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Post Your Doodles!


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Recently more artists and illustrators around the forum. Although BW doesn't have an arts section but just thought of starting a doodling thread. Something we drew for fun, randomly.. spontaneous.. to post and just to share and talk cock, talk art. So it will b nice to see more arty farty peeps around here. I'll start the ball rolling..

This is a doodle I did while I was at work today.. random was doodling a face on my notebook in office with my red pen.. I tried to improve on the face added some hair and result. I was thinking of the feeling of fire.. but yet subtle.. subtle brewing passion as a feeling or inspiration to get this random doode down. This isn't my usual style of working on drawings but it has been so long since simple inspiration hit like this.


Title: Dark Orange

Time: 1hr plus

red and black pen on paper.

Art makes the world go round! Love is the entirety of it!

blog: www.confusedfella.blogspot.com

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Wow cool! I totally support your idea of an art section in the forum haha.

well, ill support your thread with some of my works as well.



Erm im still learning the ropes, (self teaching in progress) with landing a style.

Maybe you've heard about me but oh well, .

my blog is www.toastwire.blogspot.com

great art work!

Can see you tried to etch out depth within the hair strands,

Edited by clickclock


I draw sexy men, visit http://www.toastwire.tumblr.com click on 'My Artworks'. Willing to take on comissions

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Wow! those are really nice sketches!

totally dig the smoothness in the shading and the subtle epxressions of the animal.

Can see you translated the form of the car professionally.


I draw sexy men, visit http://www.toastwire.tumblr.com click on 'My Artworks'. Willing to take on comissions

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Wow! those are really nice sketches!

totally dig the smoothness in the shading and the subtle epxressions of the animal.

Can see you translated the form of the car professionally.

Thanks, but if you noticed, the wheels are very strange, I only spent like 5 mins doing them since I hate drawing round things.

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lol thanks Dr Drew ^^, post some of urs too ahh, or can start a singing thread.. Hahax ^^

I have no talent so to speak. Sad hor? Haha.

Wow cool! I totally support your idea of an art section in the forum haha.

well, ill support your thread with some of my works as well.

Erm im still learning the ropes, (self teaching in progress) with landing a style.

Maybe you've heard about me but oh well, .

my blog is www.toastwire.blogspot.com

Wow. You should consider to add texts and turn those into comics too.

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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Clickclock: Hahax I've seen your drawings b4, just that I didnt comment much as I don't critque on erotic art much at all somehow. But somehow they have a cute factor to them ^^ have you tried other things, other subject matters? Thanks man, maybe bw members may have an art outing someday!

Levyn: Lol sadly i used my own pens.. Was furiously and passionately stroking it on and off the paper and they seem to be in bad condition nw.... >.< Nice work on your car man, as clickclock mentioned about the smooth shading. The kitty looks cute ^^. Pencils take a long time to refine, so nice job man :)

Art makes the world go round! Love is the entirety of it!

blog: www.confusedfella.blogspot.com

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Drew: No la.... hahax just seems u like music alot alot alot, so was thinking of a singing thread hahax. like some forums out there have karaoke threads :P u r no lack of talent la *slaps to wake mr drew up*

Art makes the world go round! Love is the entirety of it!

blog: www.confusedfella.blogspot.com

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One last contribution to this thread before I'm off to bed:

(will re-upload asap)

One of my works that I'm most proud of.

Done with : HB, 2B and 4B pencils.

@ConfusedFella : The smooth parts doesn't require much work, just lightly brush your finger over the shaded area so the smudge blurs away the pencil lines.

@clickclock : OMG that hot-air balloon is awesome. Sadly I failed my painting module because I wasn't able to tone my mural well with paint =/

Edited by Levyn
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clickclock: cool works man, really cute illustrations and pretty painting of the hot air balloon. How the balloon contrasts against the subtle, transluscent-like background and the smaller balloon balancing the lower part of the painting. Seems like you have a heart for cute happy stuffs =)

Levyn: pretty rose you've got there, quite ethereal-like. Yeah fingers are magic with pencils, pencils used to be my fav medium till charcoal came into the picture ^^

Art makes the world go round! Love is the entirety of it!

blog: www.confusedfella.blogspot.com

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a doodle I did many months bck during lecture in school. 1st started with the eye on top left, then the flowers came in during de next lecture followed by the ugly mouth due not using reference. some pen work on my school notebook cover.


