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How To Make Him Love You Again?

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Just experienced a terrible painful split, and its unbearable, whenever think of him the cuts become deeper. Whenever i apologize he would said its too late. After 6 year of relationship, he telling me i'm not the one he looking for, what kind of irresponsible reason!!!!

I love him with all my heart, his sudden change just stun me and i dun know how to respond towards it. help!!! I realy dun know wat to do, how if time din heal my wounds? How if after some time the feeling get stronger but he already meeting someone??

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Time will heal your wounds. It is the unfortunate reality. Try as you may in the years to come to continuously stay in this sorrowful state and keep your heart broken, you will move on. You will grow out of this pain and sorrow because this is what life is about- Growth.

If he meets someone else, move on. If you meet someone else, move on. Be happy without him.

You cannot make another person love you. You need to love yourself first.


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i think you gotta learn how to let go. though mine wasnt 6 whole years, but i understand how u feel. its heart wrenching, you think of lots of 'what ifs', you think whether you had tried hard enough, but looking back, i realised the most impt thing is to find a good friend, pour it out, and move on.

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Just experienced a terrible painful split, and its unbearable, whenever think of him the cuts become deeper. Whenever i apologize he would said its too late. After 6 year of relationship, he telling me i'm not the one he looking for, what kind of irresponsible reason!!!!

I love him with all my heart, his sudden change just stun me and i dun know how to respond towards it. help!!! I realy dun know wat to do, how if time din heal my wounds? How if after some time the feeling get stronger but he already meeting someone??

Love is not about possession of a person. If you love him, you have to be happy for him that he had found someone he loves.

Love is also about letting go. No point holding on to someone who don't love you anymore. It would be more painful to find him cheating with another guy behind your back.

You need to learn how to let go and move on and find your happiness with someone even better than the last.

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"If you love him, set him free."

A painful truth only to be learnt in a heart wrenching way.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Just experienced a terrible painful split, and its unbearable, whenever think of him the cuts become deeper. Whenever i apologize he would said its too late. After 6 year of relationship, he telling me i'm not the one he looking for, what kind of irresponsible reason!!!!

I love him with all my heart, his sudden change just stun me and i dun know how to respond towards it. help!!! I realy dun know wat to do, how if time din heal my wounds? How if after some time the feeling get stronger but he already meeting someone??

As most women always say, men's hearts tend to change.

Your guy's feelings died down over a gradual process, maybe throughout the six years in the relationship.

The probability of getting him back is slim.

There are suggestions on the Internet (prescribed for women) to get back their guys, but I think those do not work most of the time.

I'll just make a few suggestions:

1. Come back looking better (to show that you did not turn into an emotional wreck)

2. Engage in your hobbies more to distract yourself.

3. Meet more friends and hang out with them.

4. Think positive.

The expert suggests that some men want to see their partners suffer emotionally and enjoy watching them weep and pine for them.

So if you do not turn out to be what they expected, they may command respect for their partners and regret their actions.

These may make your guy change his mind, but it usually happens if all the other guys he dated turned out to be horrible.

But that's not a reason why you should get him back,

because it just shows how fickle-minded he is. Once is enough.

He may dump you again when he meet someone better and that might be a permanent change.

Personally, it's not the end of the world.

You may meet someone better after all. Time does heal wounds. I've been through some of these experiences myself.

Only a man can return to you if he's willing himself to, which rarely happens. Otherwise, he's part of history.




I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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he is my first bf and the one bring me into PLU world. I guest first time is always the deepest, I know i had to let it go completely before i start a new relation, so tat its fair to my future partner. Keep forcing myself to forget him even only make the situation worse... i'm such a fool!!!

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I supposed u r 26 yo.

U r still very young. When u meet the right person, u will wonder y did u ever fall in love with someone like him.

Be strong.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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i understand how you feel.

Well, take it as part of your life ba.

Even in drama shows, the actors response their own individual feeling.

(depend on what show you have watched, but that is for reference not follow blindly their actions).

Hence, we can learned the experience from them somehow.

In short, i got some suggestions for you

1) Keep yourself busy by

a) attend some courses such as driving? computer courses?

b) meeting up some straight friends. Who knows what happen next?

2) Be a good boi and help your parents?

a) Help out mother? Like cooking?

b) tidy up your room?

3) Well, why dont go for travelling and cool down yourself?

a) can be with friends

b) alone?

c) family

Hope this helps.

But remember, hurt yourself do not bring any good.

And there are still got people around you cares include your parents.

Think this way and you will be better.

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he is my first bf and the one bring me into PLU world. I guest first time is always the deepest, I know i had to let it go completely before i start a new relation, so tat its fair to my future partner. Keep forcing myself to forget him even only make the situation worse... i'm such a fool!!!

You're not a fool. Don't let the negative and painful experience of a breakup turn you away from falling in love. How can you ever claim to have loved if you never have your heart broken?

Loving someone is a choice we make. Nobody forced you to love your ex. You did. You made the choice. Unfortunately it wasn't a happily ever after ending but you will move on live and become a better person.


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What the big deal of breaking up?

We experienced it many times in our lives - man come and man go.

I was "forced" to end a relationship but I took it positively.

Ending a bf relationship is not and never the end of the world.

Go, explore the other beautiful things in life.

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Guest Ironrod

As most women always say, men's hearts tend to change.


I'll just make a few suggestions:

1. Come back looking better (to show that you did not turn into an emotional wreck)

2. Engage in your hobbies more to distract yourself.

3. Meet more friends and hang out with them.

4. Think positive.




Hey, that sounds like me!

