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Guest -guest1111-

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Guest -guest1111-

If you have the chance, would you go for Malay guys or Chinese guys?

I myself would go for Malay guys as they have clean cut dicks. and their's are usually long and thick :9

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If you have the chance, would you go for Malay guys or Chinese guys?

I myself would go for Malay guys as they have clean cut dicks. and their's are usually long and thick :9

I would go for Malay guys too! I seemed to find Malay boys(those non-sissy ones, sorry) to be much better-looking than Chinese guys. Hence, when you suck their clean, cut, long and thick cocks, you will tend to deep-throat until they cum in your mouth. Shiok!

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Guest slinkYcaT

If you have the chance, would you go for Malay guys or Chinese guys?

I myself would go for Malay guys as they have clean cut dicks. and their's are usually long and thick :9

This sounds so politically correct, but who the hell cares if it's Malay or Chinese? It's the person that one should be gunning for - not the color of his skin nor the race that he's being born into. Having said that, it's the looks and chemistry that is the deal clincher for me. Malay or Chinese doesn't matter. As long he's easy on the eye.


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Guys, let's go beyond color and race, bo and dick size :)

Haha! Ya right! As if such things are going to happen. In the end, no matter how non-racist we all are, we still want someone from our own race, and that a certain race will always be the preferred one.

Who do you think will get more attention? A hot non-Chinese or a hot Chinese? We all are racist indeed.

Hard Truths. :)

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Haha! Ya right! As if such things are going to happen. In the end, no matter how non-racist we all are, we still want someone from our own race, and that a certain race will always be the preferred one.

Who do you think will get more attention? A hot non-Chinese or a hot Chinese? We all are racist indeed.

Hard Truths. :)

Well, there is always someone out there for someone else. :) While interracial relationship is not that common, there are people who are prepared to look beyond skin colour. I once told a date "It does not matter if you are Chinese, Indian, Malay and any other races, if you are my type, I will be interested. If you have a fish face or a sucky heart, I won't be interested." While I do date men of different races, I personally think Malays and Indians can be very hot too.

Actually, you will realise that most of us wont date outside of our races because as a human, we are used to things that are more familiar. Dating someone of another race can be both very exciting and challenging because you have to learn a new set of cultural difference. But when you do and work things out, you will soon find there are many interesting things that can enrich your relationship.

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As the song says, " FREE your mind, be COLOUR-BLIND", we should try to be more broad-minded whenever possible.

I had been with some fantastic Malay men before - yes, they got beautiful features and nice bods. Not to mention, they smell good too!

The only problem is that due to our differences in culture and religions, the union did not last very long - it is difficult (at least for me) not to have my favourite PORK dishes sometimes. And although he did not mind me sharing the table with my non-halal food, I was simply uneasy. Furthermore, finding new places to eat

together is another toil.

But I am open to meet and meat them :thumb:

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Well, there is always someone out there for someone else. :) While interracial relationship is not that common, there are people who are prepared to look beyond skin colour. I once told a date "It does not matter if you are Chinese, Indian, Malay and any other races, if you are my type, I will be interested. If you have a fish face or a sucky heart, I won't be interested." While I do date men of different races, I personally think Malays and Indians can be very hot too.

Actually, you will realise that most of us wont date outside of our races because as a human, we are used to things that are more familiar. Dating someone of another race can be both very exciting and challenging because you have to learn a new set of cultural difference. But when you do and work things out, you will soon find there are many interesting things that can enrich your relationship.

I had met some sexy hot indians from Aussieland and New Delhi and they do smell damn good. They are intelligent and have great personality. I also had fun with Malays from Indonesia and they are very charming. Between a hot chineses and a hot non-chinese, i would choose the one I have the greatest CHEMISTRY.

5 yrs ago, when I was in a sanua, I was cruised by 2 guys. One is a chinese in his early 30s witha muscular sexy body and a cute face. The other was an indian who is short and stocky in his 40s with an average face. I chose the indian and left the chinese cursing and complaining to his friend about my choices. The indian turned out to be a doctor who was in town for a conference. He was also kind, caring and warm. There was an emotional connection,too. I had a great time with him.

I don't care whether you r old/young/slim/fat/ugly/goodlooking/rich/poor, I would trust my inner voice. Most of the time, I m right.

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Guest Guest

Well, there is always someone out there for someone else. :) While interracial relationship is not that common, there are people who are prepared to look beyond skin colour. I once told a date "It does not matter if you are Chinese, Indian, Malay and any other races, if you are my type, I will be interested. If you have a fish face or a sucky heart, I won't be interested." While I do date men of different races, I personally think Malays and Indians can be very hot too.

Actually, you will realise that most of us wont date outside of our races because as a human, we are used to things that are more familiar. Dating someone of another race can be both very exciting and challenging because you have to learn a new set of cultural difference. But when you do and work things out, you will soon find there are many interesting things that can enrich your relationship.