Edited by ConfusedFella

Art makes the world go round! Love is the entirety of it!

blog: www.confusedfella.blogspot.com

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Levyn: pretty rose you've got there, quite ethereal-like. Yeah fingers are magic with pencils, pencils used to be my fav medium till charcoal came into the picture ^^

Ah charcoal, it pretty much ruined some of my drawings that I vowed never to touch that thing again. Too powdery for my liking.

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Ah charcoal, it pretty much ruined some of my drawings that I vowed never to touch that thing again. Too powdery for my liking.


Hahax, maybe another term for black magic, evil powder huh? :P =/

Art makes the world go round! Love is the entirety of it!

blog: www.confusedfella.blogspot.com

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Wow. You people can draw well.

Keep up the good work.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -- Leo F. Buscaglia

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how to post the images here?

I think you have to upload it to one of those picture website and then link them here.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -- Leo F. Buscaglia

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Hahax, maybe another term for black magic, evil powder huh? :P =/

Didnt know that there is such a term.

Then again pencil drawings also might dirty other drawing when placed together.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -- Leo F. Buscaglia

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it doesnt work D:

How?? How??

an old but reliable website = photobucket :P after upload can resize at that website then link using the image code from the 4 codes or links listed for each upload =))

Art makes the world go round! Love is the entirety of it!

blog: www.confusedfella.blogspot.com

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Didnt know that there is such a term.

Then again pencil drawings also might dirty other drawing when placed together.

That's when fixative comes in, it acts as a layer that prevents your pencilwork to be erased or drawn on, so it doesn't smudge on the surfaces of the papers on top.

it doesnt work D:

How?? How??

Upload to tinypic.com and get the img code it should look something like %7Boption%7D something something. %7Boption%7D

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I was digging through my folders and I found this from my Rendering class:


It's kinda like a scope or something, we were given the template and told to render it using Copic markers and white color pencil, which costs like $5.50 each.

It's quite a disappointment though, I spent like $55 on markers just for this module and only earned myself a D for the module.

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Come n post too! anything fun, nice or random ^^

No way, they suck big time!

I almost drove my lecturer up the wall, maybe that's why now he's back in hong kong.


"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -- Leo F. Buscaglia

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Something I did around 2yrs back.


Poem i wrote:

Feelin' Good

Its a new dawn, its a new day.

Look away from the ugly picture that situations sometimes toss at you

but focus on a brighter day.

I look high up towards the sky,

the Sun never forsakes me,

emerging behind the gloomy clouds

where I clearly see the silver linings

shimmering ever so brightly.

and I'm feelin' good, feeling great.. :)

Edited by ConfusedFella

Art makes the world go round! Love is the entirety of it!

blog: www.confusedfella.blogspot.com

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The only doodles I did were something rather otaku-ish. :oops:

And quite off the grid too.

Decided to try drawing during JC when I was high on anime & manga.

Back then, I didn't have a concept of shading which made me realise something was indeed missing.

Very 2D in nature.



Not exactly original drawing.

Got the drawing style from one manga.

Edited by darkflame


I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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The only doodles I did were something rather otaku-ish. :oops:

And quite off the grid too.

Decided to try drawing during JC when I was high on anime & manga.

Back then, I didn't have a concept of shading which made me realise something was indeed missing.

Very 2D in nature.



Not exactly original drawing.

Got the drawing style from one manga.

Cute stuff. Rem those pri sec sch days where ppl used to draw in class when it gets boring. Thanks for sharing =)

Art makes the world go round! Love is the entirety of it!

blog: www.confusedfella.blogspot.com

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