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Guest IkuTube

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Guest IkuTube

I am thinking to be more pro-active and to start contributing to our community here. Perhaps, I should start the ball rolling and start Operation Ownership for InfoTech & Related Stuffs.

There are actually numerous sites covering this subject - from hardware to software. Here, I am wondering, will this "ownership" would be a redundant and just a space waster.

I am not an IT professional but have deep interests with computing - from DIY, troubleshooting and a little software knowledge.

So guys, what do you think eh - a "Yes" or "No"?

To oralB, as indicated by GKS here, perhaps you might want to be more specific with the role of the Operation Ownership owner.


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Iktube, your proactive approach is indeed commendable! It's definitely a yes for me as I share the same interest in this area. Why don't you just kick things off and worry about the 'redundancy' later? If, after a coupla months, things don't work out, we can always close it down and venture into something else. I'd say, "Give it your best shot, man!" :)


Better the Devil you know than the Angel you don't...

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