Cultural difference?? What do you mean by cultural difference? You mean all those times you got together with someone is because of the person's CULTURE? Or is it not because of his looks, wealth, style, personality etc?? Suddenly when it comes to race, why a certain race don't choose someone from another race is because of "cultural differences".

If "cultural differences" is a reason why there aren't many interracial relationships, then why can we see more Caucasian and Asian couples (again Asian is a broad term and usually meant to be a certain race)? Somehow if it's an interracial relationship with a Caucasian then there's no "cultural differences" but when it's between a Chinese and a Malay/Indian then suddenly our cultures are all soo different. Haha!

Politically correct answer maybe?

Furthermore, we're Singaporeans (I assume lah). A born and bred Singaporean Malay, Chinese and Indian would not have much of a cultural difference with each other anyway (Singapore itself is lacking a single dominant culture), unless you're talking about Indian nationals getting in a relationship with a Chinese national or Malaysian Malay vice-versa.

Racist means racist. But don't worry, everyone's like that.

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I just need to ask you a very simple question.

If you are a born and bred Singaporean Chinese who has been living in Singapore all your life, who knows all the various local food as well as Singlish, based on cultural differences you quoted and putting aside looks, personality, wealth etc...

would you be more comfortable, or rather be with, a born and bred Singaporean Malay/Indian, or a mainland Chinese national? Take note that this is based on "cultural differences".

Or if I put in looks into the picture, would you rather be with a hot Malay/Indian local or someone from your won race but not good-looking? Your choice denotes how racist you are.

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I just need to ask you a very simple question.

If you are a born and bred Singaporean Chinese who has been living in Singapore all your life, who knows all the various local food as well as Singlish, based on cultural differences you quoted and putting aside looks, personality, wealth etc...

would you be more comfortable, or rather be with, a born and bred Singaporean Malay/Indian, or a mainland Chinese national? Take note that this is based on "cultural differences".

Or if I put in looks into the picture, would you rather be with a hot Malay/Indian local or someone from your won race but not good-looking? Your choice denotes how racist you are.

Confused by what you posted...

But i would choose local Malay/Indian.

Most i meet in the gym may be cheeky sometimes but in general are nice people who grew up with a carefree outlook to life that we chinese tend to overlook.

However, i might consider a local Chinese who also shares a similar carefree outlook to life.

I do not want to get backstabbed by someone who does not know and does not care about local context and local life.

Edited by Eddy

"Kinsey says everyone has homosexual tendencies in various degree. YOU'RE ALL GAY!!!" ~ from some kid I overheard in a KFC.

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My friend is half Indian/Chinese. He looks like an indian but he is manly and handsome. He has a PHD and belongs to the upper class. But there is something missing in him. He also feel discriminated by chinese even though he has a lot of admirers. Therefore he only have sex with chinese, no indian or malays for him. He wants to be more chineses by association. :(

I love to travel and had met up with people from all over the world.

The more I discover that we have more similarities than differences.

We are all spiritual beings, living in a human body.

The world is getting closer and faster.

We are evolving but at different pace.

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Most Singaporean men have this narrow-minded impression that they can only "relate" to other men of their own race. What, you got problems that only people of your skin colour face?

Then again, I think it's just our nature to discriminate. Sure, I may be colour-blind, but I probably wouldn't date a skinny guy because my body responds to other physiques.

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I learned this thing from a cultural diversity awareness course I attended.

"When you have a lack of interaction and exposure to people from other ethnic groups, you will fall back on negative stereotypes and hearsay prejudices as the only means you have, that will help you identify those other ethnic groups".

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Guest topgun

I had met some sexy hot indians from Aussieland and New Delhi and they do smell damn good. They are intelligent and have great personality. I also had fun with Malays from Indonesia and they are very charming. Between a hot chineses and a hot non-chinese, i would choose the one I have the greatest CHEMISTRY.

5 yrs ago, when I was in a sanua, I was cruised by 2 guys. One is a chinese in his early 30s witha muscular sexy body and a cute face. The other was an indian who is short and stocky in his 40s with an average face. I chose the indian and left the chinese cursing and complaining to his friend about my choices. The indian turned out to be a doctor who was in town for a conference. He was also kind, caring and warm. There was an emotional connection,too. I had a great time with him.

I don't care whether you r old/young/slim/fat/ugly/goodlooking/rich/poor, I would trust my inner voice. Most of the time, I m right.

of cos de stocky indian treat u nice, cos he never eat 'good food' before, got free'good food' of cos treasure alot la. i have magic n turn him into young, good looking n muscular, i dun think u will even look at u.....lol :whistle:

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Guest Mang guo

to this question, I think there's something special about the Singaporean Chinese... Even the Malays and Indians here wanna look for a Chinese... Let alone the chinese ourselves..

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I would go for Malay guys too! I seemed to find Malay boys(those non-sissy ones, sorry) to be much better-looking than Chinese guys. Hence, when you suck their clean, cut, long and thick cocks, you will tend to deep-throat until they cum in your mouth. Shiok!

Some Christians circumcise too. :}

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