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T&C: Message Sub Forum / Home Masseur [ House Rules ]


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Terms and Conditions that governs the posting of threads here in this Sub-Forum.

For Service Providers

  • * All NEW threads can ONLY be started by Registered Members. Service Providers who wants to post your commercial activities here, Please Register.
    * You Need to login to reply and post so that your BW nick does not get abused by Guest.
    * Flooding / Repeated & Multiple posting in a single day is prohibited. Please post responsibly and allow others a chance to post their Ad.
    * Moderators have the rights to moderate all post by service providers.

For Members and Guest

  • * Members and guest can reply to threads (started by service providers)
    * Everyone can read and reply in the Massage Sub-forum
    * Offending postings will be removed if its in violation with BW's Guidelines.
    * Moderators have the rights to moderate all post by members and guest.

The massage forum will be moderated by the existing moderators as in the Main Forum.

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Announcing the new BW Massage sub-Forum (Click link to take you to the NEW Massage forum)

1. The massage series have being very popular with our readers as evident by the longevity of the massage threads and thread view counts.

2. Based on feedback from readers, masseurs and discussion among moderators, we have decided to start a DEDICATED massage sub-forum under the Special Interest Section.

3. This will be a ONE-STOP forum for everything massage in BlowingWind Forum.

All massage threads, the Home-based Massage List (HML) will be moved into this Massage sub-forum.

All advertisements by masseurs and establishments will also be put into this Massage forum.

4. We will enact the following rules in this Massage sub-forum.

- All new threads can only be started by Registered Members.

Therefore you want to post your commercial activities, please register.

- Members and guest can reply to threads started.

- Everyone can read the massage sub-forum

5. The massage forum will be moderated by the existing moderators as in the Main Forum.

We will be monitoring the activities of this new massage forum closely.

6. Please support the BW Massage sub-forum, the masseurs and make the forum useful and informative.


On behalf of the moderators,

Hendry Tan

Admin cum Moderator

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  • 9 months later...

I shall not repeat the posting, but I thought I should highlight what is important for those whom are in the business. Please take a look. and do the necessary.


The following notes were extracted from the News - Resident Unaware of Next Door Sleaze (2011)



Lawyer Sunil Sudheesan said that because these sex workers offer their services to other men, they could be committing offences under Section 377A of the Penal Code, which criminalises such acts.


Their clients could also be charged with the offence. Those convicted can be jailed up to two years.


The home owners can also get into trouble. Mr Sudheesan said the HDB can take back the flats if they are use for commercial purposes which are not sanctioned.


By soliciting their massage service online, the Indonesian men could be committing offense under the Massage Establishment Act, another lawyer, Ms Gloria James-Civetta, said. This is because it is an offence to publish or display advertisements for unlicensed massage establishments. Anyone convicted of this can be fined up to $1,000. He can be further fined up to $50 a day if he continues to commit the offence after conviction.

Ms James-Civetta said the men could be committing employment and immigration offence if they did not have work permits or are working while here on social visit passes can be jsiled up to a year and fined up to $5,000. Under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act, those who employ foreign workers without valid work passes can be jailed up to a year and fined up to $15,000.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

Anyone Caught Prostituting Or Solicit Payment For Sex Will Be Banned


Note to all local home based masseurs,

Blowing Wind Forum, besides being a Gay forum, it is also a Moderated, Public Forum.

We do not allow blatant solicitation or offer of sexual service here as this might give cause for the authorities to clammed down on such activities, which will in turn give unnecessary trouble to yourselves and other local home based masseurs, but most importantly, it might also give unnecessary problem for volunteer moderators like us here.

Those whom are caught doing that will be given warning. If in any case, you do not heed our warnings, we will not hesitate to remove you from the forum.

Thank you for your understanding and we hope masseurs and customers alike; whom make use of our BW Massage information here will thank you very much too. 










(In Vietnamese using Google Translator)


Lưu ý đến tất cả các nhà nhân viên mát xa dựa trên địa phương,

Thổi gió diễn đàn, ngoài việc là một diễn đàn đồng tính, nó cũng là một kiểm duyệt, công diễn đàn.

Chúng tôi không cho phép trưng cầu trắng trợn hoặc cung cấp các dịch vụ tình dục ở đây là điều này có thể cung cấp cho nguyên nhân của các cơ quan chức năng im thin thít xuống trên các hoạt động như vậy, mà sẽ lần lượt cung cấp cho rắc rối không cần thiết cho mình và gia đình nhân viên mát xa có trụ sở tại địa phương khác, nhưng quan trọng nhất, nó có thể cũng cho vấn đề không cần thiết để điều hành tình nguyện viên như chúng tôi ở đây.

Những người mà bị bắt làm sẽ được đưa ra cảnh báo. Nếu trong trường hợp, bạn không chú ý đến lời cảnh báo của chúng tôi, chúng tôi sẽ không ngần ngại loại bỏ bạn khỏi diễn đàn này.

Cảm ơn bạn đã hiểu biết của bạn và chúng tôi hy vọng nhân viên mát xa và khách hàng như nhau, người sử dụng thông tin xa BW của chúng tôi ở đây sẽ cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều quá.