When I first broke up with my first bf - I went through a fxxk around phase [4-5 guys only] not much.

Later I realize fxxking around doesn't prove anything - ok I was trying to prove that I can get any guys I want etc

So i focus on gymming, swimming and playing computer games ahhaha

I was in top form and choices are all mine by the time when he regrets, I am already happily attached to somebody else and he can only regret.

That's life - be positive.

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Guest Euouae90

One thing I can suggest is be CONFIDENT. Keep a confidence that you are a good match with some one out there. Respect yourself first, then you can respect others. Once you respect others, others will respect you. The same for love. Love yourself first, give love to others and you will be loved by them.

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Guest elgar90

Just experienced a terrible painful split, and its unbearable, whenever think of him the cuts become deeper. Whenever i apologize he would said its too late. After 6 year of relationship, he telling me i'm not the one he looking for, what kind of irresponsible reason!!!!

I love him with all my heart, his sudden change just stun me and i dun know how to respond towards it. help!!! I realy dun know wat to do, how if time din heal my wounds? How if after some time the feeling get stronger but he already meeting someone??

Now there there, *sayang*

Its painful that a relationship of 6 years comes to an end. But hope you have slowly reflected upon your own error if any. After all it takes two hand to clap, or even if it was a slap, it needs one face and one palm.

Experienced it a few times now, even if it was a short one compared to yours. But the fault normally is found on both parties. One thing I learnt was that, if I tried my best to patch things, but it still falls apart, then let it go. Its better to let it go than cling on to a sinking ship. Don't be the captain of "titanic" unless you are in your 90s. You are still young even if you are near 50s. There are many other Ajs out there.. Good or bad ones..

Slowly pick yourself up along with the help of friends, slowly but surely you will be able to walk again, and soon build your courage to run again!

Believe in yourself that you can do it! Believe that you are not alone! Believing will help you in a long long way. If you think you have lose everything, then you definitely will.

Don't be afraid to love again, as being afraid would only mean that you cant commit 100% into the relationship. Any relationship(love) without commitment is bound to fail(IMO).

JIA YOU! FIGHTING! =D All the best in your recovery=D

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Now there there, *sayang*

Its painful that a relationship of 6 years comes to an end. But hope you have slowly reflected upon your own error if any. After all it takes two hand to clap, or even if it was a slap, it needs one face and one palm.

Experienced it a few times now, even if it was a short one compared to yours. But the fault normally is found on both parties. One thing I learnt was that, if I tried my best to patch things, but it still falls apart, then let it go. Its better to let it go than cling on to a sinking ship. Don't be the captain of "titanic" unless you are in your 90s. You are still young even if you are near 50s. There are many other Ajs out there.. Good or bad ones..

Slowly pick yourself up along with the help of friends, slowly but surely you will be able to walk again, and soon build your courage to run again!

Believe in yourself that you can do it! Believe that you are not alone! Believing will help you in a long long way. If you think you have lose everything, then you definitely will.

Don't be afraid to love again, as being afraid would only mean that you cant commit 100% into the relationship. Any relationship(love) without commitment is bound to fail(IMO).

JIA YOU! FIGHTING! =D All the best in your recovery=D

Thanks for all your advise and encouragement. I realy appreciate tat. Mayb it time i mix around with fellow AJs, any suggestion of place for me to start with?

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Thanks for all your advise and encouragement. I realy appreciate tat. Mayb it time i mix around with fellow AJs, any suggestion of place for me to start with?

There are non-sexual activities mentioned in the personal section.

Perhaps you could give those a try.

Of what I know, one of the most successful could be the board games gathering.

Edited by darkflame


I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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Just experienced a terrible painful split, and its unbearable, whenever think of him the cuts become deeper. Whenever i apologize he would said its too late. After 6 year of relationship, he telling me i'm not the one he looking for, what kind of irresponsible reason!!!!

I love him with all my heart, his sudden change just stun me and i dun know how to respond towards it. help!!! I realy dun know wat to do, how if time din heal my wounds? How if after some time the feeling get stronger but he already meeting someone??

You can only get over him.

It'll take some time for you to get over him.

But, stay strong!

There's a million guys out there for you to choose from. :)

How to seek revenge 101: Know him. Befriend him. Make him trust you wholeheartedly. Destroy him. Utterly.

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Guest elgar90

Thanks for all your advise and encouragement. I realy appreciate tat. Mayb it time i mix around with fellow AJs, any suggestion of place for me to start with?

Online forums, chat room. Depends on what you want actually, start of with making friends =) then slowly through the 'list' of friends you have made, look out for potential relationship=) Jia yoU!

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Guest without hope

worse if you feel like this

when you bought him a house and a car

now that he says you don't have money to buy him another house and he says goodbye, so painful and so so sad

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Just move on? Humans are forward-moving creatures; u can't do anything if u just stay at the same place refusing to move



"The two of us are living in the same era, believing in the same future

Yesterday’s tears and today’s smiles will stay true

We’ve experienced the same pain, we’ve gathered the same kindness

And we’ll turn them into the strength to live on tomorrow"



progress - ayumi hamasaki


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Guest without hope

feel so stupid, feel so cheated

have to continue to pay personal loan instalment when he is driving car

feel like dying, how to move on and how to live on

cannot trust anyone any more

don't want to ever fall in love again

so so sad

so without hope

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Online forums, chat room. Depends on what you want actually, start of with making friends =) then slowly through the 'list' of friends you have made, look out for potential relationship=) Jia yoU!

thanks...i try to access the irc here, but it always fail.

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