

For me, I don't think it's a 'turn-off'. It would be a 'turn-off' if I talk to that person and he/she doesn't even bother to reply me. You see, I doubt everyone uses perfect English as everyone commits mistake. I, myself, am not fluent in English as I speak Chinese at home and therefore, I'm a native mandarin speaker. I'll get very upset if anyone laughs at my command of English. Hence, I wish if anyone of you here encountered someone who has difficulty in English language, please be considerate and help him with it.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey all, i wanna ask if u'll mind that someone who chats u up have bad english. Would u point it out, or would u just keep quiet and avoid chatting with the person in the future?

Personally i'll mind bad english and avoid chatting with the person, so now i'm curious if it's just me or if others do the same. I use short forms n msn lingo too, but someone ppl does it really extremely. A random example is a guy whom i've chatted with who doesnt use question marks (or basically all punctuations). So he would say "had dinner" and i'd have to ask if that was a question. Accompanied by many other grammar problems everywhere, i got tired talking to him. <_<

So my question is, Bad Grammar = Turn Off? :huh:

hmm... i was wondering why should u avoid chatting with the person who his english is bad. As I find it no point of avoiding it.

In the reality, there is nothing is perfect. Just think of it yourself. What if during ur 2 yrs NS life, your buddy is a person who is a "Hokkien Soldier" and his english is those types of bad "singlish"? Are you going to avoid him or ask for change of buddy? I doubt so. I think your officer will "F" you first.

Also in outside working life, you may need to face different types of pple even from other country. They may also have some difficulties of speaking proper english. Are you also going to avoid them? If you do, I think your boss will ask you look for another job instead.

Personally, I find that in some way, you only think on the negative side and never think on the positive side. Example if a person you love, he got a negative side of character which you dont like and he always do infront of you. Are you going to break-off with him immediately and find another bf? Ofcos no right? As we know in a relationship, both parties has to give and take.

Actually, all theory is abt the same. Maybe you can think abt it OR you can just take it as a training. Learn how to understand what a person is trying to talk abt when their english is bad.


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there was once, someone asked me whether i have a greater inclination to speak chinese.

i said yes. and he said, "i knew it" (i could sense sarcasm even if it's just a SMS)

i find that really demeaning.

For me, it's more of a choice than an ability. in irc, sms or grindr messages, my singlish works perfectly fine with locals. i find that it sets a "casual" setting to the whole chat and it helps to exude my happy-go-lucky personality.

to me, the usage of this less than perfect language is just another form of non-verbal communication that i choose to use. some people use emoticons, i use singlish.

totally agree on the point that if messages does get across, the perfect language is less than important

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Hey all, i wanna ask if u'll mind that someone who chats u up have bad english. Would u point it out, or would u just keep quiet and avoid chatting with the person in the future?

Personally i'll mind bad english and avoid chatting with the person, so now i'm curious if it's just me or if others do the same. I use short forms n msn lingo too, but someone ppl does it really extremely. A random example is a guy whom i've chatted with who doesnt use question marks (or basically all punctuations). So he would say "had dinner" and i'd have to ask if that was a question. Accompanied by many other grammar problems everywhere, i got tired talking to him. <_<

So my question is, Bad Grammar = Turn Off? :huh:

I personally find that hot guys who don't speak good English (aka Engrish) kinda cute to the point I wanna jump onto them and lick them like a puppy before biting their ears and make them giggle and start tickling them under the shirt.

But no, I never mind talking to people who use English as their second language, I might try repeating what they just said in a better structured sentence without making them feel any inferior but telling them what they said is just simply rude and especially when you don't know them in a deeper level :)

Guys won't make you happy, they only make you high.

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J-Pop empress aka my goddess, ayumi hamasaki married a Austrian man, Manuel Schwarz.

On Twitter, many "fans" asked her why she married an Austrian and if she could even understand what he says... and she tweeted somethng which I think is so true:

"Sometimes, it is not the words that people say that mean the most, but the look in their eyes and the warmth of their hands as you hold onto them that have the most meaning."



"The two of us are living in the same era, believing in the same future

Yesterday’s tears and today’s smiles will stay true

We’ve experienced the same pain, we’ve gathered the same kindness

And we’ll turn them into the strength to live on tomorrow"



progress - ayumi hamasaki


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Guest Can't or Cunt

Oops, watching 'My Fair Lady' too many times?

I should introduce you to this Chinese guy who speaks English with a strong British accent.

He would go up to the guys he likes and introduce himself and say "Hello, How r u? My name is XXX.

Where are you from? Would you like me to give u a fantastic blowjob? Come on, give me a chance to show u?"

However, guys I met in the sauna would say things like "U local? fxxk me! can suck me?"

I think u cannot 'tahan' the Japs coz their English is atrocious.

A Good Command of English is important.

But in life, it is the unspoken thing that touches the heart the most.

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I personally find that hot guys who don't speak good English (aka Engrish) kinda cute to the point I wanna jump onto them and lick them like a puppy before biting their ears and make them giggle and start tickling them under the shirt.

Haha I love this reply.

For me,I try to compromise but if communication proves to be too hard,it's going to be a major turn off.The very basic of relationships is after all communication right?

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J-Pop empress aka my goddess, ayumi hamasaki married a Austrian man, Manuel Schwarz.

On Twitter, many "fans" asked her why she married an Austrian and if she could even understand what he says... and she tweeted somethng which I think is so true:

"Sometimes, it is not the words that people say that mean the most, but the look in their eyes and the warmth of their hands as you hold onto them that have the most meaning."

i thoroughly agree sometime the cock and numbers in bank accounts say a lot more

Guys won't make you happy, they only make you high.