(In Indonesia Using Google Translator)


Catatan untuk semua pemijat berbasis rumah lokal,

Hembusan angin Forum, selain menjadi forum Gay, juga merupakan Moderated, Forum Publik.

Kami tidak mengizinkan ajakan terang-terangan atau menawarkan layanan seksual di sini karena ini mungkin memberikan alasan bagi pemerintah untuk tutup mulut turun pada kegiatan tersebut, yang pada gilirannya akan memberikan masalah yang tidak perlu untuk diri sendiri dan pemijat berbasis rumah lokal lainnya, tetapi yang paling penting, hal itu mungkin juga memberikan masalah yang tidak perlu untuk moderator relawan seperti kami di sini.

Mereka yang tertangkap basah melakukan yang akan diberikan peringatan. Jika dalam hal apapun, Anda tidakmengindahkan peringatan kami, kami tidak akan ragu untuk menghapus Anda dari forum.

Terima kasih atas pengertian Anda dan kami berharap pemijat dan pelanggan sama, yang memanfaatkan informasiMassage BW kami di sini akan terima kasih banyak juga.





เป่าลม Forum นี้ Moderated เกย์เวทีสาธารณะ 
เราไม่อนุญาตให้ชักชวนหรือข้อเสนอที่เห็นได้ชัดของการให้บริการทางเพศที่นี่เช่นนี้อาจทำให้เกิดการเจ้าหน้าที่ที่จะ clammed ลงบนกิจกรรมดังกล่าวซึ่งในทางกลับกันจะทำให้ปัญหาที่ไม่จำเป็นกับตัวเองและคนอื่น ๆ นวดที่บ้านในท้องถิ่นตาม แต่ที่สำคัญที่สุดก็อาจจะยัง ให้ปัญหาที่ไม่จำเป็นสำหรับผู้ดูแลอาสาสมัครอย่างพวกเราที่นี่ 
คนที่ถูกจับทำที่จะได้รับการเตือน หากในกรณีใด ๆ ที่คุณไม่ฟังคำเตือนของเราเราจะไม่ลังเลที่จะลบคุณจากฟอรั่ม 
ขอขอบคุณสำหรับความเข้าใจของคุณและเราหวังว่านวดและลูกค้าเหมือนกัน ผู้ที่ทำให้การใช้งานของข้อมูลที่ BW นวดของเราที่นี่จะขอบคุณมากเกินไป
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  • 2 years later...
  • G_M changed the title to This Folder is for Services Provided for Singapore & Johor Bahru Only!
  • G_M unlocked and locked this topic
  • 2 months later...

2 cases was brought to my attention with masseur being harassed by customers.


Both are young masseur harassed by older customers.


The older customers use threat of bringing trouble to the masseur and try to force the masseur to comply to their request. When they refuse, they threaten to write bad report or reporting them to the police, etc.


These young masseur are only here to make a living, please don't spoil the name of Singapore by behaving like a sick psychopath trying to give them trouble.

If I get any complaints that members are doing such despicable acts to any masseur, your account will be banned from this forum.


sick customer. png.png

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  • G_M changed the title to Misbehaving Customers from BW
  • G_M changed the title to Misbehaving Customers from BW [Mod will not hesitate to remove errant member]
  • G_M pinned this topic
  • 4 months later...

Another case of customer harassing the masseur.



@Peter Tan


If you do not respect others, you will not be given respect by others. The masseur is here to make a living and not here to seek a partner. So kindly stop harassing the masseur.  Harassment of any kind is a crime and you can be prosecuted by law.


We mods are not counselors nor are we problem solvers for companies. We only provide a forum for members to ply their business.


If any person or companies encounters people who harasses you or your business, kindly go to the necessary authorities for help. 

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  • G_M locked this topic
  • 7 months later...

Dear fellow Masseurs,


I've received a few complaints from fellow masseurs about the hogging of the massage thread with incessant posting by some of you.


Please note that BW allow masseurs to post their ads here in our forum at NO Cost.


Kindly observe personal etiquette when posting in our forum.  If I get more than 3 complaints by fellow masseurs about any particular person for not following etiquette, I will not hesitate to suspend your accounts and let you eat grass!


Don't say I never give chance and later come to me and “cry father cry mother” when your account is suspended.



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  • G_M changed the title to >>[[ Hogging of Massage Folder thread ]] <<
  • G_M locked this topic












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  • G_M pinned this topic
  • 3 months later...



In our forum, I get to see all kinds of people. There is a particular type of people I dislike. Those vindictive type.


A few cases of masseur harassed by clients. These clients are fucking idiots.  They like a certain masseur but was rejected; they felt hurt or lost face and they wants to get back at the masseur for rejecting them by posting damaging comments.


Such are ugly people, they deserved to be rejected by all masseur and get blocked by all masseurs even by normal people because they don't deserve any sympathy from any one.


No one owe them a living and if someone already make clear they are not interested in you, leave them alone and go about your business.


Harassment of people or doxxing is against the law and if you think you can come to our forum and make use of our forum to destroy someone reputation, you better think again. 


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6 hours ago, Triathlon said:

my cock, good suck by him


On 11/14/2020 at 10:01 AM, Triathlon said:

did he loosen your cock and balls? he did for me


On 12/30/2018 at 2:07 PM, Triathlon said:

kenji got a very nice cock guys, love it


On 12/30/2018 at 3:47 PM, Triathlon said:

u can pay kenji for sex, seriously


On 12/30/2018 at 3:47 PM, Triathlon said:

u can pay kenji for sex, seriously


On 12/30/2018 at 11:47 PM, G_M said:


For posting sensitive info on masseur and by trying to get into trouble with the law, you are hereby given 1 week holiday for each post you posted.

Therefore, in total, 3 weeks holiday. 

See you in 3 weeks. Do that again in the massage folder and you will be banned permanently.


It is obvious that you have a beef with the masseur Kenji, and is very obvious that you are making use of our forum to hurt his business. 


You had been given a chance in 2018 but apparently, the long break for you did not pacify your hatred for him. You had your chance.


It was years ago and you still bear the grudges in your heart. 


Therefore you left me with no choice but get you out of our forum.


You are hereby banned.


Time to move on!

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  • G_M changed the title to T&C: Message Sub Forum / Home Masseur
  • 1 month later...

2 week suspension for @Newhere69 for harassing masseur for sex.

Anyone caught harassing masseur and looking for sex in our forum will have their account suspended or banned.


Please respect the masseur as they are providing a service and not all masseur provides sex services.


A No, is a no. Do not harass the masseur. 



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  • G_M changed the title to Members suspended for harassing masseur for sex
  • G_M locked and pinned this topic
  • G_M changed the title to Blind Massage Service @Tanjong Pagar (social enterprise)
  • G_M pinned and locked this topic
  • 8 months later...

Hello there


its our first posting on BW, we are a group of local boys offering massage and manhood services to clients. Our stats are as follow,


Jay (student)


local chinese


bao bao (student)


local chinese mixed malay


Javier (grad)


local chinese


Marc (student)


local chinese


telegram at (remove by mod) for pics!


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  • Purpledino changed the title to Local Chinese Massage Boys 18-26 Years Old
On 4/6/2022 at 11:32 AM, Purpledino said:

Hello there


its our first posting on BW, we are a group of local boys offering massage and manhood services to clients. Our stats are as follow,


Jay (student)


local chinese


bao bao (student)


local chinese mixed malay


Javier (grad)


local chinese


Marc (student)


local chinese

telegram at (remove by mod) for pics!


You are banned from this forum for pimping your boys for sex in another post.




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  • G_M locked this topic

Our forum might be a gay forum, but for you to come here and pimp your boys as masseurs is against our forum's rules.


It's people like you that tricks impressionable guys to offer their body for sex. Such are things we do not encourage and you are hereby banned and please don't come back to our forum as you are not welcome here!


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  • G_M changed the title to Local Chinese Massage Boys 18-26 Years Old (Banned for prostitution)
  • G_M pinned this topic
  • 3 months later...
  • G_M changed the title to T&C: Message Sub Forum / Home Masseur [ House Rules ]
  • G_M locked this topic
  • G_M pinned this topic

Do and Don't when posting in BW forum For Masseur / Massage Company
(We allow masseur / massage company to ply their business in our forum for free but they will have to adhere to strict guidelines and rules of our forum)

1. Masseur are only allow 2 ads per week in the Massage folder.

2. Do NOT spam your ad in other Chat/ Thread / Folders. 

3. Do NOT show naked pics of men in your ad or in your profile pic.

4. Anyone caught prostituting will be banned immediately.

5. Anyone caught opening multiple accounts to post fake reviews will be warned with demerit points. Recalcitrant members will be banned.


6. Masseur MUST provide the followings in their ad.

a. Location / Area where they service. If it is outcall, state in ad title.

b. Price / Package (if any)

c. Form of Contact, e.g. Mobile, Telegram, whatsapp, etc. so that customer can inform you if they are going to be late. Do not expect the customer to PM you.
d. Years of experience, certification, if any.


7. Masseur Must NOT mention the followings in their ad:

a. Personal info e.g. Age, weight, height, etc. [You are providing a massage servce not a match making or hookup]

b. Anyone caught providing their sexual roles or or anything related to sex will be banned!

c. Masseur who are caught discriminating on Age, body size, etc. will not be allowed to practice in our forum. 

d. Do not remove your ad after posting and leaving only a "." Anyone caught will have their thread locked.

e. Do not post in other BW folders if you had been ad already in the Massage folder.

f. Only trained and experience masseur are allowed in the massage folder.


8. Any masseur whom are caught by members with unethical acts, e.g. filming, harassing, spamming  customers, etc. will be invested and temporary have their accounts suspended. If proven they commit the acts, their account will be banned. 


Any masseur caught violating the above rules or do not adhere to the Forum rules may get their thread locked / suspended or banned.


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