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i thoroughly agree sometime the cock and numbers in bank accounts say a lot more

yeah when u blow a guy the only thing he's gonna say "oh fxxk yeah!" like duh u don't need an amazing command of English to pronounce those 3 words well



"The two of us are living in the same era, believing in the same future

Yesterday’s tears and today’s smiles will stay true

We’ve experienced the same pain, we’ve gathered the same kindness

And we’ll turn them into the strength to live on tomorrow"



progress - ayumi hamasaki


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yeah when u blow a guy the only thing he's gonna say "oh fxxk yeah!" like duh u don't need an amazing command of English to pronounce those 3 words well

it's easy to read durex, amex, visa etc...

Guys won't make you happy, they only make you high.

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Guest Guest

yeah when u blow a guy the only thing he's gonna say "oh fxxk yeah!" like duh u don't need an amazing command of English to pronounce those 3 words well

I m so inspired to speak good English now.

This wknd when I visit the sauna, I will try to say:

"I luv the way you embrace and welcum my family jewel in your gay vagina, so warm and moist.

My cock feels like a baby in his mother's womb."

"I luv the way u rapture my black hole, like a horny god who has been celibate for eternity."

"Oh, stab me with your dagger of lust and let me feel your every inch of desire."

"I luv how your tongue seduce my innocent manhood."

"I will let u have an out-of-body exeprience when i prick u with my human needle."

"U complete me when u enter me. I m now your worthless whore and u, my ultimate master."

"Unleash my gayness from my cruel bondage, rescue me from my self-imposed chastity, inspire me with the magic in your wand, my warlock"

"With every thrust, I am reborn instantly"

"Your penis has become me and I, your penis"

"I want your one-eyed-monster to shed tears of joy on my angelic face"

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I m so inspired to speak good English now.

This wknd when I visit the sauna, I will try to say:

"I luv the way you embrace and welcum my family jewel in your gay vagina, so warm and moist.

My cock feels like a baby in his mother's womb."

"I luv the way u rapture my black hole, like a horny god who has been celibate for eternity."

"Oh, stab me with your dagger of lust and let me feel your every inch of desire."

"I luv how your tongue seduce my innocent manhood."

"I will let u have an out-of-body exeprience when i prick u with my human needle."

"U complete me when u enter me. I m now your worthless whore and u, my ultimate master."

"Unleash my gayness from my cruel bondage, rescue me from my self-imposed chastity, inspire me with the magic in your wand, my warlock"

"With every thrust, I am reborn instantly"

"Your penis has become me and I, your penis"

"I want your one-eyed-monster to shed tears of joy on my angelic face"


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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yes, i do agree , its a big advantage to be unable to speak proper english.

There was a research done, where women were exposed to different men speak and the results showed that men whom have perfect/better english language in speaking appeared to be more sexually appealing to the women who heard them even though they do not know how they look like. well, thats for the str8 ppl, but im pretty sure it applies for gay ppl as well.

well, in my honest opinion, having bad english tells alot of the personality of the character. For people who have bad english skills, they are more likely to be lazy to improve their way of speech which then means they can't be bothered to improve themselves. Unlike being gay, speaking bad english can be avoided if you read up more and talk more. In addition, people who have bad standards of english are more soft spoken as their speaking skills are not put into practice, they dont talk much and its a sign of being introverted.

I would see myself as a person with good english conversational skills but I tend to speak in different extents in life. Like ill speak singlish with old friends and on msn. But ill speak good english to new people, people at stalls and people of importance.

and please, dont you ppl copy and paste any portion of what ive type above and say that my grammer is wrong or anything, im trying to type my opinion, not show off that im good at english. Furthermore, A person who speaks good english does not mean that he types good english as well.

Edited by clickclock


I draw sexy men, visit http://www.toastwire.tumblr.com click on 'My Artworks'. Willing to take on comissions

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yes, i do agree , its a big advantage to be unable to speak proper english.

There was a research done, where women were exposed to different men speak and the results showed that men whom have perfect/better english language in speaking appeared to be more sexually appealing to the women who heard them even though they do not know how they look like. well, thats for the str8 ppl, but im pretty sure it applies for gay ppl as well.

well, in my honest opinion, having bad english tells alot of the personality of the character. For people who have bad english skills, they are more likely to be lazy to improve their way of speech which then means they can't be bothered to improve themselves. Unlike being gay, speaking bad english can be avoided if you read up more and talk more. In addition, people who have bad standards of english are more soft spoken as their speaking skills are not put into practice, they dont talk much and its a sign of being introverted.

I would see myself as a person with good english conversational skills but I tend to speak in different extents in life. Like ill speak singlish with old friends and on msn. But ill speak good english to new people, people at stalls and people of importance.

and please, dont you ppl copy and paste any portion of what ive type above and say that my grammer is wrong or anything, im trying to type my opinion, not show off that im good at english. Furthermore, A person who speaks good english does not mean that he types good english as well.

omg.. lol... I can't believe we're judging people by their language competencies now.



"The two of us are living in the same era, believing in the same future

Yesterday’s tears and today’s smiles will stay true

We’ve experienced the same pain, we’ve gathered the same kindness

And we’ll turn them into the strength to live on tomorrow"



progress - ayumi hamasaki


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Guest passerby

I think everyone one has different levels of tolerance/patience/expectation towards certain attribute/s of others. To each his own. In this case, the attribute being disussed is grammar.

I do not mind chatting with a person who has bad grammar, either online, on the phone or in person. It is the chemistry (between both parties) and the personality of the other party that matters.

I do not agree that people who do not speak good english are likely to be lazy or less bothered to improve themselves. They probably did not notice much about the way they speak or are not particular about it.

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Guest Guest

Wow, next time i cruise in sauna must ask "your english good or not?"

"Good, too pretentious"

"Bad, Chow Ah Beng"

Imagine correcting people's english while having sex. SIOW!

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